I have the following function definitions in the same .js file (call it A.js)
function PParser() {
makeExpression = function (lexemes, index) {
return makeNumber(lexemes, index);
makeDeclaration = function(lexemes, index)
if (lexemes[index].TokenType != LALLPLexer.VAR) {
throw "Expected VAR at index " + index;
if (lexemes[index + 1].TokenType != LALLPLexer.ID) {
throw "Expected ID at index " + index + 1;
if (lexemes[index + 2].TokenType != LALLPLexer.ASSIGN) {
throw "Expected ASSIGN at index " + index + 2;
var expressionNodeResult = makeExpression(lexemes, index + 3);
when the "makeExpression" invocation is reached, I was expecting control flow to move to the function defined just above. However, instead, another function named "makeExpression" is called in a completely different .js file (B.js).
function Controller()
this.parseToStatement = function(statementText)
makeExpression = function(expressionNode)
return new IntLiteral(expressionNode.Content);
try {
statement = parser.parseStatement(new LALLPLexer().lex(statementText));
if (statement.NodeType == LALLPParser.DECLARATION) {
return new Declaration(statement.Id, makeExpression(statement.Expression));
catch (exception) {
statement = new UnknownStatement(statementText);
return statement;
I'm not sure why. Interestingly enough, the line "parseStatement" shown above is up the call chain from the "makeExpression" invocation. Is this correct javascript behavior and, if so, why should I expect this behavior? How can I get the intended behavior?
I'm not entirely sure about this, but I think js doesn't make variables local by standard, so all those functions might be attached globally (To the window variable) and hence may overwrite each other.
Try adding var to all of those definitions (or this.where appropriate). Maybe that will help.
I am Creating a JS library called EasyDOM and I have a function called $EasyDOM.toEasyDOM.String()
I just wanted to know if this is valid (in all major browsers). The context of the function is below, if needed:
var $EasyDom = { //there are more methods on $EasyDOM and toEasyDOM
toEasyDOM: { //but they are not relevant so I didn't post them
String(e) { //however it might be relevant to know it will
e = e + ''; //be called like this.String(e)
try{document.querySelector(e + '')}
catch(e) {return this.Array([])}
const $DOMFunctions = {/*a bunch of methods*/};
return $DOMFunctions
I am working on a language that transpiles to javascript and has a similar syntax. However I want to include some new type of block statements. For syntax purposes they are the same as an IfStatement. How can I get esprima or acorn to parse this program MyStatement {a=1;} without throwing an error? Its fine if it calls it an IfStatement. I would prefer not to fork esprima.
It turns out, that the plugin capabilities of acorn are not really documented. It seems like forking acorn would be the easiest route. In this case, it is as simple as searching for occurances of _if and following a similar pattern for _MyStatement.
However it is possible to write a plugin to accomplish what I was trying to do. It seems a bit of a hack, but here is the code. The basic steps are:
To exend Parse and add to the list of keywords that will be recognized by the first pass
Create a TokenType for the new keyword and add it to the Parser.acorn.keywordTypes, extend parseStatement so that it processes the new TokenType
Create a handler for the new TokenType which will add information to the Abstract Syntax Tree as required by the keyword functionality and also consume tokens using commands like this.expect(tt.parenR) to eat a '(' or this.parseExpression() to process an entire expression.
Here is the code:
var program =
MyStatement {
MyStatement(true) {
MyStatement() {
var a = 1;
if (1) {
var c = 0;
const acorn = require("acorn");
const Parser = acorn.Parser;
const tt = acorn.tokTypes; //used to access standard token types like "("
const TokenType = acorn.TokenType; //used to create new types of Tokens.
//add a new keyword to Acorn.
Parser.acorn.keywordTypes["MyStatement"] = new TokenType("MyStatement",{keyword: "MyStatement"});
//const isIdentifierStart = acorn.isIdentifierStart;
function wordsRegexp(words) {
return new RegExp("^(?:" + words.replace(/ /g, "|") + ")$")
var bruceware = function(Parser) {
return class extends Parser {
parse(program) {
console.log("hooking parse.");
//it appears it is necessary to add keywords here also.
var newKeywords = "break case catch continue debugger default do else finally for function if return switch throw try var while with null true false instanceof typeof void delete new in this const class extends export import super";
newKeywords += " MyStatement";
this.keywords = wordsRegexp(newKeywords);
parseStatement(context, topLevel, exports) {
var starttype = this.type;
console.log("!!!hooking parseStatement", starttype);
if (starttype == Parser.acorn.keywordTypes["MyStatement"]) {
console.log("Parse MyStatement");
var node = this.startNode();
return this.parseMyStatement(node);
else {
return(super.parseStatement(context, topLevel, exports));
parseMyStatement(node) {
console.log("parse MyStatement");
//In my language, MyStatement doesn't have to have a parameter. It could be called as `MyStatement { ... }`
if (this.type == tt.parenL) {
node.test = this.parseOptionalParenExpression();
else {
node.test = 0; //If there is no test, just make it 0 for now (note that this may break code generation later).
node.isMyStatement = true; //set a flag so we know that this if a "MyStatement" instead of an if statement.
//process the body of the block just like a normal if statement for now.
// allow function declarations in branches, but only in non-strict mode
node.consequent = this.parseStatement("if");
//node.alternate = this.eat(acornTypes["else"]) ? this.parseStatement("if") : null;
return this.finishNode(node, "IfStatement")
//In my language, MyStatement, optionally has a parameter. It can also by called as MyStatement() { ... }
parseOptionalParenExpression() {
//see what type it is
console.log("Type: ", this.type);
//allow it to be blank.
var val = 0; //for now just make the condition 0. Note that this may break code generation later.
if (this.type == tt.parenR) {
else {
val = this.parseExpression();
return val
process.stdout.write('\033c'); //cls
var result2 = Parser.extend(bruceware).parse(program); //attempt to parse
console.log(JSON.stringify(result2,null,' ')); //show the results.
Here's my function:
function Ship(shipType) {
this.name = shipType;
this.detailedName = function() {
var c=
this.name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
return c;
Now if I try to optimize = without intermediate variable, this doesn't work.
function Ship(shipType) {
this.name = shipType;
this.detailedName = function() {
this.name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
Here's the fiddle that shows the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/VW5w3/
Automatic Semicolon Insertion. The browser tries to correct your return to a return;.
If you put the return value into the same line as the return keyword, it will work correctly, have a look at this updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/VW5w3/1/
return this.name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.name.slice(1);
I believe it is because ; is not mandatory in JS, so return returns undefined.
Write return in one line instead: return this.name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.name.slice(1);
Extensively reading about various assertion frameworks in JavaScript. Is there any kind of de-facto/most common "standard" library/framework? When selecting one - which points are most worth noticing?
The (only) requirement I can think about is close-to-zero performance overhead when in production mode.
Two possible solutions:
Have your build release script remove the Assert lines.
Have your build script override the Assert function so it is just an empty function. Downside to this is if you assert call has logic in it [aka assert( x > 100 , "foo" )] than that logic [x > 100] is still going to be run.
Here is what I use:
When I'm working on the code I have initDevMode(); at the top of the file I'm working with, and when I'm ready to release to production, I just remove that line and all the asserts just go to an empty function.
* Log a message to console:
* either use jquery's console.error
* or a thrown exception.
* call initDevMode(); before use to activate
* use with:
* assert(<condition>, "message");
* eg: assert(1 != 1, "uh oh!");
* Log errors with:
* errorLog(message);
* eg: errorLog(xhr.status);
assert = function(test, msg) { }
errorLog =function(msg) { }
initDevMode = function() {
assert = function(test, msg) {
msg = msg || "(no error message)";
if(!test) {
try {
throw Error();
} catch(e) {
var foo = e;
var lines = e.stack.split('\n');
for(i in lines) {
if(i > 2) {
errorLog(msg + lines[i]);
throw("Assertion failed with: " + msg);
errorLog = function(msg) {
if(typeof console.error == 'function') {
} else {
function errorLog(msg) {
setTimeout(function() {
throw new Error(msg);
}, 0);
I use the following to replace console.assert when it's unavailable for whatever reason.
It's definitely not a de-facto standard, and it is far from ideal, but it does satisfy your requirement that the assertion not be evaluated in production mode. Also, it shows you the expression that triggered the failed assertion, which aids debugging.
The screwy calling syntax (with a function expression) is there to create a closure, so that the assert function has access to the same variables that its caller had access to.
I suspect that this has high compile-time and run-time overhead, but I haven't attempted to verify that.
function assert(func) {
var name;
if (typeof(ENABLE_ASSERTIONS) !== "undefined" && !ENABLE_ASSERTIONS) {
name = arguments.callee.caller;
name = name ? name.name : "(toplevel)";
if (!func()) {
throw name + ": assertion failed: " + ('' + func).replace(/function[^(]*\([^)]*\)[^{]*{[^r]*return/, '').replace(/;[ \t\n]*}[ \t\n]*$/, '');
Using it looks like:
function testAssertSuccess() {
var i = 1;
assert(function() { return i === 1; });
function testAssertFailure() {
var j = 1;
assert(function() { return j === 2; });
Take a look to Jascree; basically it is a tool that can remove assertions with almost arbitrary logic from your code. It is handy to use as a batch processor to generate your production code or for a fastcgi-backed scripts directory that you can use when you need to test performance/profile your code.
I am stuck at the following code. At first I'll describe the use-case: The function "addPreset" gets called with an instance of ColorGradient. When calling this.listController.addItem(...) a callback function named onSelect ist supplied, which gets called everytime the onSelect-event on the listController-item is triggered. What I wanted to do is wrapping the call to GLab.ColorSlider.applyColorGradient(...) into a new closure, so that the assigned value of addPreset's "cg" argument"* will be "caught" inside it. But it doesn't work.
PROBLEM: Now everytime addPreset is called, the value of cg (being passed with a call) will override all values that bad been assigned before. However, this.presetList holds always correct values (the ones I expected to be caught inside the closure-function. Even inserting an anonymous function for breaking the scope doesn't help.
Please help me. :-)
Thanks, so far
function addPreset(cg) {
if (!(cg instanceof ColorGradient)) {
throw new TypeError("PresetManager: Cannot add preset; invalid arguments received");
var newIndex = this.listController.addItem(cg.getName(), {
onSelect: (function(cg2) {
return function() {
// addPreset's scope should now be broken
this.presetList[newIndex] = cg;
#bobince: of course you can.
the code snippet above is part of PresetManager.js and the listController is an instance of the class ListWrapper.js
#Matt: cg is an instance of ColorGradient. A custom class of myself. Further more, it is assured, that always "valid" values are passed in as cg. (When you'd have a few minutes you can download the whole assembla repo as zip-archive. Unzip and test in FF > 3.5 with Firebug console enabled.)
Answer can be found in this question: Doesn't JavaScript support closures with local variables?
Someone please correct me if I am wrong, as I am still fairly new to JavaScript closures and scope. But it would seem to me that the wrapping anonymous function you have is simply there to provide a proper scoped variable/closure for the function it is returning. Could this be simplified as such?
function addPreset(cg) {
if (!(cg instanceof ColorGradient)) {
throw new TypeError("PresetManager: Cannot add preset; invalid arguments received");
var closured = cg;
var newIndex = this.listController.addItem(cg.getName(), {
onSelect: function() {
// addPreset's scope should now be broken
this.presetList[newIndex] = cg;
Just want to tell you, that I finally solved my problem by myself. It cost me almost 2 days (in the sparetime) to puzzling it out, but I think its worth that. At least my code remained elegant and I definitely got the whole thing with closures. Let's have a look:
My faulty code
Part 1 of 2:
function addPreset(cg) {
if (!(cg instanceof ColorGradient)) {
throw new TypeError("PresetManager: blablabla");
// calls the function in Part 2
var newIndex = this.listController.addItem(cg.getName(), {
onSelect: (function(cg2) {
return function() {
// addPreset's scope should now be broken
this.presetList[newIndex] = cg;
Part 2 of 2:
// The method being called by this.listController.addItem(..)
function addItem(caption, args) {
var _this = this,
itemSelectCb = (!!args && typeof args.onSelect == "function") ?
args.onSelect :
currIndex = this.numOfItems;
id = this.ITEM_ID_PREFIX + currIndex;
newItem = this.$itemTemplate
.attr("id", id)
.bind("click", function(e) {
if (typeof itemSelectCb != "undefined") {
this.numOfItems = $("." + this.DEFAULT_ITEM_CLASS, this.$container).length;
return currIndex;
The fixed code
The bug was in Part 2; when calld jQuery's bind-method for adding an click-event-listener I used an anonymous function (= new closure), but referenced itemSelectCb inside; so the anonymous function's scope stayed "connected" to the one of addItem. Everytime I called addItem, an other value were assigned toitemSelectCb what lead to the unknown sideeffect, that all references to itemSelect inside previously created anonymous functions are pointing to that value. What meant, that the last assigned value, had been used by all anonymous function.
To "break" the scope, all I had to do was to modify the lines of Part 2 where the event-handler for jQuery's bind was created. The fixed code looks then like this:
function addItem(caption, args) {
var _this = this,
itemSelectCb = (!!args && typeof args.onSelect == "function") ?
args.onSelect :
currIndex = this.numOfItems;
id = this.ITEM_ID_PREFIX + currIndex;
newItem = this.$itemTemplate
.attr("id", id)
.bind("click", (function(itemSelectCb) {
return function(e) {
if (typeof itemSelectCb != "undefined") {
this.numOfItems = $("." + this.DEFAULT_ITEM_CLASS, this.$container).length;
return currIndex;