Remembering the last value passed to a JavaScript function called on click - javascript

Below is my code fragment:
<div onclick = "myClick('value 1')">
button 1
<div onclick = "myClick('value 2')">
button 2
Basically when I for each click on a different div, a different value will be passed to the JavaScript function.
My Question is how can I keep track of the value passed in the previous click?
For example, I click "button 1", and "value 1" will be passed to the function. Later, I click on "button 2", I want to be able to know whether I have clicked "button 1" before and get "value 1".

Just add it to a variable in your script:
var lastClicked;
var myClick = function(value) {
lastClicked = value;

You can define somekind of variable, like var lastUsed;
add additional line to your function:
var lastUsed = null;
function myClick(value){
prevClicked = lastUsed; //get the last saved value
lastUsed = value; //update the saved value to the new value
And here you go

You need a variable. Variables are like little boxes in which you can store values. In this case, we can store the value that was last passed to the function myClick.
In Javascript, you can define a variable like this:
var lastClickedValue;
You can "put" a value into that variable. Let's say you want to put your name in there. You would do this:
lastClickedValue = 'sams5817';
Now here's the tricky bit. Variables have "scope". You might want to think about it as their "life-time". When a variable reaches the end of its scope, you cannot read or write to it anymore. It's as if it's never been. Functions define a scope. So any variable you define in a function will disappear at the end of the function. For example:
function myClick(value)
var lastClickedValue;
alert('lastClickedValue is = ' + value);
lastClickedValue = value;
That looks almost right, doesn't it? We declared a variable, display its last value, and update it with the new value.
However, since the lastClickedValue was declared in the function myClick, once we've reached the end of that function, it's gone. So the next time we call myClick, lastClickedValue will be create all over again. It will be empty. We call that an "uninitialized" variable.
So what's the problem? We're trying to remember a value even after the end of myClick. But we declared lastClickedValue inside myClick, so it stops existing at the end of myClick.
The solution is to make sure that lastClickedValue continues to exist after myClick is done.
So we must delcare lastClickedValue in a different scope. Luckily, there's a larger scope called the "global scope". It exists from the moment your page loads, and until the user moves on to another webpage. So let's do it this way:
var lastClickedValue;
function myClick(value)
alert('lastClickedValue is = ' + value);
lastClickedValue = value;
It's a very small difference. We moved the declaration of the variable lastClickedValue to be outside the function myClick. Since it's outside, it will keep existing after myClick is done. Which means that each time we call myClick, then lastClickedValue will still be there.
This will let you know what the last value passed to myClick was.
Finally, I'd like to advise you to look for some kind of Javascript tutorials. I wish I knew of some good ones to recommend, but I'm certain you can find a few on the Internet. If you try to write programs before understanding what you're doing, you'll find yourself producing work that is less than what you're capable of. Good luck!

I suppose you need something like this
var clickedButtons = [];
function myClick(value){

I am surprised that no one else mentioned this, but since functions are first class objects in JavaScript, you can also assign attributes and methods to functions. So in order to remember a value between function calls you can do something like I have with this function here:
function toggleHelpDialog() {
if (typeof toggleHelpDialog.status === 'undefined')
toggleHelpDialog.status = true;
toggleHelpDialog.status = !toggleHelpDialog.status;
var layer = this.getLayer();
if (toggleHelpDialog.status) layer.add(helpDialog);
else helpDialog.remove();
Here I have added an attribute named 'status' to the toggleHelpDialog function. This value is associated with the function itself and has the same scope as the toggleHelpDialog function. Values stored in the status attribute will persist over multiple calls to the function. Careful though, as it can be accessed by other code and inadvertently changed.

we can leverage javascript static variables
One interesting aspect of the nature of functions as objects is that you can create static
variables. A static variable is a variable in a function‘s local scope whose value persists across
function invocations. Creating a static variable in JavaScript is achieved by adding an instance
property to the function in question. For example, consider the code here that defines a function
doSum that adds two numbers and keeps a running sum:
function doSum(x,y){
if (typeof doSum.static==='undefined'){
doSum.static = x+y;
doSum.static += x+y;
if (doSum.static >= 100){doSum.static = 0;doSum.static += x+y;}
return doSum.static;


Closure caches a variable?

There is something wrong with my code, but I can't find what it is. The first time I call registerStartDateValidation, the value of the startDateValidation variable in the defineKeyword closure is of course the same than what was affected outside the closure. But the second time, the variable is reaffected with another value, but the value of startDateValidation in the defineKeyword is still equal to the value of the first time we call registerStartDateValidation. Does the closure cache the variable?
Tv4.prototype.registerStartDateValidation = function (attributes) {
var helper = this;
var dateNames = Object.keys(attributes);
var startDateName = dateNames[0];
var startDateString = attributes[startDateName];
var endDateName = dateNames[1];
var endDateString = attributes[endDateName];
var startDateValidation = helper.startDateValidation(startDateString, startDateName, endDateString, endDateName);
console.log(startDateValidation)//First time equal "true", second time equal "false"
tv4.defineKeyword('startDate', function (data, value) {
if (value === 'startDate') {
console.log(startDateValidation)//First time equal "true", second time still equal "true"
return startDateValidation
Note that there is nothing making an ajax request, that could mess up the order the functions are called.
Short answer: no, a closure won't cache the variable, so there is something else going on in your code. Reducing the problem to a simple complete example that demonstrates the problem will usually make it obvious where the problem is coming from, or at least help other people figure it out.
However, since it looks like you're referring to is this project, it may be possible to figure out what's going on. Tv4.defineKeyword() appends new functions to a list if it is called multiple times for the same keyword. Since you're calling tv4.defineKeyword (note the lower-case 't') and not helper.defineKeyword or this.defineKeyword, it looks like each call to registerStartDateValidation will affect the same instance, so you are almost certainly adding a validation function when you meant to replace it.

Variable is undefined/out of scope

This is a scope issue, correct?
On line 38 of the following function, where displayBossMessage() is called by itself, the variable "boss" seems to be out of scope. It should contain the name (string) of the current boss, and when the function is called, it should put it back in the "boss" argument.
But boss seems to always be undefined. I've tried creating a variable right before the jQuery listener is created to see if it would be within scope, but it seems as if it isn't.
Or maybe I'm just having a slow day. ;p
function displayBossMessage(boss,message,options,timer){
boss = bosses[boss];
//clear any possible lingering text/buttons
displayMessage_CurrentBoss = boss;
//if no options provided, set a default "continue" button
if(options == ''){
options = {
'default' : {
'text' : 'Continue',
'func' : function(){}
$('#container div').hide();
//"listen" for a choice
var i = 0;
for(option in options){
$(boss.optionsbox).html($(boss.optionsbox).html() + '<button name="'+ i +'">'+ options[option].text +'</button> ');
$(document).on('click', (boss.div)+' button[name="'+i+'"]', function(){
//close message screen or show defined response
if(typeof options[option].response != 'undefined'){
$('#container div').fadeIn(1500);
//if they are afk/don't click after a minute, do it for them
$(boss.div+' button[name="0"]').click();
Hope I'm not being completely oblivious and missing something so simple.
*Edit: Bosses variable (is global) *
(updated jsfiddle revision link to #11 which includes both solutions)
Looks like this could be a working fiddle:
A minor problem: you have an extra ' on line 30 with the (second) alert call - the string literal was not closed correctly (or rather another was being opened). After that I was able to investigate and come up with the following conclusion (2 problems)...
The first problem was with the variable override here:
function displayBossMessage(boss,message,options,timer){
boss = bosses[boss]; // this line, boss was a string, now it will be an object
And the later usage in the same function here:
if(typeof options[option].response != 'undefined'){
displayBossMessage(boss,options[option].response,'',true); // first arg is now an object
The solution is to create a reference to the original boss when it was a string like:
function displayBossMessage(boss,message,options,timer){
var origBoss = boss; // let's remember what it was in its original string form
boss = bosses[boss];
And use it like so:
if(typeof options[option].response != 'undefined'){
displayBossMessage(origBoss,options[option].response,'',true); // now we're dealing with a string ref
The second problem is the reference to option within the for loop. It was always referencing the last value since the $(document).on('click'... is always delayed (asynchronous). There are a number of ways to solve this. I chose to use bind and pass in an argument with a reference to the value of option for each specific iteration.
Notice that in the original option is in the async function but not in a closure (for is not a closure):
for(option in options){
$(document).on('click', (boss.div)+' button[name="'+i+'"]', function(){
options[option].func(); // here option is always the last item in options
So introduce an argument conveniently called option in the callback function for the click handler:
$(document).on('click', (boss.div)+' button[name="'+i+'"]', function(option){ // here
options[option].func(); // and now option is whatever the argument value is
And don't forget to pass it in the function declaration via bind:
$(document).on('click', (boss.div)+' button[name="'+i+'"]', function(option){
// ...
}.bind(this,option)); // here we're passing whatever option is for the specific iteration as the first argument of the callback function
Note, this is just the scope, and each subsequent parameter for bind (see MDN) after the first corresponds to the arguments in the function definition.

finding the class of .click function

i have a string objects of books which i have got from a JSON objects. This Book object has three Key value pairs, Title,Author and URL. I use a for loop to read each object and just put the title of the object as a button on the html page. But when the button is clicked i want the URL of the book to be alerted. As i read the objects i make Books objects and push it into an array for later use. but i am not able to Use .Click() method the URL is not right. Please see the code for better understanding. :-)
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) //I know that there is only 65 Books..jsonString.books.lenght is not working.
var title = jsonString.books[i].title;
var classname = title.replace(/\s/g, "");
var author = jsonString.books[i].author;
var URL = jsonString.books[i].url;
var htmlString = '<div class="' + classname + '"><input type="button" value="' + title + '"></div>';
$(htmlString).appendTo(attachPoint).click(function () {
OneBook = new Book(author, title, URL);
attachpoint is a reference in the html file that i got from
var attachpoint=document.querySelector('.buttonAttachPoint');
So in the above code the URL that i get on clicking is always the last object in the jsonString. this is happening coz of the for loop. So is there a way i can get to class name of the Div that has onclick or the title of the button so that i can get the URL from the array of objects i created? Or is there an easier way. Also could any one point out why "jsonString.books.lenght" is not working? Thanks in advance.:-) all the help much appreciated. :-)
Creating a closure using an immediately invoked function expression should do the trick. Just replace this:
$(htmlString).appendTo(attachPoint).click(function () {
with this:
(function(URL) {
$(htmlString).appendTo(attachPoint).click(function () {
URL inside the scope of that anonymous function will have the value passed to it, which will be the correct value for that iteration of the for loop.
In ECMAScript, variables are scoped to their function, rather than any block.
The functions you are binding to click have a closure over URL in the context of the loop as a whole, not over URL in the context of the loop iteration.
This means that whenever any of the functions are invoked, URL will have the last value that the loop sets it to.
You need to freeze the value of URL for each loop. One way to do this is to have a function elsewhere that takes URL as an argument, and returns a function that closes over it, thus:
function getBookLoader(url) {
return function (){
You can then replace your ... .click line with the following:
To answer the question in the title, the target property of an event contains the object to which the event was dispatched, and the currentTarget property contains the object whose listeners are currently being evaluated. currentTargetshould be the div in question.

How do I increment an integer inside a variable, every time that variable is called? Javascript

How do I increment an integer inside a variable, every time that variable is called? Javascript.
var a=0;
var t=loadXMLDoc(""+x[a].getElementsByTagName("name")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue+"&api_key=83e386b0ba08735e3dee9b118478e56d&lang=en").getElementsByTagName("bio");
for (i=0;i<20;i++)
document.write("<div><button type='button' onclick='document.getElementById("+i+").innerHTML=t[0].getElementsByTagName(\"summary\")[0].childNodes[1].nodeValue;'>Open Bio</button></div>");
I'm not sure how I would go about incrementing variable a. I need it to increase by 1 every time variable t is called in the for loop.
When I put all of the code in the for loop I get [object node list] returned so this method is not desired.
If I understood your question correctly, you could define your own getters and setters for the property.
var o = {}
o.__defineSetter__('property', function(value) { this._counter = 0; this._holder = value; })
o.__defineGetter__('property', function() { console.log(this._counter++); return this._holder; })
The counter would be reset every time is assigned a value = 'Some value'
and then increase every time the property is accessed.
would print
Some value
to the console. And if you do it again, it would print
Some value
After your edit I think I can see your problem now. You will need to put the loadXMLDoc statement in the loop (since you want to load 20 different XML files), but you can't assign the result of every call to the same variable t - as once the button is clicked, the handler will evaluate t and get only the last value.
Instead, use an array:
var bios = []; // empty array
for (var i=0; i<20; i++) {
var artist = x[i].getElementsByTagName("name")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue,
doc = loadXMLDoc(""+artist+"&api_key=83e386b0ba08735e3dee9b118478e56d&lang=en"),
bio = doc.getElementsByTagName("bio")[0].getElementsByTagName("summary")[0].childNodes[1].nodeValue;
bios[i] = bio; // store it in the array
document.write("<div><button type='button' onclick='document.getElementById("+i+").innerHTML=bios["+i+"];'>Open Bio</button></div>");
Of course, while that will work it's a bunch of bad practises, including
unsecured accessing of DOM nodes/properties. If the xml changes its format, you will get lots of exceptions here. You might be sure now that this never happens, but wrapping artist and bio in try-catch might not be a bad idea.
snychronous Ajax. One can do better than that.
loading 20 documents (and that sequentially!) even if you don't need them. It might be worth to try loading each of them only when the respective button is clicked.
Inline attribute event handlers
…and creating them even by JS.

getting the name of a variable through an anonymous function

Is it possible to find the name of an anonymous function?
e.g. trying to find a way to alert either anonyFu or findMe in this code
function namedFu(){
var anonyFu = function() {
var findMe= function(){
This is for some internal testing, so it doesn't need to be cross-browser. In fact, I'd be happy even if I had to install a plugin.
You can identify any property of a function from inside it, programmatically, even an unnamed anonymous function, by using arguments.callee. So you can identify the function with this simple trick:
Whenever you're making a function, assign it some property that you can use to identify it later.
For example, always make a property called id:
var fubar = function() { = "fubar";
//the stuff the function normally does, here
arguments.callee is the function, itself, so any property of that function can be accessed like id above, even one you assign yourself.
Callee is officially deprecated, but still works in almost all browsers, and there are certain circumstances in which there is still no substitute. You just can't use it in "strict mode".
You can alternatively, of course, name the anonymous function, like:
var fubar = function foobar() {
//the stuff the function normally does, here
But that's less elegant, obviously, since you can't (in this case) name it fubar in both spots; I had to make the actual name foobar.
If all of your functions have comments describing them, you can even grab that, like this:
var fubar = function() {
fubar is effed up beyond all recognition
this returns some value or other that is described here
//the stuff the function normally does, here
console.log(arguments.callee.toString().substr(0, 128);
Note that you can also use argument.callee.caller to access the function that called the current function. This lets you access the name (or properties, like id or the comment in the text) of the function from outside of it.
The reason you would do this is that you want to find out what called the function in question. This is a likely reason for you to be wanting to find this info programmatically, in the first place.
So if one of the fubar() examples above called this following function:
var kludge = function() {
console.log(; // return "fubar" with the first version above
console.log(; // return "foobar" in the second version above
console.log(arguments.callee.caller.toString().substr(0, 128);
/* that last one would return the first 128 characters in the third example,
which would happen to include the name in the comment.
Obviously, this is to be used only in a desperate case,
as it doesn't give you a concise value you can count on using)
Doubt it's possible the way you've got it. For starters, if you added a line
var referenceFu = anonyFu;
which of those names would you expect to be able to log? They're both just references.
However – assuming you have the ability to change the code – this is valid javascript:
var anonyFu = function notActuallyAnonymous() {
which would log "notActuallyAnonymous". So you could just add names to all the anonymous functions you're interested in checking, without breaking your code.
Not sure that's helpful, but it's all I got.
I will add that if you know in which object that function is then you can add code - to that object or generally to objects prototype - that will get a key name basing on value.
Object.prototype.getKeyByValue = function( value ) {
for( var prop in this ) {
if( this.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) {
if( this[ prop ] === value )
return prop;
And then you can use
Used this approach once for debugging with performance testing involved in project where most of functions are in one object.
Didn't want to name all functions nor double names in code by any other mean, needed to calculate time of each function running - so did this plus pushing times on stack on function start and popping on end.
Why? To add very little code to each function and same for each of them to make measurements and calls list on console. It's temporary ofc.
THAT._TT = [];
THAT._TS = function () {
THAT._TE = function () {
var tt = - THAT._TT.pop();
var txt = THAT.getKeyByValue(arguments.callee.caller);
console.log('['+tt+'] -> '+txt);
THAT.some_function = function (x,y,z) {
// ... normal function job
THAT.some_other_function = function (a,b,c) {
// ... normal function job
Not very useful but maybe it will help someone with similar problem in similar circumstances.
arguments.callee it's deprecated, as MDN states:
You should avoid using arguments.callee() and just give every function
(expression) a name.
In other words:
[1,2,3].forEach(function foo() {
// you can call `foo` here for recursion
If what you want is to have a name for an anonymous function assigned to a variable, let's say you're debugging your code and you want to track the name of this function, then you can just name it twice, this is a common pattern:
var foo = function foo() { ... }
Except the evaling case specified in the MDN docs, I can't think of any other case where you'd want to use arguments.callee.
No. By definition, an anonymous function has no name. Yet, if you wanted to ask for function expressions: Yes, you can name them.
And no, it is not possible to get the name of a variable (which references the function) during runtime.
