I'm trying to make a div that expands left, right, up, and down depending on where the mouse is. But when I move the mouse, the div just pops up and doesn't do anything. What is wrong in what I'm doing?
(function() {
document.onmousemove = function(e) {
function draw(e) {
var method = [
e.pageX ? e.pageX : e.clientX,
e.pageY ? e.pageY : e.clientY
var X = method[0],
Y = method[1];
var html = '<div class="box" style="padding-top:' + Y + ';padding-bottom:' + Y + ';padding-left:' + X + ';padding-right:' + X + '"></div>'
document.body.innerHTML = html;
You forgot the unit px:
(function() {
document.onmousemove = function(e) {
function draw(e) {
var method = [
e.pageX ? e.pageX : e.clientX,
e.pageY ? e.pageY : e.clientY
var X = method[0],
Y = method[1];
var html = '<div class="box" style="background-color:red;padding-top:' + Y + 'px;padding-bottom:' + Y + 'px;padding-left:' + X + 'px;padding-right:' + X + 'px"></div>'
document.body.innerHTML = html;
(I've also added a red background in order to make the DIV visible)
jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/8LUwp/
X and Y are numbers. CSS lengths require units. Add some px.
CSS length attributes (padding, margin, height, width etc.) require units - px, em etc. So just having:
is invalid. Instead you need to add units:
So in your case the line setting the html should read:
var html = '<div class="box" style="padding-top:' + Y + 'px;padding-bottom:' + Y + 'px;padding-left:' + X + 'px;padding-right:' + X + 'px"></div>';
You were missing px suffix with the x and Y
(function() {
document.onmousemove = function(e) {
function draw(e) {
var method = [
e.pageX ? e.pageX : e.clientX,
e.pageY ? e.pageY : e.clientY
var X = method[0],
Y = method[1];
var html = '<div class="box" style="padding-top:' + Y +"px" + ';padding-bottom:' + Y +"px" + ';padding-left:' + X +"px" + ';padding-right:' + X +"px" + '"></div>'
document.body.innerHTML = html;
Here I'm trying to set a function on mouse moving, but it doesn't work.
var btn = document.getElementById('giveUpDiv')
btn.onmousemove = function(e) {
var x = e.pageX - btn.offsetLeft - btn.offsetParent.offsetLeft
var y = e.pageY - btn.offsetTop - btn.offsetParent.offsetTop
btn.style.setProperty('--x', x + 'px')
btn.style.setProperty('--y', y + 'px')
const btn = document.querySelector("#giveUpDiv");
btn.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => {
var x = e.pageX - btn.offsetLeft - btn.offsetParent.offsetLeft
var y = e.pageY - btn.offsetTop - btn.offsetParent.offsetTop
btn.style.setProperty('--x', x + "px");
btn.style.setProperty('--y', y + "px");
This is how I get the click position when clicking on an image to do some image transformation. But my problem is, that the image has the CSS attribute max-width: 1000px. So the code works only for images which are smaller. For larger images the position result is not the real pixel which was clicked on.
My question is, if it is possible to calculate the correct click position for the natural sized image. An alternative would be to set some data attributes with the real image size like data-width: '1200px' and data-height: '1000px'. But still I have to do some calculation.
parentPosition = getPosition(event.currentTarget),
x = event.clientX - parentPosition.x,
y = event.clientY - parentPosition.y;
function getPosition(element) {
var xPosition = 0;
var yPosition = 0;
while (element) {
xPosition += (element.offsetLeft - element.scrollLeft + element.clientLeft);
yPosition += (element.offsetTop - element.scrollTop + element.clientTop);
element = element.offsetParent;
return { x: xPosition, y: yPosition };
If you know natural size and current size, i think you can just do this:
naturalClickPosX = (naturalWidth / currentWidth) * currentClickPosX;
naturalClickPosY = (naturalHeight / currentHeight) * currentClickPosY;
Have a look at this JSFiddle
<img src="http://placehold.it/1200x1000" width="1000">
$('img').on("click", function(e){
var $img = $(this);
var currentClickPosX = e.pageX - $img.offset().left;
var currentClickPosY = e.pageY - $img.offset().top;
var currentWidth = $img.width();
var currentHeight = $img.height();
var naturalWidth = this.naturalWidth;
var naturalHeight = this.naturalHeight;
var naturalClickPosX = ((naturalWidth / currentWidth) * currentClickPosX).toFixed(0);
var naturalClickPosY = ((naturalHeight / currentHeight) * currentClickPosY).toFixed(0);
alert("Current X: " + currentClickPosX + " Current Y: " + currentClickPosY +
"\r\nNatural X: " + naturalClickPosX + " Natural Y: " + naturalClickPosY);
try this , will work on all sizes
var parentOffset = $(e.target).parent().offset();
// here the X and Y on Click
X = e.pageX - $(e.target).offset().left;
Y = e.pageY - $(e.target).offset().top;
alert(X + ' , ' + Y );
working fiddel : https://jsfiddle.net/h09kfsoo/
I want all the DOM elements (which can be overlapped by others too) to be listed out which falls under the selection. The thing I tried giving me at a fixed coordinate (with overlapped ones) but I need it to give me for full rectangle.
var flag=0;
if(flag==0) {
$(document).bind('mousemove', function(e){
left: e.pageX - 80,
top: e.pageY-50,
var $elements = GetAllElementsAt( e.pageX , e.pageY);
var html="";
$elements.each(function() {
html += $(this)[0].id + "<br />";
else {
$(document).bind('mousemove', function(e){
function GetAllElementsAt(x, y) {
var $elements = $("body *").map(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var offset = $this.offset();
var l = offset.left;
var t = offset.top;
var h = $this.height();
var w = $this.width();
var maxx = l + w;
var maxy = t + h;
$("ul").append("<li>" + $this[0].id + " (" + $this[0].tagName + ")" + " [l:=" + l + ",t:=" + t + ",h:=" + h + ",w:=" + w + ",maxx:=" + maxx + ",maxy:=" + maxy + "]</li>");
return (y <= maxy && y >= t) && (x <= maxx && x >= l) ? $this : null;
return $elements;
Can anyone help with it?
Ok, so I am trying to use jQuery to get the innerWidth() of an element #preview. I want to create a conditional that says IF x offset LEFT + #preview width is greater than page width, give it style right: z where z = #preview width + xOffset.
I apologize my code below is a mess and the syntax for .css ("right", (rightFloat + xOffset) + "px") (line 125) is off, but that's part of my problem.
//append "gallery" class to all items with "popup" class
//The overlay or pop-up effect
this.imagePreview = function() { /* CONFIG */
xOffset = 40;
yOffset = 40;
// these 2 variable determine popup's distance from the cursor
// you might want to adjust to get the right result
$("a.preview").click(function(e) {
return false;
$("a.preview").hover(function(e) {
this.t = this.title;
this.title = "";
var c = (this.t != "") ? "<br/>" + this.t : "";
var rightFloat = e.pageX + ("#preview").innerWidth;
$("body").append("<p id='preview'><img src='" + this.href + "' alt='Image preview' />" + c + "</p>");
$("#preview").hide().css("top", (e.pageY - yOffset) + "px").css("left", (e.pageX + xOffset) + "px").fadeIn("2000");
while ((left + 400) > window.innerWidth) {.css("right", (rightFloat + xOffset) + "px")
}, function() {
this.title = this.t;
$("a.preview").mousemove(function(e) {
var top = e.pageY - yOffset;
var left = e.pageX + xOffset;
var rightFloat = e.pageX + ("#preview").innerWidth;
//flips the image if it gets too close to the right side
while ((left + 400) > window.innerWidth) {.css("right", +(rightFlaot + xOffset) + "px")
$("#preview").css("top", top + "px").css("left", left + "px");
Try using http://api.jquery.com/offset/
var right = parseInt($(window).width()) - e.pageX + xOffset;
$("#preview").css("top", top + "px").css("right", right + "px");
var left = e.pageX + xOffset;
$("#preview").css("top", top + "px").css("left", left + "px");
I made these fixes because I couldn't get your code to work in jsfiddle:
var xOffset = 40;
var yOffset = 40;
var rightFloat = parseFloat(e.pageX)+$("#preview").innerWidth();
var ptop = parseFloat(e.pageY) - yOffset;
var pleft = parseFloat(e.pageX) + xOffset;
$("#preview").css({"top":ptop + "px","left":pleft + "px"});
There's the fixes for the top half but I have no idea what you're trying to do with the bottom part (with the while loop). Can you explain what functionality you want?
I have the following event handler for my html element
var x = e.pageX - e.target.offsetLeft;
I need to find the position of the mouse on the #seek-bar at the time of clicking. I would have thought the above code should work, but it gives incorrect result
Are you trying to get the position of mouse pointer relative to element ( or ) simply the mouse pointer location
Try this Demo : http://jsfiddle.net/AMsK9/
Edit :
1) event.pageX, event.pageY gives you the mouse position relative document !
Ref : http://api.jquery.com/event.pageX/
2) offset() : It gives the offset position of an element
Ref : http://api.jquery.com/offset/
3) position() : It gives you the relative Position of an element i.e.,
consider an element is embedded inside another element
example :
<div id="imParent">
<div id="imchild" />
Ref : http://api.jquery.com/position/
<div id="A" style="left:100px;"> Default <br /> mouse<br/>position </div>
<div id="B" style="left:300px;"> offset() <br /> mouse<br/>position </div>
<div id="C" style="left:500px;"> position() <br /> mouse<br/>position </div>
$(document).ready(function (e) {
$('#A').click(function (e) { //Default mouse Position
alert(e.pageX + ' , ' + e.pageY);
$('#B').click(function (e) { //Offset mouse Position
var posX = $(this).offset().left,
posY = $(this).offset().top;
alert((e.pageX - posX) + ' , ' + (e.pageY - posY));
$('#C').click(function (e) { //Relative ( to its parent) mouse position
var posX = $(this).position().left,
posY = $(this).position().top;
alert((e.pageX - posX) + ' , ' + (e.pageY - posY));
$('#something').click(function (e){
var elm = $(this);
var xPos = e.pageX - elm.offset().left;
var yPos = e.pageY - elm.offset().top;
console.log(xPos, yPos);
Try this:
$('#status2').html(e.pageX +', '+ e.pageY);
Here you can find more info with DEMO
In percentage :
$('.your-class').click(function (e){
var $this = $(this); // or use $(e.target) in some cases;
var offset = $this.offset();
var width = $this.width();
var height = $this.height();
var posX = offset.left;
var posY = offset.top;
var x = e.pageX-posX;
x = parseInt(x/width*100,10);
x = x<0?0:x;
x = x>100?100:x;
var y = e.pageY-posY;
y = parseInt(y/height*100,10);
y = y<0?0:y;
y = y>100?100:y;
console.log(x+'% '+y+'%');
If MouseEvent.offsetX is supported by your browser (all major browsers actually support it), The jQuery Event object will contain this property.
The MouseEvent.offsetX read-only property provides the offset in the X coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the padding edge of the target node.
$("#seek-bar").click(function(event) {
var x = event.offsetX
see here enter link description here
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<div id="myPosition">
var elm = $(this);
var xPos = e.pageX - elm.offset().left;
var yPos = e.pageY - elm.offset().top;
alert("X position: " + xPos + ", Y position: " + yPos);