Strategy to retrieve the current user - javascript

I'm looking for a classy strategy to retrieve the current user information with emberjs (and ember-data).
Currently, I do the following :
My API responds to /users/me with the current user.
In my adapter, when the retrieved object id isn't the one I'm hoping for, I add a real_id which is the id (the user's id in the database) and I replace the real returned id by what I'm expecting.
So when my adapter has "me" as user's id, but the server returns 1, I get the following json :
{"real_id": 1, "id": "me"}
This works. But I'm not a big fan, and I'd like to avoid as mush as possible to change the default content of the adapter.
Do you use any strategy for this ? What would you recommend ?

I would use a controller App.currentUserController for this.
App.CurrentUserController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
content: null,
retrieveCurrentUser: function() {
var controller = this;
Ember.$.getJSON('/users/me', function(data) {, data);
var currentUser =;
controller.set('content', currentUser);

get = Em.get
set = Em.set
App.AccountController = Em.Controller.extend
contentBinding: '_content.firstObject'
init: ->
set #, "_content", App.User.find()


Search with the URL Query Parameters on Flow Router

I use Search Source, and Flow Router from Arunoda. They both work great, but I'm just struggling to get them work together.
I have a helper that returns some documents rendered from the server-run SearchSource method like this:{
things: function() {
var currentUserId = Meteor.userId();
var langParam = FlowRouter.current().queryParams.lang;
return BookSearch.getData({
sort: {date_added: -1}
As you see, I'm just trying to search for things that are registered in the language entered at the URL (e.g. 'en') as a query parameter. Let's say in "english" as in this example:
I can perfectly read the "en" and log on the console by the below code, but it does not work to search with. I mean because of this code:
var langParam = FlowRouter.current().queryParams.lang;
I get "en" printed on the browser console. But I don't get the things that are registered in "en" language.
So how can I achieve a proper search using the query parameters?
What I need to know is how to enter in the helper to render only data that fetches to the condition I want (in this case, english language - {lang: langParam}. For that one uses the Package.getData() API, but I could not locate exactly how.
First of all, searchsource sets up necessary data delivery for you so you don't have to, indeed should not set up publications or subscriptions for your search flow. There's tons of literature around for how pub/sub works in Meteor so I'll skip ahead to your searchsource problem.
I see that you want to scope your search to a certain language. Here's a basic set up that would get you going. You should also fine tune things like throttling, metadata handling, limiting, paging, input and query param sanitization, result transformations etc.
<template name="booksearch">
<form name="booksearch"><input type="search"/></form>
{{#each hits}}
Client: set up your helper
var options = {
// cache the search results for 5 minutes
keepHistory: 1000 * 60 * 5,
// allow fast local searches on the cache
localSearch: true
// feed the search to the title field only
var fields = ['title'];
// Set up your search
BookSearch = new SearchSource('books', fields, options);
get the search results reactively. mind you, this is not an invocation.
you'll invoke the search within your event handler down below
hits : function() {
return BookSearch.getData();
'submit form': function(e,t) {
// listen for the submit event
var options = {
// this is your lang query param from the url
lang: FlowRouter.getQueryParam('lang')
// value of the search input from your template
var searchText = t.$('input').val();
// invoke the search using the input and the language,options);
Server: set up your search
SearchSource.defineSource('books', function(searchText, options) {
// make sure you do have a lang option or use a default one
var lang = options.lang || 'english'
if(searchText) {
var regExp = buildRegExp(searchText);
// use the input and lang to build your mongodb selector
var selector = {title: regExp, language: lang};
return Books.find(selector).fetch();
} else {
// don't return anything if nothing is searched for
return [];
function buildRegExp(searchText) {
// copied over from the naive github example
var parts = searchText.trim().split(/[ \-\:]+/);
return new RegExp("(" + parts.join('|') + ")", "ig");

LDAP JS with Node JS Finding users passing in patterns of string

I am currently using LDAP JS for Authentication in Angular JS app and everything works perfectly fine.
I am now building a new view and the requirement I have is this:
I have text box in which admin will write may be a few letters of a user id present in LDAP.
I want to show app matching ID present in LDAP on a typeahead/suggestions. I know how typeahead works so that's not an issue. The issue is how can I pass a rejex or pattern matching kind of a thing for uid in search() method.
My sample code is here:
function GetAllLDAPUser(dnFilter, res) {'uid=**WHAT-PATTERN-CAN-I-PASS-HERE**' + dnFilter, opts, function(err, result) {
result.on('searchEntry', function(entry) {
// I usually read entry.object or entry.raw here , that works
result.on('end', function(result) {
So the question is what should I pass in place of
Results :
Suppose I type an. The typeahead will show all user id starting with an like ana, anamon, analisa etc.
I have written the final solution and closed the issue on the project's repository
For pattern matching, we need to play with the 'filter' field in option object which we pass to the search method. So I ended up doing something like below:
var dnFilter = 'ou=People,o=Intra,dc=YOURCOMPANY,dc=com'; //depends on your LDAP settings.
var query;
var matchedUsers = [];
query.LDAPName = "dummy"; //some name which resides in LDAP
//You can even have one simple variable rather than having this query object.
opts = {
scope: 'sub',
filter: (shcDisplayName = '+ query.LDAPName + ')
//Do not use 'shcDisplayName' , this will be any variable stored in your LDAP object. You need get
//the structure of LDAP end point you are working on. For me, I had one variable 'shcDisplayName'
//on which I wanted to play so I am using this variable in my filter., opts, function(err, result) {
result.on('searchEntry', function(entry) {
'Name': entry.object.shcDisplayName,
'Id': entry.object.uid
result.on('end', function(result) {
if (matchedUsers.length) { //if any match was found.
//send the json result back
//if you want to send json back, do not use res.send() otherwise you will end up getting
//circular reference error.
result.on('error', function(ex) {
//Handle errors here if any

Id is lost while trying to JSON.stringify Ember model

I'm trying to JSON.stringify() the model of a route inside the controller by using the below code. It works and it returns all model attributes, except for the actual id of the model. Can we receive the id as well?
var plan = this.get('model');
var reqBody = JSON.stringify(
You need to pass in the includeId option to the toJSON method in order to get the ID in the JSON.
var plan = this.get('model');
var reqBody = JSON.stringify({
plan: plan.toJSON({ includeId: true }),
And if you didn't know, JSON.stringify() will call toJSON() for you (which is what is happening in your case). If you want to call JSON.stringify() instead of model.toJSON({}), you can always override it:
App.Plan = DS.Model.extend({
toJSON: function() {
return this._super({ includeId: true });
That way JSON.stringify(plan) will give you exactly what you want.

Populate Ember.Select directly from Database

Let me explain my issue, I am trying to populate Ember.Select directly from database.
I have these routes:
this.resource('twod', function() {
this.resource('twoduser', {
path : ':user_id'
In twoduser, I am displaying a full information about a single user. In that view, I have a Select Box as well, which end user will select and then with a button, he can add the user to a team that he selected from Ember.Select.
I tried to do this,
App.TwoduserController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
selectedTeam : null,
team : function (){
var teams = [];
type : "GET",
url : "",
data : data,
success : function (data){
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i ++){
var teamNames = data[i];
return teams;
Then in my index.html:
{{view Ember.Select
prompt="Please Select a Team"}}
But when I do this, for some reason it interferes with Twoduser and I am not able to view the single user.
Furthermore, here's a sample JSON response I will get through the url:
{"teams":[{"team_name":"Toronto Maple Leafs"},{"team_name":"Vancouver Canuck"}]}
Moreover, I am fetching all users using Ajax like this:
findAll : function() {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
$.getJSON("", function(data) {
var result = {
return App.Twod.create(row);
findBy : function(user_id) {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var user = App.Twod.create();
$.getJSON("" + user_id, function(data) {
var result = user.setProperties(data.user);
Though there's one thing, I have a separate Teams route:
this.resource('teamview', function(){
this.resource('teamviewdetail', {
path : ':team_id'
Which shows all the teams and a single team when you click on a single team.
Can I use that TeamviewController? or Can I fetch team names from Twoduser Controller and push names to the array as I mentioned before?
More Information:
If I use the way I mentioned, I get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'addArrayObserver'
Here's a working jsfiddle on the issue I am experiencing. You can select "Storyboard" from the Designation & then select the user. That will reproduce the issue.
One more Update: Seems using ObjectController instead of ArrayController issue solves the addArrayObserver issue. But still I can't get the teams in the Ember.Select.
The biggest issue here is that you use Array#push instead of pushObject. Ember needs the special methods in order to be aware of changes. Otherwise, it will continue to think that the array of teams is as empty as when you first returned it. Second biggest issue is that your ajax success call isn't accessing the returned data properly.
Also, optionValuePath and optionLabelPath are relative to the individual select option view, so they should start with content, which is the individual item as set on the view. So: content.team_name

Backbone Model and idAttribute when updating record

I am working with mongoLab and the model id looks like this
"_id": {
"$oid": "50f9a0f5e4b007f27f766cf3"
I am using the idAttribute to set the model id to _id and everything works fine until I attempt to update the model.
Because the _id attribute exists in the model, I am getting an error when I attempt to insert.
Do I need to remove the attribute _id from my attributes? I was under the assumption that the magic of Backbone would clean up the attributes appropriately
You would need to remove the _id attribute.
In the MongoLab REST API, the id isn't part of the data payload itself, but that isn't the case for all backends. It probably makes more sense for Backbone to assume that the id should be present in the payload, than it would to assume it should not.
That being said there's no real nice way to get Backbone to clean the id from the payload automatically. Your best bet without monkeypatching/rewriting too much of the code would probably be to override Model#toJSON, something akin to:
Backbone.Model.prototype.toJSON = function (options) {
var attrs = _.clone(this.attributes);
// In this case you'd have to pass `includeId: true` to `toJSON` when you
// actually *want* the _id in the output.
return options && options.includeId ? attrs : _.omit(attrs, '_id');
You could also monkeypatch sync, something like:
var sync = Backbone.sync;
Backbone.sync = function (method, model, options) {
options || (options = {});
// if options.attrs is present, Backbone will use it over dumping toJSON
if (!options.attrs) options.attrs = _.omit(model.attributes, '_id');
return, method, model, options);
had the same issue where _id translated to null when in javascript..
had to do something like..
var myModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
parse: function(response){
var response = response.whatever; = response.null;
delete response.null;
return appointment;
or for a collection
console.log(system); = system.null;
delete system.null;
