OAuthException "(#210) Subject must be a page." - javascript

I Keep getting OAuthException (#210) Subject must be a page. error even if I am using the Page Access Token and not the App Access Token.
I am using the following:
Latest JavaScript SDK from facebook (//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js)
Calling the /{PAGE_ID}/tabs?app_id={APP_ID}&method=POST&access_token={PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN} using the FB.api method once the user is logged in.
My Application is not FBML but a Canvas / iFrame App. What am i doing wrong?
I have researched the web including the Stackoverflow and other facebook forums but still no answer on this. OAuth is Enabled for my Application.
Also, If i copy and paste the link in Browser it works fine. It does not if I do it using the API.

I finally got it working.
However, Instead of using the FB.api to call the link above, i used jQuery.
I used jQuery "$.getJson(url)" and it worked.
It works as below.
Construct the link as below.
Call the jQuery method as below.
"$.getJSON(pageUrl, OnCallBack);" where "OnCallBack" is the call back method. You can do anything that you would need in the call back. In my case it was something like below.
function OnCallBack(r, s) {
var html = "";
if (s == "success" && !r.error) {
for (p in r) {
html += p + ": " + r[p] + "<br />";
} else {
html = r.error.message;

To anybody who gets this error again:
I have get the same error message while I use wininet to post a https request to https://graph.facebook.com/......
I just changed the verb from "POST" to "GET" , and then it works well:
//string strVerb = "POST";
string strVerb = "GET";
PS: variable "strVerb" is used as the 2nd parameter of windows function HttpOpenRequest.


I need change this meta refresh redirect structure to window.location method

I have a web-app in NodeJS that make certain redirects in sometimes using the method meta refresh. The problem is that this method are incompatible with Firefox (in Firefox not work meta refresh). And I need that the redirect goes well in all browsers and versions. I understand that the best way is use window.location method, is right?
The structure of the code that make the actual redirect is:
module.exports = (outcome) => {
return "(function(document) {"+
"var meta = document.createElement('meta');"+
"meta.setAttribute('http-equiv', 'refresh');"+
"meta.setAttribute('content', '0;URL=" + outcome + "');"+
How would the final code with the window.location method?
Thank you very much!
You can use window.location.href.
A simple example would be:
window.location.href = 'http://example.com';
Or wrapped in your function:
module.exports = (outcome) => {
return "(function(document) {"+
"window.location.href='" + outcome + "';"+

polling for RSS feed with casperjs not working

I am trying to match a token (string token) in the RSS feed using casperjs waitFor() but it does not seem to work. There are other ways (not using polling) to get around but I need to poll for it. Here is the code snippet:
casper.then(function() {
this.waitFor(function matchToken() {
return this.evaluate(function() {
if(!this.resourceExists(token)) {
return false;
return true;
The updates to rss url are not dynamic and hence, a refresh would be needed to check for the token. But it seems (from the access log) that I am not getting any hits (reload not working) on the rss url. Ideally, I would want to refresh the page if it doesn't see the token and then check for the token again & it should keep doing that until the waitFor times out.
I also tried using assertTextExists() instead of resourceExists() but even that did not work.
I am using PhantomJS (1.9.7) & the url is: https://secure.hyper-reach.com:488/rss/323708
The token I am looking for is --> item/272935. If you look at the url I have mentioned above, you will find this in a each guid tag. The reason why I am including "item/" also as a part of my token is so that it doesn't match any other numbers incorrectly.
evaluate() is the sandboxed page context. Anything inside of it doesn't have access to variables defined outside and this refers to window of the page and not casper. You don't need the evaluate() function here, since you don't access the page context.
The other thing is that casper.resourceExists() works on the resource meta data such as URL and request headers. It seems that you want to check the content of the resource. If you used casper.thenOpen() or casper.open() to open the RSS feed, then you can check with casper.getPageContent(), if the text exists.
The actual problem with your code is that you mix synchronous and asynchronous code in a way that won't work. waitFor() is the wrong tool for the job, because you need to reload in the middle of its execution, but the check function is called so fast that there probably won't be a complete page load to actually test it.
You need to recursively check whether the document is changed to your liking.
var tokenTrials = 0,
tokenFound = false;
function matchToken(){
if (this.getPageContent().indexOf(token) === -1) {
// token was not found
if (tokenTrials < 50) {
} else {
tokenFound = true;
test.assertTrue(tokenFound, "Token was found after " + tokenTrials + " trials");

Redirect to other view after timeout

I´ve implemented a proxy with a listener with the next exception :
listeners: {
exception: function () {
Ext.Msg.alert(BB.Text.getText('ERROR_TIMEOUT_TITLE'), BB.Text.getText('ERROR_TIMEOUT_MSG') + '' + PROXY_TIMEOUT, Ext.emptyFn);
Ext.redirectTo('http://www.google.es'); //for example
After the message I would like to redirect to other page / view but It is not working correctly
What am I doing wrong??
For Sencha Touch
You probably want to read the documentation:
Redirects the browser to the given url. This only affects the url after the '#'.
Read the second part very carefully.
By the way this is the same as:
It take it from your post that you want to redirect to a different page inside a webapp.
Can be found here
WebApp: window.location.href = "http://www.google.es"
I think below line would solve your purpose.

Trying to build query string and scrape Google results

I'm trying to build a Google query string, make a request to that page, scrape the HTML, and parse it in a Chrome extension, which is JavaScript. So I have the following code:
var url = "https://www.google.com/search?#q=" + artist + "+" + title;
function searchGoogleSampleInformation(url)
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", url, false);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (xhr.readyState == 4)
return parseGoogleInformation(xhr.responseText, url);
function parseGoogleInformation(search_results, url)
var link = $(".srg li.g:eq(0) .r a", search_results).attr('href');
The parse method just grabs the url of the first search result (which is not want I'll end up doing, but just to test that the HTTP Request was working). But link is undefined after that line. Then I used alert(url) and verified that my query string was being built correctly; I copied it from the alert window and pasted into another tab, and it pulled up the results as expected. Then I opened a new window with search_results, and it appeared to be Google's regular homepage with no search at all. I thought that problem might be occurring because of the asynchrony of the xhr.open call, but flipping that didn't help either. Am I missing something obvious?
It's because "https://www.google.com/search?#q=" + artist + "+" + title initially has no search results in the content. Google renders the page initially with no results and then dynamically loads the results via JavaScript. Since you are just fetching the HTML of the page and processing it the JavaScript in the HTML never gets executed.
You are making a cross domain Ajax call, which is not allowed by default. You cannot make a cross domain call unless the server supports it and you pass the appropriate headers.
However, as you mentioned you are building a Chrome extension, it is possible by adding a few fields in the manifest file: https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/xhr#requesting-permission

google tts with paid account

You now have to pay to use the google translate api. I'm happy to pay for the service but I can't find a way to use the tts. This is what I'm doing
var GoogleTranslate = function(){
var key = "myapikey"
this.speak = function(words) {
var url = "http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?tl=es&q=" + escape(words) + "&key=" + key
new Audio(url).play();
but when I do new GoogleTranslate().speak("hola")
The requests to http://translate.google.com/translate_tts never return a response. How do I get this working?
I haven't tried your code yet, so I'm not sure if you should be waiting for the sound to load before you can play it (most likely), but I've written an article about this service recently. The part that matters here is the following:
...if your browser forwards a Referer header with any value other than an empty string (meaning it tells the service which page you clicked the link on) then [Google] will return a 404 (Not Found) http error...
Read the entire article here: Embedding text-to-speech into HTML5 games
So in fact, the service is still there, you just need to hide your referer header. One way to do that is through creating a small gateway script. There's the source for one right in the article.
