I'm trying to create a Firefox extension that fires my Javascript code before any of the current page's Javascript is fired. My Javascript code will basically control whether or not the page's Javascript code can be executed or denied.
I first started out by trying to follow this answer, but I couldn't really figure out how to get it to work and realized I was relying on onDOMContentLoaded, which loads after the Javascript has already executed.
I then turned my attention toward XPCOM, but once again didn't really understand what the Firefox tutorials were telling me.
I've recently been trying to make an extension through Firebug, but I seem to hit the same problem... only having access to the Javascript after it's been parsed/executed. Here's the resulting code that I wrote. I think if I could access the file's objects in the onExamineResponse event, my problem could be solved, but I don't know how to do that... I'm talking about this code:
BeepbopListener.prototype = {
onRequest: function(context, file) {
onExamineResponse: function(context, file) {
FBTrace.sysout("onexamineresponse " + file); // this returns something like
// '[xpconnect wrapped (nsISupports, nsIHttpChannel, nsIRequest, nsIUploadChannel, nsITraceableChannel, nsIHttpChannelInternal)]'
// but I don't know how to access those elements...
var pattern = /\.js$/;
if (pattern.test(file.href) && FBTrace.DBG_BEEPBOP) {
So my question is... is there a tutorial out there that shows me how I can get access to all Javascript code on a page before it's executed? Also, if anyone has any helpful insight, I'd love to hear it. Oh, and if y'all need more code from me, just let me know, and I'll post it.
You can access a new document before any JavaScript code runs by listening to the content-document-global-created observer notification. However, the document will be empty at this point and JavaScript code will run as soon as the parser adds a <script> tag - you cannot really prevent it. Here are the options to control script execution that I am aware of.
1) Disable all JavaScript for a window using nsIDocShell.allowJavascript:
.allowJavascript = false;
This is an all or nothing approach. Note that JavaScript stays disabled even when a new document loads into the same frame.
2) Implement the nsIContentPolicy interface in an XPCOM component and register it in the content-policy category (via nsICategoryManager). Your shouldLoad() function will be able to block scripts selectively - but it will only called for external scripts (meaning <script src="...">), not for inline scripts on the page.
3) Use JavaScript debugger service to intercept script execution. You could use jsdIDebuggerService.interruptHook to step through JavaScript execution and abort the script whenever you like. But that would slow down JavaScript execution very significantly of course. At the very least you should use jsdIDebuggerService.addFilter() to restrict it to a particular document, otherwise you will slow down the entire browser (including browser UI).
I'm trying to create a Firefox extension that fires my Javascript code before any of the current page's Javascript is fired. My Javascript code will basically control whether or not the page's Javascript code can be executed or denied.
Start by completely preventing the document from getting parsed altogether then on the side, fetch the same document, do any processing on this document and then inject the resulting document in the page. Here is how I currently do just that https://stackoverflow.com/a/36097573/6085033
First of all: I know that there are some questions similar to this, but I could not found any alternative to it, but to ask.
Is there any event like "DOMLastNodeRemoved" (or FirstNode, since u can't know for sure when it will be the last node removed) to prevent multiple executions of code?
Here's the deal, I'm using Genexus. The only way to make an event work in this weird SPA concept is using DOMNodeRemoved event.
But whenever you click a button, it will insert a lot of nodes, making the function execute like 25 times instead of just one.
Let's go to an example:
I'm currently with this code:
$(document).on("DOMNodeRemoved", function() {
$(".Button").click(function() {
function() {
$('.gx-warning-message').css('display', 'none');
}, 800);
function toastrgx() {
var meuLoader = new Loader($);
setTimeout(function() {
var text = $('.gx-warning-message').text();
toastr.error(text, '');
}, 500);
I need to use timeout because the DOM is still loading up the message.
Anyways, with this code I'll get this result presented in the image:
If i use something like preventPropagation (at least the way I used) it will run my code only once, but returns a lot of errors in the console (one for each execution) and also breaks my loader.
BTW, I have power only over one custom script, everything else is generated by Genexus.
So, if I use any other normal event like document.ready, it will fire the first time I load a page within my MasterPage, but, if I click in any other page, it will not fire the event again.
So, my question is:
There is any way to execute a code only once in my case?
Is it something that I'm not seeing clearly like another event or another way to make the code work?
If the question sounds silly, sorry, i'm a newbie in JS.
The way to go in this case is creating a User Control and using its show function, that is executed by the generated application every time the control should update (for example, when the page is loaded or when a property of the control is modified).
Why a User Control?
User Controls offer a standard interface to interoperate with GeneXus generated applications. This interface is well documented and abstracts you from the inner workings of the generated applications.
If you try to extend GeneXus by including scripts, you will be exposed to unexpected behavior and changes without previous notice.
How to create a User Control
To create a User Control I recommend using the GeneXus User Control Generator, for Atom. Using this Atom package you can easily create a GeneXus User Control.
Follow the steps to create a User Control and choose Web when prompted for the supported platforms by the package.
How to have code execute only once, when the page is loaded
After creating the User Control, open the src/<YourUserControlName>Render.js file and edit the show function this way:
this.show = function() {
if (!this.IsPostBack) {
// This code will be executed only, when the page is loaded.
Inside the if you can code whatever you need to execute only once per page.
How to deploy a User Control
To build and deploy the User Control to your GeneXus installation directory, follow the build process steps described in the package documentation.
Once you have deployed your User Control, you should include it in the master page object, to start using it, instead of the script you are using now.
I'm trying to define the property jQuery on the window object from a content script with code in the setter. That way, when the actual jQuery object is defined, I can use it right away. I seem to be unable to get it right, though.
The target website is Outlook.com. That's the webmail version of Outlook.
I tried to put the code in the content script directly, but even if I put "all_frames": true in the content_scripts section of the manifest (so the code gets injected into every frame), it isn't working.
function afterInit(){
var _jQuery;
console.log('This gets logged');
Object.defineProperty(window, 'jQuery', {
get: function() { return _jQuery; },
set: function(newValue) {
_jQuery = $ = newValue;
console.log('This is never logged!');
$(document.body).append($('<span>I want to use jQuery here</span>'));
I verified that window.jQuery is properly defined afterwards by the actual jQuery function/object, but my setter code is never executed.
I also tried it with message passing: I send a message with the code as a string to a background script, and use executeScript to execute it on the correct tab, but this also doesn't work.
{action:'jQueryPreInit', value: '('+afterInit.toString()+')();'});
And in my background script:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, callback) {
switch (message.action){
case "jQueryPreInit": chrome.tabs.executeScript(sender.tab.id, {code: message.value});
If I put something else than the Object.defineProperty code in the executeScript code, that works fine. I only have problems defining the property.
(quotes are from a comment)
I want to use the jQuery provided by the page itself. I could try inserting the same jQuery file as Outlook does and hope it gets loaded from cache, but I'd rather just keep my extension as clean as possible, and use what is already available.
Your attempt at optimizing the extension is not workable / not recommended.
First off, you will not be able to use the page's code anyway because of the isolation between content script and webpage code. You cannot obtain a reference to page's own jQuery/$.
But let's for a moment suppose that you could. And then the site updates jQuery to another version, renames the jQuery object or stops using it entirely, which is outside your control. Result: your extension is broken. This is, partially, the rationale behind the isolation in the first place.
As a result of the context isolation, you are guaranteed there are no conflicts between your copy of jQuery and whatever runs on the site. So you don't need to worry about that: use your copy, and use the standard $ to access it.
Bundling a <100 KB file with your extension as a one-time download that makes sure code is available 100% of the time and with at worst disk-access latency is not making it less "clean", quite the opposite. It's a common practice and is enshrined in the docs.
Looking at your actual code, it executes in the content script context (regardless whether it's through manifest or executeScript), not in the page context. As such, no matter what the page does, $ will not be defined there.
I verified that window.jQuery is properly defined afterwards by the actual jQuery function/object [...]
I assume that you tried to execute window.jQuery in the console; by default, that executes it in the page context, not in your content script context (therefore, not reflecting the state of the content script context and not invoking your getter/setter). If you want to test your content script, you need to change top in the context drop-down above the console to your extension's context.
All that said, however,
When all is said and done, I want to use jQuery's ajaxSuccess function to execute code every time an e-mail is opened in the read pane.
Here we've got a problem. Since the content script code and webpage code are isolated, your code will never know about AJAX executing in the page's copy (not through ajaxSuccess, anyway).
Possible courses of action:
Rely on other methods to detect the event you want. Perhaps monitoring the DOM.
Inject some code into the page itself; the only way to do so is by injecting a <script> tag into the page from the content script. There, you can access the page's copy of jQuery, attach your listener and message your content script when something happens.
Rely on the background page to detect activity you need with webRequest API. This will likely intercept the AJAX calls, but will not give you the reply contents.
Final note: this may not be as simple as AJAX calls; perhaps the page maintains a WebSocket connection to get realtime push updates. Tapping into this is trickier.
Thanks to Xan, I found there are only two ways to do this.
The first is by adding a <script> element to the DOM containing the appropriate code. This is a pretty extensive StackOverflow answer on how to do that: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9517879/125938.
The second is using Javascript pseudo-URLs and the window.location object. By assigning window.location a bookmarklet-style URL containing Javascript, you also bypass certain security measures. In the content script, put:
location = 'javascript:(' + (function(){
var _jQuery;
Object.defineProperty(window, 'jQuery', {
get: function() { return _jQuery; },
set: function(newValue) {
_jQuery = $ = newValue;
console.log('totally logged!');
$('<span>jQuery stuff here</span>');
}).toString().replace(/\n/g, ' ')+')();';
The reason I/you were originally failing to define it, was because both methods of code injection we were using, caused our code to be sandboxed into isolated worlds: https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/content_scripts#execution-environment. Meaning, they share the page's DOM and could communicate through it, but they can't access each other's window object directly.
How to know which Javascript (.js) executed a GET or Ajax call using Firebug or Google Chrome Plugin?
For example, a request for a image or html file executed by a Javascript, how to know which Javascript on the page executed that
I have to (shamefully) admit that the original below was wrong. Due to the nature of the js execution flow this works at the first execution time:
console.log($("script").last().attr("class")); //or whatever
That, however, is not good enough, as illustrated by a call on a timeout. We need to keep the reference to the script element, this can be achieved by wrapping script contents into a closure and creating a variable to store the jQuery reference:
var $scriptElement = $("script").last();
console.log($scriptElement.attr("class")); //or whatever
Now, I have to disclaim that with the markup as above it is unlikely to be practical unless you come up with a better way to store the script element reference... this pretty much became a rather bad example of what could be done but really shouldn't :(
Unless you have to get the reference in-code, you would be much better off looking at the console output, it actually tells you where the output originated from, with the line# and everything:
Not sure how applicable this would be to external js (script tag with a src), but for inline scripts you could do something like this w/jQuery:
$(this).closest("script");//gets you reference to the script element
I'm assuming it would just a matter of getting its src attribute! Let us know if it works.
In chrome you can break on any xhr request. This will only set breakpoints for AJAX calls though.
I'm developing a site in javascript and jquery. Sometimes when I refresh I just get different random errors in firebug. What's the deal?
edit: I'm getting errors like a variable isn't defined, when clearly it is and working, and when i refresh again, the error is gone..
using Firefox V3.5.5 Firebug V.1.5.3 and I'm primarily working with jQuery 1.4.2
OK. While it's more or less impossible to give a reasonable solution to such a general question, I'll just add my 2 cents' worth:
One possible source of "undefined variable" errors comes from including several scripts, which may or may not always load and execute in the same order. If you define a variable in one script (let's call that script declare.js) and use it in another (let's say use.js), and use.js is executed before declare.js, then you will get such an error. If the scripts execute the other way around, everything will appear fine.
If you're interested in this very topic, have a look at e.g. Steve Souders' book Even faster web sites, published by O'Reilly. More specifically, look at the chapter about non-blocking script loading.
Most common cause is that you're trying to execute Javascript before the DOM is loaded and thus before all HTML elements are available in the DOM tree, which in turn may cause that simple calls like document.getElementById(id) and jQuery's $(selector) may return undefined elements. That it sometimes works is pure coincidence and a matter of timing.
You need to ensure that any Javascript/jQuery code which is supposed to be executed during page load and relies on the availability of the elements in the DOM tree, also really get executed after the DOM is loaded. In plain vanilla JS you can do so:
window.onload = function() {
and in jQuery:
$(document).ready(function() {
I have an ASP.NET MVC project that uses some simple AJAX functionality through jQuery's $.get method like so:
$.get(myUrl, null, function(result) {
The amount of content is relatively low here -- usually a single div with a short blurb of text. Sometimes, however, I am also injecting some javascript into the page. At some point when I dynamically include script into content that was itself dynamically added to the page, the script still runs, but it ceases to be available to the debugger. In VS2008, any breakpoints are ignored, and when I use the "debugger" statement, I get a messagebox saying that "no source code is available at this location." This fails both for the VS2008 debugger and the Firebug debugger in Firefox. I have tried both including the script inline in my dynamic content and also referencing a separate js file from this dynamic content -- both ways seemed to result in script that's unavailable to the debugger.
So, my question is twofold:
Is there any way to help the debugger recognize the existence of this script?
If not, what's the best way to include scripts that are used infrequently and in dynamically generated content in a way that is accessible to the debuggers?
I can not comment yet, but I can maybe help answer. As qwerty said, firefox console can be the way to go. I'd recommend going full bar and getting firebug. It hasn't ever missed code in my 3 years using it.
You could also change the way the injected javascript is added and see if that effects the debugger you're using. (I take it you're using Microsoft's IDE?).
In any case, I find the best way to inject javascript for IE is to put it as an appendChild in the head. In the case that isn't viable, the eval function (I hate using it as much as you do) can be used. Here is my AJAX IE fixer code I use. I use it for safari too since it has similar behavior. If you need that too just change the browser condition check (document.all for IE, Safari is navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() == 'safari';).
function execajaxscripts(obj){
var scripts = obj.getElementsByTagName('script');
for(var i=0; i<scripts.length; i++){
I've never used jquery, I preferred prototype then dojo but... I take it that it would look something like this:
$.get(myUrl, null, function(result) {
The one problem is, eval debug errors may not be caught since it creates another instance of the interpreter. But it is worth trying.. and otherwise. Use a different debugger :D
This might be a long shot, but I don't have access to IE right now to test.
Try naming the anonymous function, e.g.:
$.get(myUrl, null, function anon_temp1(result) {
I'm surprised firebug is not catching the 'debugger' statement. I've never had any problems no matter how complicated the JS including method was
If this is javascript embedded within dynmically generated HTML, I can see where that might be a problem since the debugger would not see it in the initial load. I am surprised that you could put it into a seperate .js file and the debugger still failed to see the function.
It seems you could define a function in a seperate static file, nominally "get_and_show" (or whatever, possibly nested in a namespace of sorts) with a parameter of myUrl, and then call the function from the HTML. Why won't that trip the breakpoint (did you try something like this -- the question is unclear as to whether the reference to the .js in the dynamic HTML was just a func call, or the actual script/load reference as well)? Be sure to first load the external script file from a "hard coded" reference in the HTML file? (view source on roboprogs.com/index.html -- loads .js files, then runs a text insertion func)
We use firebug for debug javascript, profile requests, throw logs, etc.
You can download from http://getfirebug.com/
If firebug don't show your javascript source, post some url to test your example case.
I hope I've been of any help!
If you add // # sourceURL=foo.js to the end of the script that you're injecting then it should show up in the list of scripts in firebug and webkit inspector.
jQuery could be patched to do this automatically, but the ticket was rejected.
Here's a related question: Is possible to debug dynamic loading JavaScript by some debugger like WebKit, FireBug or IE8 Developer Tool?