Javascript split is not a function - javascript

Hey friends i am using javascript sdk to post on users friends wall with jQuery facebook multi friend selector however i am getting this error friendId.split is not a function. Here is my code
function recommendToFriend(pic, url, friendId, fromName)
var friendList ;
pFriend = new Array();
pFriend = friendId.split(',');
for( x in pFriend )
var publish = {
name:'SHARP Product Recommend',
caption: fromName + 'has recommend a product to you via Sharp Expert lounge',
FB.api('/'+pFriend[x]+'/feed', 'post', publish, function(resp) {
if( !response || response.error )
alert('Unable to share');
alert('Successfully posted to firends wall');
In alert box i got comma seperated friend ids so i use split function post on each users wall seperately i dont know whats wrong here please help me

Most probably friendID is already an array. If you call alert the array is converted to a string and becomes a comma separated list of values.
Note that converting an array to a string is not the same as calling JSON.stringify (where you get also brackets and double quotes around elements when they're strings)

The JavaScript split() function is for the type string ie for eg.
var friendid='1,34,67';
As VisioN says, when you alert an array you get comma separated values.

You can traverse JS Objects like this
for (var key in friendid) {
var obj = friendid[key];
for (var prop in obj) {
alert(prop + " = " + obj[prop]);
Hope this helps
for( var x in friendId )
alert(friendId[x]); // this would be your desired value


Complex JSON obj and jQuery or Javascript map to specific key, value

I am banging my head trying to figure this out. And it should not be this hard. I am obviously missing a step.
I am pulling data from:
The object I get back is based on a JSON object.
For now, I am using jQuery to parse the object and I am getting to the sub portion of the object that hold the specific parameter I want but I can't get to the specific key,value pair.
The object does not come back in the same order all the time. So when I tried to originally set up my call I did something like
Well since the obj can come back in an random order, I went back to find the key,value pair again and it was the wrong value, throwing my visual off.
That said, I have looked at use jQuery's find() on JSON object and for some reason can not get what I need from the object I am given by
One version of the object looks like this:
{"meta":{"name":"openaq-api","license":"CC BY 4.0d","website":"","page":1,"limit":100,"found":1},"results":[{"location":"Metro Lofts","city":null,"country":"US","coordinates":{"latitude":39.731,"longitude":-104.9888},"measurements":[{"parameter":"pm10","value":49.9,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"µg/m³"},{"parameter":"pm1","value":24,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"µg/m³"},{"parameter":"um100","value":0,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"particles/cm³"},{"parameter":"um025","value":0.28,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"particles/cm³"},{"parameter":"um010","value":4.1,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"particles/cm³"},{"parameter":"pm25","value":41.1,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"µg/m³"}]}]}
I am trying to get the "pm25" value.
The code I have tried is this:
function getAirQualityJson(){
url: ',-104.9847',
type: 'GET',
dataType: "json"
// data: data ,
console.log("the json is" + JSON.stringify(json));
console.log("the json internal is" + JSON.stringify(json.results));
var obj = json.results;
var pm25 = "";
$.each(json.results[0], function(i,items){
//console.log("obj item:" + JSON.stringify(obj[0].measurements));
$.each(obj[0].measurements, function(y,things){
//console.log("each measurement:" + JSON.stringify(obj[0].measurements[0].value));//get each measurement
//pm 2.5
//Can come back in random order, get value from the key "pm25"
// pm25 = JSON.stringify(obj[0].measurements[2].value);
pm25 = JSON.stringify(obj[0].measurements[0].value);
console.log("pm25 is: " + pm25); // not right
//Trying Grep and map below too. Not working, function(objThing)
{ console.log("map it 1:" + JSON.stringify(objThing.measurements.parameter));
if(objThing.measurements.parameter === "pm25"){
// return objThing; // or return, whatever.
console.log("map it:" + objThing);
console.log("in else for pm25 map");
jQuery.grep(obj, function(otherObj) {
//return otherObj.parameter === "pm25";
console.log("Grep it" + otherObj.measurements.parameter === "pm25");
The loop is running through I as you can see I tried [2] which was the original placement of the 'pm25' value but then it switched up it's spot to the 3rd or 4th spot, so it is unpredictable.
I tried jQuery Grep and Map but it came back undefined or false.
So my question is, how would I parse this to get the 'pm25' key,value. After that, I can get the rest if I need them.
Thank you in advance for all the help.
You can use array#find and optional chaining to do this,
because we are using optional chaining, undefined will be returned if a property is missing.
let data = {"meta":{"name":"openaq-api","license":"CC BY 4.0d","website":"","page":1,"limit":100,"found":1},"results":[{"location":"Metro Lofts","city":null,"country":"US","coordinates":{"latitude":39.731,"longitude":-104.9888},"measurements":[{"parameter":"pm10","value":49.9,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"µg/m³"},{"parameter":"pm1","value":24,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"µg/m³"},{"parameter":"um100","value":0,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"particles/cm³"},{"parameter":"um025","value":0.28,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"particles/cm³"},{"parameter":"um010","value":4.1,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"particles/cm³"},{"parameter":"pm25","value":41.1,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"µg/m³"}]}]}
let found = data?.results?.[0]?.measurements?.find?.(
({ parameter }) => parameter === "pm25"
You can iterate over measurements and find the object you need:
const data = '{"meta":{"name":"openaq-api","license":"CC BY 4.0d","website":"","page":1,"limit":100,"found":1},"results":[{"location":"Metro Lofts","city":null,"country":"US","coordinates":{"latitude":39.731,"longitude":-104.9888},"measurements":[{"parameter":"pm10","value":49.9,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"µg/m³"},{"parameter":"pm1","value":24,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"µg/m³"},{"parameter":"um100","value":0,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"particles/cm³"},{"parameter":"um025","value":0.28,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"particles/cm³"},{"parameter":"um010","value":4.1,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"particles/cm³"},{"parameter":"pm25","value":41.1,"lastUpdated":"2021-08-09T20:49:38+00:00","unit":"µg/m³"}]}]}';
const json = JSON.parse(data);
let value = null;
const measurements = json?.results?.[0]?.measurements ?? null;
for (const item of measurements)
if (item.parameter === 'pm25') {
value = item.value;
if (value) {
// here you can use the value
else {
// here you should handle the case where 'pm25' is not found

How do I omit the words "type" and "value" from showing in my google sheet after running google script to get user data from AD?

i am new to Javascript and im currently trying to create a google sheet that lists all the users in the AD group + their phone numbers. however when i run this script below, the cell that should have the phone number in it has, "type=work, value=(000)123-4567 as well. i just want the phone number to be displayed by itself. how would I work around this? I'm sure im missing something simple
function writeToSpreadsheet(){
var values = [];
var users = AdminDirectory.Users.list({domain:''}).users;
for (var i=0; i<users.length; i++){
values.push([users[i].name.fullName, users[i].phones]);
var spreadsheetUrl = 'https://docs.userinfospreadsheet';
SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheetUrl).getSheets()[0].getRange(1, 1, values.length, values[0].length).setValues(values)
Im using this guide as a reference,
As the documentations states, phones is an array of objects. The simplest way of handling them would be to use a function that converts them into a string:
function generatePhonesCell(phones) {
return phones
.map(phone => {
const value = phone.value
const type = phone.type.replaceAll('_', ' ')
return `${value} (${type})`
This will list the phones in the form:
(000)123-4567 (home)
(000)765-4321 (work)
You only need to add them into your existing code:
values.push([users[i].name.fullName, generatePhonesCell(users[i].phones || [])])
I think that user's phones property is not a string but rather an object or list.
In order to get the nice list of the phone numbers you have to replace users[i].phones pushed to values array with function call getPhones(users[i].phones)
And this function should be something like this:
If user phones are array of objects [{type: 'work', value: '(000)123-4567'}]:
function getPhones(arr) {
return {
return phoneObj.value;
}).join(', ')
or if it is simply an object replce users[i].phones with users[i].phones.value

JS, issue with keeping array data in sessionStorage

Here is the problematic code:
let newFriend =;
let friends;
if (sessionStorage.getItem('friends') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('friends') === undefined || sessionStorage.getItem('friends') === '') {
console.log('DEV_NO FRIENDS!sessionStorage[\'friends\']: ' + sessionStorage.getItem('friends'));
friends = [newFriend];
} else {
let currentFriends = sessionStorage.getItem('friends').split(',');
// let currentFriends = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('friends'));
console.log('DEV_sessionStorage friends: ' + currentFriends);
console.log('DEV_inArray condition: ' + $.inArray(newFriend, currentFriends));
if (!($.inArray(newFriend, currentFriends) !== -1)) {
console.log('DEV_if not in array!');
friends = currentFriends.push(newFriend);
console.log('DEV_friends in if: ' + friends);
let data = {friends: friends};
It is hooked on image tag. The sessionStorage fills on successful login like so:
if (response['friends'] !== undefined) {
sessionStorage.setItem('friends', response['friends']);
} else {
Or is updated like so, if new friend is added:
ajax(url, 'GET', 'none', 'Kinvey', function(response) {
sessionStorage.setItem('friends', response['friends']);
The idea is: a user can add friends to his friends list. The friend is 'PUT' into my app's back-end, inside a column called 'friends'. Then sessionStorage is updated to store the new friend. To my knowledge sessionStorage supports only strings, so I thought lets store the friends as string, separated by ",". Then I would pick that up ('currentFriends') and split that string into array. Then push the next item and send the data back to the server, then update sessionStorage. But I simply cannot do it - I've been trying for over 3 hours now. As you can see with the numerous console.log()s, for some reason I cannot process my data accordingly and I have no idea what am I doing wrong. Sorry for the long post, but I'm really stuck in here..
Bottom line: as #dfasoro kindly explained - when working with REST one should always make sure he keeps his data in JSON strings. My second problem was that array.push() returns integer (length of array) instead of new array.
I hope this will help you, I have helped you refactor your code and removed unneccesaries, I hope the inline comments help you as well.
let newFriend =;
let friends = [];
if (sessionStorage.getItem('friends')) {
try {
//this will throw an error if invalid array json is in friends sessionStorage
friends = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('friends'));
catch (e) { }
//is friend in the array?
//if not add and store back into sessionStorage
if (friends.indexOf(newFriend) == -1) {
sessionStorage.setItem('friends', JSON.stringify(friends));
let data = {friends: friends};
//continue with your image hook code
//login code
if (response['friends']) {
sessionStorage.setItem('friends', JSON.stringify(response['friends']));
} else {
//update PUT code
ajax(url, 'GET', 'none', 'Kinvey', function(response) {
sessionStorage.setItem('friends', JSON.stringify(response['friends']));
You basically store the data as JSON string and retrieve as JSON object. You also don't need the null, undefined, empty test etc. You are basically trying to test for a falsy value.
I also really hope that your response object is a standard JSON object mapped to a friend array and not a comma separated list of friends e.g.
{"friends": [4, 5, 3, 2]} and not `{"friends": "4, 5, 3, 2"}"
The above works perfect as sessionStorage only uses a key value pair.
Though I also use sessionJS to get/set/delete data to/from sessionStorage
maybe this will also help you.

How to get/filter all results from JSON file with underscore.js

I have this (shortened for question) JSON file:
"product":"aardappelen gebakken",
"product":"aardappelen pikant",
Wat i want to do is:
search for a product, and result all of its content, like when i would search for "aardappelmeel", i get product, quantity and carbohydrates key value, i do this with this code:
the search term is hardcoded for the moment, this will be a var later one.
$(function() {
$.getJSON( "js/data.json").fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
var err = textStatus + ", " + error;
console.log( "Request Failed: " + err );
}).done(function(data) {
var carbohydratesResult = getCarbohydrates(data, 'aardappelmeel');
function getCarbohydrates(arr, searchTerm){
var result;
if(searchTerm === '') {
result = 'No searchterm';
else {
result = _.where(arr, {product: searchTerm});
return result;
This gets 1 result:
Question: When i search for "aardappelen", i get no result, and it should be 2, because there are 2 products that contain the name "aardappelen". How do i do this?
I use jQuery, Underscore. If Underscore is not needed for this, fine by me, please show me how i modify my code to get more then one result when "product" value contains the search term.
You need _.filter along with indexOf to do a substring search:
result = _.filter(arr, function(item) {
return item.product && item.product.indexOf(searchTerm) != -1;
Note that _.where performs an exact match.
I would probably say underscore is not needed for this (not optimal to include an entire js library just use use a single function). Searching for text simply in JavaScript is never fun. You're probably best writing some regex function that loops over your result set and tries to match some text.
If possible, I would try to implement the searching functionality on the server side, and return those results in an ajax request.
Rough example of a JS Solution...
var searchText = 'blah',
matches = [];
for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var reg = new RegExp(searchText);
if(results[i].product.match(reg)) matches.push(results[i]);
return matches;

Printing JSON Dictionary in JavaScript

I am getting the data from an API using JavaScript.
The statement console.log(json[0]) gives the result:
Now I am trying to print the individual elements of this dictionary. How do I do this ? My code is below:
function loadLeaderboard(){
var json = $.parseJSON(data);
$.each(json[i], function(key, data) {
console.log(key + ' -> ' + data);
The value of data as returned by the API is
The value in json after the operation var json = $.parseJSON(data); is
["{"id":"1","username":"ghost","points":"5","kills":…diamonds":"0","level":"1","missionscomplete":"1"}", "{"id":"2","username":"seconduser","points":"0","ki…diamonds":"0","level":"0","missionscomplete":"0"}", "{"id":"3","username":"goat","points":"12","kills":…amonds":"10","level":"10","missionscomplete":"4"}"]
You can just use stringify method of JSON-
Your JSON data is a mess. It's not in the format you want. It should be an array of objects, but instead it is an array of strings, where each of those strings is the JSON representation of one of your user objects.
You could decode this in your JavaScript code, but you shouldn't have to. The JSON API should be fixed to generate a reasonable JSON object.
I don't know what language your server code is in, but it must be doing something like this pseudocode:
array = []
for each userObject in leaderBoard:
userJson = toJSON( userObject )
array.push( userJson )
jsonOutput = toJSON( array )
Instead, the code should look more like this:
array = []
for each userObject in leaderBoard:
array.push( userObject )
jsonOutput = toJSON( array )
In other words, the way to generate the JSON you want in most languages is to create an object or array with the structure you need, and then call the language's toJSON function (or whatever function you use) on that object or array. Let it generate all of the JSON in one fell swoop. Don't generate JSON for each individual element of your array and then generate JSON again for the entire array as a whole. That gives you an array of strings where you want an array of objects.
Original answer
What you're asking for is not what you really want to do.
Your JSON response returns an array of user objects, correct? That's why json[0] is a single object.
You probably want to loop over that array, but you don't loop over the individual objects in the array. You simply reference their properties by name.
Also, instead of using $.get() and $.parseJSON(), you can use $.getJSON() which parses it for you.
And one other tip: don't put the hostname and port in your URL. Use a relative URL instead, and then you can use the same URL in both development and production.
So for test purposes, let's say you want to log the id, username, and points for each user in your leaderboard JSON array. You could do it like this:
function loadLeaderboard() {
var url = '/l4/public/api/v1/getLeaderboard';
$.getJSON( url, function( leaders ) {
// leaders is an array of user objects, so loop over it
$.each( leaders, function( i, user ) {
// get the properties directly for the current user
console.log(, user.username, user.points );
json[0] is an object, so you want to loop over the keys:
var o = json[0];
for (var key in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
console.log(key, o[key]);
Working fiddle:
jQuery.each() is probably the easiest way, check this out:
$.each(json[0], function(key, data) {
console.log(key + ' -> ' + data);
What's the result of the following?
function loadLeaderboard(){
var json = $.parseJSON(data);
for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
$.each(json[i], function(key, data) {
console.log(key + ' -> ' + data);
EDIT 2: 'data' returned as array.
function loadLeaderboard(){
$.get("http://localhost:8888/l4/public/api/v1/getLeaderboard", function(data){
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var json = $.parseJSON(data[i]);
console.log('Data for index: ' + i);
$.each(json, function(key, val) {
console.log(key + ' -> ' + val);
