Deleting a view from a ScrollView - javascript

Developing in Titanium Mobile.
I need to remove a view from a scrollView when a delete button is clicked. I have a custom event firing when my button is clicked, which the scrollView listens for. My question is, how do I reference the view that needs to be deleted? These views are added to the scrollView dynamically, and there is no unique information about the view. I tried passing the view itself when firing the custom event, but this does not work. How do I tell the scrollView which view to delete?

When you have a delete button inside the view - that's a piece of cake :) Just get its' parent and delete it - scrollView.remove(e.source.parent);
Here I created a demo page:
var scrollView = Titanium.UI.createScrollView({
contentWidth: 'auto',
contentHeight: 'auto',
top: 0,
showVerticalScrollIndicator: true,
showHorizontalScrollIndicator: true,
layout: 'vertical'
var colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'orange', 'purple', 'yellow'];
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
var view = Ti.UI.createView({
backgroundColor: colors[i],
borderRadius: 10,
width: 300,
height: 200,
top: 10,
id: i
var deleteButton = Ti.UI.createButton({
borderRadius: 3,
style: Ti.UI.iPhone.SystemButtonStyle.PLAIN,
backgroundGradient: {
type: 'linear',
colors: [ '#c7c7c7', '#686868' ],
startPoint: { x: 0, y: 0 },
endPoint: { x: 0, y: 30 },
backFillStart: false
title: 'Delete view ' + i,
font: { fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 'bold' },
color: '#fff',
width: 120,
height: 30
deleteButton.addEventListener('click', function(e) {; // use this ID


pdfMake pageBreakBefore feature is not working

I am trying to concatenate multiple pdf files to a content variable. However I want each pdf content to be on a new page, but pdfmake.js just concatenate each content right after the other. I have added 'pageBreakBefore' function right after my content but it still doesn't work. Is there a way to make each content to be on separate page. (I am using jpdmake.js 1.60). Thanks!
Below is my code:
let content = [];
content = this.getContent(checkedOrders, selectedLabOrders);
this.docDefinition = {
info: {
title: 'Title',
subject: 'labOrder-'
pageSize: 'LETTER',
pageOrientation: 'landscape',
pageMargins: [40, 30, 40, 30],
content: content,
pageBreakBefore: function(currentNode, followingNodesOnPage, nodesOnNextPage, previousNodesOnPage) {
return currentNode.headlineLevel === 1 && followingNodesOnPage.length === 0;
unbreakable: true,
styles: {
titleHeader: {
fontSize: 16,
bold: true,
margin: [0, 10, 0, 0],
tableHeader: {
bold: true,
fontSize: 13,
color: 'black'
defaultStyle: {
fontSize: 9,
lineHeight: .9

PhotoSphereViewer: <a href="…"> not working on touchscreen

I made a simple page with the "PhotoSphereViewer" library and i want to add a couple of links, with the "Markers Plugin".
It works like a charm on firefox and safari, but unfortunately not at all on touch screens / phone browsers...
The links seems "clickable" (turning to active state, red) but does not open...
My theory is that it has something to do with the navigation of the sphere since link does open when "PhotoSphereViewer" is set to "TwoFingerMode"...
Any ideas how to work around that?
plugins: [PhotoSphereViewer.GyroscopePlugin,
id: '1',
className: 'link',
longitude: 0.7,
latitude: 0,
html: '1234',
anchor: 'bottom right',
scale: [0.5, 1.5],
style: {
maxWidth: '200px',
color: 'white',
fontSize: '30px',
fontFamily: 'Helvetica, sans-serif',
textAlign: 'center',
You cannot add links to html markers because the click is intercepted. Instead you should attach custom datato the marker and use the select-marker event.
const viewer = new PhotoSphereViewer({
plugins: [PhotoSphereViewer.GyroscopePlugin,
id: '1',
className: 'link',
longitude: 0.7,
latitude: 0,
html: '1234',
anchor: 'bottom right',
scale: [0.5, 1.5],
style: {
maxWidth: '200px',
color: 'white',
fontSize: '30px',
fontFamily: 'Helvetica, sans-serif',
textAlign: 'center',
data: { href: '' },
const markersPlugin = viewer.getPlugin(PhotoSphereViewer.MarkersPlugin);
markersPlugin.on('select-marker', (e, marker) => {
window.location.href =;

Text height of specific character in Fabric.js

I have a text object in fabric.js that I am creating with:
fbText = new fabric.Textbox('#TEST', {
width: 700,
fill: '#303846',
top: 150,
left: 50,
fontSize: 150,
textAlign: 'left',
fixedWidth: 700,
// fontWeight: 'bold',
editable: false,
originY: 'center',
styles: {
// first word of text i.e Test
0: {
//first letter of first word i.e T
0: { fill: '#21bba6', fontSize: 130}
I would like to make the 1st letter higher than the rest of the word. Any thoughts on how that might be possible?
This is what I want to happen:
This is currently happening:
You can use deltaY negative value. There are more available style properties that can be used, have a look at [][1].
var fbText = new fabric.Textbox('#TEST', {
styles: {
0: {
0: {
fill: '#21bba6',
fontSize: 130,
deltaY: -30

FabricJS - Why after updating text inside group, the group width does not automatically adjust its width accordingly

Seen Behavior
I have an issue with updating canvas elements inside a group after initialization.
I created a basic app that on initialization creates a group containing several elements: font icon(text object), title, description and rect in order to create a border for the group.
Is there any way to solve this problem that dosen't require me to remove and re add the group back to the canvas?
after reading faricjs documentation canvas.renderAll should be enough what am i missing?
Expected Behavior
The Group object that is rendered to the DOM needs to adjust its width according to the new width of the text object in the DOM.
Essentially re-render this individual group object without causing a full re-render of all the other objects in the canvas.
Issue Reproduction Demo
I was able to reproduce the issue here:
Using setTimeout I update the title of the group but the title of the group does not update (even after calling group.setCoords or canvas.renderAll)
Thanks to #Durga
Call addWithUpdate after changing width of rect or text value, so it will recalculate the group dimension.
var canvas = new fabric.StaticCanvas('c', {
renderOnAddRemove: false
var leftBoxIconWidth = 70;
var placeholderForIcon = new fabric.Text('ICON', {
fontSize: 20,
fontWeight: 400,
fontFamily: 'Roboto-Medium',
left: 10,
top: 20,
originX: 'left',
lineHeight: '1',
width: 50,
height: 30,
backgroundColor: 'brown'
var title = new fabric.Text('', {
fontSize: 20,
fontWeight: 400,
fontFamily: 'Roboto-Medium',
left: leftBoxIconWidth,
top: 5,
originX: 'left',
lineHeight: '1',
var description = new fabric.Text('', {
fontSize: 20,
fontWeight: 400,
fontFamily: 'Roboto-Medium',
left: leftBoxIconWidth,
top: 25,
originX: 'left',
lineHeight: '1',
text: 'init title'
text: 'init description'
var groupRect = new fabric.Rect({
left: 0,
top: 0,
width: Math.max(title.width, description.width) + leftBoxIconWidth, // 70 is placeholder for icon
height: 70,
strokeWidth: 3,
stroke: '#f44336',
fill: '#999',
originX: 'left',
originY: 'top',
rx: 7,
ry: 7,
let card = new fabric.Group([groupRect, title, description, placeholderForIcon]);
setTimeout(function() {
text: 'change title after first render and more a lot text text text text'
width: Math.max(title.width, description.width) + leftBoxIconWidth
// here missing how to update group/rect inside group width after title changed
// to update canvas well
}, 2000)
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="c" width="500" height="500" style="border:1px solid #ccc"></canvas>

Titanium ScrollView Not Displaying UI Properly

So this is my code:
var startWeekWin = Ti.UI.createWindow({
title:'Startup Weekend',
layout: 'vertical',
// create scroll view here
var sv = Ti.UI.createScrollView({
contentHeight: 'auto',
top: 0,
showVerticalScrollIndicator: true
var lblPicture = Ti.UI.createLabel({
top: 0,
width: 'fill',
height: 100,
backgroundImage: 'images/StartUpWeekend.png'
var lblTitle = Ti.UI.createLabel({
top: 15,
left: 15,
right: 15,
height: '15%',
font: {
fontSize: 24,
fontWeight: "bold",
fontFamily: "Helvetica"
text: "What is it?",
color: '#0a3f56',
backgroundColor: '#b6e2e2'
var lblText = Ti.UI.createLabel({
top: 30,
left: 15,
right: 15,
height: 70,
font: {
fontSize: 16,
fontFamily: "Helvetica",
text: "Etsy doostang zoodles disqus groupon " +
"greplin oooj voxy " +
"zoodles, weebly ning heekya " +
"handango imeem plugg",
color: '#1d1d1d',
backgroundColor: '#b6e2e2'
var lblDate = Ti.UI.createLabel({
top: 30,
width: 'fill',
height: 50,
font: {
fontSize: 24,
fontWeight: "normal",
fontFamily: "Helvetica",
fontStyle: "italic"
text: " January 23-25, 2015",
color: '#0a3f56',
backgroundColor: '#b6e2e2'
// video trailer goes here
var trailer = Ti.UI.createLabel({
top: 35,
width: 'fill',
height: 50,
text: 'Trailer Goes Here',
color: '#1d1d1d',
backgroundColor: '#b6e2e2'
// learn more button
var learnMoreButton = Ti.UI.createButton({
top: 40,
left: 40,
right: 40,
width: 180,
height: 50,
title: 'Learn More',
font: {
fontSize: 18,
fontFamily: "Helvetica",
fontWeight: "normal"
color: '#0a3f56',
backgroundColor: 'white'
And this is what it displays:
I don't understand why everything is stacking on top of each other.
Could someone point out what I'm missing?
There is many way to build the UI That you want.
First you given all child element of sv(scroll view) to top. Every child element take top from the SV start position.
If you want to give top to every child element of sv then apply layout vertical property to scroll view.
And second way is give top after the end of first element.
every one is taking top from the scroll view so they all are over riding on every one,
First apply first way and let me know if face any difficulty in this.
Not using layout style will give it a property similar position:absolute of HTML.
Not using layout is at times good as it helps in centering the view.
The Issue is with the top that you have given to every element. As all elements have top that is coming over other elements. If you will update the top your layout will be fixed.
