I want to add a link/href to the 2nd column (the one with "C" data in it). I have tried the columns render function but it only has data of the current column.
I want to use data from different columns onto anchor tag of column 2
this guy here
explains using rowID which would've solved my problem but this isnt working.
I tried using $.getJSON and append() over ajax function but it doesnt work as well.
$(document).ready(function() {
var table = $('#bla').DataTable({
"ajax" : "blist.json",
"columns" : [
{ "data" : null,defaultContent: "-" },
{ "data" : "C" },
{ "data" : "B" },
{ "data" : "D" },
{ "data" : null,defaultContent: "-" },
{ "data" : null,defaultContent: "-" },
[the array in blist.json has data "A","B","C","D","E"]
Say, your Link value is in key E then, you would be able to use render as shown below.
"columns" : [
{ "data" : null,defaultContent: "-" },
{ "data" : "C",
"render": function(data, type, row, meta){
if(type === 'display'){
data = '' + data + '';
return data;
{ "data" : "B" },
{ "data" : "D" },
{ "data" : null,defaultContent: "-" },
{ "data" : null,defaultContent: "-" },
I will really appreciated any help. I am trying to fix the display of the text in my html. I use javascript and call the variable and display in html. However the display of the text is not what i desired.
var table= $('#data-table').DataTable({
"ajax" : "employee_data.json",
"columns" : [
{ "data" : "name" },
{ "data" : "gender"},
{ "data" : "designation"},
{ "data" : "image"},
{"defaultContent": '<div style="text-align:center"><button style="width:100%; margin-top: 5px;" class="btn btn-danger" > support </button></div>'}
$('#data-table tbody').on( 'click', 'button', function () {
var data = table.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data();
alert( "You Click" + " "+data['name'] );
$new="You Click" + " "+data['name'] ;
$names=document.getElementById("name").append = data['name'];
$gender=document.getElementById("gender").append = data['gender'];
$('#img-container').append(data['image']+" " + $names+$gender+" </p>"+"<br>" );
} );
Running Result:
Desired Output:
Try to change your style using this unit of measurement to make it responsive to the sizing.
$(document).ready(function() {
var table= $('#data-table').DataTable( {
"ajax" : "employee_data.json",
"columns" : [
{ "data" : "name" },
{ "data" : "gender"},
{ "data" : "designation"},
{ "data" : "image"},
{"defaultContent": '<div style="font-size:15vw;"><button style="width:100%; margin-top: 5px;" class="btn btn-danger"> support </button></div>'}
Hi I'm trying to create a table that consists of checkboxes. And each row has its own class and ID.
"data" : coverageList,
"columns" : [ {
"data" : "seqNo",
"visible" : false
}, {
"data" : "coverageCode"
}, {
"data" : "coverageName"
}, {
"data" : "coverageCode",
"width" : "80px",
"className" : "text-center",
render : function(data, type, row) {
var arrData = data.split(";");
var coverageCd = arrData[0];
var coverageRel = nvl(arrData[1], coverageCd);
data = '<input class="'+coverageRel+'" id="'+coverageCd+'" type="checkbox" onClick="addToArray('
+ coverageCd
+ ','
+ coverageRel
+ ')">';
return data;
} ],
"searching" : false,
"bLengthChange" : false,
"iDisplayLength" : 15 ,
"bSort" : false,
"columnDefs" : [ {
"targets" : [ 1, 2 ],
"className" : "left"
}, {
"targets" : [ 2 ],
"width" : "150px",
}, {
"targets" : [ 1 ],
"width" : "100px",
}, {
"targets" : [ 3 ],
"width" : "50px",
"className" : "text-center"
} ]
niisPrptyCoverageTable = $('#niisPrprtyCoverageTable').DataTable();
$('#select-all').on('click', function(){
// Get all rows with search applied
var rows = niisPrptyCoverageTable.rows({ 'search': 'applied' }).nodes();
// Check/uncheck checkboxes for all rows in the table
$('input[type="checkbox"]', rows).prop('checked', this.checked);
What should happen is, if I check the main row, all the rows under his 'code or id' should be checked also.
It works but only on the first page
but doesn't work on the second page of the datatable
var array = [];
function addToArray(coverageCd, coverageRel) {
var rows = niisPrptyCoverageTable.rows('.'+coverageRel).nodes().className;
$('input[class='+coverageCd+']', rows).prop('checked', '#'+coverageCd.checked);
Use $() API method to get access to elements on all pages, not just current page.
For example:
var array = [];
function addToArray(coverageCd, coverageRel) {
var rows = niisPrptyCoverageTable.rows('.'+coverageRel).nodes().className;
niisPrptyCoverageTable.$('input[class='+coverageCd+']', rows).prop('checked', '#'+coverageCd.checked);
Alternatively see jQuery DataTables Checkboxes extension for easier handling of checkboxes in a table powered by jQuery DataTables.
I am trying to reformat a dynamically created JSON output into a format that can be consumed by the x-editable select type source[]. I need help building the array so that the re-formated JSON output looks like this:
{value: 2, name: 'Maintenance'},
Below is a sample original JSON which I am consuming:
{"COLUMNS":["SECTIONCOMMONNAME"],"DATA":[["Aircraft Overview"],["Email Server Settings"],["Maintenance"],["Page Sections"],["WOW"]]}
The code I am using is:
$(document).ready(function () {
var myURL = 'https://api.myjson.com/bins/3nzdj';
var myarray = [];
url: myURL,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (e) {
console.log('My created console output:' +'<br>');
$.each(e.DATA, function (i, jsonDataElem) {
console.log("{value: " + i + ', ' + "name: " + '"'+this+"'}");
var item = {
"value": i,
"name": this
var newJson = JSON.stringify(myarray);
console.log('My stringify output:' +'<br>' +newJson);
name: 'template',
type: 'select',
placement: 'right',
send: 'always',
value: 1,
source: [], //newJson (my new var)
/* should be in this format:
source: [{
value: 1,
text: 'text1'
}, {
value: 2,
text: 'text2'
After the stringify, the output is close, but wont work. It looks like this:
and needs to look like thisL
Here is a JSfiddle showing the output here.
it seems you are assigning complete array instead of value at index 0 try this
var item = {
"value": i,
"name": this[0] // gives elemnt at index 0
I was able to answer my own question. There might be a better way, but this works:
var myURL = 'https://api.myjson.com/bins/3nzdj';
$.getJSON(myURL, function(data) {
var output = '';
$.each(data.DATA, function(key, val) {
output +='{value: ';
output += "'"+key+"'";
output +=',text:';
output += "'"+val+"'";
output +='}';
output +=',';
var outputAdapted = '['+output+']'
name: 'template',
type: 'select',
placement: 'right',
send: 'always',
value: 1,
// should be in this format:
function() {
return outputAdapted;
My FIDDLE I hope this can help someone else.
I am trying to load the Flexigrid by using a JSON String which is returned by a WCF Service.
My Service has a public string GetContacts(string CustomerID) method and it returns a Json string.
That JSON string is created from a List object by using
System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer class. So, my aim is to bind the JSON string to the my Flexigrid as objects. I convert the web service result to objects using
var customer = eval("("+result+")");
The result is the JSON string being returned from service. Is there any way to bind customer objects to Flexigrid?
Flexigrid requires a format as follows in json
EDIT Thanks to EAMann for the format update.
total: (no of rec)
page : (page no)
rows : [{cell: [ (col1 value) , (col2 value) ,.. ] },
{cell: [ (col1 value) , (col2 value) ,.. ] }]
in order to bind the data to the grid i prefer sending the data across the wire and then formatting it on the client, but thats just me heres an example
function formatCustomerResults(Customers) {
var rows = Array();
for (i = 0; i < Customers.length; i++) {
var item = Customers[i];
//Do something here with the link
var link = "alert('opening item " + item.DealGuid + "');"
cell: [item.DealId,
'<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="' + link + '" >view</a>'
return {
total: Customers.length,
page: 1,
rows: rows
and then all you need is
ps this last bit is jquery syntax
almog.ori's answer is almost perfect. In fact, that's just about how I had built things before trying to Google the solution. One exception, though.
The JSON object should be:
total: (no of rec),
page : (page no),
rows : [{cell: [ (col1 value) , (col2 value) ,.. ] },
{cell: [ (col1 value) , (col2 value) ,.. ] }]
If you neglect the array format of the rows element, you'll end up choking Flexigrid and throwing all sorts of errors. But I've verified that this works flawlessly as long as you remember which parts of the script take JSON objects and which parts take arrays of JSON objects.
This is an older post but I thought I would add another way to use the excellent script provided by almog.ori.
The OP said that his data was being returned from a WCF service. If you mark the operation contract body style as bare you can use the preProcess property to add your formatCustomerResults (or other function) function to initially load the grid.
Like this:
url: '/YourService.svc/..',
method: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
preProcess: formatCustomerResults,
function formatCustomerResults(data){
Hope this helps someone.
Make sure also that you are using the correct HTTP method, default is POST
To use GET:
url: '/json/files.json',
method: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
preProcess solution by nameEqualsPNamePrubeGoldberg works perfect.
This is how my custom function for preProcess looks like.
var rows = Array();
rows.push({id:row.val1, cell:[row.val2,row.val3]});
return {
I recommend you to follow this sample to parse your JSON code and make requests to server:
Step 1: Parse using a function
function parsedForm(json)
var h = "";
if (json.post.val1)
h += "<b>Value 1</b>: " + json.post.val1 + "<br />";
h += "<b>Value 2</b>: " + json.post.val2 + "<br />";
h += "<b>Value 3</b>: " + json.post.val3 + "<br />";
if (json.post.val4)
h += "<b>Value 4</b>: " + json.post.val4 + "<br />";
return json;
Step 2: The flexigrid view code
url: 'post2.php',
dataType: 'json',
colModel : [
{display: 'ISO', name : 'iso', width : 40, sortable : true, align: 'center'},
{display: 'Name', name : 'name', width : 180, sortable : true, align: 'left'},
{display: 'Printable Name', name : 'printable_name', width : 120, sortable : true, align: 'left'},
{display: 'ISO3', name : 'iso3', width : 130, sortable : true, align: 'left', hide: true},
{display: 'Number Code', name : 'numcode', width : 80, sortable : true, align: 'right'}
searchitems : [
{display: 'ISO', name : 'iso'},
{display: 'Name', name : 'name', isdefault: true}
sortname: "iso",
sortorder: "asc",
usepager: true,
title: 'Countries',
useRp: true,
rp: 15,
showTableToggleBtn: true,
width: 700,
onSubmit: addFormData,
preProcess: parsedForm,
height: 200
Step 3: Additonally, you can validate or serialize the data to request server
function addFormData(){
//passing a form object to serializeArray will get the valid data from all the objects, but, if the you pass a non-form object, you have to specify the input elements that the data will come from
var dt = $('#sform').serializeArray();
$("#flex1").flexOptions({params: dt});
return true;
$('#sform').submit(function (){
$('#flex1').flexOptions({newp: 1}).flexReload();
return false;
I hope it will help!
Make sure you have the dataType option set to json.
singleSelect: true,
showToggleBtn: false,
dataType: 'json'
I believe the latest flex code broke the solution using preProcess.
addData: function (data) { //parse data
if (p.dataType == 'json') {
data = $.extend({rows: [], page: 0, total: 0}, data);
if (p.preProcess) {
data = p.preProcess(data);
You need to flip it so that the preProcess if comes before the type JSON if. Otherwise the function listed as an answer does not work properly.
It's old, I know... But here is an example of json that works:
"total": 5,
"page": "1",
"rows": [
{"cell": [1, "asd", "dsa", "2013-07-30"]},
{"cell": [2, "asd", "dsa", "2013-07-30"]},
{"cell": [3, "asd", "dsa", "2013-07-30"]},
{"cell": [4, "asd", "dsa", "2013-07-30"]},
{"cell": [5, "asd", "dsa", "2013-07-30"]}
(5 results in total; first page (they are NOT zero-based); 5 lines of data, each containing { ID, "asd", "dsa", "a date" } )
Try to make total your first element in you JSON string like this.
`{"total" : 2,"page":1,"rows":[ {"cell" : ["226 CLAVEN LN", "312"]},{"cell" : ["1377 FAIRFAX PIKE","280"]}]}`