I am trying to parse a CSV file I made in Excel. I want to use it to update my Google map. This Google map is in a mobile app that I am developing with Eclipse for Android.
Honestly, I am not sure how to write the JavaScript. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I would be happy to credit your work.
I just want some JavaScript to run when the user hits a button that does the following:
Locates users current location (I have already done this part!)
Locate nearby locations as entered in the .CSV excel file by parsing the .CSV
Display a small link inside every locations notification bubble that says "Navigate" that when the user clicks it, opens google maps app and starts navigating the user to that location from the users current location (Geolocation).
This is the ONLY part I need to finish this application. So once again, any help at all will be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!
Honestly, I've been round and round with this problem. The CSV format is not made for easy parsing and even with complicated RegEx it is difficult to parse.
Honestly, the best thing to do is import it into an FormSite or PHPMyAdmin, then re-export the document with a custom separator that is easier to parse than ",". I often use "%%" as the field delimiter and everything works like a charm.
Dont know if this will help but see http://www.randomactsofsentience.com/2012/04/csv-handling-in-javascript.html if it helps...
On top of the solution linked to above (my preference) I also used a shed load of stacked regular expressions to token a CSV but it's not as easy to modify for custom error states...
Looks heavy but still only takes milliseconds:
function csvSplit(csv){
csv = csv.replace(/\r\n/g,'\n')
var rows = csv.split("\n");
for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++){
var row = rows[i];
rows[i] = new Array();
row = row.replace(/&/g, "&");
row = row.replace(/\\\\/g, "\");
row = row.replace(/\\"/g, """);
row = row.replace(/\\'/g, "'");
row = row.replace(/\\,/g, ",");
row = row.replace(/#/g, "#");
row = row.replace(/\?/g, "?");
row = row.replace(/"([^"]*)"/g, "#$1\?");
while (row.match(/#([^\?]*),([^\?]*)\?/)){
row = row.replace(/#([^\?]*),([^\?]*)\?/g, "#$1,$2?");
row = row.replace(/[\?#]/g, "");
row = row.replace(/\'([^\']*)\'/g, "#$1\?");
while (row.match(/#([^\?]*),([^\?]*)\?/)){
row = row.replace(/#([^\?]*),([^\?]*)\?/g, "#$1,$2?");
row = row.replace(/[\?#]/g, "");
row = row.split(",")
for (var j=0; j<row.length; j++){
col = row[j];
col = col.replace(/?/g, "\?");
col = col.replace(/#/g, "#");
col = col.replace(/,/g, ",");
col = col.replace(/'/g, '\'');
col = col.replace(/"/g, '\"');
col = col.replace(/\/g, '\\');
col = col.replace(/&/g, "&");
rows[i] = row;
return rows;
I had this problem which is why I had to come up with this answer, I found on npm a something called masala parser which is indeed a parser combinator. However it didn't run on browsers yet, which is why I am using this fork, the code remains unchanged. Please read it's documentation to understand the Parser-side of the code.
import ('https://cdn.statically.io/gh/kreijstal-contributions/masala-parser/Kreijstal-patch-1/src/lib/index.js').then(({
}) => {
var CSV = (delimeter, eol) => {
//parses anything beween a string converts "" into "
var innerstring = F.try(C.string('""').returns("\"")).or(C.notChar("\"")).rep().map(a => a.value.join(''));
//allow a string or any token except line delimeter or tabulator delimeter
var attempth = F.try(C.char('"').drop().then(innerstring).then(C.char('"').drop())).or(C.charNotIn(eol[0] + delimeter))
//this is merely just a CSV header entry or the last value of a CSV line (newlines not allowed)
var wordh = attempth.optrep().map(a => (a.value.join('')));
//This parses the whole header
var header = wordh.then(C.char(delimeter).drop().then(wordh).optrep()).map(x => {
x.header = x.value;
return x
//allow a string or any token except a tabulator delimeter, the reason why we allow newlines is because we already know how many columns there is, so if there is a newline, it is part of the value.
var attempt = F.try(C.char('"').drop().then(innerstring.opt().map(a=>(a.value.__MASALA_EMPTY__?{value:""}:a))).then(C.char('"').drop())).or(C.notChar(delimeter))
//this is merely just a CSV entry
var word = attempt.optrep().map(a => (a.value[0]?.value??a.value[0]));
//This parses a CSV "line" it will skip newlines if they're enclosed with doublequotation marks
var line = i => C.string(eol).drop().then(word.then(C.char(delimeter).drop().then(word).occurrence(i - 1).then(C.char(delimeter).drop().then(wordh)))).map(a => a.value);
return header.flatMap(a => line(a.header.length - 1).rep().map(b => {
b.header = a.header;
return b
var m = {
'tab': '\t',
"comma": ",",
"space": " ",
"semicolon": ";"
document.getElementById('button').addEventListener('click', function() {
var val = document.getElementById('csv').value;
var parsedCSV = CSV(m[document.getElementById('delimeter').value], '\n').parse(Streams.ofString(val)).value;
Type some csv<br>
<textarea id="csv"></textarea>
<label for="delimeter">Choose a delimeter:</label>
<select name="delimeter" id="delimeter">
<option value="comma">,</option>
<option value="tab">\t</option>
<option value="space"> </option>
<option value="semicolon">;</option>
<button id="button">parse</button>
I would suggest stripping the newlines and the end of the file. Because it might get confused.
This appears to work. You may want to translate the Japanese, but it is very straight-forward to use:
I tried applying this solution to my case:
Emailing SPARKLINE charts sends blank cells instead of data
But when I try to apply it to my situation an error pops up with:
TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null
On the executions there is more information about this error:
My GAS code for my Email solution is able to send just the values, and it's here:
function alertDailyInfo() {
let emailAddress = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("SANDBOX").getRange("F1").getValue();
let treeIconUrl = "https://d1nhio0ox7pgb.cloudfront.net/_img/g_collection_png/standard/256x256/tree.png";
let treeIconBlob = UrlFetchApp
let treeUpdate = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("SANDBOX").getRange("F6").getValue();
let waterUpdate = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("SANDBOX").getRange("F11").getValue();
if (treeUpdate > 0) {
to: emailAddress,
htmlBody: "<img src='cid:treeIcon'><br>" + '<br>' + '<br>' +
'<b><u>Tree average is:</u></b>'+ '<br>' + treeUpdate + '<br>' + '<br>' +
'<b><u>Water average is:</u></b>'+ '<br>' + waterUpdate + '<br>' + '<br>'
treeIcon: treeIconBlob,
The code from the solution presented on the link above and which I have tried to adapt to my situation (please check my file below) is here:
function drawTable() {
let emailAddress1 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("SANDBOX").getRange("F1").getValue();
var ss_data = getData();
var data = ss_data[0];
var background = ss_data[1];
var fontColor = ss_data[2];
var fontStyles = ss_data[3];
var fontWeight = ss_data[4];
var fontSize = ss_data[5];
var html = "<table border='1'>";
var images = {}; // Added
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
html += "<tr>"
for (var j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
if (typeof data[i][j] == "object") { // Added
html += "<td style='height:20px;background:" + background[i][j] + ";color:" + fontColor[i][j] + ";font-style:" + fontStyles[i][j] + ";font-weight:" + fontWeight[i][j] + ";font-size:" + (fontSize[i][j] + 6) + "px;'><img src='cid:img" + i + "'></td>"; // Added
images["img" + i] = data[i][j]; // Added
} else {
html += "<td style='height:20px;background:" + background[i][j] + ";color:" + fontColor[i][j] + ";font-style:" + fontStyles[i][j] + ";font-weight:" + fontWeight[i][j] + ";font-size:" + (fontSize[i][j] + 6) + "px;'>" + data[i][j] + "</td>";
html += "</tr>";
html + "</table>"
to: emailAddress1,
subject: "Spreadsheet Data",
htmlBody: html,
inlineImages: images // Added
function getData(){
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("SANDBOX");
var ss = sheet.getDataRange();
var val = ss.getDisplayValues();
var background = ss.getBackgrounds();
var fontColor = ss.getFontColors();
var fontStyles = ss.getFontStyles();
var fontWeight = ss.getFontWeights();
var fontSize = ss.getFontSizes();
var formulas = ss.getFormulas(); // Added
val = val.map(function(e, i){return e.map(function(f, j){return f ? f : getSPARKLINE(sheet, formulas[i][j])})}); // Added
return [val,background,fontColor,fontStyles,fontWeight,fontSize];
// Added
function getSPARKLINE(sheet, formula) {
formula = formula.toUpperCase();
if (~formula.indexOf("SPARKLINE")) {
var chart = sheet.newChart()
.setOption("showAxisLines", false)
.setOption("showValueLabels", false)
.setOption("width", 200)
.setOption("height", 100)
.setPosition(1, 1, 0, 0)
var createdChart = sheet.getCharts()[0];
var blob = createdChart.getAs('image/png');
return blob;
The code that is working just for the values, which I pasted above (1st block of code), will send me an email like this:
But I need to receive the email like this, with the Sparklines below the values like so:
The code for the Email solution, just for the values, I pasted above (1st block of code) is working. But for some reason when the code from the solution linked above (2nd block of code) is imported/saved into my Google Sheets file GAS script library and adapted to my case, everything stops working, displaying the errors mentioned above.
So basically, as you might have already understood, I need to send emails with the values from Tree Average and Water Average, and I managed to get that working. But I also need for the Sparkline graphs that you can see below, and by checking my file linked below too, to also be sent as images/blobs, just below the info, like in the screenshot above.
Can anyone provide any pointers on what can be missing in applying the solution above or is there a better alternative to sending a SPARKLINE graph as image/blob by email?
Here is my file:
I made some edits to bring more clarity.
As requested this is the formula applied to the first Sparkline, the 2nd one is pretty much the same:
"select Col2
where Col2 is not null
and Col1 <= "&INT(MAX(SANDBOX!$A$2:$A))&"
and Col1 > "&INT(MAX(SANDBOX!$A$2:$A))-(
SUBSTITUTE($F$4," ",""),
)-1, 0),
EDIT_3: At the advice of Rubén I have removed drawTable(); at the beggining of the code block.
I have also transfered the formula for the Sparkline to another helper sheet and link it to the main sheet.
After trying it seems the error does not appear anymore. Although the email received has 2 problems:
I receive the whole sheet in table form, where I just wanted the Sparklines.
Also the Sparklines do not come as images, they do not show up at all. Also where they should appear it says undefined.
I guess the whole sheet is being set because the function getting the range getDataRange(); is getting the whole sheet range.
Here is a screenshot:
As the question you reference explains:
the chart created by SPARKLINE cannot be directly imported to the email.
Why isn't the script working? Because you have not made any significant modifications to it and because you are using a more complex formula than the one proposed in the other question, it is very difficult (if not impossible) to make it work without any modifications.
What are the options? In my opinion you have 3 different options.
Follow the logic of the solution proposed by Tanaike in the other question and using EmbeddedChartBuilder try to shred the content of the FORMULA to achieve the same as with SPARKLINE.
Use the SpreadsheetApp methods to directly get the values from the sheet and build the chart from there.Here is a small example of how you can do it using Chart Service (You could achieve exactly the same with EmbeddedChartBuilder). As you already have a Blob object, you can insert it inside an email as I do inside the Sheet.
function constCreateChart() {
const sS = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('HELPER')
const chart = Charts.newDataTable()
.addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, '')
.addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, '')
// Modfify with your data
// getRange('A2:A15').getValues()...
const builder = [...Array(100).keys()].forEach(n => {
chart.addRow([n, n * n * Math.random()])
const chartShap = Charts.newColumnChart()
.setOption('hAxis.ticks', [])
.setOption('vAxis.ticks', [])
sS.insertImage(chartShap.getAs('image/png'), 5, 5)
Use this form to request Google to add the possibility to convert charts obtained using SPARKLINES to Blob objects that can be used inside an email.
Avalible Options in Chart Service
Fundamentals of Apps Script with Google Sheets #5:Chart and Present Data in Slides
Remove drawTable(); as this line makes that the drawTable function be executed when any function be called.
Apparently the error occurs on .addRange(sheet.getRange(formula.match(/\w+:\w+/)[0])), more specifically because formula.match(/\w+:\w+/) (this expression is intended to extract a range reference of the form A1:B10) returns null. Unfortunately the question doesn't include the formula. One possible solution might be as simple as replacing sheet.getRange(formula.match(/\w+:\w+/)[0]) by another way to set the source range for the temporary chart, but might be a more complex, i.e. adding a helper sheet to be used as the data source for the temporary chart.
NOTE: On Rev 11 one in-cell sparklines chart formula was added. As the formula is pretty complex, the simplest solution is to add a helper sheet to add the QUERY function
"select Col2
where Col2 is not null
and Col1 <= "&INT(MAX(SANDBOX!$A$2:$A))&"
and Col1 > "&INT(MAX(SANDBOX!$A$2:$A))-(
SUBSTITUTE($F$4," ",""),
)-1, 0)
Then instead of sheet.getRange(formula.match(/\w+:\w+/)[0]) use helperSheet.getDataRange(). You will have to set an appropriate way to declare helperSheet.
Related to Rev. 8
The code on Tanaike's answer reads data from Sheet1 but your sheet is named SANDBOX.
I've been trying for hours to make the following Google Apps Script work. What it needs to do, is send emails (from an html-template) to anyone that:
has a complete Event Schedule (which is completed if they have been
assigned to at least 4 events, which is counted in column Q);
has NOT been sent an email earlier (which is kept track of in column
The script keeps track of errors in column S, i.e. if there's no email address provided.
It appears it only works:
if I comment out
data = data.filter(function(r){ return r[17] == true & r[16] > 3});
or if I comment out
ws.getRange("S3:S" + ws.getLastRow()).setValues(errors);
ws.getRange("R3:R" + ws.getLastRow()).setValues(mailSucces);
How can I get this script to work properly?
A copy of the Google Sheet I'm referring to is this one:
This is my code so far:
function SendEmail(){
var voornaam = 3;
var achternaam = 4;
var email = 5;
var event1 = 9;
var event2 = 10;
var event3 = 11;
var event4 = 12;
var event5 = 13;
var event6 = 14;
var event7 = 15;
var emailTemp = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("email");
var ws = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Events Day 1");
var datum = ws.getRange(1,3).getValue();
var spreker = ws.getRange(1,6).getValue();
var data = ws.getRange("A3:R" + ws.getLastRow()).getValues();
data = data.filter(function(r){ return r[17] == false && r[16] > 3}); //Either this needs to be commented out...
let errors = [];
let mailSucces = [];
emailTemp.voornaam = row[voornaam];
emailTemp.email = row[email];
emailTemp.datum = datum;
emailTemp.spreker = spreker;
emailTemp.event1 = row[event1];
emailTemp.event2 = row[event2];
emailTemp.event3 = row[event3];
emailTemp.event4 = row[event4];
emailTemp.event5 = row[event5];
emailTemp.event6 = row[event6];
emailTemp.event7 = row[event7];
var htmlMessage = emailTemp.evaluate().getContent();
"Here you go! Your personal schedule for the event of " + datum,
"Your emailprogramm doesn't support html.",
name: "Event Organisation Team", htmlBody: htmlMessage, replyTo: "info#fakeemail.com"
errors.push(["Error: no message sent."]);
}); //close forEach
ws.getRange("S3:S" + ws.getLastRow()).setValues(errors); //or this and the next line need to be commented out.
ws.getRange("R3:R" + ws.getLastRow()).setValues(mailSucces);
Edit I have been trying and thinking en trying... but still haven't found out how to make it work. But I also got understanding of why it's not working; I just don't know how to get it fixed.
Let me elaborate on the problem a bit more:
The problem is, that within the forEach loop the range is a filtered variant of the data, pulled from the spreadsheet with getValues. Therefore, writing data back with ws.getRange("R3:R" + ws.getLastRow()).setValues(mailSucces); results in mismatched checkmarks in te spreadsheet.
So, somehow I need to put the range of the previous used filter data = data.filter(function(r){ return r[17] == false & r[16] > 3}); in a variable...? I guess?
Furthermore, I don't think it's wise to use setValue within the loop, because (from what I understand from my searching on the topic) this results in a slow script, because every loop the script makes an API call to write in the spreadsheet. Hence the errors.push and mailSucces.push, and my attempt to do a setValue at the end, after the loop is finished.
Can someone help me to finish this problem?
The problem is different size of the range you write to and data you are writing in.
Try replacing:
ws.getRange("S3:S" + ws.getLastRow()).setValues(errors);
ws.getRange("R3:R" + ws.getLastRow()).setValues(mailSucces);
ws.getRange(3, 19, errors.length, 1).setValues(errors);
ws.getRange(3, 18, mailSucces.length, 1).setValues(mailSucces);
You should use this variation of getRange
Your data has non-fixed number of rows and fixed number of columns (1). In general case your data will be matrix of X rows and Y columns. For that purpose you can make it completely dynamic:
sheet.getRange(startRow, startColumn, data.length, data[0].length)
Just make sure data.length is > 0 before you do this, otherwise data[0].length will break.
I started writing a comment but it got too long. There are couple of things that may go wrong with sending emails. First thing I noticed is that you use & in filter, but in AppsScript/JavaScript/C-like-languages, you should use && for logical AND. Now the email: you only detect the code break with the catch block. At this point you don't know why the code breaks it could be anything. With GmailApp I recommend you to use createDraft while developing, then when all ok replace it with sendEmail for the final version, both functions have the exact same parameters, thank you Google devs ;-).
To find out the exact problem you should get the error message on break and display it. err.stack should tell you pretty much everything:
Logger.log(err.stack); // Added
errors.push(["Error: no message sent."]);
Run the sendEmail function from the code editor and you should see the Log for each catch(err) pass.
I have this web app in Appscript that receives info from a POST request from Siri Shortcuts.
function doPost(e) {
//Get active spreadsheet and input database tab name.
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Test02');
if(typeof e !== 'undefined')
//Retrieve data received and make a string.
var data = JSON.stringify(e);
//1st print. Print string on new row.
//Eliminate all special characters coming from Siri Shortcuts POST request.
data = data.replace(new RegExp(["\\\\"], 'g'), "");
data = data.replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), "");
data = data.replace(new RegExp("{", 'g'), "");
data = data.replace(new RegExp("}", 'g'), "");
data = data.replace(new RegExp(":", 'g'), "");
//Split all info on the left side of the first parameter and on the right side of the second.
data = data.split('Log')[1];
data = data.split("name")[0];
//2nd print. Print clean string on a new row.
//3rd print. Print all array element on row. End goal is to have them start from column A and keep adding 1 column every loop.
//Split string into array.
var dataArray = data.split(",");
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow()+1;
for(var i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) {
//3rd print, first part. This tests the real data.
//3rd print, second part. This tests the index number to try and find why row are being skipped.
//Use Mail app to send mail after completion.
MailApp.sendEmail("abc123#gmail.com","InningLogger - Test", data);
Attached is the result I am getting in the spreadsheet.
I have two problems with rows 3 and 7:
Why is the data not starting from column A?
Why is row 7 skipping a ton
of columns (I hid them for the screenshot) to print the last 3
As #Pointy mentioned, the problem lied within the 1+[i] in the for loop. "Because i is a number in your code, say 3, 1+[i] will be the string "13", not a number. Changing this to [i+1] solved the problem completely.
First let me apologize for my ignorance when it comes to js.
Is it possible to extract a time from text? For example, i'd like to extract the time from the following text "Results phoned by _ to _ at 2018/04/12 01:31:33. Results confirmed. Read back."
Is this even possible to accomplish this? The software that I use allows for both js and BIRT coding. Any help would be appreciated.
var str = dataSetRow["Comment - Result"];
var time = str.match(/([0-1]\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]\d):([0-5]\d)/g);
Outputs to "Ljava.lang.Object;#bd6334" and i have no idea how to fix it.
I get the "Ljava.lang.Object;#" error for every row of my table with different characters after the #
If I change the code to:
var str = dataSetRow["Comment - Result"];
var time = str.match(/\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/g);
if (time.length>0) time [0];
else "";
I get the desired result but it will only display 1 row of a table with significantly more rows. Am I missing something?
Managed to get it working with some help from our system's manufacturer:
var str = dataSetRow["Comment - Result"];
var time = null;
if (str != null) time = str.match(/\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}/);
var output = "";
if (time != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < time.length; ++i) {
if (i > 0) output += "\n"; // this adds a line break in a computed column expression
output += time[i];
in my node app, I'm trying to clean up a csv file.
first, I split it into separate lines
then I replace unwanted characters in the first line (the column headers)
then I re-assemble the file by pushing individual lines into a new array, and writing that array to a new .csv file
For some reason, all my rows ending up being shifted by 1 position with respect to the header row.
I have opened the resulting file in a vu editor, and can see, that all rows somehow acquired a "," character at the besieging
I know I'm doing something incorrectly, but can not see what that is.
Here is my code:
var XLSX = require('xlsx');
var fs = require('fs');
var csv = require("fast-csv");
var workbook = XLSX.readFile('Lineitems.xls');
var worksheet = workbook.Sheets['Sheet1'];
var csv_conversion = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(worksheet);
var csv_lines = csv_conversion.split('\n');
var dirtyHeaderLine = csv_lines[0];
var cleanHeaderLine = dirtyHeaderLine.replace(/\./g,"")
cleanHeaderLine = cleanHeaderLine.replace(/,+$/, "");
csv_lines[0] = cleanHeaderLine;
var newCsvLines = [];
newCsvLines.push(line + "\n");
fs.writeFile('clean_file.csv', newCsvLines, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('clean file saved');
I don't see any glaring errors here (maybe something with your regex? Not an expert on those) but this will solve your issue.
if (line.charAt(0) == ',') { line = line.substring(1); }
Adjust your variables accordingly. I don't think I have the same case as you.
EDIT: Here's a JSBin of it working.