In RequireJS - Cannot alias jQuery name in path - javascript

I'm a RequireJS noob. When I use "require.config" and include a path to jQuery with a name different than jQuery, results are not as expected.
Here's a very simple example to help explain my issue.
Structure of files
├── Index.htm
└── scripts
├── libs
│   ├── jquery-1.7.1.js
│   └── require.js
├── main.js
└── someModule.js
<title>BackboneJS Modular app with RequireJS</title>
<script data-main="scripts/main" src="scripts/libs/require.js"></script>
<h3>BackboneJS is awesome</h3>
Here the script tag references require in scripts/libs. When require gets ran the JavaScript file called main.js in the scripts directory should be executed.
"paths": {
"mod1": "someModule"
require(["mod1"], function (sm) {
In my experience the "mod1" can be anything as long as it's referenced the same in the require.config path and in the require method.
define([], function () {
return { someValue: "abcd" };
Just for completeness I included someModule.js
The perceived inconstancy occurs when I include JQuery.
In the following main.js I added jQuery to the config and the require method.
"paths": {
"jquery": "libs/jquery-1.7.1"
,"mod1": "someModule"
require(["mod1", "jquery"], function (sm, $) {
With the additional of jQuery everything seems to still works. The "console.log($)" writes the jQuery function.
Now the kicker. In the following code I change "jquery" to "jqueryA" in both the paths and require
"paths": {
"jqueryA": "libs/jquery-1.7.1"
,"mod1": "someModule"
require(["mod1", "jqueryA"], function (sm, $) {
Now "console.log($)" writes null.
Should this be expected? Is there a reason why the name must be jquery, but for mod1 it can be anything?
I can work-around this without a problem, but this issue seems odd. I know I can use the combined RequireJS and jQuery file, but when jQuery has an update I don't want to be dependent on RequireJS to include the new jQuery.

In jQuery 1.7 they decided to support AMD loading. To do this, it defines a module named 'jquery' which passes back a reference to the jQuery object. When you define your path to jquery with another name (eg 'jqueryA'), things aren't exactly breaking as you think they are.
The jquery script always defines itself as a module named 'jquery', which is registered with require for your app. When you named your path shortcut 'jquery' and 'jquery' was loaded as a dependency, require was actually referencing the 'jquery' module defined by jquery-1.7.1.js, which does pass back the correct reference. When you name your module shortcut jqueryA, you are now referencing an undefined reference, because the jquery script itself does not pass back a reference, except via the module named 'jquery'. It's silly, I know.
The jquery script defines the module as 'jquery' and expects that you will simply reference it as 'jquery'. If you want to reference it as another name (and as a bonus, keep it from conflicting with other loaded jquery libraries), use this method:
Use requirejs and jquery, without clobbering global jquery?

Here's my workaround, based on the implementation I read of Require.JS 2.1.0:
define.amd.jQuery = false;
shim: {
"jQuery-1.8.2": {
exports: "jQuery"

I believe I found the answer to my issue.
Optionally call AMD define() to register module
Here's a quote from the previous link. Even though it pertains to underscore, I believe it relates to JQuery also.
all AMD loaders allow mapping a module ID to a partial
path, usually the configuration is called 'paths', so to do what you
underscore: 'js/libs/underscore-1.2.3.min'
} }); require(['underscore'], function () {}); Since underscore is used by other higher-level modules, like backbone, a common dependency
name needs to be used to communicate a common dependency on
underscore, and it makes sense to call that dependency 'underscore'.
The paths config gives a way to do the mapping to a specific URL you
want to use for that dependency.
Here's a rant that does a very good job of describing the issues with AMD and named modules.
AMD modules with named defines. So much pain for what gain?
Quote from the link above
If the only way to consume the module properly is to force the
end-developer to hard-code its name again in a config file, at the
consumption point, (in that respect only) why waste time, effort and
hard-code the name in the module in the first place (let alone cause
grief to those devs who DO need to load the module under different
name / from alternate sources)?
In this post James Burk recommends not using name module.
Normally you should not register a named module, but instead register
as an anonymous module:
This allows users of your code to rename
your library to a name suitable for their project layout. It also
allows them to map your module to a dependency name that is used by
other libraries. For instance, Zepto.js can be mapped to fulfill the
module duty for the 'jquery' module ID.
There are some notable exceptions that do register as named modules:
•jQuery •underscore
Exception suck. Exceptions makes it difficult for noobs.


requirejs can't see jquery

I have a simpliest project using requirejs. A data-main file is js/default.js
You can see there two jQuery files. RequireJS can see only that which is located on the same level that default.js So this code:
['jquery', 'modules/module1', 'modules/module2'],
function($, Module1, Module2){
But if I change ['jquery', ... to ['libs/jquery', ... , it reveals an error:
Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
What's wrong here?
Whole code is here:
jQuery must indeed be required as jquery.
Now, there may be still confusion regarding the module name. Someone may look at the dependency libs/jquery and infer that jQuery is in fact required as jquery. That is, doing require(['libs/jquery'], ... would be asking RequireJS to load the module jquery located in libs/. However, this is not the case. The module name of the module being required is the entire name listed in the dependency list. So in the require call above, the module name of the module required is libs/jquery. But jQuery calls define('jquery', ... to declare itself to RequireJS. The module name (the first argument is jquery, not libs/jquery and thus RequireJS fails to find the module requested.
A trivial fix is to add a paths configuration:
paths: {
jquery: 'libs/jquery'
Please have a look at the requirejs docs:
jQuery defines named AMD module 'jquery' (all lower case) when it detects AMD/RequireJS. To reduce confusion, we recommend using 'jquery' as the module name in your requirejs.config.

Using shim config with almond

I am trying to shim certain modules for usage with almond like so:
shim: {
'jQuery': { exports: 'jQuery' },
as certain scripts will already be included. However, this code:
require(['jQuery', function($) {
results in "undefined missing jQuery". If I shim jQuery like this:
define('jQuery', function() {
return jQuery;
it works.
I am not building my JS at all, just dropping almond.js into an existing web software so I can develop my new components with AMD. I would like to shim existing globals for my new modules.
I am guessing shims are only resolved on build and that the build does exactly what I am doing above, is that correct?
The name for jQuery is hard-coded to "jquery". If you deviate from this you'll run into trouble. But that's not your only problem.
Using shim is not the same as calling define with a module name. When you use shim like you do in your question you tell the loader that there exist a module with the name jQuery and that once that module is loaded, RequireJS should return as a module value the value of the variable jQuery. The emphasized text is important: the loader will fetch and load a module named jQuery.
The define you show in your question would usually be placed together with the call to require.config, either just before it or just after it. This declares a module named jQuery. Because the module is already there, when the loader needs to get this module, there is nothing to fetch. This is an important difference when it comes to Almond.
Almond has restrictions, one of them is:
optimize all the modules into one file -- no dynamic code loading.
(Emphasis added.) Using the terms I've used in this answer this means "no fetching". When you use your define call, you are fine. When you use the shim, then unless you optimized your modules into one file, the loader has to try fetching the module. Almond cannot do that.

How let users to access requirejs modules outside main?

I'm implementing an AMD module oriented js framework that will be used on third party sites.
With this line, framework users will configure necessary modules
<script data-main="/main.js" src="/require.js"></script>
The problem is that data-main reference is loaded asynchronously so any js logic depending on modules loaded by main.js would fail unless I can be sure that it finished loading.
I'm pretty new to requirejs so not sure what's the good practices to create a framework that will be used by other people.
How could resolve this very simple problem?
An example to explain my point
paths: {
jquery: '//',
main js reference + extra code
<script data-main="/main.js" src="/require.js"></script>
require(['jquery'], function($) {
// since main.js is not loaded yet, it will assume that there is a jquery.js
// file on the same folder that this file
console.log('myModule was also loaded and can use jQuery');
If you want to depend on other libraries and are specifically targeting being in a Require pipeline, all you need to do is to declare some dependencies with
'myModule', // module name
['foo'], // module dependencies
function(foo){ // module construction
var myModule = {};
.... code to set up the module ....
return myModule;
and Require will take care of things. This will register your module with Require and won't attempt to build your module until all of your dependencies are available. This functionality is discussed here.
Update with example
Require JS is designed to work both with and without a prebuilt configuration. The paths property of the Require config object only provides Require with information on how to attempt to find libraries which have not yet been registered. However, the registration and then dependency resolution is handled by Require regardless of how/where the module was registered. Please see this JSFiddle for a working example of how you can register and use dependencies.
Update 2 regarding config
Since RequireJS loads everything asynchronously, you are correct, your code example will not work. However, you're making an incorrect assumption about how it is "supposed" to work. You have an incorrect example of what your library's clients' Require configuration will look like. If someone else is building an application using RequireJS and they want to use your library, they should declare the path to your library in their require.config:
paths: {
// this tells require how to load jQuery (a library maintained neither by you nor your clients).
'jquery': '//',
// this tells require how to load myModule (the library you are building for your clients).
'myModule': '//',
// this tells require how to load foo (a library built and hosted by your clients).
'foo': 'scripts/foo'
On the other hand, if your clients can't update their Require config to include your library in the declarations, then you're out of luck. All you can do is take all of your dependencies and bundle them up in your distribution file and then declare no dependencies:
[], // can't declare any dependencies
function() {
// these dependencies are inside of the definition function to keep the global namespace clean
// since we need jQuery, we have to inline it:
var jQuery = ....
// same goes for d3.js
var d3 = ....
// now we can set up the module itself
var myModule = {};
.... code to set up the module ....
return myModule;
Obviously, this option means that you can't use the libraries which are being used by your clients. This means your library will be a lot heavier and include effectively duplicate code and data.
Hope that helps you understand how Require works and how other people will use your library.
I've finally used this approach
<script src="http://mydomain/js/require.js"></script>
baseUrl: 'http://mydomain/js'
// here users can do anything they want as all required libraries are loaded
main.js is loaded with a require instruction instead of using data-main attribute from script tag , this provides a callback where users can put their code.

Require.js is hurting my brain. Some fundamental questions about the way it loads scripts/modules

Let's assume this is my config.js or main.js:
// paths are analogous to old-school <script> tags, in order to reference js scripts
paths: {
jquery: "libs/jquery-1.7.2.min",
underscore: "libs/underscore-min",
backbone: "libs/backbone-min",
jquerymobile: "libs/",
jquerymobilerouter: "libs/"
// configure dependencies and export value aliases for old-school js scripts
shim: {
jquery: ["require"],
underscore: {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "_"
backbone: {
deps: ["underscore", "jquery"],
exports: "Backbone"
jquerymobilerouter: ["jquery", "backbone", "underscore"],
jquerymobile: ["jquery", "jquerymobilerouter", "backbone", "underscore"]
require(["jquery", "backbone", "underscore", "app/app.min", "jquerymobilerouter", "jquerymobile"], function ($, Backbone, _, App) {
$("body").fadeIn(function () {
If I understand correctly, the paths config option allows you to reference scripts, a-la the <script> tag within HTML. Assuming this is the case, do I still need to alias scripts like jQuery with a $ or underscore with a _ in my actual require statement below? It seems strange that I'd have to, given that if you reference jQuery with a standard <script> tag, $ can be used throughout your script automatically. Shouldn't it be the same using the paths?
I'm new to the shim config option, which I understand has replaced the deprecated order! plugin. What does the exports property actually DO? It doesn't seem to create an alias for a script; for example, if I set the exports for underscore to "whatever", and then try to console.log(whatever), it's undefined. So what's the point?
How would scripts like jQuery be properly used "globally?" That is, what's the proper way to be able to use the $ alias within my App.js module, or any other module in my "app" folder? Do I have to require jQuery within every individual module and alias $ every single time? Or is the way I've done it here the proper way?
I'd greatly appreciate any other criticisms of this particular script as well; the documentation for Require.js, in my opinion, leaves much to be desired; things I'd really like to know more about seem to get glossed over and leave me scratching my head.
Just to clear up any confusion around exports, it's assumed that any shim library attaches a property to the global context (window or root), or modifies an already-existing global property (e.g. a jQuery plugin). When requireJS gets the command to load a shimmed dependency, it examines the global context for a property matching the exports value of that shim config, and if it finds it, returns it as the value of that module. If it doesn't find it, then it loads the associated script, waits for it to execute, then finds the global symbol and returns it.
An important fact to remember is that unless the shim config contains an exports value, any init method on that config will NOT be executed. The dependency loader must locate a value for the module (which is what exports specifies) before that module can be initialized, which is why the property is required if there is a shim init for that module.
update: I also need to point out that if the module in question calls define anywhere, any shim config you have for that module will be ignored. This actually caused me some headaches because I wanted to use the shim config to call jQuery's jQuery.noConflict(true) method to un-globify jQuery and keep it scoped to just the modules that require it, but couldn't manage to get it working. (See update at bottom for info on how to easily do this using map config instead of shim config.)
update 2: A recent question on the requireJS google group made me realize that my explanation might be slightly misleading, so I'd like to clarify. RequireJS will only re-use a shimmed dependency if it was loaded via requireJS at least once. That is to say, if you simply have a <script> tag on the hosting page (say, for example, underscore), like this:
<script src='lib/underscore.js'></script>
<script src='lib/require.js' data-main='main.js'></script>
...and you have something like this in your requireJS config:
paths: {
'underscore': 'lib/underscore'
shim: {
'underscore': {
exports: '_'
Then the first time you do define(['underscore'], function (_) {}); or var _ = require('underscore');, RequireJS will re-load the underscore library rather than re-using the previously defined window._, because as far as requireJS knows, you never loaded underscore before. Sure, it can check to see if _ is already defined on the root scope, but it has no way of verifying that the _ that's already there is the same as the one defined in your paths config. For example, both prototype and jquery assign themselves to window.$ by default, and if requireJS assumes that 'window.$' is jQuery when it is in fact prototype, you're going to be in a bad situation.
All of that means that if you mix-and-match script loading styles like that, your page will wind up with something like this:
<script src='lib/underscore.js'></script>
<script src='lib/require.js' data-main='main.js'></script>
<script src='lib/underscore.js'></script>
Where the second underscore instance is the one loaded by requireJS.
Basically, a library has to be loaded via requireJS for requireJS to have knowledge of it. However, the next time you require underscore, requireJS will go "hey, I already loaded that, so just hand back whatever the exports value is and don't worry about loading another script."
This means you have two real options. One is what I would consider an anti-pattern: simply don't use requireJS to express dependencies for global scripts. That is, as long as a library attaches a global to the root context, you'll be able to access it, event if that dependency isn't explicitly required. You can see why this is an anti-pattern - you've basically just eliminated most of the advantages to using an AMD loader (explicit dependency listing and portability).
The other, better option is using requireJS to load everything, to the degree that the only actual script tag you should create yourself is the one that initially loads requireJS. You can use shims, but 95% of the time it's really not that difficult to add an AMD wrapper to the script instead. It might take a little more work to convert all of your non-AMD libraries to be AMD compatible, but once you've done one or two it gets a lot easier - I can take any generic jQuery plugin and convert it to an AMD module in less than a minute. It's usually just a matter of adding
define(['jquery'], function (jQuery) {
at the top, and
return jQuery;
at the bottom. The reason I have 'jquery' mapping to jQuery rather than $ is that I've noticed most plugins these days are wrapped in a closure like this:
(function ($) {
// plugin code here
And it's a good idea to pay attention to the intended scope. You can certainly map 'jquery' to $ directly though, assuming the plugin isn't expecting to find jQuery instead of $. That's just the basic AMD wrapper - more complex ones generally try to detect what kind of loader is being used (commonJS vs AMD vs regular ol' globals) and use a different loading method depending on the result. You can find examples of this pretty easily with a few seconds on google.
Update: The workaround I used to support using jQuery.noConflict(true) with RequireJS worked, but it required a very small modification to the jQuery source, and I have since figured out a much better way to accomplish the same thing without modifying jQuery. Luckily enough, so has James Burke, the author of RequireJS, who has added it to the RequireJS documentation:
Paths tell require.js where to look when you require that dependency.
For example i have things configured like this:
"paths": {
"jquery": "require_jquery"
"shim": {
"jquery-cookie" : ["jquery"],
"bootstrap-tab" : ["jquery"],
"bootstrap-modal": ["jquery"],
"bootstrap-alert": ["jquery"]
this means that every time in a module I do
define( ['jquery']
requirejs loads the file require_jquery from the main path instead of trying to load jquery.js. In your case it would load the jQuery source file, which would then be globally available. I personally don't like that approach and for that reason in the require_jquery.js file I do:
define( ["jquery_1.7.2"], function() {
// Raw jQuery does not return anything, so return it explicitly here.
return jQuery.noConflict( true );
} );
which means that jQuery will be defined only inside my modules. (This is because i write Wordpress plugins and so I can include my own version of jQuery without touching the outside version)
Exports (reading from the docs simply should be the name of the module you are using so that it can be detected if loading went correctly. Here is explained. So if you want to set an export for underscore it should be _
jQuery should be global as I explained, if you simply import it the file is executed and jQuery is global
EDIT - to answer the comments.
yes i mean that, you must export $ or jQuery for jQuery and _ for backbone. From what i got from the docs this is needed only in some edge cases and would not be necessary for libraries that declare themselves in the global namespace as jQuery.
I think that requirejs needs them when it has to fallback from loading jQuery from a CDN. i think that requirejs first tries to load jQuery from the CDN, then makes a check to verify that it was loaded correctly by checking that the "exported" variable exists, and if it doesn't it loads it form the local filesystem (if you had configured fallbacks, of course). This is something that it's needed when requirejs can't see a 404 coming back.
jQuery is globally available because it's declared global. If you simply load and execute the jQuery script, you will end up with two globals, $ and jQuery (or you can do as i did and avoid that). Inside the define() function you can alias jQuery to be whatever you want.
define( [ 'jquery' ], function( jq ) {
// jq is jquery inside this function. if you declared it
// globally it will be also available as $ and jQuery
} );

Error trying module loading ( AMD ) with require.js

I'm getting a little frustrated with requirejs at this point.
I'm trying to load jquery and other libraries in my file. The problem is that I can't load module dependencies in my define. Some of the input arguments (jq, jsn, etc) are null or just HTMLDocument objects. This changes based on the permutation of plugins that I try: 'order', 'domReady', or none.
My js lib directory looks like A). And my file looks like B). I've tried to use 'paths' in the require.config and just raw file referencing (what you see below). I'm aware of requirejs-jquery integration. But shouldn't I be able to order my plugin loading?
I get a different set of errors if I try named 'paths'. I see someone suggested jquery 1.7 (also here). Is this working? I first wanted to take a step back and make sure that I have the concepts down correctly. i) require.config ii) module definition w/ dependencies, iii) the order plugin, etc.
If I have these concepts down correctly, I would think it's a jquery version issue. However, it's not just jquery as a dependency. And it's incredibly irksome to lose time in this manner. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
$ tree js/lib/
├── backbone.js
├── backbone_loader.js
├── domReady.js
├── jquery-1.6.3.js
├── json2.js
├── order.js
├── pure.js
├── require.js
└── underscore.js
baseUrl: "/js",
order : '/js/lib/order'
jQuery : '/js/lib/jquery-1.6.3'
json2 : '/js/lib/json2'
Underscore : '/js/lib/underscore'
Backbone : '/js/lib/backbone_loader'
pure : '/js/lib/pure'
define( [ 'js/lib/order!js/lib/jquery-1.6.3',
'js/lib/order!js/bkeeping/models', ]
(jq, jsn, und, bbn, pur, models) ->
console.log('bkeeping LOADED')
# return an object with the models in it
models : models
jQuery : jq.noConflict()
json2 : jsn
Underscore : und.noConflict()
Backbone : bbn.noConflict()
pure : pure
The latest jQuery supports AMD loaders and will behave fine with require.js.
Underscore and Backbone don't and you will need to either:
use a modified version, for instance the one from the author of require.
use a plugin. I have found the use! plugin from here to fit my needs perfectly.
Thanks for the direction on this.
But I went to jquery-1.7, but still had to pull from the global space to get the object. That applies for my other libs for now, and their dependencies. What I ended up doing was returning an object with the dependencies in it. I got library loading done with the order plugin.
The contract of dependency objects being passed into your callback function (jq,pur,jsn, etc), simply isn't working for these libraries. It works for my defined modules (ex: models), but not external libs. I tried the use plugin, but found that it didn't work for underscore and backbone, or I didn't set it up properly. This is my workable solution for now; although I have to say that the headaches are seriously clouding the benefits for require.js.
define( [ 'order!js/lib/jquery-1.7',
'order!bkeeping/models', ]
(jq, pur, jsn, und, bbn, models) ->
console.log('bkeeping LOADED')
# return an object with the dependencies in it
models : models
jQuery : jQuery.noConflict()
pure : pur # pure and json2 objects are simply used in other libs. I don't need them directly
json2 : jsn
Underscore : _.noConflict()
Backbone : Backbone.noConflict()
