Javascript date and/or time picker [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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There are quite a few freely available datetime pickers in Javascript. However, you can often select either only date, or date+time. Does anybody know of one which also lets you pick only time?

If you are using jQuery there is a pretty cool plugin, which is a combination of both
only time picker:
Javascript only:


Generate string in different languages in javascript [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I can generate random string just like here.
But are there some tools to generate same string according to user language? So you can just pass language code and get a string?
This problem is called "internationalization" or i18n.
If you google "javascript internationalization" you'll find several projects that could help, including:
I've used Jed before and it worked well for me.

List of Timezones in JSON format [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for a list of time zones that corresponds to major cities. Like what java.util.TimeZone can provide.
I mean, I want to resolve the America/Los_Angeles identifier to UTC-8:00 in javascript.
Is there already an existing JSON file or format that has this feature?
I came across to this which is close to what I'm looking.
Solution: Detect the ID of the current user timezone using moment.js (Did not answer my question directly but solved my problem)
I think, this will be benefit for you

Alternative to retired TogetherJS [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Is there a good alternative to TogetherJS? Its GitHub hasn't had any activity for months, and this post says its currently dead with its future uncertain.
The feature most unique to TogetherJS as apposed to say, ShareJS, is the ability to see another person's cursor for use in troubleshooting/remote assistance.
Try ShareJS, it is similar!
ShareJS is an Operational Transform library for NodeJS & browsers

Any javascript libraries to render 2d keyboard? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to 2-d render every single key of my keyboard on a web-app. So, if I do a keypress, it will visibly show that on the web page. Are there any particular js libraries to achieve such a thing? If not, what would be the best way to go about it?
This may be useful

Javascript Calendar with Drag select for multiple days [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Anyone know of a Javascript Calendar that supports drag selection for multiple days? Need to be able to do it over months as well, not just restricted to one month.
Thanks a lot in advance, the ones here are no good for my problem:
a jquery datepicker
which, although doesn't support drag, gives you the ability to get a date range for more than one month
or -even better- you can use the DatePicker component from jQuery UI
(search for Date ranges)
This is de Best javascript Calendar i've found.
