Converting URL into clickable link using Javascript - javascript

I have a text field called 'patentURL' in a form. The user enteres the complete URL into this field while saving the record. When the user searches for this record, the entered URL should be clickable. i.e. in the result page, the entered URL should be clickable.
How do I achieve this using Javascript?

There is a non-standard function, but widely spread - link() MDC
function makeClickable(url) {
return ? : ''+url+'';
function makeDOMClickable(url) {
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = url;
link.innerHTML = url;
return link;
var url = "http://localhost";
document.write ( makeClickable ( url ) );
document.body.appendChild ( makeDOMClickable ( url ) );

If i understood correctly you should put the url in a link:
With javascript:
var link = document.createElement('a');//create link
link.setAttribute('href', 'URL_ENTERED');//set href
link.innerHTML = 'URL_ENTERED';//set text to be seen
document.body.appendChild(link);//add to body

You can use javascript regular expression to achieve this have a look
function convert()
var text=document.getElementById("url").value;
var exp = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&##\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&##\/%=~_|])/ig;
var text1=text.replace(exp, "<a href='$1'>$1</a>");
var exp2 =/(^|[^\/])(www\.[\S]+(\b|$))/gim;
document.getElementById("converted_url").innerHTML=text1.replace(exp2, '$1<a target="_blank" href="http://$2">$2</a>');
this way you can convert any text into link you can find more detail here

Example to call href in Javascript:
function call_link() {
location.href = '';


Appending current URL parameters onto anchor link

At a page like
I have a button (anchor link) #ptsBlock_553944 .ptsCell:nth-of-type(1) .ptsEditArea.ptsInputShell that links to
I'd like to append the URL parameters from the current URL to the button's URL, so that the button's href is now
How can I do this with JavaScript please?
var url = "";
var newurl = url +;
newurl will contain all the get (ex. ?something=something&something2=something5) data.
To change the href of a:
var button = document.getElementById('#ptsBlock_553944');
button.href = button.href +;
If you don't care about supporting older browsers you can use the URL API and URLSearchParams.
function appendCurrentUrlSearchParams(anchorElement) {
const currUrlSearchParams = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams;
const link = new URL(anchorElement.href);
// uncomment this line if you want to clear query parameters already present in the anchor url
// = '';
for (const entry of currUrlSearchParams.entries()) {
link.searchParams.append(entry[ 0 ], entry[ 1 ]);
anchorElement.href = link.href;
Usage in your case:
appendCurrentUrlSearchParams(document.querySelector('#ptsBlock_553944 .ptsCell:nth-of-type(1) .ptsEditArea.ptsInputShell'));
Read Html select using select to change the link of a button with Javascript
specifically the section on
Get the element with something like document.getElement MDN getElement Link
Change the .href of that element to what you want.
function selectFunction() {
var x = document.getElementById("selectopt").value;
document.getElementById("mylink").innerHTML = x;
document.getElementById("mylink").href = "http://www." + x + ".com";
document.location.pathname = '/questions/69240453/appending-
//get the document pathname I chose from document.location
let data = document.location.pathname;
let preUrlString = '';
let newString = preUrlString + data;
document.getElementById("mylink").href = newString;

How to remove last url location hash using javascript

Am using bootstrap modal on my site, everything a modal is open it will add url has using the modal element id and a data i passed.
My problem is how do i remove the last added hash when a button is clicked just like when browser back button is click window will navigate back removing last hash.
How do i remove last url location has accordingly using javascript, i want every time a button is clicked the last hash from the list of url hash will be removed.
function ensureHash(newHash){
var lochash = location.hash;
if(lochash || lochash != ""){newHash = lochash + "&" + newHash;}
if (window.location.hash) {
return window.location.href.substring(0, window.location.href.lastIndexOf(window.location.hash)) + newHash;
return window.location.hash + newHash;
window.location.href = ensureHash("modalElementId=modalAction");
I tried doing this but it doesn't work well
function ensureRemoveHash(){
var gethash = location.hash;
gethash = gethash.slice(0, gethash.lastIndexOf('&'));
return gethash;
window.location.href = ensureRemoveHash();
Something like this?
var str = ""
function dropHash(str) {
if (str.indexOf("#") ==-1) return str;
var arr = str.split("#");
return arr.join("#");
str = dropHash(str)
str = dropHash(str)
str = dropHash(str)
Or do you just have the button replace the hash?
var url = new URL("")

How to split a string and then embed the second string (link) into the first string?

I'm fairly new to JavaScript and I have this RSS Feed I'm working with currently.
When I retrieve an item from the RSS feed, the following is displayed
Google Home Page
How can I split this string, so that I can embed the second part of it ( into the first part(Google Home Page)?
First - exclude the link by using following RegEx pattern (searches for string which starts with http://).
The matched value (Array) is being stored into url, now we are able to create the anchor element. (the value of href is the element 0 inside our matches array).
The link content is being generated by replacing the URL with empty space inside the retrievedResult. trim() is optional, I've used it just to remove remaining space.
retrievedResult.replace(url[0], "").trim()
Finally you can append the built anchor element.
var retrievedResult = "Google Home Page";
var re = /http:\/\/.*[^\W+]/g;
var url = retrievedResult.match(re);
var anchor = '' + retrievedResult.replace(url[0], "").trim() + '';
<script src=""></script>
Okay, so this will be the string:
var string = "Google Home Page";
Then we split it:
var split = string.split('http'); // ['Google Home Page ', '://']
Then we create an a element:
var a = document.createElement('a');
Then we add the link as the href attribute of your anchor element:
a.href = 'http' + split[1];
And then we add the text as textContent of your anchor element:
a.textContent = split[0];
And finally we add the element to the body:
Here an example:
var string = "Google Home Page";
var split = string.split('http');
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = 'http' + split[1];
a.textContent = split[0];
You can use jquery to get to your result
Working Example:
//This is HTML part
<div id="linkcontainer"></div>
<input id="str" value='Google Home Page'>
<a id="createlink">CreateLink</a>
//This is js part
//function that makes link
function createLink(){
var str = $('#str').val();
var http = str.indexOf('http');
var url = str.substring(http);
var text = str.substring(0,http);
Try this code on jsfiddle

Getting Parent URL using document.referrer

I'm trying to figure out how to get the second slash or page of a website using the document.referrer javascript
for example the website is
I only need to get
var url = document.referrer;
var referrer = url.match(/:\/\/(.[^/]+)/)[1];
this only gets me the domain. I need the second page. Any help would be great.
Hope this does what you need:
function getReferrerSecondPage() {
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = document.referrer;
return link.pathname!="" ? [, link.pathname.split("/")[1]].join("/") :;
var referrerSecondPage = getReferrerSecondPage();
Modified your code:
var url = document.referrer;
var referrer = url.match(/(http:)\/\/(.[^/]+)\/([^./]+)/)[0];
// Display
var foo = document.getElementById("foo");
foo.innerHTML = referrer + "/";
<p id="foo"></p>

How to add target = "_blank" in case

I am using Vanilla 2 as forum with buttonbar plugin to create pre tags in the message area.
When clicking on the url button, he generates in the message box, but I would prefer <a href="" target="_blank></a> to generate.
Here is is the .js with the case for the url attribute:
case 'url':
var urlOpts = {};
var thisOpts = $.extend(htmlOpts, {
center: 'href'
var hasSelection = $(TextArea).hasSelection();
var NewURL = '';
if (hasSelection !== false) {
NewURL = hasSelection;
} else
NewURL = prompt("Enter your URL:",'http://');
urlOpts.href = NewURL;
Can someone tell me how to add the target="_blank" in it?
It seems to be solved so maybe here could be useful for anyone:
I don't know exactly the technologies u are using but have u tried with = '_blank';
