I used plaxo contact widget to pull gmail, yahoo mail contacts and many. It's working fine, but every time when I open that page it will show a popup window with the following error message:
unable to add recipients . Please close the address book window and try again
Please suggest me what to do?
Unfortunately, we've retired our API Contact Widget and no longer support it as of October 31st 2011.. You can read more on our blog - http://blog.plaxo.com/2011/08/plaxo-widget-retirement/.
p.s. You can try out cloudsponge.com :) (and you get a free trial if you mention Plaxo)
I'm the admin for my google suite site. As of 2 weeks ago I keep getting the error "You do not have permission to perform that action." when trying to add any contacts programmatically. I've tried adding apis, removing permissions and reauthorizing, copying and pasting the script into new script files, copying the whole sheets files and nothing works. I've used different emails and names etc. I'm running this from my admin side and it worked fine a couple weeks ago.
This problem only happens with the line ContactsApp.createContact() and all other ContactsApp. methods work fine. I've tried all the suggestions I can find online and nothing is working.
function testthis(){
Any help or suggestions or troubleshooting would be greatly appreciated on this!
Make sure that this scope:
is added and also make sure your Contacts API is enabled in your Google Dev console.
I also had this problem. In my case, the error was originated in the fact that the format of the input data was not correct. For instance, if you are adding to your contacts an email address, check that this field has actually an email format, otherway the script may not perform.
does anyone know how to send a message from intercom(https://www.intercom.com/) on user's behalf? I need to set up an event listener that opens intercom chat window and sends a message when a some button is clicked.
i am working with react version of intercom if it helps.
will be very grateful for any hints.
If you are using the Intercom chat widget, you can pre-populate a custom message in the widget on the user's behalf like so
const myCustomMessage = 'Hi there!'
window.Intercom('showNewMessage', myCustomMessage)
Of course, the user still has to actually send the message. This might not be exactly what you wanted but it's an alternative in case you want to fully automate everything except the decision to send the message (which is the right UX in a lot of situations).
Documentation is here.
for those who are in the same trouble:
For sending messages on the user's behalf, you may check this out https://developers.intercom.com/intercom-api-reference/reference/create-a-conversation
You may need the user's user_id or id from the reference above to create a conversation. For those who are using MobileSDK or intercom_flutter, the id is not provided within the package or SDK. I found a workaround by using this Search for contacts API to get the id.
I created a website for my Students Organization.
On that website there is a page where I list all the people who helped organize our Activities. Theres a picture of every member there.
To get the images, I used their facebook profile pictures.
I used http://graph.facebook.com/USERNAME/picture?height=250&width=250
This code did work a few days ago, but now the images dont seem to load. I followed the url and got a JSON object:
"error": {
"message": "(#803) Cannot query users by their username (user.name)",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 803
So it seems to me that facebook might have changed their security... (after googling I found out about some changes in their API 2.0 but I didnt fully understand that..)
This link does still seem to work if you have the userID, but I'm unable to get that userID because of the same error message through graph.facebook.com...
Is there still a way to get facebook profile pictures of people on your website or did facebook totally block this off??
Any help is appreciated!
If you want to use the data, you'll need to implement Facebook Login for your website, where the users can give their permissions to your app to use their data.
The username field is no longer accessible with the Graph API v2.0. There are at least 5-10 questions on this on StackOverflow today.
Look at the docs:
I have a website that a lot of people view on mobile.
I have link for : Call and SMS and I want to add one for Whatsapp, so a user can click the whatsapp link I create and start a conversation with me.
If this is possible can someone point me in the right direction on how?
below link will open the whatsapp. Here "0123456789" is the contact of the person you want to communicate with.
Check this link out
Launching Your iPhone App Via Custom URL Scheme
and more on the whats up url scheme document
I did a quick mock up and tried it on my iphone with a link like this from a webpage and it opened the app on my iphone.
I could not try to send a message as I don't have a current Whatsapp account sorry.
Add user name using abid parameter
let's say your whatsapp username was username then it would be
once again sorry I can't test this. Also I have no idea what would happen if the username is the actual user of the current mobile device. eg. You try to whatsapp yourself.
Here is the solution to your problem! You just need to use this format:
In the place of "urlencodedtext" you need to keep the content in Url-encode format.
UPDATE-- Use this from now(Nov-2018)
Use: https://wa.me/15551234567
Don't use: https://wa.me/+001-(555)1234567
To create your own link with a pre-filled message that will
automatically appear in the text field of a chat, use
https://wa.me/whatsappphonenumber/?text=urlencodedtext where
whatsappphonenumber is a full phone number in international format and
URL-encodedtext is the URL-encoded pre-filled message.
To create a link with just a pre-filled message, use
After clicking on the link, you will be shown a list of contacts you
can send your message to.
For more information, see https://www.whatsapp.com/faq/en/general/26000030
This is possible by creating the following link:
whatsapp://send?text=Hello this has been opened from the browser&phone=+PHONENUMBER&abid=+PHONENUMBER
Thanks to:
I have tested this on iOS, Windows Phone and Android
I just posted an answer on a thread similiar to this here https://stackoverflow.com/a/43357241/3958617
The approach with:
and with
Only works if the person who clicked on your link have your number on their contact list.
Since not everybody will have it, the other solution is to use Whatsapp API like this:
Send Message
More details on this API here: https://www.whatsapp.com/faq/en/general/26000030
And observations on how to use it here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/43357241/3958617
where YOURNUMBER is without the two leading 00.
For instance for +37061204312 you write:
This link seems to work on mobiles and on desktop computers.
To prefill the message with text you can use:
More in the Whatsapp FAQ: https://faq.whatsapp.com/en/android/26000030/
Rahul's answer gives me an error: You seem to be trying to send a WhatsApp message to a phone number that is not registered with WhatsApp..., even though I'm sending it to a registered WhatsApp number.
This, however works:
<li><a href="intent:0123456789#Intent;scheme=smsto;package=com.whatsapp;action=android.intent.action.SENDTO;end"><i class="fa fa-whatsapp"></i>+237 655 421 621</li>
If you get a private message from Github, you can reply to it directly via email instead of going directly to the site to reply.
When Github receives your email, it parses the message and inserts it into the database. I'm trying to do the same thing.
However, when my server receives the email as a raw string form, it gets something like this:
Important message here
On April 4, 2012 Somebody wrote:
> blahblahblah
On March 2, 2012 Somebody wrote:
> blahblahbla
Of course, I only want the important message. I don't want the rest of the junk that people wrote previously.
Is there a universal way to filter this out? Some sort of library?
Or...do I have to examine Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail to determine what junk they add to the bottom of the message and then filter it out individually?
How does Github do it?
GitHub uses their email_reply_parser gem for this.
This is what GitHub uses to display comments that were created from email replies. This code is being open sourced in an effort to crowdsource the quality of our email representation.