javascript parsing variable names/values from a form - javascript

I am having trouble running this code, any one has idea what could be wrong with it?
please check line # 4
for(i=0; i<document.anyForm.elements.length; i++) {
element_type = document.anyForm.elements[i].type;
if(element_type.toUpperCase() == "TEXT" || element_type.toUpperCase() == "TEXTAREA") {
var parse(document.anyForm.elements[i].name) = document.anyForm.elements[i].value;

var parse(document.anyForm.elements[i].name)
This is incorrect. you either need to define a variable or invoke a function var before the function invocation is invalid.
you can use an object to store the name:value pairs:
var obj = {}; // before loop
//in loop
obj[document.anyForm.elements[i].name] = document.anyForm.elements[i].value;


textContent Vs. innerText Cross Browser solution

I've been having a hard time with cross browser compatibility and scrapping the dom.
I've added data analytics tracking to ecommerce transactions in order to grab the product and transaction amount for each purchase.
Initially I was using document.querySelectorAll('#someId')[0].textContent to get the product name and that was working fine for every browser except internet explorer.
It took some time to figure out that it was the .textContent part that was causing ie problems.
Yesterday I changed .textContent to .innerText. From looking inside analytics it seems that the issue has been resolved for ie but now Firefox is failing.
I was hoping to find a solution without writing an if statement to check for the functionality of .textContent or .innerText.
Is there a cross browser solution .getTheText?
If not what would be the best way around this? Is there a simple solution? (I ask given my knowledge and experience with scripting, which is limited)
** added following comments **
If this is my code block:
// build products object
var prods = [];
var brand = document.querySelectorAll('.txtStayRoomLocation');
var name = document.querySelectorAll('.txtStayRoomDescription');
var price = document.querySelectorAll('.txtStayRoomSplashPriceAmount');
for(var i = 0; i < brand.length; i++) {
//set granular vars
var prd = {};
//add to prd object
prd.brand = brand[i].innerText; = name[i].innerText;
prd.price = price[i].innerText;
prd.quantity = window.session_context_vars.BookingContext.Booking.ReservationLineItems[i].ReservationCharges.length/2;;
//add to prods array
Then if I understand the syntax from the comments and the question linked to in the comment, is this what I should do:
// build products object
var prods = [];
var brand = document.querySelectorAll('.txtStayRoomLocation');
var name = document.querySelectorAll('.txtStayRoomDescription');
var price = document.querySelectorAll('.txtStayRoomSplashPriceAmount');
for(var i = 0; i < brand.length; i++) {
//set granular vars
var prd = {};
//add to prd object
prd.brand = brand[i].textContent || brand[i].innerText; = name[i].textContent || name[i].innerText;
prd.price = price[i].textContent || price[i].innerText;
prd.quantity = window.session_context_vars.BookingContext.Booking.ReservationLineItems[i].ReservationCharges.length/2;;
//add to prods array
So using or with a double bar || assigns the first non null value?
Re: your edit, not quite. The way to access methods or properties on an object (eg a DOM element) is to use dot notation if you have the name itself, or square brackets in case of variables/expressions (also works with strings, as in obj["propName"], which is equivalent to obj.propName). You can also just test the property against one element and use that from there on:
// build products object
var prods = [];
var brand = document.querySelectorAll('.txtStayRoomLocation');
var name = document.querySelectorAll('.txtStayRoomDescription');
var price = document.querySelectorAll('.txtStayRoomSplashPriceAmount');
for(var i = 0; i < brand.length; i++) {
//set granular vars
var prd = {};
//add to prd object
var txtProp = ("innerText" in brand[i]) ? "innerText" : "textContent"; //added string quotes as per comments
prd.brand = brand[i][txtProp]; = name[i][txtProp];
prd.price = price[i][txtProp];
prd.quantity = window.session_context_vars.BookingContext.Booking.ReservationLineItems[i].ReservationCharges.length/2;;
//add to prods array
Regarding the line:
var txtProp = (innerText in brand[i]) ? innerText : textContent;
The in keyword checks an object to access the property (syntax: var property in object). As for the question notation (I made an error earlier, using ||, the correct thing to use was a :),
var myVar = (prop in object) ? object[prop] : false;
As an expression, it basically evaluates the stuff before the ?, and if it's true, returns the expression before the :, else the one after. So the above is the same as / a shorthand for:
if(prop in object){
var myVar = object[prop];
var myVar = false;
Since you are checking between two properties only and wanting to assign one or the other, the shortest way would indeed be:
var txtProp = brand[i].innerText || brand[i].textContent;
It would basically test the first property, and if it were false or undefined, it would use the second one. The only reason I (pedantically) avoid using this is because the first test of a || b would fail even if a existed but just had a value of 0, or an empty string (""), or was set to null.

Make use of a global array

I want to use the values that I get from a request, but the response object is a local variable (an array). Therefore I create this global array:
<script type="text/javascript">
var response = [];
as you see, right under the script opening tag, so it is global. Then in the function where I have the response I added this:
response[element.size] =;
And then added this, with the purpose to make use of the values that I've got in my global var from the response object:
getIdOfProductBySize: function() {
var selectedIndex = document.getElementById('dropdown_options').value;
for (var key in response) {
if (key != selectedIndex) {
} else {
return response[key];
Doesn't work, so I started going step by step (of the order I add the new things) and I noticed that the script breaks after the 2nd thing that I add (where the forEach is).
Maybe I am not declaring the global variable correctly, or maybe I cannot access it this way, or maybe I don't assign the values to it in the correct way, I don't know, so I am asking if someone can give me a hint how to make use of all this working together?
Try this:
var response = {key1: value1};
var i = 2;
jsonResponse.forEach(function(entry) {
response["key"+i] =;
var index;
for (index = 0; index < response.length; ++index)
if(response["key"+index] !== selectedIndex)
return response["key"+index];
Looks like you're going to need a two dimensional array.
Looks to me like your "key" value is undefined.
for (var key in response) {
var k=response.whatever;
If that makes sense?
response[] = element.size;
Try this one, i believe element.size returns the actual size of an element and is not what you want to use as index in an array.

How can I programmatically add to a variably-nested object?

I need a way to add an object into another object. Normally this is quite simple with just
obj[property] = {'name': bob, 'height': tall}
however the object in question is nested so the following would be required:
obj[prop1][prop2] = {'name': bob, 'height': tall}
The clincher though, is that the nesting is variable. That is that I don't know how deeply each new object will be nested before runtime.
Basically I will be generating a string that represents an object path like
and then I need to set data inside the fourth object, but I can't use the bracket [] method because I don't know how many brackets are required beforehand. Is there a way to do this?
I am using jQuery as well, if that's necessary.
Sure, you can either use recursion, or simple iteration. I like recursion better. The following examples are meant to be proof-of-concept, and probably shouldn't be used in production.
var setDeepValue = function(obj, path, value) {
if (path.indexOf('.') === -1) {
obj[path] = value;
var dotIndex = path.indexOf('.');
obj = obj[path.substr(0, dotIndex)];
return setDeepValue(obj, path.substr(dotIndex + 1), value);
But recursion isn't necessary, because in JavaScript you can just change references.
var objPath = 'secondObj.thirdobj.fourthObj';
var valueToAdd = 'woot';
var topLevelObj = {};
var attributes = objPath.split('.');
var curObj = topLevelObj;
for (var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
var attr = attributes[i];
if (typeof curObj[attr] === 'undefined') {
curObj[attr] = {};
curObj = curObj[attr];
if (i === (attributes.length - 1)) {
// We're at the end - set the value!
curObj['awesomeAttribute'] = valueToAdd;
Instead of generating a string...
var o="object";
o+=".fourthObj"; could do
var o=object;
Then you can add data like this:
And object will be updated with the changes.
See it here:

How to trim variables without erring if the var is empty?

I'm using the following for event tracking:
var dataTrack = e.split(','); // split by comma
if (dataTrack !== undefined) {
var action = dataTrack[0];
var values = {};
values[dataTrack[1]] = dataTrack[2];
mpq.track(action, values);
How can I trim dataTrack[0], dataTrack[1], dataTrack[2] in a way where if any of the dataTrack vars are empty it won't break? 1 & 2 are optional...
A common idiom in JavaScript is to provide default values like so:
// default to the empty string
var dataTrack0 = dataTrack[0] || '',
dataTrack1 = dataTrack[1] || '',
dataTrack2 = dataTrack[2] || '';
...though I think a better solution, in this case, might be to check the length of the array.
You probably want to use the length property for the array.
var dataTrack = e.split(','); // split by comma
if (dataTrack !== undefined) {
var action = dataTrack[0];
var values = {};
if(dataTrack.length > 2) {
values[dataTrack[1]] = dataTrack[2];
mpq.track(action, values);
You could add extra validation to check that dataTrack[ 1] has a length > 0 if it is possible that someone would pass "value1,,value3".
Couldn't you just check to make sure they are not empty? Also you could use the ternary operator to have a default value if they are empty (i.e. action == undefined ? "Default" : datatrack[0];).
values[dataTrack[1]] = dataTrack[2];
if(dataTrack.length > 2){
values[dataTrack[1]] = dataTrack[2];

Dereferencing a variable to its value to use in another function javascript

function get_event_ids_from_dom()
var event_ids = {};
$(" a"),
var str = new String(value);
var id = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1,str.length);
if(typeof(event_ids[id]) == "undefined")
event_ids[id] = this;
return event_ids;
In above javascript event_ids is a hashtable. I am trying to assign values to this hashtable.
A hashtable can be added with multiple values using "hashtable.key.push(value)". I am trying to do this using; in the above code.
I have declared "id" as a variable in the code. The problem is, I am not able to dereference variable "id" to its value.
Is this possible in jquery/javascript?
Example use of hashtable:
event_ids = {};
event_ids["1"]= 'John';
The above example would add john and julie to hash table.
Try this instead:
function get_event_ids_from_dom() {
var event_ids = {};
$(" a"),
var str = value.toString();
var id = str.substring((str.indexOf('=') + 1), str.length);
if(typeof(event_ids[id]) == "undefined") {
event_ids[id] = [];
return event_ids;
Please, note that while object["id"] is the same as, object[id] is not.
Nicola almost had it:
if(typeof(event_ids[id]) == "undefined") {
event_ids[id] = [];
Also please read the comment I left for your question.
In my opinion event_ids is an object (there are no hastables in javascript, just either indexed arrays or objects).
What you are tring to do is using push (an array method) on something that is not an array so i think you must change something:
you could try:
if(typeof(event_ids[id]) == "undefined")
event_ids[id] = [];// the property id of object event_ids is an array
It should work
