I am working on a JQuery Mobile app. I want to distribute this app via the AppStore with the help of Cordova (PhoneGap). I want to have a button such that when a user clicks it, their contacts appear. When they choose one, I want to get the email address associated with it if possible. Currently, I have the following:
<input id="viewButton" type="button" value="+" onclick="getContact();" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function getContact() {
var options = new ContactFindOptions();
var fields = ["name", "emails"];
navigator.contacts.find(fields, onSuccess, onError, options);
function onContactSuccess() {
function onContactError() {
Much to my surprise, I do not see a contact popup. What am I doing wrong?
You forgot to change the onSuccess and onError method names. The instance constructor of contacts.find should read:
navigator.contacts.find(fields, onContactSuccess, onContactError, options);
I want to create a WebApp, that does the following:
User clicks button on WebApp to run script
Get User eMail
Create new Google Spreadsheet (name=eMail)
get Url of that Spreadsheet
Automatically open Url in new Tab
Step 5 is where I am stuck.
I have used window.open(url) before, however that only seems to work when you run code via a Spreadsheet. What I wanna do is displaying the button on my .html and run everything only with the WebApp but I can't do that because I can not use SpreadsheetApp.getUi() from that context.
Is there another way to do this?
Here is the Error im getting:
EDIT: Seems I had some minor mistakes in my Code.gs I think i fixed that now. Still same issue tho
Thank you guys in advance! :)
Here is some sample code:
function doGet(e) {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("page");
function clickEvent () {
const lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
if (lock.hasLock()){
var email = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
var url = createFile(email);
function createFile(email){
var newSS= SpreadsheetApp.create(email);
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(newSS.getId());
var url = file.getUrl();
return url
function openUrl( url ){ //HAS TO CHANGE
var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput('<html><script>'
+'window.close = function(){window.setTimeout(function(){google.script.host.close()},9)};'
+'var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href="'+url+'"; a.target="_blank";'
+' var event=document.createEvent("MouseEvents");'
+' if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox")>-1){window.document.body.append(a)}'
+' event.initEvent("click",true,true); a.dispatchEvent(event);'
+'}else{ a.click() }'
// Offer URL as clickable link in case above code fails.
+'<body style="word-break:break-word;font-family:sans-serif;">Failed to open automatically. Click here to proceed.</body>'
.setWidth( 90 ).setHeight( 1 );
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog( html, "Opening ..." );
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<h1>Click Button!</h1>
<button id="btn">Run</button>
function sendRequest(){
Get url from app script and open spreadsheet in new tab wit JavaScript
Update app script function
function clickEvent () {
const lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
if (lock.hasLock()){
var email = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
return createFile(email);
Also update JavaScript Code
function sendRequest(){
function (link) {
window.open(link, '_blank').focus();
Reference: Communicate with Server Functions
I'm learning Solidity (for smart contracts) and now need to design a UI to interact with a deploy contract.
Note: If the question is not relevant to this forum, please kindly let me know (instead of downvoting) and I'll remove it.
My HTML and .js files are as below. The problem is that, when I include both "distribute()" and "update_exchange_rate()" functions in .js file, my HTML file would not work. But I wouldn't have any problem if I remove either of them from .js file.
Question: Why am I having this problem? How to solve the above problem? Can I have multiple functions (definitions) in window.app?
Edit: If I put both functions in .js files, I also get webpack error. But the error will disappear if I remove one of the functions.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="./app.js"></script>
<h2>Example Truffle Dapp</h2>
<br><label for="amountB">Exchange rate:</label><input type="text"
id="amountA" placeholder="e.g., 95"></input>
<br><label for="receiverA">ReceiverA:</label><input type="text"
id="receiverA" placeholder="e.g., 95"></input>
<br><label for="receiverB">ReceiverB:</label><input type="text"
id="receiverB" placeholder="e.g., 95"></input>
<br><br><button id="send1" onclick="App.distribute()">Send
<br><label for="amountB">Exchange rate:</label><input type="text"
id="amountB" placeholder="e.g., 95"></input>
<br><br><button id="send2"
and my js file is:
import "../stylesheets/app.css";
import { default as Web3} from 'web3';
import { default as contract } from 'truffle-contract'
import metacoin_artifacts from '../../build/contracts/MetaCo.json'
var MetaCo = contract(metacoin_artifacts);
var accounts;
var account;
window.App = {
start: function() {
web3.eth.getAccounts(function(err, accs) {
if (err != null) {
alert("There was an error fetching your accounts.");
if (accs.length == 0) {
alert("Couldn't get any accounts! Make sure your Ethereum client is
configured correctly.");
accounts = accs;
account = accounts[0];
setStatus: function(message) {
var status = document.getElementById("status");
status.innerHTML = message;
distribute: function() { // XXX Here is where the problem occures!
var amountA = parseInt(document.getElementById("amountA").value);
var receiver1= document.getElementById("receiverA").value;
var receiver2 = document.getElementById("receiverB").value;
var meta;
MetaCo.deployed().then(function(instance2) {
meta = instance2;
return meta.distribute(receiver1,receiver2, amountA,{from: account});
update_exchange_Rate: function() { // XXX Here is where the problem occures!
var amountB = parseInt(document.getElementById("amountB").value);
var meta1;
MetaCo.deployed().then(function(instance3) {
meta1 = instance3;
return meta1.update_exchange_Rate(amountB,{from: account});
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') {
console.warn("Using web3 detected from external source. If you find
that your accounts don't appear or you have 0 MetaCoin, ensure you've
configured that source properly. If using MetaMask, see the following
Feel free to delete this warning. :)
// Use Mist/MetaMask's provider
window.web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);
} else {
console.warn("No web3 detected. Falling back to http://localhost:8545.
You should remove this fallback when you deploy live, as it's
insecure. Consider switching to Metamask for development. More info
// fallback - use your fallback strategy (local node / hosted node +
in-dapp id mgmt / fail)
window.web3 = new Web3(new
Let's take only this button, the other has the exact same problem...
<button id="send2" onclick="App.update_exchange_Rate()">update_exchange_Rate</button>
The onclick attribute expects to receive a Function. That function is then called on every click. But the function does not return a function itself...
App.update_exchange_Rate() will get executed as soon as that part is seen by the browser, and it's return value used. But that's not what we want! We want that function to be executed... So we'd need to give the function, and not the call to the attribute, like so:
<button id="send2" onclick="App.update_exchange_Rate">update_exchange_Rate</button>
<button id="send2" onclick="function(){App.update_exchange_Rate();}">update_exchange_Rate</button>
Now, if you do that you'll certainly end up in a scope you are not expecting. You aren't using this in the function so I'll skip that scoping part, you can read about it later if need be.
when a user click html button document library should be created.I have seen some where they used app development method by modifying app.js file but I want to implement this through .txt file using sharepoint designer.
Please copy the below code snipped below the PlaceHolderMain line i.e.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function onQuerySucceeded(sender, args) {
alert('List created');
function onQueryFailed(sender, args) {
alert('request failed to create a list' );
function createNewList() {
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
this.oWebsite = clientContext.get_web();
//Logic to create a new list and library
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQuerySucceeded), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed));
<input id="Button1" type="button" value="Create a new list/ Library" OnClick="createNewList()" />
Hope this help you.
The javascript example for "search by keyword" that is given at the google developers page isn't working for me. https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/code_samples/javascript
When I run the code, I get a disabled search box with "cats" inside. Also, the example doesn't explain how to write in the API key as opposed to the Client ID. It says it's possible, but gives no concrete example of how to do it. Can someone point out where this code is going wrong. The code for the two .js files and the html is as follows:
auth.js file:
// The client ID is obtained from the Google Developers Console
// at https://console.developers.google.com/.
// If you run this code from a server other than http://localhost,
// you need to register your own client ID.
// Upon loading, the Google APIs JS client automatically invokes this callback.
googleApiClientReady = function() {
gapi.auth.init(function() {
window.setTimeout(checkAuth, 1);
// Attempt the immediate OAuth 2.0 client flow as soon as the page loads.
// If the currently logged-in Google Account has previously authorized
// the client specified as the OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID, then the authorization
// succeeds with no user intervention. Otherwise, it fails and the
// user interface that prompts for authorization needs to display.
function checkAuth() {
client_id: OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID,
immediate: true
}, handleAuthResult);
// Handle the result of a gapi.auth.authorize() call.
function handleAuthResult(authResult) {
if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
// Authorization was successful. Hide authorization prompts and show
// content that should be visible after authorization succeeds.
} else {
// Make the #login-link clickable. Attempt a non-immediate OAuth 2.0
// client flow. The current function is called when that flow completes.
$('#login-link').click(function() {
client_id: OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID,
immediate: false
}, handleAuthResult);
// Load the client interfaces for the YouTube Analytics and Data APIs, which
// are required to use the Google APIs JS client. More info is available at
// http://code.google.com/p/google-api-javascript-client /wiki/GettingStarted#Loading_the_Client
function loadAPIClientInterfaces() {
gapi.client.load('youtube', 'v3', function() {
search.js file:
// After the API loads, call a function to enable the search box.
function handleAPILoaded() {
$('#search-button').attr('disabled', false);
// Search for a specified string.
function search() {
var q = $('#query').val();
var request = gapi.client.youtube.search.list({
q: q,
part: 'snippet'
request.execute(function(response) {
var str = JSON.stringify(response.result);
$('#search-container').html('<pre>' + str + '</pre>');
<!doctype html>
<div id="buttons">
<label> <input id="query" value='cats' type="text"/><button id="search-button" disabled onclick="search()">Search</button></label>
<div id="search-container">
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="auth.js"></script>
<script src="search.js"></script>
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=googleApiClientReady"> </script>
The documentation is misleading a bit (one might even say incorrect); the HTML for the "search by keyword" is loading the same "auth.js" that the other two examples on that page are, but it doesn't then have any HTML elements to actually trigger the login process (i.e. a "login button" if a user isn't already authorized) like the other two examples do. Bascially, if you're using that provided auth.js, you need to have, in your HTML, a section that looks like this:
<div id="login-container" class="pre-auth">
This application requires access to your YouTube account.
Please authorize to continue.
Then, you can also add the class of "post-auth" on a new div that wraps around your existing buttons and search container. The demo will then, when a user visits, only present the login link; when clicked on, and when a user allows the authorization, then the login link will be hidden and your search area will be shown (and the button enabled). That's just how the demo is set up.
Of course, search by keyword does NOT require oAuth2, and so (to answer your 2nd question) you might find it easier to A) remove the handleApiLoaded method (so your button is never disabled), and B) call gapi.client.load() manually (i.e. not triggered by an oAuth success). Then, call gapi.client.setApiKey({YOUR KEY}) so that all of your requests will include your key in their header.
Thanks so much jlmcdonald for your help. It took me a while to figure out the second part of your response, but I finally had success. The following html gets the example on the google developers webpage to work. Note though, at first I was getting a 401 error. To fix it, I had to go to the google developers console and select my project. Then, APIs&auth->consent screen and then fill in the email address and product name:
<!doctype html>
<div id="login-container" class="pre-auth">
This application requires access to your YouTube account.
Please authorize to continue.
<div id="buttons" class="post-auth">
<label> <input id="query" value='cats' type="text"/><button id="search-button" disabled onclick="search()">Search</button></label>
<div id="search-container">
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/files/theme/auth.js"></script>
<script src="/files/theme/search.js"></script>
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=googleApiClientReady"> </script>
As you noted in your response, oAuth2 isn't necessary for a simple keyword search. The following is some html that just uses the API key. I didn't reference the two .js files like before, rather, I just included the script in the html. Your post at gapi.client.youtube is undefined? really helped me figure it out:
<!doctype html>
<div id="buttons">
<label> <input id="query" value='cats' type="text"/><button id="search-button" onclick="keyWordsearch()">Search</button></label>
<div id="search-container">
function keyWordsearch(){
gapi.client.setApiKey('API key here');
gapi.client.load('youtube', 'v3', function() {
function makeRequest() {
var q = $('#query').val();
var request = gapi.client.youtube.search.list({
q: q,
part: 'snippet'
request.execute(function(response) {
var str = JSON.stringify(response.result);
$('#search-container').html('<pre>' + str + '</pre>');
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=googleApiClientReady"> </script>
Now that I got the search part, could you explain how I can display the thumbnails and titles of the results and then when I click them, the video opens in an embedded player on the same page? Thanks.
Thank you for your coding. Let me share my code:
function makeRequest(){
var q = $('#query').val();
var request = gapi.client.youtube.search.list({
q: q,
part: 'snippet'
var str = JSON.stringify(response.result,'',4);
$('#search-container').val( str);
function makeControl(resp){
var stList = '<table id="res1" border="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tbody>';
for (var i=0; i<resp.items.length;i++){
var vid = resp.items[i].id.videoId;
var tit = resp.items[i].snippet.title;
if(typeof vid != 'undefined'){
stList += '<tr><td style="width:80px;vertical-align:top">'+
'<a class="show" href="#" title="'+ vid + '" onclick="playVid(this);'+
' return false">'+
'<img width="80" height="60" src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/'+
vid +'/default.jpg"></a></td>'+
'<td><b>'+i+'</b>-'+ tit +'</td></tr>';
document.getElementById('list1').innerHTML = stList + '</tbody></table>';
//HTML: <div id="list1"
function playVid(thi){
var st = 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/'+thi.title+'?autoplay=1';
document.getElementById('player').src = st;
//HTML: <iframe id="player" width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="1" allowfullscreen>
I have my website
and another
page.html on localhost
<title>Object References across Iframes</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){
var form = document.getElementById('testForm');
form.testBtn.onclick = sendData;
function notify() {
//alert('iframe loaded');
var iframeEl = document.getElementById('ifrm');
if ( iframeEl && iframeEl.parentNode && document.createElement ) {
var newTxt = document.createTextNode('The iframe has loaded and your browser supports it\'s onload attribute.');
var newPara = document.createElement("p");
newPara.className = 'demo';
iframeEl.parentNode.insertBefore(newPara, iframeEl);
function sendData() { // to form inside iframed document
// frames array method:
// window.frames['ifrm'].document.forms['ifrmTest'].elements['display'].value = this.form.testEntry.value;
var ifrm = document.getElementById('ifrm');
var doc = ifrm.contentDocument? ifrm.contentDocument: ifrm.contentWindow.document;
var form = doc.getElementById('search-input'); // <------<< search input
form.display.value = this.form.testEntry.value;
// test in iframed doc
var counter = 0;
<form id="testForm" action="#">
<p><input type="text" name="testEntry" size="30" value="[enter something]" /> <input name="testBtn" type="button" value="Click Me" /></p>
<iframe name="ifrm" id="ifrm" src="http://www.aplicatii-iphone.ro" onload="notify()" width="900">Sorry, your browser doesn't support iframes.</iframe>
And every time I press the button Click Me, I want that the state of www.aplicatii-iphone.ro to be like a user searched for that value written in "testEntry" from outside of the iframe.
I tried something there ... but I can't figure it out ... any help please?
I took the example from here http://www.dyn-web.com/tutorials/iframes/refs.php
If you know you're using a modern browser, you could use postMessage to communicate between the frames. Here's a good write-up: http://ajaxian.com/archives/cross-window-messaging-with-html-5-postmessage
If you need to support legacy browsers, you could use Google Closure's CrossPageChannel object to communicate between frames.
Unfortunatly, this is not possible due to the Same orgin policy.
And changing the document.domain-value only helps if you try to connect a subdomain with the main-domain.
If you avoid the same-orgin-problem by using a page on the same website, this should work for you:
window.frames['ifrm'].document.getElementById("search-input").value = document.getElementsByName("testEntry")[0].value;