Valums file uploader: how to start with ID other than 0? - javascript

I'm using Andrew Valums' Ajax Upload plugin (GitHub link). Here is some code from it:
qq.getUniqueId = (function(){
var id = 0;
return function(){ return id++; };
It's kind of a long story, but I'm in a situation where, under certain circumstances, I'd like the qq.getUniqueId function to start with an ID other than 0. It can still increment by one; it just has to start with something other than 0. What's the best way to do that?
Here are the steps to create a test environment:
Download the plugin:
Unzip it and move the "client" folder onto a web server.
Open the "demo.htm" file in a text editor, search for action: 'do-nothing.htm', and add onComplete: function(id, fileName, responseJSON) {alert(id)}, right after that.
Open the "demo.htm" file in a web browser. Be sure to access it through a web server (as opposed to just opening the local file) or else it won't work.
Upload a file. It should alert a "0" after the upload finishes. See if you can modify it so that I can pass in a different starting number.

Try replacing the function with one that calls the original, but adds an offset:
function offsetUniqueId(n) {
var old = qq.getUniqueId;
qq.getUniqueId = function() {
return old() + n;


Suggest download filename asynchronously in Chrome Ext

I'm writing my first simple Chrome extension which should organize downloads into subfolders based on the title of the tab they're downloaded from. I'm planning on extending this in future, but for the time being I can't even get this simple functionality to work. The problem seems to be that the 'filename suggest' function cannot be called from within the asynchronous tab query. Code below is the full contents of the background JavaScript file:
chrome.downloads.onDeterminingFilename.addListener(function (item, __suggest) {
//Find active tab
chrome.tabs.query({ active: true }, function (tabs) {
var activeTab = tabs[0];
//Generate filepath
var filepath = activeTab.title + "/" + item.filename;
//TODO: Sanitize filepath.
//Suggest filename for this download.
__suggest({ filename: filepath });
The error logged by the console is:
suggestCallback may not be called more than once. (extensions::downloads:42)
I've checked that the suggest function (in my JS) is definitely only called once. Any ideas how I can fix/work around this?
As the documentation says:
If the listener calls suggest asynchronously, then it must return true.
So you need to add return true after your call to chrome.tabs.query.

save to localstorage dynamic JQuery rows

I think I have a major fault in my webpage design. I need to save the content if I reboot the computer or close the webpage.
I do not have access to any type of a database server only MS Access. I was thinking of utilizing localstorage as the page will be constantly viewed from the same computer.
I found this example [link]Edit functionality using javascript and local storage however I am not sure if it will work.
Can someone look at my example and let me know if I can do this or if I need to abandon this and start over.
$(document).ready(function () {
var id = 0;
// Add button functionality
$("table.dynatable button.add").click(function () {
var master = $(this).parents("table.dynatable");
// Get a new row based on the prototype row
var prot = master.find(".prototype").clone(true);
prot.attr("class", "")
prot.find(".id").attr("value", id);
// Remove button functionality
$(document).on("click", "table.dynatable button.remove", function () {
If you are running the web page from a web-server -- that is, your URL begins with http:// or https://, then yes, you can use localStorage to save data.
If you are running the file directly from your hard drive, that is, your url begins with file:, then you'll have trouble. Chrome won't let you use localStorage -- I don't remember if Firefox does.
(If you need to run this from your local hard drive and not a server, and you are running under Windows, you can turn the file into an HTA and save data to a regular file.)

Get Element available under Dev Tools -> Resources -> Frames

I'm trying to do this by using a Tampermonkey Script. However I'm open to new approaches...
What I want to do is extract some data (data-video), from a specific <div>. However this data is not available under the HTML code of the page, but it's available under Dev Tools -> Resources and then on Frames.
Anyone knows if it's possible to get that information available under DevTools? And how can I do that?
Comparative between the two pages can be found here: "Original HTML PAGE" and "HTML PAGE under DevTools"
On the first hyperlink the id=video-canvas cannot be seen, however it's on the <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash(...)
As you state in your question the data you're looking for is available in DevTools under the "Resources" tab in the "Frames" folder. What you are looking at there is the Source HTML, similar to View Source.
The code you want, is what is getting replaced. It appears the site is using the JW Player Plugin, which is replacing the <div id="video-canvas"> with the appropriate HTML for the device / browser detected to play the video. With all of my browsers on my Mac, they are being forced to use the Flash, even when it's disabled. When using my iPhone, which can't play flash , and inspecting the page it uses JW's own custom video element. It appears that it must be storing the file location in memory since it is not in the generated markup.
I am able to run through the console in the dev tools and access their JS class. It appears i can call jwplayer._tracker , which has an object b . Object b has an object AlWv3iHmEeOzwBIxOUCPzg This object seems to be consistent each time i check between different browsers, you can use the for loop inmy first example to get the correct value but tirmming it down to .b Following that object is e and in e is the object really long string that appears to contain a url, so it will need to parsed.
So to get the HTML string i ran
for ( var loc in jwplayer._tracker.b.AlWv3iHmEeOzwBIxOUCPzg.e){
so if we put that in a function to parse the string and return a value
function getSubURL(){
var initURL;
for ( var loc in jwplayer._tracker.b.AlWv3iHmEeOzwBIxOUCPzg.e){
initURL = loc;
//look for 'mp4:' this is in front of the file path
var start = initURL.indexOf("mp4%3A");
//look for the .mp4 for the end of the file name
var stop = initURL.indexOf(".mp4");
//grab the string between
//start+6 to remove characters used to find it
//and stop+4 to include characters used to find it
var subPath = (initURL.substring((start+6),(stop+4))).split("%2F").join("/");
return subPath;
//and run it
it will return ciencia/astronomia/fimsol.mp4
you can run this from your console, but I am unaware of how you can use this in Tamper Monkey, but i think it gets ya a lot closer to what you wanted.
This is the approach I've used to solve my problem... I couldn't grab the code I want under Dev Tools, but I find a way to get the data from jwplayer with the function getPlaylistItem. And this is how I get the url filename of each video:
function getFilename(filename) {
var filename;
filename = jwplayer().getPlaylistItem()['file'];
return filename;
filename = filename.substring(filename.indexOf("/mp4:") + 5);
return filename;

JavaScript: How to open a returned file via AJAX

This is similar to: How to open a file using JavaScript?
Goal: to retrieve/open a file on an image's double click
function getFile(filename){
// setting mime this way is for example only
var mime = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document';
jQuery.ajax({ url : '',
data : {filename:filename},
success : function(data){
var win ='','title');;
I'm doing this off the top of my head, but I think the above would work for text files, but not binary. Is there a plugin that does this properly? The ideal would be to open the file in the browser (or application), rather than download, but I doubt that is a dream. If the file must be downloaded with the save/open dialog, that's fine.
One piece of information that I forgot to mention is that I'd like this to be a POST request. This is partly why I was looking at AJAX to begin with. I've seen workarounds that have created forms/iframes to do something similar, but I was looking for a better handler of the returned info.
Seems to me there's no reason to do this via AJAX. Just open the new window to and let the browser handle it. If the user has a plugin capable of handling the Content-Type sent by, the file will display; otherwise, it should download like any other file.
function getFile(filename) {'' + filename,'title');
jQuery('#imgID').dblclick(function() {
Edit: If you want to POST to your script, you can do it with some <form> hackery:
function getFile(filename) {
var win = 'w' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000000000);'', win,'width=250,height=100');
var f = $('<form></form>')
.attr({target: win, method:'post', action: ''})
var i = $('<input>')
Of course, this is somewhat silly since it is impossible to hide your data from "prying eyes" with developer tools. If your filename really is sensitive, issue access tokens to the client, and look up the data in your sever script.

Different external .js files with same variable names

I'm making a websites that displays noise measurement data from different locations. The data for each location is captured on a sound level meter device and it is then read with a windows-based application. The application then uploads data on a web server as a .js file with an array variable in it. This .js files are refreshed every 5 minutes.
I first created a javascript application that displays live data for a single measuring unit. But now I need to display data on a map for all the locations. The problem is that the windows application on each location makes a file with the same name and same variables only on another location. I'm having some trouble with reading the correct data.
This is what I did so far:
function removejscssfile(filename, filetype){
var targetelement=(filetype=="js")? "script" : (filetype=="css")? "link" : "none" //determine element type to create nodelist from
var targetattr=(filetype=="js")? "src" : (filetype=="css")? "href" : "none" //determine corresponding attribute to test for
var allsuspects=document.getElementsByTagName(targetelement)
for (var i=allsuspects.length; i>=0; i--){ //search backwards within nodelist for matching elements to remove
if (allsuspects[i] && allsuspects[i].getAttribute(targetattr)!=null && allsuspects[i].getAttribute(targetattr).indexOf(filename)!=-1)
allsuspects[i].parentNode.removeChild(allsuspects[i]) //remove element by calling parentNode.removeChild()
function updateData(){
var numberOfNoiseSniffers = noiseSniffers.length-1;
var j = 0;
for (i=0;i<=numberOfNoiseSniffers;i++) {
file = '../'+ noiseSniffers[i] + "/" + "CurrentMeasurement.js";
laeq[j] = currentMeas[1][1];
lastUpdate[j] = currentMeas[0][1];
if (j==numberOfNoiseSniffers){
removejscssfile(file[0], "js");
t=setTimeout(function() { updateData() }, 300000);
$(function (){
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("gMap"), myOptions);
//noiseSniffers is an array where I have save all the folder names of different measurement locations
var numberOfNoiseSniffers = noiseSniffers.length-1;
var j = 0;
for (i=0;i<=numberOfNoiseSniffers;i++) {
var file = '../'+ noiseSniffers[i] + "/" + "CurrentMeasurement.js";
//I am using include plugin for jquery to include files because it has a callback for when a file is actually loaded
//a set of global arrays that keep the data from the loaded file and this data is then displayed in google maps markers
laeq[j] = currentMeas[1][1];
lastUpdate[j] = currentMeas[0][2];
latitude[j] = systemstats[12][5];
longitude[j] = systemstats[11][6];
//checking to see if I am in the process of including the last file
if (j==numberOfNoiseSniffers){
//a function that creates google maps markers
//after that I remove the files that were just included and read
removejscssfile(file, "js");
setTimeout(function() { updateData() }, 300000);
I got the function for removing my .js file here: Dynamically removing an external JavaScript or CSS file.
And this is the jquery plugin for loading the .js file: Include File On Demand.
The initial load usually works (sometimes it happens that only one or no markers get loaded. But the update function mostly returns the same data for both locations.
So what I want to know is, how can I firstly make my code working and how to optimize it. I posted just the main parts of the javascript code, but I can provide all the code if it is needed. Thanks for any help.
I think you need some sort of JSONP-like solution.
Basically load data on the server side, then wrap it in a method call before returning it to client side. Your response should look something like this:
var location_data = [1,2,3,4]
updateLocation('location_id', location_data)
Now you define an updateLocation() function in your client side script. Now, every time you need new data, you create new 'script' tag with src pointing to your server side. When the response is loaded, your updateLocation() will be invoked with correct params.
I hope this is clear enough
You can maybe try some form of namespacing
i exactly dont understood your problem, but you may try this
//put your code inside an anonymous function and execute it immediately
//your javascript codes
//create variable with same names here
