I am trying to parse this HummingBird api with sample url :
However, I do not know how to get each id seperately , or each name seperately. For e.g:-
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>Create Object from JSON String</h2>
<p id="demo"></p>
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = //make this display name
I want the demo element to display the title of the first one in the list. Can anyone tell me how I can possibly do this?
If you use jQuery below is the snippet you can use.
var results = "";
results = JSON.parse(data);
Download JQuery from here and put the file next to your html.
Add this element between the html tag and the body
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-3.1.0.min.js"></script>
Replace document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = with:
$.getJSON("http://hummingbird.me/api/v1/search/anime?query=naruto", null, function (data) {document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = data[0].title})
JQuery is a JS library that makes life easy.
The function below takes 1 function as an argument and executes it after the page has loaded
The next function makes an HTTP GET request and parses the response to js object
$.getJSON("http://hummingbird.me/api/v1/search/anime?query=naruto", null,...)
The next function gets the title of the first element of data
function (data) {document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = data[0].title}
mmm try this fiddle i don't know exactly how you read the file but if you get a string do the JSON.parse(STRING) before.
I want to have some text shown by the label in HTML. This label must get its text from a Javascript function when the page is loaded or reloaded. How can I achieve this? The text will be dynamic.
<label id="MyLabel"></label>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("MyLabel").innerHTML='<?php echo $_SESSION["SomeSession"];?>';
The Label 'MyLabel' should get its text from the 'labelFunc()' javascript function.
You've created the labelFunc function, but never called it, so it never gets executed. Also, your function declaration syntax is incorrect - you need to put function before you write your function.
To update your existing code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function labelFunc(){
document.getElementById("MyLabel").innerHTML='<?php echo $_SESSION["SomeSession"];?>';
If you never need to call that function again, then using a function would be unnecessary - you could simply just put it the code you need to run on its own inside the script tag:
document.getElementById("MyLabel").innerHTML='<?php echo $_SESSION["SomeSession"];?>';
your code is just fine as it is, you just need to make sure the page is loaded before the JS is executed. do that by either putting your JS at the bottom, or calling it when the page is loaded.
<body onload="labelFunc();">
also, you need the word "function"
<script type="text/javascript">
function labelFunc(){
document.getElementById("MyLabel").innerHTML='<?php echo $_SESSION["SomeSession"];?>';
This question already has answers here:
jQuery AJAX cross domain
(15 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have a jQuery script for refresh the content of a div. The content is get from an external page like mypage.php. The code is this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//var first_load =
function firstLoad()
var auto_refresh = setInterval(
function ()
}, 10000); // refresh every 10000 milliseconds
<body onLoad="firstLoad()";>
<div id="load_tweets"> </div>
If i get the content from mypage.php, that is a php script with an echo command at the end, all work fine. But now i need to get the content of div from here:
The output of this source is like this:
Inna - Un Momento
If i replace "myage.php" with "" the jquery script in page.htm don't work and return a blank output. What is the problem?
ok is a policy problem, how i can resolve it?
The proxy php page solution don't work.
I have make this php page:
echo file_get_contents("");
But i have this error message:
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /home/mhd-01/www.radiowhitecrash.com/htdocs/Player/GTitle/current_g2.php on line 2
Warning: file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/mhd-01/www.radiowhitecrash.com/htdocs/Player/GTitle/current_g2.php on line 2
The external service give me a javascript to get the information:
window.centovacast===undefined&&(window.centovacast={}),window.centovacast.options===undefined&&(window.centovacast.options={}),window.centovacast.loader===undefined&&(window.centovacast.loader={attempts:0,external_jquery:!1,loaded:!1,ready:!1,widget_definitions:{},url:"",load_script:function(e){var t=document.createElement("script");t!==undefined&&(t.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"),t.setAttribute("src",e),t!==undefined&&document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(t))},load_widget:function(e){var t=this.widget_definitions[e];t.ref===null&&(t.ref=t.define(jQuery))},jq_get_jsonp:function(e,t,n){return jQuery.ajax({type:"GET",url:e,data:t,success:n,dataType:"jsonp"})},jq_ready:function(){this.ready=!0;for(var e in this.widget_definitions)typeof this.widget_definitions[e].init=="function"&&this.widget_definitions[e].init(jQuery)},jq_loaded:function(){this.external_jquery||jQuery.noConflict(),jQuery.getJSONP=this.jq_get_jsonp;for(var e in this.widget_definitions)this.load_widget(e);this.loaded=!0;var t=this;jQuery(document).ready(function(){t.jq_ready()})},wait:function(){setTimeout(function(){window.centovacast.loader.check()},100)},check:function(){typeof jQuery=="undefined"?(this.wait(),this.attempts++):this.jq_loaded()},init:function(){var e=document.getElementsByTagName("script"),t=e[e.length-1],n;n=t.getAttribute.length!==undefined?t.getAttribute("src"):t.getAttribute("src",2),n.match(/^https?:\/\//i)||(n=window.location.href),this.url=n.replace(/(\.(?:[a-z]{2,}|[0-9]+)(:[0-9]+)?\/).*$/i,"$1"),this.external_jquery=typeof jQuery!="undefined",this.external_jquery||this.load_script(this.url+"system/jquery.min.js"),this.check()},add:function(e,t,n){this.widget_definitions[e]||(this.widget_definitions[e]={define:n,init:t,ref:null}),this.loaded&&this.load_widget(e),this.ready&&t(jQuery)}},window.centovacast.loader.init()),window.centovacast.loader.add("streaminfo",function(e){e.extend(window.centovacast.streaminfo.settings,window.centovacast.options.streaminfo),window.centovacast.streaminfo.settings.manual||window.centovacast.streaminfo.run()},function(e){return window.centovacast.options.streaminfo=e.extend({},window.centovacast.options.streaminfo,window.centovacast.streaminfo?window.centovacast.streaminfo.config:null),window.centovacast.streaminfo={pollcount:0,settings:{poll_limit:60,poll_frequency:6e4},state:{},registry:{},check_username:function(e){e+="";if(!this.registry[e]){if(this.registry.length==1){for(var t in this.registry)e=t;return e}return""}return e},get_streaminfo_element:function(t,n){return e("#"+this.registry[t].id[n])},_handle_json:function(t){if(!t)return;var n=this.check_username(t.rid);!n.length&&t.requestdata&&(n=this.check_username(t.requestdata.rid));if(!n.length)return;if(t.type=="error"){var r=t?t.error:"No JSON object";this.get_streaminfo_element(n,"song").html('<span title="'+r+'">Unavailable</span>'),typeof this.settings.on_error_callback=="function"&&this.settings.on_error_callback(r)}else{var i,s=t.data[0];this.state=s,t.data[0].songchanged=s.song!=this.settings.lastsong,typeof this.settings.before_change_callback=="function"&&this.settings.before_change_callback(t);for(i in s)i!="song"&&(typeof s[i]=="string"||typeof s[i]=="number")&&this.get_streaminfo_element(n,i).html(s[i]);if(typeof s.track=="object"){for(i in s.track)i!="buyurl"&&i!="imageurl"&&i!="playlist"&&(typeof s.track[i]=="string"||typeof s.track[i]=="number")&&this.get_streaminfo_element(n,"track"+i).html(s.track[i]);this.get_streaminfo_element(n,"playlist").html(typeof s.track.playlist=="object"?s.track.playlist.title:"");var o=s.track.buyurl?s.track.buyurl:"javascript:void(0)";e("img#"+this.registry[n].id.trackimageurl).attr("src",s.track.imageurl),e("a#"+this.registry[n].id.trackbuyurl).attr("href",o)}typeof this.settings.after_change_callback=="function"&&this.settings.after_change_callback(t);var u=s.song;u&&u!=this.registry[n].current_song&&(this.get_streaminfo_element(n,"song").fadeOut("fast",function(){e(this).html(u),e(this).fadeIn("fast")}),this.registry[n].current_song=u)}},handle_json:function(e,t,n){e&&window.centovacast.streaminfo._handle_json(e)},poll:function(t){var n=(this.settings.local?"/":window.centovacast.loader.url)+"external/rpc.php",r={m:"streaminfo.get",username:t,charset:this.registry[t].charset,mountpoint:this.registry[t].mountpoint,rid:t};e.getJSONP(n,r,this.handle_json)},_poll_all:function(){for(var e in this.registry)typeof e=="string"&&this.poll(e);(this.settings.poll_limit===0||this.pollcount++<this.settings.poll_limit)&&setTimeout(this.poll_all,this.settings.poll_frequency)},poll_all:function(){window.centovacast.streaminfo._poll_all()},register:function(e,t,n,r){this.registry[t]||(this.registry[t]={charset:n,mountpoint:r,current_song:"",id:{}});var i=e.match(/^cc_strinfo_([a-z]+)_/);i&&(this.registry[t].id[i[1]]=e)},load:function(){var t=e(this).attr("id");if(typeof t!="string")return;var n=t.replace(/^cc_strinfo_[a-z]+_/,""),r="",i="",s=/_cs-([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)$/,o=s.exec(n);o&&(r=o[1],n=n.replace(s,"")),s=/_mp-([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)$/,o=s.exec(n),o&&(i=o[1],n=n.replace(s,"")),window.centovacast.streaminfo.register(t,n,r,i)},run:function(){e(".cc_streaminfo").each(window.centovacast.streaminfo.load),window.centovacast.streaminfo.poll_all()}}});
You can check it at this link:
Unfortunaly with no identation and in add i have few experiences with javascript i cant' edit the output of this script.
This script give me an output like:
"Radio Name - Author - Title of song"
and this is a link (if you click on it open another page).
I need to get only "Author - Title of song" with no link. Any idea?
I have make another test, i have call the streaminfo.js in a span and i prove to use the document.getX of javascript to get the content of the span in various ways, but i get "undefined" output:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://cp.eu2.fastcast4u.com:2199/system/streaminfo.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var div = document.getElementsByClassName('cc_streaminfo')[0];
document.write("w1" + document.getElementsByClassName('cc_streaminfo')[0]);
document.write("w2" + document.getElementsByClassName('cc_streaminfo')[1]);
document.write("w3" + document.getElementsByClassName('cc_streaminfo')[2]);
var container = document.getElementById ("cc_strinfo_summary_radiowhite");
var spans = div.getElementsByTagName("span");
document.write("il mio script: " + spans[0] + "!");
document.write("il mio script: " + container + "!");
//var first_load =
function firstLoad()
var auto_refresh = setInterval(
function ()
$('#load_tweets').load('current_g.php?song=' + cc_streaminfo).fadeIn("slow");
}, 10000); // refresh every 10000 milliseconds
<body onLoad="firstLoad()";>
<span id="cc_strinfo_summary_radiowhite" class="cc_streaminfo">sss</span>
<div id="load_tweets"> </div>
I think this has something to do with CORS. Basically, unless the webpage at explicitly states that it trusts the sources of the domain under which your website is running, your browser will not make the request.
If you are the owner of, you can add custom headers to allow inclusion of your response in other webpages.
Check your javascript console of your browser to get more details.
Using jQuery to get (.load()) the contents from a div on another page ( same domain ) to add to a div on the current page is like :
$("#dividoncurrentpage").load("/otherpage.php #dividonotherpage");
Is this what you need ?
It's because:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
mstaessen has explained on the post above.
The alternative solution is: You can create a file called, for example song.php and add the following code.
echo file_get_contents("");
And update the script to
<script type="text/javascript">
//var first_load =
function firstLoad()
var auto_refresh = setInterval(
function ()
}, 10000); // refresh every 10000 milliseconds
Its better to use jQuery $.ajax to get the content. Link
By using $.ajax you have many ways to work around this issue like crossDomain or get the result in Json format by setting the dataType that you will receive from the server to JSON or JSONP
i have an object element in my html body to show an Active reports which exports to a .pdf file. I need to use javascript to automatically print the pdf out to the client's default printer and then save the pdf to the server:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
// <!CDATA[
function PrintPDF() {
// ]]>
<body onload="return PrintPDF();">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<object id="pdfDoc" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="100%" data="test.aspx?PrintReport=yes&SavePDF=yes"/>
With the data hard-code in the object tag, everything run without a problem.
The problem now is that I need to pass querystring to this page dynamically. I tried to set the attribute data in the javsacript to pass the querystring. The querystring value passed successfully, but the data attribute does not seem to be set. I get a blank page.
Does anyone have a clue how I can set the data attribute dynamically to pass in querystring?
var pdfObj = document.getElementById('pdfDoc');
As far as the data attribute you're doing everything fine. Here are some examples:
I think your problem might be more to do with the order of execution. What does your actual code look like? Are you writing over the body onLoad function or something?
Also, I assume using the data attribute is a requirement. HTML5 defines data-*. This attribute isn't really valid. Again, maybe your system requires it.
I suspect that things are happening out of order. Try waiting until the onload event of the window before adding the embed.
Also, I suggest using a script like PDFObject to handle the embedding since it is a reliable way to embed PDF across all the various browsers out there. For example you might have something like the following:
<title>PDFObject example</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="pdfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function (){
// First build the link to the PDF raw data ("bits")
// getQueryStrings assumes something like http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2907482/how-to-get-the-query-string-by-javascript
var queryStrings = getQueryStrings();
var reportNameParamValue = queryStrings["reportName"];
var pdfBitsUrl = "getReportPdfBits.aspx?reportName=" + reportNameParamValue;
// just in case PDF cannot be embedded, we'll fix the fallback link below:
var pdfFallbackLink = document.getElementById("pdfFallbackAnchor");
pdfFallbackLink.href = pdfFallbackLink;
// now perform the actual embed using PDFObject script from http://pdfobject.com
var success = new PDFObject( {
url: pdfBitsUrl;
<p>It appears you don't have Adobe Reader or PDF support in this web
browser. <a id="pdfFallbackAnchor" href="sample.pdf">Click here to download the PDF</a></p>
I have a small web page with a single div whose content needs to be updated periodically. The server sends JavaScript with a function that contains the new data to be updated in the div. Here's the first part of the code that the server sends:
function bar() {
document.getElementById("foo").innerHTML = "0";
<body onLoad="bar()">
<div id="foo"></div>
After a delay (2 seconds), the server sends in the remaining code below:
<script type="text/javascript">
function bar() {
document.getElementById("foo").innerHTML = "1";
The trouble is that I never see the div show "0" in it - the browser waits until the entire page is loaded, and straightaway displays "1" in the div. How do I get the div to show "0" in it while the server has not sent the entire page?
I am not looking at using any jQuery or AJAX code - please limit your answers to JavaScript only.
You can not use onload -> that gets fired only after the whole page has completely loaded.
Also you have to add some more bytes to the first response, because most browsers only start incremental rendering of the page after a certain ammount of data being received.
This should work:
function bar(x) {
document.getElementById("foo").innerHTML = x;
<div id="foo"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
--- DELAY ---
<script type="text/javascript">
Here is a working example in node.js:
var http=require('http');
var server=http.createServer(function(req,res){
res.end('<script type="text/javascript"> bar(1); </script></html>');
it first shows "0" then after 2 seconds "1"
I'm not sure it's possible to do it the way you're trying. The browser will always wait till the page has fully loaded, so it will always wait till you send that second batch.
If you don't want to use AJAX or jQuery, you could try a hacky version to get what you want.
What you can do is specify a callback function on your page to populate the div with a parameter, so something like
callback = function(data) {
document.getElementById('foo').innerHTML = data;
Then, you set a timeout on your page to send a request to your server to dynamically load a javascript file that calls that function. So again:
myTimeout = function() {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = "http://myserver.com/mydynamicscript";
setTimeout(myTimeout, 2000);
The script that you're loading can either be static, or some servlet/php file that returns a javascript file, i.e. it sets it's content-type header to "text/javascript".
In that script, you would then generate this:
callback("whatever I want to put in my div...");
Once that has been loaded, it will call the previous function you declared earlier, and load the content in that div.
It's effectively a hacky form of AJAX, but not AJAX.