I have a requirement to Plot a graph with zoom feature using x axis selection, i am using Flot for plotting graph. I have to show the number of points present after zooming.
I am alwayz getting the total length not the Zoomed length.
Kindly Help
In your "plotzoom" callback, you can get min & max x / y co-ordinates back like so (from the examples on the site):
placeholder.bind('plotzoom', function (event, plot) {
var axes = plot.getAxes();
$(".message").html("Zooming to x: " + axes.xaxis.min.toFixed(2)
+ " – " + axes.xaxis.max.toFixed(2)
+ " and y: " + axes.yaxis.min.toFixed(2)
+ " – " + axes.yaxis.max.toFixed(2));
You can the use these to count how many points are within this rectangle.
May i suggest using underscore.js filter function to simplify this?
var xmin = axes.xaxis.min.toFixed(2);
var xmax = axes.xaxis.max.toFixed(2);
var ymin = axes.yaxis.min.toFixed(2);
var ymax = axes.yaxis.max.toFixed(2);
var points = [{x: 1, y:20} ..some points.. {x: 30, y: -23}];
var shownpoints = _.filter(points, function(point){
return point.x > xmin &&
point.x < xmax &&
point.y > ymin &&
point.y < ymax;
This will give an array with points in-between x & y maxims. You can then use length to get the count!
I have a for loop that returns a decimal between 0 and 1. I'd like to make a curve that appears more like a rounded corner than it is now. I'd also like to have it start ramping up only after 0.25. I can't quite figure out how to do it with the math I have now. I'm using Math.log and a linear conversion function, but maybe I need something more related to a parabolic curve.
for (i = 1; i < 101; ++i) {
var dec = i / 100
if (dec >= 0.25) {
console.log("dec = " + dec);
var large = i * 100
var log = Math.log(large);
console.log("log = " + log);
var linCon = applyLinearConversion(log, 2.8, 9.2104, -2.7, 1)
console.log("linCon " + i + " = " + linCon);
document.getElementById("graph").innerHTML += "<div style='background-color:#000000; width:" + (linCon * 1000) + "px; height:5px;'></div>";
function applyLinearConversion(OldValue, OldMin, OldMax, NewMin, NewMax) {
OldRange = (OldMax - OldMin)
if (OldRange == 0)
NewValue = NewMin
else {
NewRange = (NewMax - NewMin)
NewValue = (((OldValue - OldMin) * NewRange) / OldRange) + NewMin
return NewValue
<div id="graph"></div>
I have it populating a div with more styled divs.
Mine is like this:
I want mine more like this:
You can use the formula of the half circle graph which is:
It results in the following graph:
Since you are using horizontal divs that are stacked vertically to draw the graph, the x and y coordinates will be reversed and the left quarter of the circle will be used from the above graph.
var width = 200; // the width of the graph
var height = 200; // the height of the graph
var xOffset = 0.25 * width; // the x offset at which the graph will start ramping up (this offset is added to the graph width)
var html = ""; // to accumulate the generated html before assigning it to innerHTML (it's not a good idea to constantly update innerHTML)
for (i = 1; i < 101; ++i) {
var x = 1 - i / 100; // the x coordinate, we are using the left side of the graph so x should be negative going from -1 to 0
var y = Math.sqrt(1 - x * x); // the y coordinate as per the formula (this will be used for the width)
html += "<div style='background-color:#000000; width:" + (xOffset + y * width) + "px; height:" + (height / 100) + "px;'></div>";
document.getElementById("graph").innerHTML = html;
<div id="graph"></div>
I am using d3 to create a diagram to try and speed up a nearest nabour search within a function that plots points on a plane.
Is there a way to add points directly to the diagram so I can add the points within a while loop instead of re-drawing the entire voronoi?
var svg = d3.select("svg")
var distance = function(pa, pb) {
var x = pa[0] - pb[0],
y = pa[1] - pb[1]
return Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y))
var scatterCircle = function(point, radius, quantity, proximity, margin) {
var x1 = point[0] - radius,
y1 = point[1] - radius,
inner = radius * margin,
array = [
[500, 500]
//should be declaring diagram here and addings points below//
while (array.length < quantity) {
//constructing new diagram each loop to test function, needs add to diagram function//
var newpoly = d3.voronoi()(array),
x = x1 + (radius * 2 * Math.random()),
y = y1 + (radius * 2 * Math.random()),
ii = newpoly.find(x, y).index
var d = distance(array[ii], [x, y]),
e = distance([x, y], point)
if (e < inner) {
if (d > proximity) {
array.push([x, y])
return array
var test = scatterCircle([500, 500], 500, 1500, 10, 0.9)
var o = 0
while (o < test.length) {
.attr("cx", test[o][0])
.attr("cy", test[o][1])
.attr("r", 1)
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.js"></script>
<svg width="1000" height="1000">
I am no expert in d3.js but I will share what I found out. The implemented algorithm for Voronoi diagrams is Fortune's algorithm. This is the classical algorithm to compute a Voronoi diagram. Inserting a new point is neither part of this algorithm nor of the function set documented for d3.js. But you are correct, inserting one new site does not require to redraw the whole diagram in theory.
You use the Voronoi diagram for NNS (nearest neighbour search). You could also use a 2d-tree to accomplish NNS. There insertion and removal is easier. A quick search revealed two implementations in javascript: kd-tree-javascript and kd-tree-js.
I'm using the jQuery Flot Charts plugin in one of my projects. I have several charts standing in the same column and what I'm trying to do is: Show the crosshair on all of the charts if you hover on any of them. I'm doing this successfully using the following code.
//graphs - this is an object which contains the references to all of my graphs.
$.each(graphs, function(key, value) {
$(key).bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
$.each(graphs, function(innerKey, innerValue) {
if(key != innerKey) {
innerValue.setCrosshair({x: pos.x});
if(item) {
var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2),
y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);
console.log("x:" + x + ", " + "y:" + y);
I'm iterating over the graphs, adding the crosshair and bind it to each other. So, now, when you hover over one of the graphs you'll see the crosshair in the same position on all of the others.
No problems with this. However I'm having problems with the second part of my code:
if(item) {
var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2),
y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);
console.log("x:" + x + ", " + "y:" + y);
And the problem is that I'm getting the console.log to print values only when I hover the actual point with my mouse while I want to get that value whenever the crosshair crosses that point, not necessarily the mouse pointer. Any clues what I'm doing wrong or maybe there's a setting in the graph options for that to work?
And another thing is that I can get the value for one graph only - the one my mouse is on, I don't seem to be able to get the values for the rest of the graphs where the crosshair is also moving.
The highlighting with
if(item) {
var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2),
y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);
console.log("x:" + x + ", " + "y:" + y);
only works when the cursor is near a point (otherwise item is null).
To get the nearest point to the crosshair, you have to do the highlighting manually by searching the nearest point and interpolate (for every graph). The code for that could look like this:
var axes = value.getAxes();
if (pos.x < axes.xaxis.min || pos.x > axes.xaxis.max ||
pos.y < axes.yaxis.min || pos.y > axes.yaxis.max) {
$('#output').html("x: " + pos.x.toPrecision(2));
$.each(graphs, function(innerKey, innerValue) {
var i, series = innerValue.getData()[0];
// Find the nearest points, x-wise
for (i = 0; i < series.data.length; ++i) {
if (series.data[i][0] > pos.x) {
// Now Interpolate
var y,
p1 = series.data[i - 1],
p2 = series.data[i];
if (p1 == null) {
y = p2[1];
} else if (p2 == null) {
y = p1[1];
} else {
y = p1[1] + (p2[1] - p1[1]) * (pos.x - p1[0]) / (p2[0] - p1[0]);
$('#output').html($('#output').html() + "<br />" + "y (" + innerValue.getData()[0].label + "): " + y.toPrecision(2));
See this fiddle for a full working example. Some Remarks to the new code and fiddle:
has sine and cosine values as example data, so uses floating point numbers, change accordingly for int numbers and/or date values
uses a <p> element for output instead of the console
point-finding and interpolation code can be optimized further if needed (basic version here taken from the example on the Flot page)
works only if there is only one data series per graph
Ok, I have two positions in 3d space:
var fromX = 1,
fromY = 2,
fromZ = 3,
toX = 15,
toY = 16,
toZ = 17;
Then I need to calculate the current position, when someone/something is moving in a straight line from the from-coordinates, to the to-coordinates. I know the distance left is 2, what would be the formula for calculating the current position?
I guess this is more of a math question than a javascript question, but it is for a javascript application, so I'm hoping that is not a problem.
Given two points, fromPt and toPt, the distance between two points can easily be calculated:
distanceX = Math.pow(fromPt.x - toPt.x, 2)
distanceY = Math.pow(fromPt.y - toPt.y, 2)
distanceZ = Math.pow(fromPt.z - toPt.z, 2)
total_distance = Math.sqrt(distanceX + distanceY + distanceZ)
and now finding the correct point along the line is just a case of correct interpolation :)
newPt = {}
newPt.x = fromPt.x + ((toPt.x - fromPt.x) * (wantedDistance / total_distance))
newPt.y = fromPt.y + ((toPt.y - fromPt.y) * (wantedDistance / total_distance))
newPt.z = fromPt.z + ((toPt.z - fromPt.z) * (wantedDistance / total_distance))
There are already 2 answers with the correct algorithm, this one's no different, just a bit neater.
// Distance between two points is the square root of the sum
// of the squares of the differences
function get3dDistance(startCoords, endCoords) {
var dx = Math.pow((startCoords[0] - endCoords[0]), 2);
var dy = Math.pow((startCoords[1] - endCoords[1]), 2);
var dz = Math.pow((startCoords[2] - endCoords[2]), 2);
return Math.sqrt(dx + dy + dz);
// The coordinates of a point some distance from the end is
// proportional to the distance left and total distance.
function getCoordsFromDistanceLeft(startCoords, endCoords, distanceLeft) {
var distance = get3dDistance(startCoords, endCoords);
var f = (distance - distanceLeft)/distance;
return [startCoords[0] + f*(endCoords[0] - startCoords[0]),
startCoords[1] + f*(endCoords[1] - startCoords[1]),
startCoords[2] + f*(endCoords[2] - startCoords[2])];
// Test case
var start = [1,2,3];
var end = [15,16,17];
var distanceLeft = 2;
// Distance between the two points
var dist = get3dDistance(start, end)
document.write('distance: ' + dist + '<br>');
// distance: 24.24871130596428
// Get the coords
var x = getCoordsFromDistanceLeft(start, end, distanceLeft);
document.write('x: ' + x + ' is ' + distanceLeft + ' to end<br>');
// x: 13.845299461620748,14.845299461620748,15.845299461620748 is 2 to end
document.write('From x to end: ' + get3dDistance(x, end) + '<br>');
// From x to end: 2.0000000000000013
Salix alba has introduced Math.hypot, which is interesting but since it's a new feature in ECMAScript 2015 it would be wise to include a polyfill.
You need to use 3D Pythagoras to find the distance between two points. If x1,y1,z1 and x2,y2,z2 are your points then the distance is sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2+(z1-z2)^2). There are several ways of finding the desired point. We can find the distance from the starting point to the ending point and then calculate the proportion of that distance which will give 2 as a result using linear interpolation.
var fromX = 1,
fromY = 2,
fromZ = 3,
toX = 15,
toY = 16,
toZ = 17;
// find the difference
var dx = toX-fromX, dy = toY-fromY, dz=toZ-fromZ;
// find the total length
var dist = Math.hypot(dx,dy,dz);
// find the proportion of this length
var lambda = (dist-2.0) / dist;
// do the linear interpolation
var x = fromX + lambda * dx,
y = fromY + lambda * dy,
z = fromZ + lambda * dz;
// Just to check
var dx2 = toX-x, dy2 = toY-y, dz2=toZ-z;
var dist2 = Math.hypot(dx2,dy2,dz2);
We get the result 13.845299461620748 14.845299461620748 15.845299461620748 and the final distance is 2.0000000000000013.
Note I've uses Math.hypot this is a new feature which works in Chrome/firefox/opera but not in IE. There is a work-around to enable it in other browsers if needed. You just use Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) instead.
I have two hexagons which I am trying to make snap together when the edges hit a certain tolerance.
How can I find which edges are the closest?
Here is the code returning the two closest Hexagons:
Canvas.getClosestPiece = function(){
var current = {};
current.x = selection.MidPoint.X;
current.y = selection.MidPoint.Y;
smallestDistance = null;
closestHex = null;
if(hexagon !== selection){
testPiece = {};
testPiece.x = hexagon.MidPoint.X;
testPiece.y = hexagon.MidPoint.Y;
if((lineDistance(current, testPiece) < smallestDistance) || smallestDistance === null){
smallestDistance = lineDistance(current, testPiece)
closestHex = hexagon
hexagon.lineColor = 'grey'
hexagon.lineColor = 'red';
// console.log(smallestDistance)
return [selection, closestHex]
Distance between two hexagon midpoints:
function lineDistance( point1, point2 ){
var xs = 0;
var ys = 0;
xs = point2.x - point1.x;
xs = xs * xs;
ys = point2.y - point1.y;
ys = ys * ys;
return Math.sqrt( xs + ys );
And here is a standard point array for one of the hexagons that getClosestPiece returns:
Point {X: 658, Y: 284}
Point {X: 704, Y: 304}
Point {X: 704, Y: 354}
Point {X: 658, Y: 375}
Point {X: 613, Y: 354}
Point {X: 613, Y: 304}
If your have 2 points with their coordinate like p1(x1, y1) and p2(x2, y2). You can do this:
var disptance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2));
For calculating if to snap, see the other answers.
As to where to snap (which edges), which I think is your real question: calculate the relative angle using
atan2(midy1-midy2, midx1-midx2).
You get a value in radians, which describes the angle of the connection line between the hexes. 0 = horizontal line.
Calculate Math.floor(value*6/(2*pi)) --> you get a number between 0..5 denoting the edge pairing.
If your hexes are rotatable, you need to add/substract the rotatins (in rad) to/from value. (The signs are best figured out on a piece of paper).
edit: regarding your distance calculation, it is advisable to work with the square of the distance as long as possible (e.g. compare x^2+y^2 against threshold^2), to avoid the expensive Math.sqrt operation. Especially when testing distance against a multitude of other objects.
Use Euclian Distance formula
dist=sqrt((x2-xq)^2 + (y2-y1)^2)
to find which edges are the closest you hav to say us that how do you have information of the edge lines of each hexagon. here, i assume they are accessible through an array as a property of each hexagon. so we have 6 edges (edges[0] to edges[5]) for each hexagon. we can find closest edges by looping through them and measuring the distance between center of each two edges. a sample code will look like this:
var dMin=-1, iMin=-1, jMin=-1; //info about the min distance
for(var i=0; i<5; i++) //loop through hexagon1.edges
var p1 = midPointOfLine( hexagon1.edges[i] ); //center of this edge line
for(var j=0; j<5; j++) //loop through hexagon2.edges
var p2 = midPointOfLine( hexagon2.edges[j] ); //center of this edge line
var d = getDistance(p1, p2); //get distance of two points
if (d<dMin || dMin==-1) {dMin=d; iMin=i; jMin=j;} //store the info about the min distance
function midPointOfLine(edge) // return new point( X=(X1+X2)/2 , Y=(Y1+Y2)/2 )
var mp; //define a new point
mp.X = (edge.startPoint.X + edge.endPoint.X) / 2;
mp.Y = (edge.startPoint.Y + edge.endPoint.Y) / 2;
return mp;
function getDistance(p1, p2) //return sqrt( (X2-X1)^2 + (Y2-Y1)^2 )
return Math.sqrt( Math.pow(p2.X - p1.X, 2) + Math.pow(p2.Y - p1.Y, 2) );
In Summary:
Check distance between center of each edge of hexagon1 and center of
each edge of hexagon2.
The center of each edge is mid point of its
start and end points: ( (x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2 ).
The distance of two points can be calculated from sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) formula.