web page with java script not working in firefox - javascript

I am using a map on an image. Inside that map I got onmouseover effects for different areas. Also, I have a script that opens an image thumbnail when that area is clicked. This is the script I'm using: http://britobmarketing.com/thumbnailviewer.js
The problem is it's not working in firefox. Not the onmouseover effect, not the thumbnail script. It's simply not working.
Any recommendations?
I really want to stick with java script and not get into Jquery!
Thanks a lot!

Assuming that the page you are using this on is: http://britobmarketing.com/
Your problem seems to be with how you are defining your imagemap; not how the javascript is working
Your imagemap setup:
<map name="mainMap">
<a rel="thumbnail" href="images/contactUsPic.jpg">
<area onmouseout="document.pic1.src='images/mapPics.gif'" onmouseover="document.pic1.src='images/contactUs.gif'" title="Contact Us" shape="rect" coords="798,481,877,572">
<area target="_blank" href="http://www.facebook.com/britoBMarketing" title="Facebook" shape="rect" coords="884,298,956,357">
Playing around with Firebug's "inspect element", it seems that stripping out the target and title attributes seems to remove the problem.
Also your main <area/>s are wrapped with anchors (<a>) which is probably preventing them from working.
Try something like this:
<map name="mainMap">
<area coords="191,138,487,233" shape="rect" href="" onmouseover="alert('hello')">


Set hyperlinks to certain sections of the same picture? (HTML)

I want to have certain parts of the same picture hyperlinked to different webpages
Is there a way I can do this with javascript coordinates or any other way?
You can do it with the HTML MAP tag, for example:
<img src="http://www.w3.org/html/logo/downloads/HTML5_Logo_512.png"
width="512" height="512" alt="Logo" usemap="#logomap"/>
<map name="logomap">
<area shape="rect" coords="0,0,256,512"
href="javascript:alert('left')" alt="Left">
<area shape="rect" coords="256,0,512,512"
href="javascript:alert('right')" alt="Right">
Here's fiddle to try it out. Clicking on the left side of the image will show a Javascript alert that says left, on the right side it will show right.

JQuery using the click event handler. How do I keep all the elements from not show only have one element show one at time?

In jquery using the click event handler. How do I keep all the elements from not show but only have one element show one at time to what is related when I click on it?.
My example page: http://chrism.net46.net/final-ff-IX/summoners-paintings.html
Using a image map. I have ten "hot spots", each a monster painting and 10 divs with information about each painting. When I click a hot spot I just a lightbox with info about that page segment to open.
I have used jquery plugins like jquery tools with success, but I'd like to learn how without using a plugin.
Anyway here is a video example what I mean starting at 0:15 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7628mBPumM4 hope this is more clear.
Here http://jsfiddle.net/muThj/1/ without the image map, though. Using it to host the code review just in case the above link site goes down due to traffic.
<img src="wall-writings.jpg" alt="Eidolon mural paintings of Curbuncle, Madeen, Ramuh, Shiva, Ark, Ifrit, Leviathan, Phoenix, Fenrir, Atomos" usemap="#eidolonpaintings">
<map name="eidolonpaintings">
<area shape="poly" coords="287,230,301,244,319,251,329,252,340,252,347,252,338,246,336,237,344,233,344,229,345,225,356,227,362,229,376,230,385,235,393,242,396,250,403,254,408,248,414,239,419,231,424,224,429,222,433,233,432,248,428,263,422,272,422,279,410,286,396,288,388,291,385,293,390,296,393,305,396,316,400,318,407,320,414,325,416,332,420,343,415,352,414,360,408,369,401,374,405,387,409,399,407,409,408,412,402,414,368,365,357,374,358,390,359,403,354,409,343,415,337,416,323,370,294,362,268,327,264,274,287,230" >
<area shape="poly" coords="628,253,617,222,624,172,630,149,647,109,667,81,681,66,694,53,720,49,756,48,768,53,775,75,825,99,924,135,981,154,1019,169,912,266,795,312,747,372,670,335,628,253" >
<area shape="poly" coords="1018,196,1029,182,1040,174,1043,167,1043,153,1045,138,1059,132,1076,137,1079,159,1082,176,1090,189,1110,249,1127,269,1132,286,1127,303,1146,380,1150,400,1136,409,1095,417,1067,418,1046,415,1029,405,1009,409,988,405,974,399,967,391,977,348,994,275,988,264,1018,196" >
<area shape="poly" coords="1173,125,1176,116,1168,110,1163,101,1168,83,1167,75,1153,73,1148,61,1159,52,1165,46,1172,41,1192,33,1202,33,1213,33,1220,37,1233,38,1248,40,1259,54,1254,65,1227,71,1227,80,1218,93,1228,105,1231,116,1230,137,1228,152,1225,175,1217,184,1209,195,1195,219,1196,235,1197,245,1190,250,1180,248,1140,204,1130,191,1173,135,1173,125" >
<area shape="poly" coords="1269,1,1302,41,1320,59,1322,73,1316,86,1310,105,1310,114,1317,125,1324,133,1325,149,1322,179,1317,196,1311,207,1303,217,1292,207,1288,221,1284,238,1279,254,1281,270,1281,290,1290,294,1306,314,1316,334,1312,349,1311,363,1313,383,1295,407,1285,418,1284,429,1272,438,1274,458,1285,459,1336,463,1369,461,1457,465,1488,463,1513,467,1482,429,1493,406,1474,366,1475,330,1474,287,1469,276,1479,254,1478,235,1472,216,1469,183,1469,166,1475,149,1477,129,1473,123,1475,118,1482,85,1504,53,1536,3,1536,-1,1269,1" >
<area shape="poly" coords="1482,301,1516,347,1510,371,1526,396,1550,409,1568,418,1583,442,1614,470,1622,481,1633,479,1673,487,1709,480,1716,448,1724,369,1728,331,1739,296,1713,265,1699,250,1681,228,1652,233,1619,235,1584,237,1528,273,1482,301" >
<area shape="poly" coords="1719,222,1747,160,1751,143,1726,149,1724,132,1717,119,1712,97,1687,86,1636,33,1643,28,1687,47,1772,41,1823,2,1843,1,1858,35,1914,50,1976,37,2082,87,2080,100,1911,119,1879,141,1829,136,1836,158,1852,180,1859,200,1849,225,1825,238,1811,266,1819,284,1837,301,1843,304,1847,325,1823,309,1805,285,1797,263,1816,228,1829,220,1818,214,1790,201,1773,192,1762,180,1735,214,1719,222" >
<area shape="poly" coords="2051,147,2074,125,2080,118,2094,113,2107,106,2131,112,2169,84,2231,92,2254,107,2273,130,2274,147,2264,161,2265,179,2269,214,2235,215,2174,208,2189,172,2160,165,2140,161,2115,180,2102,198,2091,204,2071,208,2061,205,2053,197,2083,180,2094,172,2087,161,2065,168,2052,168,2051,147" >
<area shape="poly" coords="1847,298,1896,265,1988,240,2041,232,2044,253,2096,251,2082,273,2105,287,2091,329,2065,349,2079,377,2049,390,2032,397,2018,420,2070,456,2050,477,1986,437,1960,421,1957,460,1939,460,1908,408,1904,438,1871,448,1876,402,1857,410,1811,435,1803,430,1844,392,1864,359,1875,335,1865,324,1847,298" >
<area shape="poly" coords="2332,1,2523,1,2535,23,2548,38,2541,50,2534,69,2524,79,2528,101,2524,159,2511,208,2503,272,2482,295,2479,344,2452,393,2434,394,2419,427,2387,422,2368,407,2351,351,2341,300,2337,213,2330,201,2312,201,2308,170,2307,153,2326,143,2341,115,2348,90,2342,81,2338,64,2332,1" >
$('area').attr('href', '#');
$('.wall-writings').addClass('wall-writepos').prepend('<button class="close"><img src="x-icon.png" alt=""></button>').hide();
$('area').click(function(){$('#writing1').fadeIn('slow');return false;});
Hope I understood the problem :)
I would place an href tag on each area like:
<area href="#div1" shape="poly" coords="287,230,301,244,319,251,329,252,340,252,347,252,338,246,336,237,344,233,344,229,345,225,356,227,362,229,376,230,385,235,393,242,396,250,403,254,408,248,414,239,419,231,424,224,429,222,433,233,432,248,428,263,422,272,422,279,410,286,396,288,388,291,385,293,390,296,393,305,396,316,400,318,407,320,414,325,416,332,420,343,415,352,414,360,408,369,401,374,405,387,409,399,407,409,408,412,402,414,368,365,357,374,358,390,359,403,354,409,343,415,337,416,323,370,294,362,268,327,264,274,287,230" >
<div id="some_div">Some text</div>
$('area').click(function(){var href = $(this).attr('href'); $(href).show(); return false;});
I think this should work. If this is not what you intended please explain further
In jquery using the click event handler. How do I keep all the
elements from not show but only have one element show one at time to
what is related when I click on it?.
From what i can deduce from your html mapping, you are missing the id's attribute for the tag and your Jquery is actually targeting the whole image map.
the guilty code:
$('area').click(function(){$('#writing1').fadeIn('slow');return false;});
Because of that, all the elements would show when you clicked on any of the area map.

How do you JavaScript style area elements on mouseover?

I've got an image map with 20 area elements, only four shown below. I want to style each area so that a blue border appears whenever a user hovers over it - all the area shapes are rectangles.
<map id="mymap" name="mymap">
<area shape="rect" coords="0,0,223,221" href="http://..." />
<area shape="rect" coords="226,0,448,221" href="http://..." />
<area shape="rect" coords="451,0,673,223" href="http://..." />
<area shape="rect" coords="677,0,1122,223" href="http://..." />
I've tried using CSS to style each area, but it's not working. And I've tried to put an onmouseover=color() on the map element and call the following function, but that doesn't seem to be working either:
function color() {
var blueboxes = document.getElementsByTagName('area');
for(var i=0; i<blueboxes.length; i++) {
blueboxes[i].style.border = 'solid blue 5px';
mapper.js can be used for this.
Mapper.js 2.4 allows you to add automatic area highlighting to image maps on your webpages (inc. export to SVG).
It works in all the major browsers - Mozilla Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+, Safari and IE6+. On older browsers, it can use "jsgraphics" from Walter Zorn (if installed), else it'll degrade and your visitors won't notice a thing.
Sample code from that website:
Please note that everything below this line is his code and wording, not mine. Full attribution belongs to the link above.
Setting Up
Download mapper.js and include it into your webpage.
<script type="text/javascript" src="wz_jsgraphics.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="mapper.js"></script>
"wz_jsgraphics.js" is copyright by Walter Zorn and not part of the distribution!
Using It
To get the highlighting just add a class="mapper" to an div surrounded image.
<img src="..." class="mapper" usemap="..." alt="...">
To get individual area highlightings add one or more classes to the area.
<area shape="poly" class="noborder icolor00ff00" href="#" coords="...">
To get multiple area selections add one or more id's to the areas rel attribute.
<area shape="poly" id="blue" rel="green,red" href="#" coords="...">
<area shape="poly" id="green" rel="red,blue" href="#" coords="...">
<area shape="poly" id="red" rel="green,blue" href="#" coords="...">
To force a group of areas using the attributes of the initial area.
<area shape="rect" id="black" class="icolor000000 forcegroup" rel="green,red,blue" href="#" coords="...">
The area tag can't be styled like a normal anchor. I would use a different approach. You could apply your image to a div as the background-image and then position clickable elements over the div by using position: absolute.
Take a look at this technique: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/cssmaps/
Can Raphaeljs helps?
Have a look at this sample :)
Usually the approach I see is to build the imagemap itself out of different images in CSS. Here's a good example of this:

Mouseovers on image maps in IE8

I'm having a problem with IE (who isn't) executing my javascript. Are there any known issues with attaching mouseovers to image maps in IE8? I'm not seeing any similar posts.
For instance, here is the HTML in one of my pages:
<map name="Map" id="Map">
<area shape="poly" coords="2,575,389,637,388,19,1,74" alt="Main Page" onmouseover="fade('indexpop')" onmouseout="fade('indexpop');" />
Pretty simple. In every browser but IE, this excecutes the "fade" function to fade in (or out) a div with some information.
The function itself is here, but I don't think the issue is with the function but with the mouseovers.
-tcm <><
Don't you have to put the mouseovers on the IMG (image) instead of the image map ?

Getting jQuery tooltip to have a tip start as active when page first loads

I'm using the jQuery tooltip plug in on an image map. When a part of the image is hovered over, the tip appears. This is activated with the following code:
$(function() {
$("map > area").tooltip({ positionLeft: true });
The html for the image map is set up like this:
<map name="Map">
<area shape="rect" coords="36,466,64,507" href="link.aspx" alt="Alt Title" title="ToolTip Title" />
<area shape="rect" coords="36,466,64,507" href="link.aspx" alt="Alt Title2" title="ToolTip Title2" />
I'd like to have one of the tool tips be in the active (or hovered) state when the page first loads. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do this, or if it is even possible.
Has anybody used this plugin and have any ideas of how I could implement this feature?
When the page is finished loading you can trigger the mouseover.
You could focus mouse on preferable part of the map or trigger event (probably hover) that activates tooltip.
