I think what I want to do is pretty simple I just don't know how to do it. I would like to fire my own event when one of my models attributes changes for the purpose of passing some data to the event handler (whether the change was an increase or decrease in value).
Basically I want my handler to do this in the view
handler: function(increased) {
if(increased) {
alert("the value increased")
else {
alert("the value decreased")
// ...
this.model.on("change:attr", this.handler, this);
Here you go: You basically listen for change:myvar. When a change occurs you use your model's previous() to get the old value. Depending on whether it increased or decreased you fire the appropriate event. You can listen to these events as shown in the initialize().
window.MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.on('change:myvar', this.onMyVarChange);
this.on('increased:myvar', function () {
this.on('decreased:myvar', function () {
onMyVarChange: function () {
if (this.get('myvar') > this.previous('myvar')) {
} else {
window.mymodel = new MyModel({myvar: 1});
mymodel.set({myvar: 2});
mymodel.set({myvar: 3});
mymodel.set({myvar: 1});
Running the above will print "Increased", "Increased", "Decreased" to your console.
Just look at previousAttributes()
You can then compare:
If(this.get(attr) > this.previousAttributes()[attr]){
} else {
If you use that in your change event handler you're all set. No need for a custom trigger or a ton of code.
This is from my Backbone.Validators project and how I obtain the list of all attributes which have changed during the validation step:
var get_changed_attributes = function(previous, current){
var changedAttributes = [];
_(current).each(function(val, key){
} else if (!_.isEqual(val, previous[key])){
return changedAttributes;
This requires Underscore 1.3.1 because it's using _.has. If you can't upgrade that's an easy thing to replace though. In your case you'd passing this.previousAttributes() and this.attributes
What if you fire your own custom event after listening to the change event?
handler: function(increased) {
this.model.trigger('my-custom-event', stuff, you, want);
myHandler: function(stuff, you, want){
// Do it...
// ...
this.model.on("change:attr", this.handler, this);
this.model.on('my-custom-event, this.myHandler, this);
I have a client method that grays out a rendered document in the DOM by adding a class whose opacity is set to 0.4:
'click .detailCheckbox': function(ev){
var detail = $(ev.target).parent();
} else {
When I reload the page, though, the DOM element is no longer grayed out, because I never updated the document on the server.
Am I going to have to get super creative here, or am I missing a simple way to solve this?
You can use the meteor-persistent-session package.
Session.setPersistent(key, value) //store a persistent session variable (persistent)
For example.
} else {
I solved it by creating a new field in the model, which is set (or unset) to the class name that has opacity 0.4
Here is the Meteor method insert method that contains the field checkboxStatus
addDetail: function(detailFormData){
if(! Meteor.userId()){
throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized');
detail: detailFormData.detail,
parentId: detailFormData.parentId,
checkboxStatus: detailFormData.checkboxStatus
I call it on the clicking of the checkbox:
'click .detailCheckbox': function(ev){
Meteor.call('setToggle', this._id);
And the setToggle Meteor method checks the toggle status, and then updates the document accordingly
setToggle: function(detailId){
var checked_detail = detailsCollection.findOne({_id: detailId});
if(checked_detail.checkboxStatus != 'toggle'){
detailsCollection.update(detailId, {
$set: {checkboxStatus: 'toggle'}
} else {
detailsCollection.update(detailId, {
$set: {checkboxStatus: 'untoggle'}
Which is then called by a template helper method
checkboxStatus: function(){
var checked_detail = detailsCollection.findOne({_id: this._id});
return checked_detail.checkboxStatus;
whose value is returned in the class tag of the template item itself
<li id={{_id}} class="detailViewEntry {{checkboxStatus}}">
I'm using Template.rendered to setup a dropdown replacement like so:
Template.productEdit.rendered = function() {
if( ! this.rendered) {
this.rendered = true;
But how do I re-run this when the DOM mutates? Helpers return new values for the select options, but I don't know where to re-execute my .dropdown()
I think you don't want this to run before the whole DOM has rendered, or else the event handler will run on EVERY element being inserted:
var rendered = false;
Template.productEdit.rendered = function() {rendered: true};
To avoid rerunning this on elements which are already dropdowns, you could give new ones a class which you remove when you make them into dropdowns
<div class="ui dropdown not-dropdownified"></div>
You could add an event listener for DOMSubtreeModified, which will do something only after the page has rendered:
"DOMSubtreeModified": function() {
if (rendered) {
var newDropdowns = $('.ui.dropdown.not-dropdownified');
This should reduce the number of operations done when the event is triggered, and could stop the callstack from being exhausted
Here's my tentative answer, it works but I'm still hoping Meteor has some sort of template mutation callback instead of this more cumbersome approach:
Template.productEdit.rendered = function() {
if( ! this.rendered) {
var mutationOptions = {
childList: true,
subtree: true
var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer){
observer.disconnect(); // otherwise subsequent DOM changes will recursively trigger this callback
var selectChanged = false;
mutations.map(function(mu) {
var mutationTargetName = Object.prototype.toString.call(mu.target).match(/^\[object\s(.*)\]$/)[1];
if(mutationTargetName === 'HTMLSelectElement') {
console.log('Select Changed');
selectChanged = true;
if(selectChanged) {
console.log('Re-init Select');
$('.ui.dropdown').dropdown('restore defaults');
$('.ui.dropdown').dropdown('setup select');
mutationObserver.observe(document, mutationOptions); // Start observing again
mutationObserver.observe(document, mutationOptions);
this.rendered = true;
This approach uses MutationObserver with some syntax help I found here
Taking ad educated guess, and assuming you are using the Semantic UI Dropdown plugin, there are four callbacks you can define:
onChange(value, text, $choice): Is called after a dropdown item is selected. receives the name and value of selection and the active menu element
onNoResults(searchValue): Is called after a dropdown is searched with no matching values
onShow: Is called after a dropdown is shown.
onHide: Is called after a dropdown is hidden.
To use them, give the dropdown() function a parameter:
onChange: function(value, text, $choice) {alert("You chose " + text + " with the value " + value);},
onNoResults: function(searchValue) {alert("Your search for " + searchValue + " returned no results");}
onShow: function() {alert("Dropdown shown");},
onHide: function() {alert("Dropdown hidden");}
I suggest you read the documentation of all plugins you use.
$('.btn-delete').on('click', this.confirm.bind(this));
Above, on click it runs:
p.confirm = function(e) {
I'm having trouble with this. I need this to get the button but I also need this to access another method (this.delete). I've tried bind but it faisl to work.
Any ideas?
Assuming I'm understanding your question correctly, you want to be able to pass the clicked element as this to the p.confirm function. You should be able to do this by using call, or by using p.confirm as the handler:
// using call
$('.btn-delete').on('click', function (e) {
p.confirm.call(this, e);
// as handler
$('.btn-delete').on('click', p.confirm);
Assuming that this.delete is actually p.delete, just use call in the handler to pass the clicked element as this to the delete method:
p.confirm = function (e) {
var self = $(this); // cache lookup, "this" is the clicked element
if (!self.hasClass('danger')) {
self.bind('mouseleave', function () {
} else {
p.delete.call(this); // pass clicked element to use as "this" in p.delete
I'm trying to run a function twice. Once when the page loads, and then again on click. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Here is my code:
$('div').each(function truncate() {
$('.truncate').click(function() {
if ($(this).parent().hasClass('closed')) {
else if ($(this).parent().hasClass('open')) {
The problem is on line 13 where I call the truncate(); function a second time. Any idea why it's not working?
Edit jsFiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/g6PLu/
That's a named function literal.
The name is only visible within the scope of the function.
Therefore, truncate doesn't exist outside of the handler.
Instead, create a normal function and pass it to each():
function truncate() { ...}
What's the error message do you get?
You should create function and then call it as per requirement
Define the function
function truncate(){
Then call the function
Another approach is to establish, then trigger, a custom event :
$('div').on('truncate', function() {
Then, wherever else you need the same action, trigger the event again.
To truncate all divs :
Similarly you can truncate just one particular div :
The only prerequisite is that the custom event handler has been attached, so ...
would do nothing because a truncate handler has not been established for p elements.
I know there's already an accepted answer, but I think the best solution would be a plugin http://jsfiddle.net/g6PLu/13/ It seems to be in the spirit of what the OP wants (to be able to call $('div').truncate). And makes for much cleaner code
(function($) {
$.fn.truncate = function() {
$.fn.untruncate = function() {
$('.truncate').click(function() {
var $parent = $(this).parent();
if ($parent.hasClass('closed')) {
} else {
At row level I catch the event and try to add an extra parameter
onRowClick: function(e){
console.log("Event in row");
e.model = "test";
console.log(e.model) // prints 'test'
In main view I catch the same event again
onRowClick: function(e){
console.log("Event in main view");
console.log(e.model) //prints undefined
>Event in row
>Event in main view
How can I append an attribute to the event?
The answer is that you don't catch the same event, but rather two (initially) identical events. Changing the first does not change the latter.
If you want to pass data between those events, you would need to store that data elsewhere (e.g. a closure, or if you don't care about the scope save it in the window object).
There are 2 ways that I know of to pass data to a jQuery event. One with with e.data, you can add any properties to e.data like this.
the other way is to use closures such as:
function myFunc() {
var model = 'test';
var x = {
onRowClick: function(e){
console.log("Event in row");
console.log(model) // prints 'test'
instead of catching the rowClick event in the main view, i suggest you catch it in the row view, and pass it through the backbone event system...
your parentview can bind to it's rows to catch a click.
there are two ways to do this,
trigger a custom event on your row's model, and let the parent bind to every model in the collection, though that seems like a hack and a performance hit.
i suggest doing it with an event aggregator:
var App = {
events: _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);
var myGeneralView = Backbone.Views.extend({
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, "catchMyCustomEvent";
and here you bind to that event on the event aggregator and
tell it to execute your custom made function when it is triggered.
You can name it any way you want, you can namespace
custom events with a prefix and a ':'.
catchMyCustomEvent: function (model, e) {
alert("this is the model that was clicked: " + model.get("myproperty"));
// other methods you will probably have here...
var myRowView = Backbone.Views.extend({
tagName: "li",
className: "document-row",
events: {
"click" : "myRowClicked"
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, "myRowClicked");
myRowClicked: function (e) {
You pass your model and your event to the event aggregator
App.events.trigger('rowView:rowClicked', this.model, e);