A document in my collection rooms has the following structure:
"_id": { "$oid": "4edaaa4a8d285b9311eb63ab" },
"users": [
"userId": { "$oid": "4edaaa4a8d285b9311eb63a9" },
"unreadMessages": 0
"userId": { "$oid": "4edaaa4a8d285b9311eb63aa" },
"unreadMessages": 0
I'd like to increment unreadMessages of the second user (the one at index 1 in the array), if I know the ObjectId of the first user. Knowing the _id of the document is sufficient for selecting, but for updating I need to be able to reference to the other user, so I'm also selecting by users. I'm doing so with the following update call:
_id: ObjectId("4edaaa4a8d285b9311eb63ab"),
users: { // not first user
$elemMatch: { $ne: { userId: ObjectId("4edaaa4a8d285b9311eb63a9") } }
// this should increment second user's unreadMessages,
// but does so for unreadMessages of first user
$inc: { "users.$.unreadMessages": 1 }
It increments unreadMessages of the first user, not of the second user. I guess this is because $ne actually matches on the first user, and apparently that's what users.$ is referring to.
How should I modify this call so that the second user's unreadMessages is incremented?
I think you're doing the right thing, except for a little syntax dyslexia around the $ne query constraint.
So where you have
users: { // not first user
$elemMatch: { $ne: { userId: ObjectId("4edaaa4a8d285b9311eb63a9") } }
instead you want
users: { // not first user
$elemMatch: { userId: { $ne: ObjectId("4edaaa4a8d285b9311eb63a9") } }
If I had a nickel for every time I've done the same kind of swap ... I'd have a lot of nickels. :)
Actually, if you want to tighten things up, the $elemMatch is not really needed, since you're only constraining one property of the matched array element. I think you can boil the whole query criteria down to:
_id: ObjectId("4edaaa4a8d285b9311eb63ab"),
users.userId: { $ne : ObjectId("4edaaa4a8d285b9311eb63a9") }
Consider I have this document in my MongoDB collection, Workout:
_id: ObjectId("60383b491e2a11272c845749") <--- Workout ID
user: ObjectId("5fc7d6b9bbd9473a24d3ab3e") <--- User ID
exercises: [
_id: ObjectId("...") <--- Exercise ID
exerciseName: "Bench Press",
sets: [
_id: ObjectId("...") <--- Set ID
_id: ObjectId("...") <--- Set ID
The Workout object can include many exercise objects in the exercises array and each exercise object can have many set objects in the sets array. I am trying to implement a delete functionality for a certain set. I need to retrieve the workout that the set I want to delete is stored in. I have access to the user's ID (stored in a context), exercise ID and the set ID that I want to delete as parameters for the .findOne() function. However, I'm not sure whether I can traverse through the different levels of arrays and objects within the workout object. This is what I have tried:
const user = checkAuth(context) // Gets logged in user details (id, username)
const exerciseID, setID // Both of these are passed in already and are set to the appropriate values
const workoutLog = Workout.findOne({
user: user.id,
exercises: { _id: exerciseID }
This returns an empty array but I am expecting the whole Workout object that contains the set that I want to delete. I would like to omit the exerciseID from this function's parameters and just use the setID but I'm not sure how to traverse through the array of objects to access it's value. Is this possible or should I be going about this another way? Thanks.
When matching against an array, if you specify the query like this:
{ exercises: { _id: exerciseID } }
MongoDB tries to do an exact match on the document. So in this case, MongoDB would only match documents in the exercises array of the exact form { _id: ObjectId("...") }. Because documents in the exercises have other fields, this will never produce a match, even if the _ids are the same.
What you want to do instead is query a field of the documents in the array. The complete query document would then look like this:
user: user.id,
"exercises._id": exerciseID
You can perform both find and update in one step. Try this:
"user": ObjectId("5fc7d6b9bbd9473a24d3ab3e"),
$pull: {
"exercises.$[exercise].sets": {
"_id": ObjectId("6039709fe0c7d52970d3fa30") // <--- Set ID
arrayFilters: [
"exercise._id" : ObjectId("6039709fe0c7d52970d3fa2e") // <--- Exercise ID
I have a collection with this data registered
_id: 0000120210903, iid: 00001, date: 20210903 }, {
_id: 0000220210903, iid: 00002, date: 20210903 }, {
_id: 0000120210101, iid: 00001, date: 20210101 }
I want to delete all except the document with the most recent date for each iid.
My idea is to group by the date, select the _id of the register with the max(date) and then delete all except this array of _ids. But I can't figure out how to do it.
{ $sort:{ _id:1 }},
{ $group:{
lastId:{ "$last":"$_id" },
{ $project:{ _id: 0, lastId: 1 } }
But I don't know where to go from here. Any help is greatly appreciated.
To fix the problem I used an aggregation to recover the combination of the field iid (the identifier shared between documents) and the unique _id as an array.
Then for each element on the array it performs a deleteMany operation on the iid but letting out the most recent _id. In this case I sort by _id because it includes the date but could also sort by the field date.
Due to the high volume of data { allowDiskUse: true } had to be put in the aggregate.
var ids = db.getCollection('testing_data').aggregate([
{ $sort:{ _id:1 }},
{ $group:{
lastId:{ "$last":"$_id" },
{ $project:{ _id: 1, lastId: 1 } }
], { allowDiskUse: true } ).toArray();
db.getCollection('testing_data').deleteMany({ "iid": x._id, "_id": {$ne:x.lastId} })
Mine Idea is just stock all _ids at some array that you want to delete, and then use deleteMany with $or filter
let to_elim = [];
let filtering ={};
for(let el of data){
if(!filtering[el.iid]) filtering[el.iid] = el;
else {
if(filtering[el.iid].date>el.date) to_elim.push({_id:new ObjectID(el._id)})
I hope that all is written rightly, cause wrote all that down on mobile
There is missing some checking if something more recent...
To fix the problem I used an aggregation to recover the combination of the field iid (the identifier shared between documents) and the unique _id as an array.
Then for each element on the array it performs a deleteMany operation on the iid but letting out the most recent _id. In this case I sort by _id because it includes the date but could also sort by the field date.
Due to the high volume of data { allowDiskUse: true } had to be put in the aggregate.
var ids = db.getCollection('testing_data').aggregate([
{ $sort:{ _id:1 }},
{ $group:{
lastId:{ "$last":"$_id" },
{ $project:{ _id: 1, lastId: 1 } }
], { allowDiskUse: true } ).toArray();
db.getCollection('testing_data').deleteMany({ "iid": x._id, "_id": {$ne:x.lastId} })
So I have a nested array of objects in my MongoDB document and I would like to add a new object to the array only if a certain field (in this case, eventId) is unique. My question is very similar to this post, only I cannot seem to get that solution to work in my case.
Here is what the documents (UserModel) look like:
"portal" : {
"events" : [
"important" : false,
"completed" : false,
"_id" : ObjectId("5c0c2a93bb49c91ef8de0b21"),
"eventId" : "5bec4a7361853025400ee9e9",
"user_notes" : "My event note"
...and so on
And here is my (so far unsuccessful) Mongoose operation:
{ "portal.events.eventId": { $ne: req.body.eventId } },
{ $addToSet: { "portal.events": req.body } },
{ new: true }
Basically I am trying to use '$ne' to check if the field is unique, and then '$addToSet' (or '$push', I believe they are functionally equivalent in this case) to add the new object.
Could anyone point me in the right direction?
If you look into the documentation on your method you will see that the parameters passed are not in the proper order.
findByIdAndUpdate(id, update, options, callback)
I would use update instead and have your id and portal.events.eventId": { $ne: req.body.eventId } part of the initial filter followed by $addToSet: { "portal.events": req.body }
Something among these lines:
"_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userId),
"portal.events.eventId": { $ne: req.body.eventId }
{ $addToSet: { "portal.events": req.body } },
{ new: true }
You need to include your eventId check into condition part of your query. Because you're usig findByIdAndUpdate you can only pass single value matched against _id as a condition. Therefore you have to use findOneAndUpdate to specify custom filtering condition, try:
{ _id: userId, "portal.events.eventId": { $ne: req.body.eventId } },
{ $addToSet: { "portal.events": req.body } },
{ new: true }
I'm building a Thesaurus app, and for this question, the key note is that i'm adding a list of synonyms(words that have the same meaning) for a particular word(eg - "feline", "tomcat", "puss" are synonyms of "cat")
I have a Word object, with a property - "synonyms" - which is an array.
I'm going to add an array of synonyms to the Word synonyms property.
According to the MongoDb documentation see here, the only way to append all the indexes of an array to a document's array property at once is to try the following:
{ _id: 5 },
$push: {
quizzes: {
$each: [ { wk: 5, score: 8 }, { wk: 6, score: 7 }, { wk: 7, score: 6 } ],
Let's re-write that solution to suit my data, before we venture further.
{ baseWord: 'cat' },
$push: {
synonyms: {
$each: [ { _id: 'someValue', synonym: 'feline' }, { _id: 'someValue', synonym: 'puss' }, { _id: 'someValue', synonym: 'tomcat' } ],
Nice and concise, but not what i'm trying to do.
What if you don't know your data beforehand and have a dynamic array which you'd like to feed in?
My current solution is to split up the array and run a forEach() loop, resulting in an array being appended to the Word object's synonyms array property like so:
//req.body.synonym = 'feline,tomcat,puss';
var individualSynonyms = req.body.synonym.split(',');
individualSynonyms.forEach(function(synonym) {
{ "_id": 5 },
{ $push: //this is the Word.synonyms
{ synonyms:
$each:[{ //pushing each synonym as a Synonym object
uuid : uuid.v4(),
},{ upsert : true },
function(err, result) {
if (err){
res.json({ success:false, message:'Error adding base word and synonym, try again or come back later.' });
console.log("Error updating word and synonym document");
//using an 'else' clause here will flag a "multiple header" error due to multiple json messages being returned
//because of the forEach loop
res.json({ success:true, message:'Word and synonyms added!' });
console.log("Update of Word document successful, check document list");
//if each insert happen, we reach here
if (!err){
res.json({ success:true, message:'Word and synonyms added!.' });
console.log("Update of Word document successful, check document list");
This works as intended, but you may notice and issue at the bottom, where there's a commented out ELSE clause, and a check for 'if(!err)'.
If the ELSE clause is executed, we get a "multiple headers" error because the loop causes multiple JSON results for a single request.
As well as that, 'if(!err)' will throw an error, because it doesn't have scope to the 'err' parameter in the callback from the .update() function.
- If there was a way to avoid using a forEach loop, and directly feed the array of synonyms into a single update() call, then I can make use of if(!err) inside the callback.
You might be thinking: "Just remove the 'if(!err)' clause", but it seems unclean to just send a JSON response without some sort of final error check beforehand, whether an if, else, else if etc..
I could not find this particular approach in the documentation or on this site, and to me it seems like best practice if it can be done, as it allows you to perform a final error check before sending the response.
I'm curious about whether this can actually be done.
I'm not using the console, but I included a namespace prefix before calling each object for easier reading.
There is not need to "iterate" since $each takes an "array" as the argument. Simply .map() the produced array from .split() with the additional data:
{ "_id": 5 },
{ $push: {
synonyms: {
$each: req.body.synonym.split(',').map(synonym =>
({ uuid: uuid.v4, synonym })
{ upsert : true },
function(err,result) {
if (!err){
res.json({ success:true, message:'Word and synonyms added!.' });
console.log("Update of Word document successful, check document list");
So .split() produces an "array" from the string, which you "transform" using .map() into an array of the uuid value and the "synonym" from the elements of .split(). This is then a direct "array" to be applied with $each to the $push operation.
One request.
When a user is created on my app their details are saved on the MongoDB using mongoose. The user schema contains sub-documents and I am trying to access the _id if the sub-document after using the user.save function.
The schema is below:
name: String,
email: String,
address: String,
{landLine: Number,
mobile: Number}
I can access the name, email and address easily like so:
console.log(user.name + user.email + user.address)
I tried user.phone._id but it returns undefined. I think because phone is an array of objects.
user.save(function(err) {
if (err)
throw err;
else {
console.log("user ID " + user._id); // SUCCESS!!
console.log("user sub-document ID " + user.phone._id); // UNDEFINED!!
return (null, user);
How can I access the _id of the sub-document inside the save function right after the user is created and saved into mongoDB?
There are a couple of approaches to getting this information, but personally I prefer the "atomic" modification method using $push.
The actual implementation here is helped by mongoose automatically including an ObjectId value which is "monotonic" and therefore always increasing in value. So this means that my method for handling this even works with a $sort modifier applied to the $push.
For example:
// Array of objects to add
var newNumbers = [
{ "landline": 55555555, "mobile": 999999999 },
{ "landline": 44455555, "mobile": 888888888 }
{ "email": email },
{ "$push": { "phone": { "$each": newNumbers } } },
{ "new": true },
function(err,user) {
// The trick is to sort() on `_id` and just get the
// last added equal to the length of the input
var lastIds = user.phone.concat().sort(function(a,b) {
return a._id > b._id
And even if you used a $sort modifier:
{ "email": email },
{ "$push": { "phone": { "$each": newNumbers, "$sort": { "landline": 1 } } } },
{ "new": true },
function(err,user) {
var lastIds = user.phone.concat().sort(function(a,b) {
return a._id > b._id
That little trick of "sorting" a temporary copy on the _id value means that the "newest" items are always at the end. And you just need to take as many off the end as you added in the update.
The arguable point here is that it's actually mongoose that is inserting the _id values in the first place. So in fact those are being submitted in the request made to the server for each array item.
You "could" get fancy and use "hooks" to record those ObjectId values that were actually added to the new array members in the update statement. But it's really just a simple process of returning the last n "greatest" _id values from the array items anyway, so the more complex approach is not needed.