Servlet calling from window.showModalDialog(...) - javascript

I am calling another application context from window.showModalDialog but confused with following work. Same code to pass parameter within showModalDialg.
var myArguments = new Object();
myArguments.param1 = "Hello World :)";
window.showModalDialog("java2sTarget.html", myArguments, '');
and i can read these myArguments(parameters) in generated HTML using following code:
document.write(window.dialogArguments.param1);//Hello World :)
I can't use query string & i am sending myArguments(parameter) because i want to hide parameter from Application user.
Now i am calling servlet from showModalDialog(..)
But as per my knowledge
Servlet --> Servlet container --> HTML+JS+CSS
so JS will be available at last phase, but i want to use in first phase(Servlet).
Now, i need to make some Decision in servelt code based on myArguments(parameter).
is there any way to read these myArguments(parameters) in servlet code?

Pass it as a request parameter in the query string.
var queryString = "param1=" + encodeURIComponent("Hello World :)");
onclick="window.showModelDialog('http://localhost:7778/app/servlet/test?' + queryString, myArguments, '');"
No, there's no other alternative. The request URL is not visible in the modal dialog anyway.

As main objective is to hide query string from User to avoid misuse of those parameters.
I tried following work around.
Developers send hidden parameters to get relative information form source(e.g.:DataBase). And we also know that we can send hidden information in Window.showModalDialog using dialogArguments
Work Around:
(i) I got relative information from server one-step before calling Window.showModalDialog using jQuery.getJSON()
(ii) i used google-gson API at servlet side to convert JavaBeans into Json strings.Solution 1 Solution 2
(iii) Convert JSON into javascript object using jQuery.parseJSON
var args = jQuery.parseJSON(json);
window.showModalDialog("pages/"+args.pageName, args, '');
i used args.pageName to make things dynamic
Please suggest improvements in this work-around. Thanks


Node JS - Express.js get query with multiple parameters

I'm quite new to JavaScript and Node JS and I have a such a situation. When I try to call get of express.js with a single parameter everything works fine, but when I try to call get with more than one parameter, it trims the query.
For example I have such call and function
app.get('path/data', myFunc);
// in another file
function myFunc(req, res) {
// do some stuff
When the url is path/data?id=5 or path/data?name=foo everything is fine. But when I use for example url like path/data?id=5&name=foo in myFunc I get url as path/data?id=5. So I get url's first part - what is before & sign.
Now what am I doing wrong? Is there something that I'm missing? How can I get whole url in myFunc without being trimmed?
And for retrieving the values, use and
For accessing the REST api, you need to hit:
So, by this you can add multiple parameters in your api.
Hope this helps.
I found the problem. I was requesting via curl and it turns out that shell command trims in case of there is an & in the url. So there is a need no add quotes like this
curl "path/data?id=5&name=foo"

How do implement jQuery autocomplete in Google App Engine with Python?

I found several sources discussing this problem, (this one seems the simplest but it is for PHP). I will be using an existing search form and I created AutocompleteResponse handler to handle the request. I don't understand from the documentation if it is required that the data sent will be in json format or an array of string is ok. I am not sure about what information to send either. I created a new model with search history
class Search(db.Model):
owner = db.UserProperty()
date= db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
query = db.StringListProperty()
and I want to send the relevant query suggestions to autocomplete. Any help to examples whether in documentation or otherwise is welcome. Thanks.
I put this just before the closing </body>
source: "",
minLength: 2});
in my Autocomp handler I put
data = json.dumps("abc, def")
I naively think that data will be passed to jquery autocomplete plug in. But nothing is happenning. What am I doing wrong?
Just tried this and it worked:
data = ['cat','dog','bird', 'wolf']
data = json.dumps(data)

How to get the title of a link using JavaScript

I want to get the title of a webpage without opening it, i.e. without using
I basically want to check whether the page i am providing the link for exists or an error is returned.
What I am trying is checking for similar links. Here is the code
(I want to know when to break out of this loop, i.e. at what point the link I am writing exists).
if (month<10) var m="0"+month;
else var m=month;
for(var i=1;;i++){
var a=""+year+"/"+m+"/"+date+"/CAP_"+year+"_"+month+"_"+date+"_"+i+".pdf";
if(link.document.title!="The page cannot be found"){
document.getElementById("TOI").innerHTML=document.getElementById("TOI").innerHTML+"<a href='"+year+"/"+m+"/"+date+"/CAP_"+year+"_"+month+"_"+date+"_"+i+".pdf' target=_blank>Page "+i+"</a> ";
See to check if a url exists or not, you must use a server-side scripting language. Javascript is client-side and can't access server. So, first of all make a server side script (maybe php) that returns the status of url that you wanna check. Then from javascript side, use an ajax call to get the result of that script. That way you can check your url array, if all of them exists or not.
var attribute = element.getAttribute("title");
I want to get title of a webpage
without opening it(that is without
using I basically want
to check whether the page i am
providing the link for exists or an
error is returned
Just because a page has a title doesn't mean it exists.
Examine HTTP status codes rather than page titles:
Can Prototype or JQuery return an HTTP status code on an AJAX request

Using jQuery on a string containing HTML

I'm trying to make a field similar to the facebook share box where you can enter a url and it gives you data about the page, title, pictures, etc. I have set up a server side service to get the html from the page as a string and am trying to just get the page title. I tried this:
function getLinkData(link) {
link = '/Home/GetStringFromURL?url=' + link;
url: link,
success: function (data) {
which doesn't work, however the following does:
var title = $('#result').find('title').html();
but I don't want to write all the HTML to the page as in some case it redirects and does all sorts of nasty things. Any ideas?
Try using filter rather than find:
To do this with jQuery, .filter is what you need (as lonesomeday pointed out):
However do not insert the HTML of the foreign document into your page. This will leave your site open to XSS attacks.
As has been pointed out, this depends on the browser's innerHTML implementation, so it does not work consistently.
Even better is to do all the relevant HTML processing on the server. Sending only the relevant information to your JS will make the client code vastly simpler and faster. You can whitelist safe/desired tags/attributes without ever worrying about dangerous ish getting sent to your users. Processing the HTML on the server will not slow down your site. Your language already has excellent HTML parsers, why not use them?.
When you place an entire HTML document into a jQuery object, all but the content of the <body> gets stripped away.
If all you need is the content of the <title>, you could try a simple regex:
var title = /<title>([^<]+)<\/title>/.exec(dat)[ 1 ];
Or using .split():
var title = dat.split( '<title>' )[1].split( '</title>' )[0];
The alternative is to look for the title yourself. Fortunately, unlike most parse your own html questions, finding the title is very easy because it doesn;t allow any nested elements. Look in the string for something like <title>(.*)</title> and you should be set.
(yes yes yes I know never use regex on html, but this is an exceptionally simple case)

Make an ajax request to get some data, then redirect to a new page, passing the returned data

I want to redirect after a successful ajax request (which I know how to do) but I want to pass along the returned data which will be used to load an iframe on the page I just redirected to.
What's the best way to pass such data along and use it to open and populate an iframe in the page I just redirected to?
I am passing a GET variable but am having to use the following to access it for use in my iframe src attribute:
function $_GET(q,s) {
s = (s) ? s :;
var re = new RegExp('&'+q+'=([^&]*)','i');
return (s=s.replace(/^\?/,'&').match(re)) ? s=s[1] : s='';
var d = $_GET('thedata');
I assume there isn't really a more straightforward way to access the GET vars?
If it's not too much data, you could pass it as a get parameter in the redirect:
document.location = "/otherpage?somevar=" + urlescape(var)
Remember that urls are limited to 1024 chars, and that special chars must be escaped.
If it is beyond that limit your best move is to use server side sessions. You will use a database on the server to store the necessary information and pass a unique identifier in the url, or as a cookie on the users computer. When the new page loads, it can then pull the information out of the database using the identifier. Sessions are supported in virtually every web framework out of the box.
Another alternative may be to place the data as a hidden attribute in a form which uses the post method (to get around the 1024 char limit), and simulating a submission of the form in javascript to accomplish the redirect, including the data.
