Why doesn't my object inherit the keys functions? - javascript

If I have an object:
A = {a:true}
Why do I have to use:
and not:
If keys is a method of Object, and everything inherits from Object, shouldn't A be able to call keys?

Object.keys is a so-to-say "static" method attached strictly to the Object function, not to its instances.
For it to be inherited, it would need to be defined as Object.prototype.keys.
You can certainly add it yourself if you so desire:
Object.prototype.keys = function () {
return Object.keys(this);
Just note, as Rocket mentioned in the comments, "own" properties take precedence over prototype properties:
var foo = {};
foo.keys(); // Array of enumerable key names, if any
var bar = { keys: true };
bar.keys(); // TypeError: not a function

The real answer is "because that's how the ES committee members designed it." But specifically, the second comment on your original question (by #RobW) is exactly what they wanted to avoid.
Moreover, I would ask that you remove the "accepted answer" designation from #JonathonLonowski's answer, because he is clearly giving (and avidly but unwisely defending) advice (modifying built-in prototype's) which most of the web community knows to be of poor form. The ONLY time when it's OK to modify a built-in's prototype is when you are absolutely certain that no other code will trip over it... the only time that is true is you write 100% of all code that runs (or ever will run) on a page. The number of times that is true is so low that this advice is considered not-good-practice.


How can I make a sub-function for a pre-existing data type? [duplicate]

I was working on an AJAX-enabled asp.net application.
I've just added some methods to Array.prototype like
Array.prototype.doSomething = function(){
This solution worked for me, being possible reuse code in a 'pretty' way.
But when I've tested it working with the entire page, I had problems..
We had some custom ajax extenders, and they started to behave as the unexpected: some controls displayed 'undefined' around its content or value.
What could be the cause for that? Am I missing something about modifing the prototype of standart objects?
Note: I'm pretty sure that the error begins when I modify the prototype for Array. It should be only compatible with IE.
While the potential for clashing with other bits o' code the override a function on a prototype is still a risk, if you want to do this with modern versions of JavaScript, you can use the Object.defineProperty method, e.g.
// functional sort
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'sortf', {
value: function(compare) { return [].concat(this).sort(compare); }
Modifying the built-in object prototypes is a bad idea in general, because it always has the potential to clash with code from other vendors or libraries that loads on the same page.
In the case of the Array object prototype, it is an especially bad idea, because it has the potential to interfere with any piece of code that iterates over the members of any array, for instance with for .. in.
To illustrate using an example (borrowed from here):
Array.prototype.foo = 1;
// somewhere deep in other javascript code...
var a = [1,2,3,4,5];
for (x in a){
// Now foo is a part of EVERY array and
// will show up here as a value of 'x'
Unfortunately, the existence of questionable code that does this has made it necessary to also avoid using plain for..in for array iteration, at least if you want maximum portability, just to guard against cases where some other nuisance code has modified the Array prototype. So you really need to do both: you should avoid plain for..in in case some n00b has modified the Array prototype, and you should avoid modifying the Array prototype so you don't mess up any code that uses plain for..in to iterate over arrays.
It would be better for you to create your own type of object constructor complete with doSomething function, rather than extending the built-in Array.
What about Object.defineProperty?
There now exists Object.defineProperty as a general way of extending object prototypes without the new properties being enumerable, though this still doesn't justify extending the built-in types, because even besides for..in there is still the potential for conflicts with other scripts. Consider someone using two Javascript frameworks that both try to extend the Array in a similar way and pick the same method name. Or, consider someone forking your code and then putting both the original and forked versions on the same page. Will the custom enhancements to the Array object still work?
This is the reality with Javascript, and why you should avoid modifying the prototypes of built-in types, even with Object.defineProperty. Define your own types with your own constructors.
There is a caution! Maybe you did that: fiddle demo
Let us say an array and a method foo which return first element:
var myArray = ["apple","ball","cat"];
foo(myArray) // <- 'apple'
function foo(array){
return array[0]
The above is okay because the functions are uplifted to the top during interpretation time.
But, this DOES NOT work: (Because the prototype is not defined)
myArray.foo() // <- 'undefined function foo'
Array.prototype.foo = function(){
return this[0]
For this to work, simply define prototypes at the top:
Array.prototype.foo = function(){
return this[0]
myArray.foo() // <- 'apple'
And YES! You can override prototypes!!! It is ALLOWED. You can even define your own own add method for Arrays.
You augmented generic types so to speak. You've probably overwritten some other lib's functionality and that's why it stopped working.
Suppose that some lib you're using extends Array with function Array.remove(). After the lib has loaded, you also add remove() to Array's prototype but with your own functionality. When lib will call your function it will probably work in a different way as expected and break it's execution... That's what's happening here.
Using Recursion
function forEachWithBreak(someArray, fn){
let breakFlag = false
function breakFn(){
breakFlag = true
function loop(indexIntoSomeArray){
if(!breakFlag && indexIntoSomeArray<someArray.length){
Test 1 ... break is not called
forEachWithBreak(["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"], function(element, breakFn){
Test 2 ... break is called after element c
forEachWithBreak(["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"], function(element, breakFn){
if(element =="c"){breakFn()}
There are 2 problems (as mentioned above)
It's enumerable (i.e. will be seen in for .. in)
Potential clashes (js, yourself, third party, etc.)
To solve these 2 problems we will:
Use Object.defineProperty
Give a unique id for our methods
const arrayMethods = {
doSomething: "uuid() - a real function"
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, arrayMethods.doSomething, {
value() {
// Your code, log as an example
this.forEach(v => console.log(v))
const arr = [1, 2, 3]
arr[arrayMethods.doSomething]() // 1, 2, 3
The syntax is a bit weird but it's nice if you want to chain methods (just don't forget to return this):
In general messing with the core javascript objects is a bad idea. You never know what any third party libraries might be expecting and changing the core objects in javascript changes them for everything.
If you use Prototype it's especially bad because prototype messes with the global scope as well and it's hard to tell if you are going to collide or not. Actually modifying core parts of any language is usually a bad idea even in javascript.
(lisp might be the small exception there)

Is it possible to use Symbol.species for plain objects?

The MDN gives the following working example of Symbol.species:
class MyArray extends Array {
// Overwrite species to the parent Array constructor
static get [Symbol.species]() { return Array; }
var a = new MyArray(1,2,3);
var mapped = a.map(x => x * x);
console.log(mapped instanceof MyArray); // false
console.log(mapped instanceof Array); // true
The ECMAScript 2015 specifications says:
A function valued property that is the constructor function that is used to create derived objects.
The way I understand it it would be mainly used to Duck-Type in some way custom objects in order to trick the instanceof operator.
It seems very useful but I have not managed to use it on plain objects (FF 44.0a2):
let obj = {
get [Symbol.species]() {
return Array
console.log(obj instanceof Array) //false =(
console.log(obj instanceof Object) //true
Is there any way to use Symbol.species on plain objects in order to trick the instanceof operator?
The way I understand it it would be mainly used to Duck-Type in some way custom objects in order to trick the instanceof operator.
Nope, that's what Symbol.hasInstance is good for (though it makes tricky constructors, e.g. for mixins, not tricky instances).
The point of Symbol.species is to let built-in methods determine the proper type for derived objects. Whenever a function is supposed to return a new instance of the same kind, it usually instantiates a new this.constructor, which might be a subclass of the class that defined the method. But you might not always want this when subclassing, and that's where Symbol.species comes in.
The example given by MDN is quite good, you just must not miss the distinction between a and mapped:
var a = new MyArray(1,2,3);
var mapped = a.map(x => x * x);
Object.getPrototypeOf(a) == MyArray.prototype; // true
Object.getPrototypeOf(mapped) == Array.prototype; // true
(As you know, instanceof is was just sugar for the reverse of isPrototypeOf)
So what happens here is that the Array map method is called on an instance of MyArray, and creates a derived object that is now an instance of Array - because a.constructor[Symbol.species] said so. Without it, map would have created another MyArray.
This trick would work with plain objects just as well:
var b = {
length: 0,
map: Array.prototype.map,
constructor: { // yes, usually a function
[Symbol.species]: MyArray
var mapped = b.map(x => x*x);
console.log(mapped instanceof MyArray); // true
I can't say whether it's any useful in this example, though :-)
Good question. I admit that I'm not 100% sure, but I've gotten the impression that the answer is no.
I used two methods to determine this answer:
Finding an environment that clearly supports all of the features necessary to test this, and running the code in that environment directly
Referencing the spec
The first point wasn't easy to test, and I wasn't entirely sure that I successfully did it. You used Firefox 44, but I decided to test another environment due to the fact that Kangax's support table says it only supports the existence of Symbol.species, and none of the Array-like features. To see this, you can expand the Symbol.species section in the link above.
In this case, even Kangax is a bit confusing. I would expect there to be non-Array specific tests for Symbol.species aside from the existence test, but maybe I'm just not knowledge enough to understand that those tests cover all of the functionality of Symbols. I'm not sure!
While browsing the table, I saw that Edge supports all of the Symbol.species features. I loaded up my Windows VM, hopped on over to Edge 20, and pasted your code.
In Edge 20, the code had the same result as your test in Firefox 44.
So this began to give me confidence that the feature doesn't work in the way that you want it to. Just to make sure that Edge had its JavaScript in order, I decided to run the code from the MDN article you linked, and...I got a syntax error! It appears Edge is still updating its Class implementation due to late-in-the-game changes to the Class spec, so it's not enabled.
Their current implementation is, however, available through an experimental flag. So I flipped that on and was able to reproduce the result that MDN got.
And that was the extent of my JavaScript environment testing. I don't have 100% confidence in this test, but I would say that I'm fairly confidence in the result.
So onto the second method I used to determine my result: the specification.
I admit that I'm no expert at the ECMAScript specification. I do my best to understand it, but it is likely that I might misinterpret some of the information in there. The reason for this is because I'm not an ECMAScript master, so some of the technical jargon used is just way over my head.
Nevertheless, I can sometimes get the gist of what is being said. Here's a snippet that's about the Symbol ##species:
Methods that create derived collection objects should call ##species to determine the constructor to use to create the derived objects. Subclass constructor may over-ride ##species to change the default constructor assignment.
The phrase "derived objects" is used quite frequently in describing this symbol, but it's not defined anywhere. One might interpret it to be a synonym of sorts with instantiated. If that's a correct interpretation, then this can likely only be used with constructors or classes.
Either way, it sounds as if ##species is an active Symbol, rather than a passive one. By this I mean that it sounds like it's a function that's actually called during the creation of an Object, which is then what determines the instanceof value, rather than a function that's called at the time of instanceof being called.
But anyway, take that interpretation with a grain of salt. Once again, I'm not 100% certain of any of this. I considered posting this as a comment rather than an answer, but it ended up getting quite long.

Pitfalls using DOM-Javascript VS pure Javascript objects?

First of, I would like to mention, that a SO-search for figuring out differences of
(host objects) DOM-Javascript Objects (var domJSobj = document.createElement("div")) and
(native objects) pure Javascript Objects (var pureJSobj = {})
has been done, but still I cannot claim that I found very much (great is, that there is this question-answers: what-is-the-difference-between-native-objects-and-host-objects). Maybe I overlooked something here, then a comment is very appreciated.
I also read MDN Mozillas Docu on DOM and Javascript to get some idea before asking here.
Being a little "glueless" I started playing in the Javascript Console and I encountered some first pitfall (arising from expectations I have regarding the behaviour of (native objects) which are not true for (host objects)). To be clear many things -at first sight- seem similar:
var nativeObject = {}; //create new object
nativeObject.someAttribute = "something"; //set some attribute
nativeObject.someMethod = function() { return this.someAttribute; } // define some method
console.log(nativeObject.someAttribute); // "something"
console.log(nativeObject.someMethod()); // "something"
var hostObject = document.createElement("div"); //create a "div" one type of host object
hostObject.someAttribute = "something"; //set some attribute
hostObject.someMethod = function() { return this.someAttribute; } // define some method
console.log(hostObject.someAttribute); // "something"
console.log(hostObject.someMethod()); // "something"
For me it seems at first sigth that a (host object) is just as usable as a (native object) and has already more:
console.log(nativeObject.tagName); // undefined
console.log(hostObject.tagName); // "DIV"
as it has the all the nice DOM-attributes already there.
My Question is about a list of pitfalls (possible troubles) that can arrise if I decide to (mis)use a (host object) instead of simple (native object)?
already I am aware of this:
speed considerations (I assume that native objects are created more quickly)
memory usage consideratoins (native objects might be better here too)
Anyways I cannot see much trouble (if those considerations are not very important in a case) yet? This is the reason for the question.
I think answers to this question would be best showing/telling one potential pitfall, that is a case or situation in which it is bad or impossible to use a (host object) over a (native object). In this way this question should adhere to the SO-quality requirement of being passed on real facts and not provoking mere opinion-based-discussion.
For me, the pitfall of using a DOM-based object is that from the moment it's created it already has dozens of properties. Your document.createElement("div") object has an id property and a title property and a style property that is an object of its own, etc. If you want to use a DOM-based object to store arbitrary data, you need to be careful not to name your property something that already exists or you may get unexpected results; for example in my tests in Chrome, the code hostObject.id = null would actually cause hostObject.id to be "" rather than true null; or hostObject.id = false would cause it to be "false" (i.e. the string, not true false) for the hostObject variable defined in your code.
Try adding this to your code:
for (property in document.createElement("div"))
In Chrome, I see 134 properties listed. That's a lot of landmines to potentially avoid. And beyond that, the properties differ between browsers. The same code in Firefox lists 192 properties.
I would only create a DOM object if you actually intend to use it as a DOM object. Then the properties have some purpose; otherwise they're just potential bugs in your code. Like the comments say, KISS; I mean, sure, I could decide to save the integer value 123456789 within a Date object:
myInt = new Date(123456789);
myInt.getTime(); // returns 123456789
But what's the point of that? Why not just do myInt = 123456789? Just as I wouldn't use a Date object to store integer data, don't use a DOM object to store arbitrary data.

Extending Object with a Non-Enumerable Property

I was reading the readme for should.js and got to the "OMG IT EXTENDS OBJECT???!?!#" section which says
Yes, yes it does, with a single getter should,
and no it won't break your code,
because it does this properly with a non-enumerable property.
I've always heard you shouldn't extend the object prototype but never really understood why.
Can someone explain why, in general, extending object is bad (what can it break)? And also explain what a non-enumerable property is and how this helps?
The issue is with extending Object.prototype. If the extension is enumerable, then it will be encountered in every enumeration of every object when using for-in.
Object.prototype.foo = "bar";
var empty_object = {};
for (var p in empty_object) {
alert(p + " " + empty_object[p]);
Clearly this can mess with your code. You can use .hasOwnProperty() in every enumeration of every object property, but there's a performance impact. Also sometimes you actually want to include inherited properties in your enumeration, but this makes it impossible, or at least very tough.
You should also note that just because the property is marked non-enumerable, that doesn't mean that it won't break your code.
What if you have an object, and you need to get the value of the .should property if it exists? (Where .should is expected to have some other meaning in the code.)
var val = my_object.should;
if (val) {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
Trouble is that the .should property will now always return the value of the inherited property if there isn't one directly on my_object.
This issue exists for the native Object.prototype extensions, but at least those names are commonly known, and therefore habitually avoided.
It's good that the library documented this extension, but it's still pretty short-sighted to claim that it won't break your code.
Least they could do would be to make it an optional extension.

Extending core types without modifying prototype

How does one extend core JavaScript types (String, Date, etc.) without modifying their prototypes? For example, suppose I wanted to make a derived string class with some convenience methods:
function MyString() { }
MyString.prototype = new String();
MyString.prototype.reverse = function() {
return this.split('').reverse().join('');
var s = new MyString("Foobar"); // Hmm, where do we use the argument?
// Chrome - TypeError: String.prototype.toString is not generic
// Firefox - TypeError: String.prototype.toString called on incompatible Object
The error seems to originate from String base methods, probably "split" in this case, since its methods are being applied to some non-string object. But if we can't apply the to non-string objects then can we really reuse them automatically?
Obviously my attempt is flawed in many ways but I think it demonstrates my intent. After some thinking, it seems that we can't reuse any of the String prototype object's functions without explicitly calling them on a String.
Is it possible to extend core types as such?
2 years later: mutating anything in global scope is a terrible idea
There being something "wrong" with extending native prototypes is FUD in ES5 browsers.
Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "my_method", {
value: function _my_method() { ... },
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
writeable: true
However if you have to support ES3 browsers then there are problems with people using for ... in loops on strings.
My opinion is that you can change native prototypes and should stop using any poorly written code that breaks
Update: Even this code does not fully extend the native String type (the length property does not work).
Imo it's probably not worth it to follow this approach. There are too many things to consider and you have to invest too much time to ensure that it fully works (if it does at all). #Raynos provides another interesting approach.
Nevertheless here is the idea:
It seems that you cannot call String.prototype.toString on anything else than a real string. You could override this method:
// constructor
function MyString(s) {
String.call(this, s); // call the "parent" constructor
this.s_ = s;
// create a new empty prototype to *not* override the original one
tmp = function(){};
tmp.prototype = String.prototype;
MyString.prototype = new tmp();
MyString.prototype.constructor = MyString;
// new method
MyString.prototype.reverse = function() {
return this.split('').reverse().join('');
// override
MyString.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.s_;
MyString.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return this.s_;
var s = new MyString("Foobar");
As you see, I also had to override valueOf to make it work.
But: I don't know whether these are the only methods you have to override and for other built-in types you might have to override other methods. A good start would be to take the ECMAScript specification and have a look at the specification of the methods.
E.g. the second step in the String.prototype.split algorithm is:
Let S be the result of calling ToString, giving it the this value as its argument.
If an object is passed to ToString, then it basically calls the toString method of this object. And that is why it works when we override toString.
Update: What does not work is s.length. So although you might be able to make the methods work, other properties seem to be more tricky.
First of all, in this code:
MyString.prototype = String.prototype;
MyString.prototype.reverse = function() {
the variables MyString.prototype and String.prototype are both referencing the same object! Assigning to one is assigning to the other. When you dropped a reverse method into MyString.prototype you were also writing it to String.prototype. So try this:
MyString.prototype = String.prototype;
MyString.prototype.charAt = function () {alert("Haha");}
var s = new MyString();
The last two lines both alert because their prototypes are the same object. You really did extend String.prototype.
Now about your error. You called reverse on your MyString object. Where is this method defined? In the prototype, which is the same as String.prototype. You overwrote reverse. What is the first thing it does? It calls split on the target object. Now the thing is, in order for String.prototype.split to work it has to call String.prototype.toString. For example:
var s = new MyString();
if (s.split("")) {alert("Hi");}
This code generates an error:
TypeError: String.prototype.toString is not generic
What this means is that String.prototype.toString uses the internal representation of a string to do its thing (namely returning its internal primitive string), and cannot be applied to arbitrary target objects that share the string prototype. So when you called split, the implementation of split said "oh my target is not a string, let me call toString," but then toString said "my target is not a string and I'm not generic" so it threw the TypeError.
If you want to learn more about generics in JavaScript, you can see this MDN section on Array and String generics.
As for getting this to work without the error, see Alxandr's answer.
As for extending the exact built-in types like String and Date and so on without changing their prototypes, you really don't, without creating wrappers or delegates or subclasses. But then this won't allow the syntax like
where d1 and d2 are instances of the built-in Date class whose prototype you did not extend. :-) JavaScript uses prototype chains for this kind of method call syntax. It just does. Excellent question though... but is this what you had in mind?
You got only one part wrong here. MyString.prototype shouldn't be String.prototype, it should be like this:
function MyString(s) { }
MyString.prototype = new String();
MyString.prototype.reverse = function() {
var s = new MyString("Foobar");
To answer your question in a better way, no it should not be possible.
If you take a look at this: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/constructor it explains that you can't change the type on bools, ints and strings, thus they cannot be "subclassed".
I think the basic answer is you probably can't. What you can do is what Sugar.js does - create an object-like object and extend from that:
Sugar.js is all about native object extensions, and they do not extend Object.prototype.
