Showing elements one after another - javascript

I often see questions like this one and there are multiple solutions. I'm trying to come up with something short that can be reusable. My question is, given the following code, do I need to clearTimeout() and where to do it? And also, anything you would improve? How good or bad is this piece of code for performance?
var fade1by1 = function ($elms, props) {
props = props || {};
props.delay = props.delay || 1; // s
props.speed = props.speed || 400; // ms
props.ease = props.ease || 'linear';
for (var i=0, d=0, l=$elms.length; i<l; i++, d+=props.delay*1000) {
(function (i, d) {
// Using `delay()` instead of `setTimeout()`
// as Alexander suggested
$elms.eq(i).delay(d).fadeIn(props.speed, props.ease);
})(i, d);

I don't think you need to window.clearTimeout since it does not seem like you want to stop the animation. If you are still undecided then what about using .delay, it clearly uses window.setTimeout also.
var fade1by1 = function ($elms, speed) {
speed = speed || 1; // Seconds
for (var i=0, s=0, l=$elms.length; i<l; i++, s+=speed*1000) {
See it in action here.

Seems to me you should do this with the fadeIn function's callback. Something like the following should accomplish all of your goals (substitute in your new params):
var customFade = function(parent, speed){
$(':hidden:first', parent).fadeIn(speed, function(){
customFade(parent, speed)
$('button').click(function(){ customFade($('ul'), 1000); });

Instead of setting all the actions at once with increasingly long wait periods, another approach is to bind the show behavior directly to each selected element as a custom event, and include in that bound function a fixed waiting period plus a call to trigger the custom event of the "next" element, if present. To get it started, you just light the fuse of the first element.
So, something like this:
var fadeCascade = function fadeCascade(your_selector, props) {
props = props || {};
props.delay = props.delay || 1; // s
props.speed = props.speed || 2000; // ms
props.ease = props.ease || 'linear';
.addClass('showme') // Being a little lazy here, but it works
// You could work out an inspection by attached event
.bind('showme', function() { // custom event
.delay( props.delay * 1000 )
.fadeIn(props.speed, props.ease, function() {
$(this).nextAll('.showme:first').trigger('showme'); // jqueryish recursion
}).hide() // or just hide in initial css
.first().trigger('showme'); // set the dominoes falling
And to trigger the reveal:
If you're concerned about hygiene, you could unbind events and remove classes as you go.
Update: Added delay, thanks #Alexander.


Errors with greensock tween activated by mouse in pixi.js

I'm trying to scroll a greensock tween in pixi. I'm getting errors trying to hook the code that gets the mouse/arrow input (trackpad.value) with my tween.
Here's my working greensock test tween, to make sure I have greensock working in pixi: (have to tween the position element in pixi):
var t1 = new TimelineMax({onUpdate:animate, onUpdateScope:stage});, 3, {y:100});
Here's my code where I'm trying to hook trackpad.value into the greensock code (I'm getting the following error: Uncaught TypeError: bg.position is not a function):
trackpad = new Trackpad(document);
var t1 = new TimelineMax({paused:true, onUpdate:animate, onUpdateScope:stage});
t1.progress(bg.position( Math.abs( trackpad.value ) / 3240));
I then tried the following - it didn't work (but I didn't get an error):
var moveIt = trackpad.value / 3240;
t1.progress(bg.position, moveIt, {});
Here's the code where the trackpad value is defined:
* param: the html element that will be scrolled
Trackpad = function(target)
{ = target;
this.value = 0;
this.easingValue = 00;
this.dragOffset = 0;
this.speed= 0;
this.prevPosition = 0;
$($.proxy(this.onMouseDown, this)); = $.proxy(this.onMouseWheel, this);
// not forgetting touchs! = $.proxy(this.onTouchStart, this);
// stop dragging!
$(document).keydown( $.proxy(this.onArrow, this))//function(e){
// = function(){return false;}
// set constructor
Trackpad.constructor = Trackpad;
// create the functions
Trackpad.prototype.unlock = function()
this.locked = false;
this.speed = 0;
this.easingValue = this.value;
Trackpad.prototype.lock = function()
this.locked = true;
Trackpad.prototype.update = function()
if(this.easingValue > 0)this.easingValue = 0;
if(this.easingValue < -10700)this.easingValue = -10700;
this.value = this.easingValue;
var newSpeed = this.easingValue - this.prevPosition;
newSpeed *= 0.7;
this.speed += (newSpeed - this.speed) *0.5;//+= (newSpeed - this.speed) * 0.5;
this.prevPosition = this.easingValue;
this.speed *= 0.9;
this.easingValue += this.speed;
if(Math.abs(this.speed) < 1)this.speed = 0;
Trackpad.prototype.onArrow = function(event)
if (event.keyCode == 38) {
// UP
this.speed = 4;
return false;
else if (event.keyCode == 40) {
// UP
this.speed -= 4
return false;
Trackpad.prototype.onMouseWheel = function(event)
this.speed = event.wheelDelta * 0.1;
Trackpad.prototype.startDrag = function(newPosition)
this.dragging = true;
this.dragOffset = newPosition - this.value;
Trackpad.prototype.endDrag = function(newPosition)
this.dragging = false;
Trackpad.prototype.updateDrag = function(newPosition)
this.easingValue = (newPosition - this.dragOffset);
Trackpad.prototype.onMouseDown = function(event)
event.returnValue = false;
$(document).mousemove($.proxy(this.onMouseMove, this));
$(document).mouseup($.proxy(this.onMouseUp, this));
Trackpad.prototype.onMouseMove = function(event)
Trackpad.prototype.onMouseUp = function(event)
// = null;
this.endDrag();// = false;
Trackpad.prototype.onTouchStart = function(event)
//event.preventDefault(); = $.proxy(this.onTouchMove, this); = $.proxy(this.onTouchEnd, this);
Trackpad.prototype.onTouchMove = function(event)
Trackpad.prototype.onTouchEnd = function(event)
{ = null; = null;
** edit
tl = new TimelineLite( { paused: true } );
// respond to scroll event - in this case using jquery
//apply whatever math makes the most sense to progress the timeline progress from 0 to 1 within those parameters. Something like,
$(window).scroll( function() {
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
if ( st < someArbitraryValue ) { // someArbitraryValue, where to start
// Here, "someOtherArbitaryValue" would be the
// "height" of the scroll to react to
tl.progress( Math.abs( st ) / someOtherArbitaryValue );
Is this the kind of effect you were after?
window.requestAnimFrame=(function(){return window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||function(callback){window.setTimeout(callback,1000/60);};})(); //
var stageWidth=$(window).innerWidth();
var stageHeight=$(window).innerHeight();
var renderer=PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(stageWidth,stageHeight);
var bg,cat,moon,blue,trackpad,texture1,texture2,texture3;
bg=new PIXI.Container();
cat=new PIXI.Sprite(texture1);
moon=new PIXI.Sprite(texture2);
blue=new PIXI.Sprite(texture3);
bg.vy=bg.vx=0;//what are those?
trackpad=new Trackpad(document);
function animate(){
Let me know if this is exactly the thing you were looking for & I'll then break it down for you in terms of what has changed in comparison to your code.
First & foremost, I have used the latest version (v3.0.6) of Pixi.JS in my example above. This v3 update brought a few major changes. Couple of them prominent to your problem are:
No need for Stage object anymore for rendering purposes. Any Container type object can be used directly to be rendered on canvas.
Shortening of the name DisplayObjectContainer to simply Container. This is probably the reason why you are getting the error when trying to implement my code in your environment that you mentioned in comments because I presume you are using one of the old verions.
Read all about this update here, here & here.
I always prefer to use the latest & greatest of GSAP (v1.17.0‏). Even the dot releases of this framework brings major updates which is why I like to keep it up to date. Read an important note on this update here. Having said that, the current implementation doesn't really use TweenMax at all.
TweenMax bundles EasePack, CSSPlugin & a few other things. No need to load them in separately. Update your HTML accordingly. Use this handy GSAP CheatSheet by Peter Tichy to get such information and more about this tool.
Changes in Trackpad.js:
Inside the update method, there was a maximum scroll limit defined the page can scroll up to. That value previously was -10700. I changed it to -2160. You may want to set it to -3240 I think, based on what I have been able to understand so far as to what you are trying to achieve.
Formatting changes.
Changes in main.js (whatever name you gave to your main script file):
Added a requestAnimationFrame polyfill thanks to Paul Irish.
Removed the var stage= new PIXI.Stage(0xff00ff); line. Read #1 above for details.
Renamed DisplayObjectContainer to Container which was assigned to bg. Read #1 above for details.
Added bg.position.y=trackpad.value; in the animate loop. You were missing this. You will need to use trackpad.value in order to position your bg.
Added trackpad.update(); in the same animate loop. This is the big one and IMHO, this is the one you were failing to understand the purpose of. In summary, Trackpad.js needs to update its value on a timely basis & the only loop you have got running is the animate loop thanks to requestAnimFrame. Hence, the update(); method is called.
Rendering bg instead of stage. Read #1 above for details.
Formatting changes.
Let me know if anything is unclear.
I thought of editing the old answer but decided against it because I think it answers your original question.
Take a look at this Codepen demo for a new approach to the same problem. I am really hoping to listen to community on the approach I have taken here in terms of listening to events and using them to adjust a GSAP timeline.
There are 4 JS files used in my example: app.js, constants.js, timeline.js & listeners.js. Links to which can be found in the settings gear icon of the JavaScript editor of the demo. All of these files are heavily annotated with links to solutions I found over the internet to specific problems.
Among these files, code of app.js is as follows:
function Application(){}
this.renderer=new PIXI.CanvasRenderer(this.stageWidth,this.stageHeight);
var self=this;
this.loader=new PIXI.loaders.Loader(this.BASE_URL,1,{crossOrigin:''}); // PIXI Loader class []
this.loader.add(this.IMAGE_JS_URL); // Loader extends ResourceLoader []
//this.loader.once('complete',function(){self.onImagesLoaded.apply(self);}); // Vanilla JS alternative to jQuery's proxy() method []
this.loader.once('complete',this.onImagesLoaded.bind(this)); // bind() polyfill []
this.containerBg=new PIXI.Container();
this.spriteJS=new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.utils.TextureCache[this.BASE_URL+this.IMAGE_JS_URL]); // TextureCache in action []
this.spritePIXI=new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.utils.TextureCache[this.BASE_URL+this.IMAGE_PIXI_URL]); // PIXI.TextureCache became PIXI.utils.TextureCache in v3 []
this.spriteGSAP=new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.utils.TextureCache[this.BASE_URL+this.IMAGE_GSAP_URL]);
//var scale=Math.min(this.stageWidth/sprite.width,this.stageHeight/sprite.height); // resize with aspect ratio [] and []
var scale=this.stageWidth/sprite.width;
this.timeline=new Timeline();
var self=this;
//this.listeners=new Listeners();
Application.prototype.onScroll=function(e){ this.timeline.onScroll(e); };
Application.prototype.onStartDrag=function(e){ this.timeline.onStartDrag(e); };
Application.prototype.onDrag=function(e){ this.timeline.onDrag(e); };
Application.prototype.onEndDrag=function(e){ this.timeline.onEndDrag(e); };
var self=this;
//TweenLite.ticker.addEventListener('tick',function(){self.render.apply(self);},false); // Vanilla JS alternative to jQuery's proxy() method []
Application.prototype.createPolyfillForBind=function(){ // []
if(typeof this!=='function'){
// closest thing possible to the ECMAScript 5
// internal IsCallable function
throw new TypeError('Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable');
return fToBind.apply(this instanceof fNOP
fBound.prototype=new fNOP();
return fBound;
var app=new Application();
P.S. I have also heavily experimented with design patterns in this same example, mainly Prototype and Singleton patterns. I am also looking forward to comments on them as well from the community.

Assign onclick to entire class

I'm trying to attach an event handler on all elements with a specific div. I have created a jsfiddle showing an example of my code. Could someone please point me in the right direction?
var l = document.getElementsByClassName("item").Length;
var foo = function () { alert("foo"); };
for (var i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
document.getElementsByClassName("item")[i].onclick = foo();
please no jquery answers
I'd suggest (unless you explicitly need to iterate in reverse):
var els = document.getElementsByClassName('item'),
l = els.length,
foo = function () { alert("foo"); };
for (var i = 0; i< l; i++) {
els[i].onclick = foo;
JS Fiddle demo.
Problems with your code:
// 'Length' should be 'length':
var l = document.getElementsByClassName("item").Length;
var foo = function () { alert("foo"); };
// since you're not changing the class-name there's no need to
// go in reverse (it's just confusing to read):
for (var i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// you're re-querying every iteration (plus when you're getting the length), why?
// keeping the parentheses assigns the (non-existent) return value of the function,
// instead of binding the function to the 'click' event:
document.getElementsByClassName("item")[i].onclick = foo();
Incidentally, you could instead bind the event-handler to the closest ancestor element that wraps all the elements you want to have an effect when they're clicked (note: use the closest ancestor that exists in the DOM at the time of event-binding, in this case it's the body, because there's no other wrapping elements, in most cases there will be, and the closest should be used to avoid events having to bubble all the way to the 'top'):
var bindTarget = document.body, // use the closest wrapping element
foo = function (e) {
var e = e || window.event,
clicked = || e.srcElement;
if (clicked.className.indexOf('item') > -1) {
bindTarget.onclick = foo;
JS Fiddle demo.
The property of a NodeList (what getElementByClassName() returns) that you want is length (lowercase).
To pass a reference to a function, just use its name; don't put parentheses after it. Otherwise you're calling the function and assigning or passing its return value.
var items = document.getElementsByClassName("item");
var l = items.length;
var foo = function () { alert("foo"); };
for (var i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
items[i].onclick = foo;
You can call Array.prototype.forEach over the result of document.getElementsByClassName("item")
var foo = function () { alert('foo'); };'item'), function ( item ) {
item.addEventListener('click', foo);
If you are interested in using jQuery, you can write this out a lot simpler. Whilst it's not necessary it may save you a lot of time in the future when you are trying to do harder stuff. At a basic level:
function foo...
This will get all DOM elements with a class of "item" and attach foo to the click event.
If you're interested, there is lots of documentation and help with using jQuery.

Apply Undo Redo on elements that can dragable (drag and drop)

I want to implement functionality on the svgElements that can be dragged with javascript how could I do this...
I have implemented this with mouse up
When mouse up occurs, I save the x and y position, object id, object type (circle, rect, etc.)
Can any one this good way to implement?
If you're asking how to implement undo/redo functionality in general, it's fairly simple: you have an array of actions and a counter. You push new elements onto the array when actions occur and step backwards when people hit undo.
Very basic implementation:
var history = {
stack : [],
counter : -1,
add : function(item){
this.stack[++this.counter] = item;
// delete anything forward of the counter
undo : function(){
redo : function(){
doSomethingWith : function(item){
// show item
Note that there should be basic error checking to see that counter doesn't go beyond bounds and that you may want to pass 'undo' info into doSomethingWith in the case of an undo, but all that is app specific.
cwolves describes a good structure for the undo/redo functionality.
You are correct, that during mouse-up, you'll want to store the history, but you'll also want to store the original location of the object(s) being manipulated during mouse-down so you'll have have it when you undo the move.
If you end up taking it a step further, and allowing scaling, then you'll want to store the complete original transform e.g. "translate(10,10) scale(1.2,1.2) rotate(90)", for history, but also so that you'll have a baseline to apply the drag-scaling action to.
I found a better structure without counter, index shift or limit handling problems.
Simply 2 stack for "done" and "reverted" action that are balancing.
var history = function() {
this.done = this.reverted = [];
var self = this;
this.add = function(item) {
// delete anything forward
self.reverted = [];
this.undo = function() {
var item = self.done.pop();
if (item) {
return item;
this.redo = function() {
var item = self.reverted.pop();
if (item) {
return item;
There are some issues with the above codes.
I attempted to use those and found out that I had to hit undo twice initially before it started going down the array.
So say I have done[0] done[1] done[2].
done[2] was just saved into the array. If I hit undo, it returns that. You dont want that. It is replacing what is already there. But hitting undo again, THEN you get your previous code.
Mine, as I have a drag and drop editor with different modes of edits. Drag and Drop Elements. Edit Elements HTML/Pictures. Sorting elements.
$("#neoContentContainer") contains all editor html.
And you can call editor_add on clicks, mousedowns ect... seeing it is a function you can easily call.
function editor_add(){
function editor_undo(){
var item = undo.pop();
// prevent undo/redo from undoing to the same HTML currently shown.
if(item == $("#neoContentContainer").html()){
item = undo.pop();
function editor_redo(){
var item = redo.pop();
if(item == $("#neoContentContainer").html()){
item = redo.pop();
function update_buttons(){
if(undo.length == 0){
} else {
if(redo.length == 0){
} else {
Not perfect, but get the jist of it. (Still wondering when we can get ONE LINE LINE BREAKS!!!! DEVS AT STACKOVERFLOW!! :)
So when my page loads, I run: editor_add();
Because when they do something, it needs to undo to something!
Now every time they drop something, sort things I run editor_add(); Took me all day, now realizing how simple it was this works very well for me.
So with this one, which is good....
var history = function() {
this.done = this.reverted = [];
var self = this;
this.add = function(item) {
this.undo = function() {
if(done.length >= 3){
var undo_item = self.done.pop();
var item = self.done.pop();
if (item) {
return item;
this.redo = function() {
if(reverted.length >= 3){
var revert_item = self.reverted.pop();
var item = self.reverted.pop();
if (item) {
return item;
You do not want to clear the redos until you ran through the array.
(Guess logging in before editing helps!)

Javascript, callback when object's attributes change?

Functions in javascript are objects:
var x = function(){};
x.y = 1;
console.log(x.y); //Prints 1
Is there any way to call a function when y changes?
My reason for doing this is that I'm trying to override jquery's "$" function so that I can benchmark performance. It works fine when the JS runs $('mySelector'). However, plugins that are created using $.fn.myPlugin will change the attributes in the object I overrided, rather than the original.
I believe what you're looking for are JavaScript setters. Be careful to study browser support tough.
The following example is from the MDN documentation. First, when you create your own objects:
var o = {a: 7,
get b() {return this.a + 1;},
set c(x) {this.a = x / 2}};
Second, when you augment an existing prototype:
var d = Date.prototype;
d.__defineGetter__("year", function() { return this.getFullYear(); });
d.__defineSetter__("year", function(y) { this.setFullYear(y); });
There is no way to do this that will work in all browsers. Getters and setters are nice, but are completely useless when you have to support IE6 or IE7.
The approach I settled on used bandi's defineGetter suggestion, but looped through the attributes of the original object.
getAttr = function(att) {
return function() { return eval("originalObject."+att) };
//Delegate all attribute access to original object
for (var att in originalObject) {
overRiddenObject.__defineGetter__(att.toString(), getAttr(att));
And here is the full snippet that I can stick in my code to profile jQuery selectors:
var original$ = $;
$ = function() {
//Ignore document.ready function calls
if (typeof(arguments)[0] === 'function') {
return original$.apply( this, arguments );
t1 = new Date().getTime();
// Run each selector 100 times since we can only time it to the millisecond
for (var i=0; i<100; i++)
x = original$.apply( this, arguments );
t = new Date().getTime()-t1;
// Print selector name, time taken and number of elements matched
console.log(arguments," "+t+"ms"+" ("+x.length+" element(s))");
return x;
getAttr = function(att) {
return function() { return eval("original$."+att) };
//Delegate all attribute access to original object
for (var att in original$) {
$.__defineGetter__(att.toString(), getAttr(att));
It could probably be done with better style using closure's, but it works.
Also it will only work on jQuery plugins when you remove the "$" from (function($) {...))(jQUery).
This could be worked around by rewriting this to use .extend and override methods that are called during selection - something I'm looking into to make this pluggable.

Is there a Javascript equivalent of Ruby's andand?

In trying to make my Javascript unobtrusive, I'm using onLoads to add functionality to <input>s and such. With Dojo, this looks something like:
var coolInput = dojo.byId('cool_input');
if(coolInput) {
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
coolInput.onkeyup = function() { ... };
Or, approximately equivalently:
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
dojo.forEach(dojo.query('#cool_input'), function(elt) {
elt.onkeyup = function() { ... };
Has anyone written an implementation of Ruby's andand so that I could do the following?
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
// the input's onkeyup is set iff the input exists
dojo.byId('cool_input').andand().onkeyup = function() { ... };
dojo.byId('cool_input').andand(function(elt) {
// this function gets called with elt = the input iff it exists
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
elt.onkeyup = function() { ... };
I don't know Dojo, but shouldn't your first example read
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
var coolInput = dojo.byId('cool_input');
coolInput.onkeyup = function() { ... };
Otherwise, you might end up trying to access the element before the DOM has been built.
Back to your question: In JavaScript, I'd implement andand() as
function andand(obj, func, args) {
return obj && func.apply(obj, args || []);
Your example could then be written as
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
andand(dojo.byId('cool_input'), function() {
this.onkeyup = function() { ... };
which isn't really that much shorter than using the explicit if statement - so why bother?
The exact syntax you want is not possible in JavaScript. The way JavaScript executes would need to change in a pretty fundamental fashion. For example:
var name = getUserById(id).andand().name;
// ^
// |-------------------------------
// if getUserById returns null, execution MUST stop here |
// otherwise, you'll get a "null is not an object" exception
However, JavaScript doesn't work that way. It simply doesn't.
The following line performs almost exactly what you want.
var name = (var user = getUserById(id)) ? : null;
But readability won't scale to larger examples. For example:
// this is what you want to see
var initial = getUserById(id).andand().name.andand()[0];
// this is the best that JavaScript can do
var initial = (var name = (var user = getUserById(id)) ? : null) ? name[0] : null;
And there is the side-effect of those unnecessary variables. I use those variables to avoid the double lookup. The variables are mucking up the context, and if that's a huge deal, you can use anonymous functions:
var name = (function() {return (var user = getUserById(id)) ? : null;})();
Now, the user variable is cleaned-up properly, and everybody's happy. But wow! what a lot of typing! :)
You want dojo.behavior.
'#cool_input': {
onKeyUp: function(evt) { ... }
How about something like this:
function andand(elt, f) {
if (elt)
return f(elt);
return null;
Call like this:
andand(dojo.byId('cool_input'), function(elt) {
// this function gets called with elt = the input iff it exists
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
elt.onkeyup = function() { ... };
As far as I know there isn't a built-in JavaScript function that has that same functionality. I think the best solution though is to query by class instead of id and use dojo.forEach(...) as you will be guaranteed a non-null element in the forEach closure.
You could always use the JavaScript equivalent:
dojo.byId('cool_input') && dojo.byId('cool_input').whateverYouWantToDo(...);
I've never used dojo, but most javascript frameworks (when dealing with the DOM) return the calling element when a method is called from the element object (poor wording, sorry). So andand() would be implicit.
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
dojo.byId('cool_input').onkeyup(function(evt) { /*event handler code*/
For a list:
Array.prototype.andand = function(property, fn) {
if (this.filter(property).length > 0);
