Returning functions in javascript, understanding scope & closures - javascript

I was looking at Mozillas developer site on javascript closure and they had this example of code.
function makeAdder(x){
return function (y) {
console.log(y + " this is y")
console.log(x + " this is x")
return x + y;
var add10 = makeAdder(10);
console.log(add10(2)); // 12
Now i understand the X attribute being set but what i dont get is how the scope of the y is being affected. I know its a return function but my brain went to mush trying to visualise how you could set a y when there was no ref to it. could someone explain?

makeAdder returns a function to which you can pass the y parameter. It is set at the time of invocation, as opposed to x which is set at the time of creation of the new function (at the time of the invocation of makeAdder).
For the case of this example, the output is equivalent to having written:
function add10(y) {
return 10 + y;
console.log(add10(2)); // 12
Nothing new is going on here. The sample code is mainly trying to illustrate that a closure is being created for x.
So makeAdder, here, is aptly named: when you pass 10 to it, it gives you a function that will add 10 to everything you pass to that new function.
var add10 = makeAdder(10);
var add20 = makeAdder(20);
console.log(add10(1) + add20(1)); // 32
Surely, for the purpose of adding, it might be easier to just have a function that accepts two parameters and adds them. But this is not a lesson in adding, it is a lesson in closures.
A real world scenario might be something like this:
var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('myButton');
for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
buttons[i].onclick = function() {
alert('You clicked button ' + i);
In the above code, i will have iterated through the entire set before any of the buttons are clicked. Therefore, all buttons will alert whatever buttons.length is. Instead, you could do the following:
var makeAlert = function(x) {
return function() {
alert('You clicked button ' + x);
for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
buttons[i].onclick = makeAlert(i);
The difference here is that i is not being used when the button is clicked (which will be after the entire iteration), but it is used during the iteration, at a time when i will
have a different value for each button.
Instead of creating a variable, makeAlert, you will often see this type of code being written as an anonymous function, invoked immediately. The code below is essentially equivalent to the code above:
for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
buttons[i].onclick = (function(x) {
return function() {
alert('You clicked button ' + x);

What you're asking for is a function that does something for you:
function giveMeAFunctionThatBeeps(){
return function () {
var beeper = giveMeAFunctionThatBeeps();
beeper(); // beeps!
The actual giveMeAFunctionThatbeeps is just a factory that gives you a function that does what you want.
In the example they have provided, you're doing the same thing as the beeper but you're also passing in a value:
function giveMeAFunctionThatBeepsANumber(x){
return function () {
alert('Beep ' + x);
This returns a beeper (it's a factory remember), but the beeper alerts the value of x.
However, this value is set when you first create the beeper:
var beeper = giveMeAFunctionThatBeeps(5);
beeper(); // beeps 5!
The beeper is stuck beeping the value 5 now, and we can't do anything about it.
The next example is if you want to create a beeper that beeps any number:
function giveMeAFunctionThatBeepsANumber(){
return function (x) {
alert('Beep ' + x);
var beeper = giveMeAFunctionThatBeeps();
beeper(6); // beeps 6!
beeper(7); // beeps 7!
As now we're asking the factory to give us a function we can plug a number into.
Then lastly, the original example, is both of the above combined:
function giveMeAFunctionThatBeepsANumber(x){
return function (y) {
alert('Beep ' + (x + y));
var beeper = giveMeAFunctionThatBeeps(2);
When we create the beeper, we're passing in 2. Remember as above, we can't change this afterwards! It will always beep 2...
...but because it's a factory (preconfigured with value 2) returning a function that takes a parameter, we can customise it when we run it:
beeper(6); // beeps 8! because x was set when we created it, and y is what we pass in.

Functions can be seen as special objects that contain executable code as well as properties. Every function has a special [scope] property that represents the environment it was in when it was defined. If a function is returned from another function then this reference to the old environment is closed over by the new function in a "closure".
so when you call var add10 = makeAdder(10) what happens is that the returned function's x has the value 10 which is bound to it's scope, and the call console.log(add10(2)) prints 12.
Consider reading this article for visualizing what are closures. A more detailed explanation of closure could be found here.

The function makeAdder returns a function when it is called. This function that makeAdder returns accepts one parameter; which is called y.
The variable y exists only during the invocation of the function returned by the makeAdder. It is created each time is is called, and is destroyed when the function returns.
The variable x on the other hand is created when makeAdder is called, and persists due to the closure created by the function makeAdder returns. It will be destroyed when no more references to the function returned exists.

So add10 = makeAdder(10); is actually returning this function:
function(y) {
console.log(y + " this is y")
console.log("10" + " this is x")
return 10 + y;
Then add10(2) is calling that function, replacing y with 2 everywhere:
console.log("2" + " this is y")
console.log("10" + " this is x")
return 10 + 2;


Function is undefined when I call on it in the console or an array, but works within another function?

So I'm writing a program in JavaScript in which several of the values within an array are dependent on the outcome of a function. This function is used elsewhere in the code as well, and works fine there.
The code looks something like this:
var Multiplier;
$("#button").on("click", function() { foo(); });
function foo() {
x = document.getElementById("select").value;
function setMultiplier(q) {
if (q === "Option 1") {
Multiplier = 1;
return Multiplier;
} else if (q === "Option 2") {
Multiplier = 100;
return Multiplier;
function mult(base) {
var z;
z = base * Multiplier;
return z;
The problem I am having has nothing to do with the setName() as far as I can tell, because that function works fine. Also, Multiplier has the proper value elsewhere. However, when it is used within an array found later in the program, it gives a value of undefined and when I type it into the console it also says Multiplier is not defined. The same thing happens with the mult() function both in the array and in the console, but it works fine elsewhere. Am I missing something here?
So later in the program, mult(base) is called upon in two types of contexts:
1. Within a function (which works) like so:
function blah() {
var s = "<div>$" + mult(75) + "</div>";
s += "<div>$" + mult(150) + "</div>";
document.getElementById("mydiv").innerHTML = s;
2. Within an array (which doesn't work) like so:
var array = [["String1", mult(60), 0, [mult(2), mult(5)], mult(30)],
["String2", mult(100), 0, [mult(10), mult(25)], mult(50)]];
You can, and you are.
The issue is that you initialize properties with mult() calls only once, at the time you declare properties. TemplateName is only initialized after someone makes clicky on the UI: before it's initialized its value is null, which doesn't play nice with numbers.
JS won't magically go back and re-initialize properties, or re-run mult every time you access on of its value: when you declare properties and set all those values it's doing it with whatever mult returns at the time properties is declared.

Javascript Function Scoped For Loops

Here's an example of a situation where a simple JS loop does not behave as expected, because of the loop variable not being in a separate scope.
The solution often presented is to construct an unpleasant-looking bit of loop code that looks like this:
for (var i in obj) {
(function() {
... obj[i] ...
// this new shadowed i here is now no longer getting changed by for loop
My question is, could this be improved upon? Could I use this:
Object.prototype.each = function (f) {
for (var i in this) {
// leading to this somewhat more straightforward invocation
function(i,v) {
... v ...
// alternatively, v is identical to
... obj[i] ...
when I ascertain that I need a "scoped loop"? It is somewhat cleaner looking and should have similar performance to the regular for-loop (since it uses it the same way).
Update: It seems that doing things with Object.prototype is a huge no-no because it breaks pretty much everything.
Here is a less intrusive implementation:
function each (obj,f) {
for (var i in obj) {
The invocation changes very slightly to
function(i,v) {
... v ...
So I guess I've answered my own question, if jQuery does it this way, can't really go wrong. Any issues I've overlooked though would warrant an answer.
Your answer pretty much covers it, but I think a change in your original loop is worth noting as it makes it reasonable to use a normal for loop when the each() function isn't handy, for whatever reason.
Update: Changed to use an example that's similar to the example referenced by the question to compare the different approaches. The example had to be adjusted because the each() function requires a populated array to iterate over.
Assuming the following setup:
var vals = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
max = vals.length,
closures = [],
Using the example from the question, the original loop ends up creating 2n functions (where n is the number of iterations) because two functions are created during each iteration:
for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
closures[i] = (function(idx, val) { // 1st - factoryFn - captures the values as arguments
return function() { // 2nd - alertFn - uses the arguments instead
alert(idx + ' -> ' + val); // of the variables
})(i, vals[i]);
This can be reduced to creating only n + 1 functions by creating the factory function once, before the loop is started, and then reusing it:
var factoryFn = function(idx, val) {
return function() {
alert(idx + ' -> ' + val);
for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
closures[i] = factoryFn(i, vals[i]);
This is nearly equivalent to how the each() function might be used in this situation, which would also result in a total of n + 1 functions created. The factory function is created once and passed immediately as an argument to each().
each(vals, function(idx, val) {
closures[idx] = function() {
alert(idx + ' -> ' + val);
FWIW, I think a benefit to using each() is the code is a bit shorter and creating the factory function right as it's passed into the each() function clearly illustrates this is its only use. A benefit of the for loop version, IMO, is the code that does the loop is right there so it's nature and behavior is completely transparent while the each() function might be defined in a different file, written by someone else, etc.
Global Scope
When something is global means that it is accessible from anywhere in your code. Take this for example:
var monkey = "Gorilla";
function greetVisitor () {
return alert("Hello dear blog reader!");
If that code was being run in a web browser, the function scope would be window, thus making it
available to everything running in that web browser window.
Local Scope
As opposed to the global scope, the local scope is when something is just defined and accessible in a
certain part of the code, like a function. For instance;
function talkDirty () {
var saying = "Oh, you little VB lover, you";
return alert(saying);
alert(saying); // Throws an error
If you take a look at the code above, the variable saying is only available within the talkDirty
function. Outside of it it isn’t defined at all. Note of caution: if you were to declare saying without
the var keyword preceding it, it would automatically become a global variable.
What this also means is that if you have nested functions, the inner function will have access to the
containing functions variables and functions:
function saveName (firstName) {
function capitalizeName () {
return firstName.toUpperCase();
var capitalized = capitalizeName();
return capitalized;
alert(saveName("Robert")); // Returns "ROBERT"
As you just saw, the inner function capitalizeName didn’t need any parameter sent in, but had complete
access to the parameter firstName in the outer saveName function. For clarity, let’s take another
function siblings () {
var siblings = ["John", "Liza", "Peter"];
function siblingCount () {
var siblingsLength = siblings.length;
return siblingsLength;
function joinSiblingNames () {
return "I have " + siblingCount() + " siblings:\n\n" + siblings.join("\n");
return joinSiblingNames();
alert(siblings()); // Outputs "I have 3 siblings: John Liza Peter"
As you just saw, both inner functions have access to the siblings array in the containing function, and
each inner function have access to the other inner functions on the same level (in this case,
joinSiblingNames can access siblingCount). However, the variable siblingsLength in the siblingCount is
only available within that function, i.e. that scope.

Javascript,Setting up onclick method syntax

I am looking at a javascript code that manipulates an HTML A tag , and I'm having trouble understanding how it sets up the "onclick" property. It seems to be telling it to update ytplayer_playitem with the index variable j and then call ytplayer_playlazy(1000)
But what's up with all the parentheses? What details in the javascript syntax allows it to be setup like this?
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = "#ytplayer";
a.onclick = (function (j) {
return function () {
ytplayer_playitem = j;
Well, basically, the value of onclick is a function that will get called when the element is clicked. Whatever you want to happen when the user clicks the element goes in the body of the function.
You could create a named function and then assign it to the element's onclick attribute:
function youClickedMe() {
a.onclick = youClickedMe
but that clutters up the namespace with a function name that is never referenced anywhere else. It's cleaner to create an anonymous function right where you need it. Normally, that would look like this:
a.onclick = function() { ... }
But if we try that with your specific example:
a.onclick = function() {
ytplayer_playitem = something; // ??
We see that it hard-codes the something that gets played. I'm assuming the original code was taken from a loop which generates several clickable links to play; with the code just above, all of those links would play the same thing, which is probably not what you want.
So far, so straightforward, but this next leap is where it gets tricky. The solution seems obvious: if you're in a loop, why not just use the loop variable inside the function body?
a.onclick = function() {
ytplayer_playitem = i;
That looks like it should work, but unfortunately the i inside the function refers to the value of the variable i when the function is called, not when it's created. By the time the user clicks on the link, the loop that created all the links will be done and i will have its final value - probably either the last item in the list or one greater than that item's index, depending on how the loop is written. Whatever its value is, you once again have the situation where all links play the same item.
The solution in your code gets a little meta, by using a function whose return value is another function. If you pass the loop control variable to the generating function as an argument, the new function it creates can reference that parameter and always get the value that was originally passed in, no matter what has happened to the value of the outer argument variable since:
function generate_onclick(j) {
// no matter when the returned function is called, its "j" will be
// the value passed into this call of "generate_onclick"
return function() { ytplayer_playitem = j; ytplayer_playlazy(1000); }
To use that, call it inside the loop like this:
a.onclick = generate_onclick(i);
Each generated function gets its very own j variable, which keeps its value forever instead of changing when i does. So each link plays the right thing; mission accomplished!
That's exactly what your posted original code is doing, with one small difference: just like the first step in my explanation, the author chose to use an anonymous function instead of defining a named one. The other difference here is that they are also calling that anonymous function immediately after defining it. This code:
a.onclick = (function (j) { ... })(i)
is the anonymous version of this code:
function gen(j) { ... }
a.onclick = gen(i)
The extra parens around the anonymous version are needed because of JavaScript's semicolon-insertion rules; function (y) {...}(blah) compiles as a standalone function definition followed by a standalone expression in parentheses, rather than a function call.
"But what's up with all the parentheses? "
Most of the parentheses are just doing what you'd expect.
There's an extra set that isn't technically needed, but is often used as a hint that the function is being invoked.
// v-v---these are part of the function definition like normal
a.onclick = (function (j) {
// ^-----------this and...v
return function () {
ytplayer_playitem = j;
// v---...this are technically not needed here, but are used as a hint
// ^-^---these invoked the function like normal
"What details in the javascript syntax allows it to be setup like this?"
The upshot is that the function is invoked immediately, and passed i so that its value is referenced by the j parameter in the immediately invoked function.
This creates a variable scope that the returned function will continue to have access to. This way it always has access to the j variable, and not the i that gets overwritten in the loop.
These inlined functions are abused a bit IMO. It becomes clearer if you simply make it a named function.
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// create the new element
a.onclick = createHandler(i);
// append it somewhere
function createHandler (j) {
return function () {
ytplayer_playitem = j;
The resulting handler is exactly the same, but the code is much less cryptic.
Right, I'm going to guess that the surrounding code looks like this:
for (var i = 0; i < playitems.length; i++) {
// above code here
Now, you could do the obvious thing here, and assign the onclick property like this:
a.onclick = function() {
ytplayer_playitem = i;
However that wouldn't work very well, because the value of i changes. Whichever link was clicked, the last one would be the one activated, because the value of i at that point would be the last one in the list.
So you need to prevent this happening. You need to do this by creating a new scope, which is done by creating an extra function, which is immediately invoked:
(function (j) {
// some code here
Because i has been passed into the function, the value is passed rather than a reference to the variable being kept. This means that you can now define a function which will have a reference to the correct value. So you get your extra function to return the click handling function:
a.onclick = (function (j) { // j is the right number and always will be
return function () { // this function is the click handler
ytplayer_playitem = j;
So each a element has its own click handler function, each of which has its own individual j variable, which is the correct number. So the links, when clicked, will perform the function you want them to.
a.onclick = (function (j) {
return function () {
ytplayer_playitem = j;
This creates a "closure" to ensure that the value of i that is bound to the handler is the value of i "at that time" and not i in the general.
In your code, the function inside the () is an expression, executed and passed the variable i. This is the (i) you see in the end part. In this executed function expression, the i becomes the local variable j. This executed function expression returns the handler function that is to be bound the onclick event carrying the value of j which was i "at that time"
if i did not use the closure:
//suppose i is 1
var i = 1;
a.onclick = function () {
ytplayer_playitem = i;
//and changed i
i = 2;
//if you clicked the <a>, it would not be 1 onclick but 2 because you
//did not assign the value of i "at that time". i is "tangible" this way
a.onclick = (function (j) {
return function () {
ytplayer_playitem = j;
What you have here is a self-invoking anonymous function. Let's break it down, first replacing the body of the function with something simpler (return j + 1;):
function( j ) { return j + 1; }
This s a run-of-the-mill anonymous function or closure. This line of code is an expression, and so it has a value, and that value is a function. Now we could do this:
var foo = function( j ) { return j + 1; }
foo( 5 ); // => 6
You recognize this, I'm sure—we're assigning the anonymous function to the variable foo, and then calling the function by name with the argument i. But, instead of creating a new variable, because the closure is an expression we can call it like this instead:
( function( j ) { return j + 1; } )( 5 ); // => 6
Same result. Now, it's just returning j + 1 but in your code it returns something else: Another anonymous function:
return function() { /* ... */ }
What happens when we have a self-invoking anonymous function that returns a function? The result is the "inner" function that was returned:
a.onclick = ( function( j ) {
return function() {
ytplayer_playitem = j;
ytplayer_playlazy( 1000 );
)( i );
If i was equal to 9 then a.onclick would now hold a function equivalent to this:
function() {
ytplayer_playitem = 9;
ytplayer_playlazy( 1000 );
As others have pointed out, the usefulness of this is that when ( function( j ) { /* ... */ } )( i ) is invoked you are capturing the value of i at that time and putting it into j rather than creating a reference to the value i holds, which may (and probably will) change later on.

Defining and calling function in one step

Is there a way in Javascript to define a function and immediately call it, in a way that allows it to be reused?
I know you can do one-off anonymous functions:
(function(i) {
var product = i * i;
// Can't recurse here because there's no (ECMA standard) way for the
// function to refer to itself
}(2)); // logs 4
Or you can name a function then call it afterwards:
function powers(i) {
var product = i * i;
console.log(i * i);
if (product < 1e6) { powers(product) };
powers(2); // Logs 4, 16, 256...
But is there a cleaner way of defining and calling a function in one go? Sort of like a hybrid of both examples?
Not being able to do this isn't preventing me from doing anything, but it feels like it would be a nice expressive way to write recursive functions or functions that need to be run on $(document).ready() but also later when situations change, etc.
You can try:
(window.powers = function(i) {
/*Code here*/
alert('test : ' + i);
Working link :
It gets called on load, and I have added it to an anchor tag to change the parameter and alert.
If all you want is access the function within its own body, you can simply specify a name after the function keyword:
> (function fac (n) {
return (n === 0 ? 1 : n*fac(n-1));
This is a standard feature (see ECMA-262, ed. 5.1, p. 98).
All the answers here are close to what you want, but have a few problems (adding it to the global scope, not actually calling it, etc). This combines a few examples on this page (although it unfortunately requires you to remember arguments.callee):
var test = (function() {
return arguments.callee;
Later, you can call it:
If you don't care about the return value, you can do this.
var powers = function powers(i) {
var product = i * i;
console.log(i * i);
if (product < 1e6) { powers(product) };
return powers;

Javascript: how to pass different object to setTimeout handlers created in a loop?

I'm trying to write some JS replicating jQuery's fadeIn and fadeOut functions. Here's the code I have so far:
function fadeIn(elem, d, callback)
var duration = d || 1000;
var steps = Math.floor(duration / 50);
setOpacity(elem,0); = '';
for (var i = 1; i <= steps; i++)
console.log(i/steps + ', ' + (i/steps) * duration);
setTimeout('setOpacity("elem", '+(i / steps)+' )', (i/steps) * duration);
if (callback)
function setOpacity(elem, level)
return; = level; = level; = level; = "alpha(opacity=" + (level * 100) + ");";
I'm having troubles with the first setTimeout call - I need to pass the object 'elem' (which is a DOM element) to the function setOpacity. Passing the 'level' variable works just fine... however, I'm getting "elem is not defined" errors. I think that's because by the time any of the setOpacity calls actually run, the initial fadeIn function has finished and so the variable elem no longer exists.
To mitigate this, I tried another approach:
setTimeout(function() { setOpacity(elem, (i / steps));}, (i/steps) * duration);
The trouble now is that when the function is called, (i/steps) is now always 1.05 instead of incrementing from 0 to 1.
How can I pass the object in question to setOpacity while properly stepping up the opacity level?
Your "another approach" is correct, this is how it's usually done.
And as for the problem of i always being a constant, that's how closures work!
You see, when you create this function that does something with i (like function() { alert(i); }), that function, as they say, 'captures', or 'binds' the variable i, so that variable i does not die after the loop is finished, but continues to live on and is still referenced from that function.
To demonstrate this concept, consider the following code:
var i = 5;
var fn = function() { alert(i); };
fn(); // displays "5"
i = 6;
fn(); // displays "6"
When it is written in this way, the concept becomes a bit more evident, doesn't it? Since you're changing the variable in the loop, after the loop is finished the variable retains it's last value of (1+steps) - and that's exactly what your function sees when it starts executing.
To work around this, you have to create another function that will return a function. Yes, I know, kind of mind-blowing, but bear with me. Consider the revised version of my example:
function createFn( theArgument )
return function() { alert( theArgument ); };
var i = 5;
var fn = createFn( i );
fn(); // displays "5"
i = 6;
fn(); // still displays "5". Voila!
This works, because the fn function no longer binds the variable i. Instead, now it binds another variable - theArgument, which has nothing to do with i, other than they have the same value at the moment of calling createFn. Now you can change your i all you want - theArgument will be invincible.
Applying this to your code, here's how you should modify it:
function createTimeoutHandler( elemArg, iDivStepsArg )
return function() { setOpacity( elemArg, iDivStepsArg ); };
for (var i = 1; i <= steps; i++)
console.log(i/steps + ', ' + (i/steps) * duration);
setTimeout( createTimeoutHandler( elem, i/steps ), (i/steps) * duration);
Your first approach is evaluating code at runtime. You are most likely right about why it's failing (elem is not in the scope in which the code is eval'd). Using any form of eval() (and setTimeout(string, ...) is a form of eval()) is a general bad idea in Javascript, it's much better to create a function as in your second approach.
To understand why your second approach is failing you need to understand scopes and specifically closures. When you create that function, it grabs a reference to the i variable from the fadeIn function's scope.
When you later run the function, it uses that reference to refer back to the i from fadeIn's scope. By the time this happens however, the loop is over so you'll forever just get i being whatever it was when that loop ended.
What you should do is re-engineer it so that instead of creating many setTimeouts at once (which is inefficient) you instead tell your setTimeout callback function to set the next Timeout (or you could use setInterval) and do the incrementing if your values inside that callback function.
