How to use String representation of object property, operator, and value? - javascript

I'm trying to use a string value of say, "[ScheduledDate] < '11/1/2011'", and test for a bool value on an object like "item". But I can't seem to be able to figure out a way to do it successfully. I'm not wanting to use the eval function, but if it's the only way, then I guess I will have to. below is an example of the function I'm trying to use.
function _filterItem2() {
var item = { ScheduledDate: '1/1/2012' };
var filterExpression = "[ScheduledDate] < '11/1/2011'";
var result = item[filterExpression]; // This is where I'm not sure.
return result;

No, item[filterExpression] would just return the property named like your string.
Instead, you should store your filter expression as an object:
var filter = {
propname: "ScheduledDate",
operator: "<",
value: "1/1/2012"
Then get your comparison values:
var val1 = item[filter.propname],
val2 = filter.value;
and now comes the tricky part. You are right, you should not use eval. But there is no possibility to get the corresponding functions from operator names, so you will need to code them yourself. You might use a switch statement or a map like this:
var operators = {
"<": function(a,b){return a<b;},
">": function(a,b){return a>b;},
var bool = operators[filter.operator](val1, val2);


How to get value of string which has list of arrays from json object

I have this json
var json = {
"I:5.3": {
"conf": {
"name": "Jack"
and this string
var str = '["I.5.3"]["conf"]'
How can get str value from json like
I have json object and str and I have to extract something like
json[str] = json["I.5.3"]["conf"]
Your title suggests you would like to get:
The value of a string.
Which has a list of Array's.
From a JSON object.
However, all your code shows is a Plain JavaScript object. No arrays to be seen... and the only string value I can find is "Jack".
Jack would be extracted like, json["I.5.3"]["conf"]["name"].
Or via dot notation =>
const obj = json["I.5.3"];
const nameValue =; // => Jack
You have 2 ways(at least that's what's in coming through my mind now):
1st way
var json = {
"I:5.3": {
"conf": {
"name": "Jack"
var str = '["I:5.3"]["conf"]'
var scr_line = 'json'+str;
var target = eval(scr_line);
2nd way:
var json = {
"I:5.3": {
"conf": {
"name": "Jack"
var str = '["I:5.3"]["conf"]';
let ret = getVal(json, str);
function getVal(obj, path){
var regex = /\["(.*?)"\]/mg;
let m;
while ((m = regex.exec(path)) !== null) {
// This is necessary to avoid infinite loops with zero-width matches
if (m.index === regex.lastIndex) {
if(typeof obj[m[1]] !== 'undefined') obj = obj[m[1]];
else return obj[m[1]];
return obj;
I would prefer the second because it checks if the property on the object exists
You would have to split the string up into separate parts, I believe.
var str = '["I.5.3"]["conf"]';
var identifiers = str.split('][');
// identifiers would be an array like:
// ["I.5.3", "conf"]
var person = json[identifiers[0]][identifiers[1]];
// person = {
// "name": "Jack"
// }
String.prototype.split() allows you to separate parts of a string out into an array. Checkout the MDN docs to learn more about that particular method.
This specific answer expects that there will always be the properties you split, though and will error out if one is missing. For something a little safer, I would suggest checking to see if that object contains the property you're expecting before trying to access it.
var str = '["I.5.3"]["conf"]';
var identifiers = str.split('][');
try {
var myVal;
// Let's check if the property exists.
if (, identifiers[0]){
myVal = json[identifiers[0]];
if (, identifiers[1]){
myVal = myVal[identifiers[1]];
} catch(error) {
// One of the properties didn't exist or something went wrong in the try
// block above.
The follow would format your string specifically to meet the match to become an array. If there were single quotes or double quotes anywhere in each array item, this would fall through, so be aware of that.
var myArray = str.slice(2, -2).split('][').map(function(item) {
return item.replace('"', '');
String.prototype.slice() extracts a section of a string and returns it as a new string, without modifying the original string.
Then the split method separates it into different array items. Then we iterate over each item in the array and remove additional ". Just to say again, this will fall apart if the original string looks like ['one']['two']. This would also not be reliable if the string looks like ["can't"]["won't"]. So just be aware of that in your particular case. If you're positive that the string will always meet the format you have above, then you can rely on this.

How does JSON.stringify make memoize function work?

_ .memoize = function(func) {
var hash = {};
return function() {
var arg = JSON.stringify(arguments);
if (hash[arg] === undefined) {
hash[arg] = func.apply(this, arguments);
return hash[arg];
I am trying to implement the memoize underscore function. I have a question regarding to JSON.stringify.
In the if statement where it checks if the arg already exist or not in the hash. Why using JSON.stringify make it possible to check wether the input arg exist or not in the hash. I mean if we pass the arguments array without converting them using JSON.stringify, then we cannot check because we are passing an entire array. However, when using JSON.stringify, it makes it work. So how does JSON.stringify make it possible to check ?
The hash is a JavaScript object, which uses strings as keys. You cannot use an array (or array-like, in the case of arguments) there, so it needs to be converted to a string.
If no custom conversion is done, then the default serialisation would be "[object Arguments]" for any value of arguments. This is not unique and will not work with the intention of memoization.
var hash = {};
var i = 0;
//a naive function that takes anything and puts it in a hash with a unique value
function populateUnique() {
hash[arguments] = "Hello" + i;
populateUnique("c", "d", "e");
console.log(hash); //only shows the last thing, as it it's always overridden.
This implementation chooses to employ JSON.stringify because it is quite straight forward - you could implement a custom serialisation function, but there is already one provided, so this is the simplest way to do it.
Should be noted that JSON.stringify is not bulletproof. It is easy to use and covers a lot of cases, but may blow up, for example, if you have circular references:
var foo = {}; = foo;
Since the memoize function does not control what will be passed in as arguments, it's possible that one of them, that is normally perfectly valid, will throw an error.
Another problem is if any of the arguments has its own toJSON method - this will be used for serialization, so you could end up in an interesting situation:
var a = 42;
var b = {
firstname: "Fred",
lastname: "Bloggs",
id: 42,
toJSON: function() { return }
console.log(a == JSON.stringify(b));
It's because only strings can be used as keys in javascript objects.
For example:
var key = {a:1};
var map = {};
map[key] = 1;
// {'[object Object]': 1}
This will result in every arguments combination being saved in the same key.
Using JSON.stringify transform the arguments list in an unique string that can in turn be used as an unique object key.
var key = {a:1};
var map = {};
map[JSON.stringify(key)] = 1;
// {'{"a":1}': 1}
This way, every time you call the function with the same arguments, JSON.stringify will return the same unique string and you can use that to check if you already have a cached result for that set of arguments, and if so, returning the cached value.

javascript insert method arguments into string template

I'm not sure exactly how the final implementation will be, but the basics are to insert method arguments into a string "template". The first instance, I could just do a regex replace but that has some downfalls, which I'm willing to accept if necessary. The second one is a bit more difficult. How can I get the names from the template and replace with matched from the passed object? Thanks for any help.
var myTemplate = 'Hello {name}'; // or something similar
var name = 'Bob';
function applyTemplate(tpl,str) {
//do stuff here to replace {name} with passed argument
var newStr = applyTemplate(myTemplate,name); //should return 'Hello Bob'
//Also this one
var myTemplate = 'Good {timeOfDay} {name}';
function applyTemplate(tpl,o) {
//simple objects only, don't need nested
var newStr = applyTemplate(myTemplate,{name:'Bob',timeOfDay:'morning'}); //should return 'Good morning Bob'
If you don't need extra checking&validation, you could just replace the {key} with the value such as :
function applyTemplate(tpl,o) {
for(var key in o)
if(o.hasOwnProperty(key))// prevent iteration on any prototype inherited methods
tpl = tpl.replace('{'+key+'}',o[key]);
return tpl;
As for your simple first applyTemplate function, since you do not have any notion about what the key should be, you can use regex to replaceonly the first {...} encountered :
function applyTemplate(tpl,str) {
return tpl.replace(/{.*?}/,str);
And then, of course , you can combine these two functions in one, with slightly different functionalities based on the type of the arguments:
function applyTemplate(tpl,o) {
switch(typeof o){
case 'object' :
for(var key in o)
tpl = tpl.replace('{'+key+'}',o[key]);
case 'string' :
tpl = tpl.replace(/{.*?}/,o);
default :
throw new Error('no valid parameters supplied');
return tpl;
This should do the trick. If you are interested, you could take a peak at the jquery template system :
Hope this helped.

Javascript: How can I transform an array?

I have this on a javascript var: (it's a http returned data, and I don't know if it's an array or string - (how can we see that?) - Update: using typeof returned "string", so it's a string.
How can we pass/transform that, into something like this:
Thanks a lot,
You can figure out if is a string or an already parsed object by checking the type of your variable, e.g.:
ajax('url', function (response) {
alert(typeof response);
You will now figure out if it's a "string" or an Array "object".
If it's a string, you can use the JSON.parse method as #alcuadrado suggest, otherwise you can simply use the array.
Several answers suggest the use of the for-in statement to iterate over the array elements, I would discourage you to use it for that.
The for-in statement should be used to enumerate over object properties, to iterate over Arrays or Array-like objects, use a sequential loop as #Ken Redler suggests.
You should really avoid for-in for this purpose because:
The order of enumeration is not guaranteed, properties may not be visited in the numeric order.
Enumerates also inherited properties.
You can also use the method to meet your requirements:
var response = [{"nomeDominio":"gggg.fa"},{"nomeDominio":"rarar.fa"}];
var array = (item) { return item.nomeDominio; });
// ["gggg.fa", "rarar.fa"]
This question is strongly related with this one.
I would suggest reading my answer there, as it would really help; and with a little variation, it would just work:
var responseString = '[{"nomeDominio":"gggg.fa"},{"nomeDominio":"rarar.fa"}]',
responseObject = JSON.parse(responseString),
nombresDeDominio = [];
for(var i in responseObject) {
Assuming your data always looks like that, you can do something like this:
var foo = [{"nomeDominio":"gggg.fa"},{"nomeDominio":"rarar.fa"}];
var newarr = [];
for ( var i=0,j=foo.length;i<j;i++ ) {
newarr.push( foo[i]['nomeDominio'] );
Here's a working fiddle.
function transform(array, f) {
var ret = [];
$.each(array, function(index) {
var v =, index);
if(v) {
return ret;
var result = transform(
function() { return this.nomeDominio; }
it's a http returned data, and I don't
know if it's an array or string
It's JSON, and you can use it directly in JavaScript.
If you transform it into your array, you will lose the association key / value ; are you sure it's what you want ?
Okay, firstly to get the type of a "thing", use the "typeof" operator (note that the type of an array is an object, not 'array'!):
var a = "string";
var b = 1;
var c = new Array();
alert(typeof(a)); // string
alert(typeof(b)); // number
alert(typeof(c)); // object
To get at the values in the associative array (assuming it is one), you can just loop through it, like so:
var d = [{"nomeDominio":"gggg.fa"},{"nomeDominio":"rarar.fa"}];
d["bob"] = "alice";
d["gary"] = "stephen";
for(var key in d) {

Is there hash code function accepting any object type?

Basically, I'm trying to create an object of unique objects, a set. I had the brilliant idea of just using a JavaScript object with objects for the property names. Such as,
set[obj] = true;
This works, up to a point. It works great with string and numbers, but with other objects, they all seem to "hash" to the same value and access the same property. Is there some kind of way I can generate a unique hash value for an object? How do strings and numbers do it, can I override the same behavior?
If you want a hashCode() function like Java's in JavaScript, that is yours:
function hashCode(string){
var hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
var code = string.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+code;
hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash;
That is the way of implementation in Java (bitwise operator).
Please note that hashCode could be positive and negative, and that's normal, see HashCode giving negative values. So, you could consider to use Math.abs() along with this function.
JavaScript objects can only use strings as keys (anything else is converted to a string).
You could, alternatively, maintain an array which indexes the objects in question, and use its index string as a reference to the object. Something like this:
var ObjectReference = [];
set['ObjectReference.' + ObjectReference.indexOf(obj)] = true;
Obviously it's a little verbose, but you could write a couple of methods that handle it and get and set all willy nilly.
Your guess is fact -- this is defined behaviour in JavaScript -- specifically a toString conversion occurs meaning that you can can define your own toString function on the object that will be used as the property name. - olliej
This brings up another interesting point; you can define a toString method on the objects you want to hash, and that can form their hash identifier.
The easiest way to do this is to give each of your objects its own unique toString method:
(function() {
var id = 0;
/*global MyObject */
MyObject = function() {
this.objectId = '<#MyObject:' + (id++) + '>';
this.toString= function() {
return this.objectId;
I had the same problem and this solved it perfectly for me with minimal fuss, and was a lot easier that re-implementing some fatty Java style Hashtable and adding equals() and hashCode() to your object classes. Just make sure that you don't also stick a string '<#MyObject:12> into your hash or it will wipe out the entry for your exiting object with that id.
Now all my hashes are totally chill. I also just posted a blog entry a few days ago about this exact topic.
What you described is covered by Harmony WeakMaps, part of the ECMAScript 6 specification (next version of JavaScript). That is: a set where the keys can be anything (including undefined) and is non-enumerable.
This means it's impossible to get a reference to a value unless you have a direct reference to the key (any object!) that links to it. It's important for a bunch of engine implementation reasons relating to efficiency and garbage collection, but it's also super cool for in that it allows for new semantics like revokable access permissions and passing data without exposing the data sender.
From MDN:
var wm1 = new WeakMap(),
wm2 = new WeakMap();
var o1 = {},
o2 = function(){},
o3 = window;
wm1.set(o1, 37);
wm1.set(o2, "azerty");
wm2.set(o1, o2); // A value can be anything, including an object or a function.
wm2.set(o3, undefined);
wm2.set(wm1, wm2); // Keys and values can be any objects. Even WeakMaps!
wm1.get(o2); // "azerty"
wm2.get(o2); // Undefined, because there is no value for o2 on wm2.
wm2.get(o3); // Undefined, because that is the set value.
wm1.has(o2); // True
wm2.has(o2); // False
wm2.has(o3); // True (even if the value itself is 'undefined').
wm1.has(o1); // True
wm1.has(o1); // False
WeakMaps are available in current Firefox, Chrome and Edge. They're also supported in Node v7 , and in v6 with the --harmony-weak-maps flag.
The solution I chose is similar to Daniel's, but rather than use an object factory and override the toString, I explicitly add the hash to the object when it is first requested through a getHashCode function. A little messy, but better for my needs :)
Function.prototype.getHashCode = (function(id) {
return function() {
if (!this.hashCode) {
this.hashCode = '<hash|#' + (id++) + '>';
return this.hashCode;
For my specific situation I only care about the equality of the object as far as keys and primitive values go. The solution that worked for me was converting the object to its JSON representation and using that as the hash. There are limitations such as order of key definition potentially being inconsistent; but like I said it worked for me because these objects were all being generated in one place.
var hashtable = {};
var myObject = {a:0,b:1,c:2};
var hash = JSON.stringify(myObject);
// '{"a":0,"b":1,"c":2}'
hashtable[hash] = myObject;
// {
// '{"a":0,"b":1,"c":2}': myObject
// }
I put together a small JavaScript module a while ago to produce hashcodes for strings, objects, arrays, etc. (I just committed it to GitHub :) )
// -2559914341
Hashcode.value({ 'site' : "stackoverflow" })
// -3579752159
In ECMAScript 6 there's now a Set that works how you'd like:
It's already available in the latest Chrome, FF, and IE11.
The JavaScript specification defines indexed property access as performing a toString conversion on the index name. For example,
myObject[myProperty] = ...;
is the same as
myObject[myProperty.toString()] = ...;
This is necessary as in JavaScript
is the same as
And yes, it makes me sad as well :-(
Based on the title, we can generate strong SHA hashes, in a browser context, it can be used to generate a unique hash from an object, an array of params, a string, or whatever.
async function H(m) {
const msgUint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(m)
const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', msgUint8)
const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer))
const hashHex = => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('')
/* Examples ----------------------- */
H("An obscure ....")
H(JSON.stringify( {"hello" : "world"} ))
H(JSON.stringify( [54,51,54,47] ))
The above output in my browser, it should be equal for you too:
Supported algos:
SHA-1 (but don't use this in cryptographic applications)
However, for a simple FAST checksum hash function, made only for collision avoidance, see CRC32 (Content Redundancy Check)
JavaScript CRC32
You might also be interested by this similar method to generate HMAC codes via the web crypto api.
you can use Es6 symbol to create unique key and access object.
Every symbol value returned from Symbol() is unique. A symbol value may be used as an identifier for object properties; this is the data type's only purpose.
var obj = {};
obj[Symbol('a')] = 'a';
obj[Symbol.for('b')] = 'b';
obj['c'] = 'c';
obj.d = 'd';
Here's my simple solution that returns a unique integer.
function hashcode(obj) {
var hc = 0;
var chars = JSON.stringify(obj).replace(/\{|\"|\}|\:|,/g, '');
var len = chars.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// Bump 7 to larger prime number to increase uniqueness
hc += (chars.charCodeAt(i) * 7);
return hc;
My solution introduces a static function for the global Object object.
(function() {
var lastStorageId = 0;
this.Object.hash = function(object) {
var hash = object.__id;
if (!hash)
hash = object.__id = lastStorageId++;
return '#' + hash;
I think this is more convenient with other object manipulating functions in JavaScript.
I will try to go a little deeper than other answers.
Even if JS had better hashing support it would not magically hash everything perfectly, in many cases you will have to define your own hash function. For example Java has good hashing support, but you still have to think and do some work.
One problem is with the term hash/hashcode ... there is cryptographic hashing and non-cryptographic hashing. The other problem, is you have to understand why hashing is useful and how it works.
When we talk about hashing in JavaScript or Java most of the time we are talking about non-cryptographic hashing, usually about hashing for hashmap/hashtable (unless we are working on authentication or passwords, which you could be doing server-side using NodeJS ...).
It depends on what data you have and what you want to achieve.
Your data has some natural "simple" uniqueness:
The hash of an integer is ... the integer, as it is unique, lucky you !
The hash of a string ... it depends on the string, if the string represents a unique identifier, you may consider it as a hash (so no hashing needed).
Anything which is indirectly pretty much a unique integer is the simplest case
This will respect: hashcode equal if objects are equal
Your data has some natural "composite" uniqueness:
For example with a person object, you may compute a hash using firstname, lastname, birthdate, ... see how Java does it: Good Hash Function for Strings, or use some other ID info that is cheap and unique enough for your usecase
You have no idea what your data will be:
Good luck ... you could serialize to string and hash it Java style, but that may be expensive if the string is large and it will not avoid collisions as well as say the hash of an integer (self).
There is no magically efficient hashing technique for unknown data, in some cases it is quite easy, in other cases you may have to think twice. So even if JavaScript/ECMAScript adds more support, there is no magic language solution for this problem.
In practice you need two things: enough uniqueness, enough speed
In addition to that it is great to have: "hashcode equal if objects are equal"
Relationship between hashCode and equals method in Java
I combined the answers from eyelidlessness and KimKha.
The following is an angularjs service and it supports numbers, strings, and objects.
exports.Hash = () => {
let hashFunc;
function stringHash(string, noType) {
let hashString = string;
if (!noType) {
hashString = `string${string}`;
var hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < hashString.length; i++) {
var character = hashString.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+character;
hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash;
function objectHash(obj, exclude) {
if (exclude.indexOf(obj) > -1) {
return undefined;
let hash = '';
const keys = Object.keys(obj).sort();
for (let index = 0; index < keys.length; index += 1) {
const key = keys[index];
const keyHash = hashFunc(key);
const attrHash = hashFunc(obj[key], exclude);
hash += stringHash(`object${keyHash}${attrHash}`, true);
return stringHash(hash, true);
function Hash(unkType, exclude) {
let ex = exclude;
if (ex === undefined) {
ex = [];
if (!isNaN(unkType) && typeof unkType !== 'string') {
return unkType;
switch (typeof unkType) {
case 'object':
return objectHash(unkType, ex);
return stringHash(String(unkType));
hashFunc = Hash;
return Hash;
Example Usage:
Hash('hello world'), Hash('hello world') == Hash('hello world')
Hash({hello: 'hello world'}), Hash({hello: 'hello world'}) == Hash({hello: 'hello world'})
Hash({hello: 'hello world', goodbye: 'adios amigos'}), Hash({hello: 'hello world', goodbye: 'adios amigos'}) == Hash({goodbye: 'adios amigos', hello: 'hello world'})
Hash(['hello world']), Hash(['hello world']) == Hash(['hello world'])
Hash(1), Hash(1) == Hash(1)
Hash('1'), Hash('1') == Hash('1')
432700947 true
-411117486 true
1725787021 true
-1585332251 true
1 true
-1881759168 true
As you can see the heart of the service is the hash function created by KimKha.I have added types to the strings so that the sturucture of the object would also impact the final hash value.The keys are hashed to prevent array|object collisions.
eyelidlessness object comparision is used to prevent infinit recursion by self referencing objects.
I created this service so that I could have an error service that is accessed with objects. So that one service can register an error with a given object and another can determine if any errors were found.
ErrorSvc({id: 1, json: '{attr: "not-valid"}'}, 'Invalid Json Syntax - key not double quoted');
ErrorSvc({id: 1, json: '{attr: "not-valid"}'});
This would return:
['Invalid Json Syntax - key not double quoted']
ErrorSvc({id: 1, json: '{"attr": "not-valid"}'});
This would return
If you truly want set behavior (I'm going by Java knowledge), then you will be hard pressed to find a solution in JavaScript. Most developers will recommend a unique key to represent each object, but this is unlike set, in that you can get two identical objects each with a unique key. The Java API does the work of checking for duplicate values by comparing hash code values, not keys, and since there is no hash code value representation of objects in JavaScript, it becomes almost impossible to do the same. Even the Prototype JS library admits this shortcoming, when it says:
"Hash can be thought of as an
associative array, binding unique keys
to values (which are not necessarily
In addition to eyelidlessness's answer, here is a function that returns a reproducible, unique ID for any object:
var uniqueIdList = [];
function getConstantUniqueIdFor(element) {
// HACK, using a list results in O(n), but how do we hash e.g. a DOM node?
if (uniqueIdList.indexOf(element) < 0) {
return uniqueIdList.indexOf(element);
As you can see it uses a list for look-up which is very inefficient, however that's the best I could find for now.
If you want to use objects as keys you need to overwrite their toString Method, as some already mentioned here. The hash functions that were used are all fine, but they only work for the same objects not for equal objects.
I've written a small library that creates hashes from objects, which you can easily use for this purpose. The objects can even have a different order, the hashes will be the same. Internally you can use different types for your hash (djb2, md5, sha1, sha256, sha512, ripemd160).
Here is a small example from the documentation:
var hash = require('es-hash');
// Save data in an object with an object as a key
Object.prototype.toString = function () {
return '[object Object #'+hash(this)+']';
var foo = {};
foo[{bar: 'foo'}] = 'foo';
* Output:
* foo
* undefined
console.log(foo[{bar: 'foo'}]);
The package can be used either in browser and in Node-Js.
If you want to have unique values in a lookup object you can do something like this:
Creating a lookup object
var lookup = {};
Setting up the hashcode function
function getHashCode(obj) {
var hashCode = '';
if (typeof obj !== 'object')
return hashCode + obj;
for (var prop in obj) // No hasOwnProperty needed
hashCode += prop + getHashCode(obj[prop]); // Add key + value to the result string
return hashCode;
var key = getHashCode({ 1: 3, 3: 7 });
// key = '1337'
lookup[key] = true;
var key = getHashCode([1, 3, 3, 7]);
// key = '01132337'
lookup[key] = true;
Other types
var key = getHashCode('StackOverflow');
// key = 'StackOverflow'
lookup[key] = true;
Final result
{ 1337: true, 01132337: true, StackOverflow: true }
Do note that getHashCode doesn't return any value when the object or array is empty
// '012'
// '012'
This is similar to #ijmacd solution only getHashCode doesn't has the JSON dependency.
Just use hidden secret property with the defineProperty enumerable: false
It work very fast:
The first read uniqueId: 1,257,500 ops/s
All others: 309,226,485 ops/s
var nextObjectId = 1
function getNextObjectId() {
return nextObjectId++
var UNIQUE_ID_PROPERTY_NAME = '458d576952bc489ab45e98ac7f296fd9'
function getObjectUniqueId(object) {
if (object == null) {
return null
var id = object[UNIQUE_ID_PROPERTY_NAME]
if (id != null) {
return id
if (Object.isFrozen(object)) {
return null
var uniqueId = getNextObjectId()
Object.defineProperty(object, UNIQUE_ID_PROPERTY_NAME, {
enumerable: false,
configurable: false,
writable: false,
value: uniqueId,
return uniqueId
