I have my views correctly displaying fake information and so I am now trying to apply asynchronus data loading to retrieve actual data. The problem is that I am uncertain about how I should go about this. Should I create AJAX calls myself? Should I use the Socket API? Should I use the built in REST api (and how to do so asynchronously)? The server side handler is still unimplemented so as far as how the server serves up the data, that is completely flexible.
i doubt your own ajax calls is what is needed here...
i can't tell about sockets however i know it is possible and a solid idea depending on your app.
i have been using the default REST functionality and it works well for me,
a small example as how I would do it,
to make it less complex i will just act as if it is from page load, instead of using routers and all.
var myView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
var v = this;
this.model.bind("change", function(e) {
render: function() {
var myModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: "/api/myModel", // change to your server code...
defaults: {
name: "john"
var m = new myModel({}); // dummy model
var v = new myView({ model: m, el: $('#myDiv')});
m.fetch(); // takes the url of the model or collection and fetches it from the server side ...
if you want to test what the fetch would do, you can for try this code from your console, (or add it to the jquery document load function:
m.set({ name: 'peter' });
this changes the model's property 'name' and you will immediately see the view update itself, because it listens to the change event of the model.
more info on these events can be found here: http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Events
So I'm really new to backbone.js and I'm trying to understand the basic concept when it comes to getting parts(views/models/routes) to interact with other parts.
Here's an example. I have a 'screen' model object being rendered by a 'singleScreen' View to the page. I also have a 'sidebar' model and view being rendered. When i click on a link in the sidebar i want it to render a different screen model object and alter some of the HTML in a separate html div (the heading) according to the 'name' attribute i gave my screen model.
So first question, should all of the code for re-rendering a different view and changing the heading html be done in the routes.js file? It seems like that file would get pretty big pretty fast. If so how do i get a reference to the model object i want to render in the routes.js file so i can access things like myModel.name (which is instantiated in the app.js file)?
Do I handle the browser history and rendering of my view as separate things and add code for 'link is clicked, render this' functionality in my app.js file (the file where I instantiate all my objects)? If that's the case how does my app know what to render if a user tries to go directly to a view by typing in the URL, rather than clicking?
OR, and this is the most likely scenario as far as i can tell,
Do i use the initialize functions of my models/views to trigger/listenTo an event for when a link is clicked(or backbone.history() is changed?) and call render?
I've messed around with all 3 approaches but couldn't understand how to pass references of objects to other parts of the app, without just making those objects global variables (which feels so wrong).
For the last scenario, I messed around with events but everywhere I've read says you have to include a reference to the object that it's listening too, which seems to defeat the whole purpose of setting up an events object and listening for an event rather than just querying the state of a variable of that object...
this.listenTo(sidebarModel , "change:selected", this.render());
How do i pass a reference to sidebarModel object to the singleScreen view for it to know what it's meant to be listening to.
I'm not really looking for a coded answer, more so just an understanding of best practices and how things are meant to be done.I feel like I'm close but I know i'm missing/not understanding something which is why I'm not able to figure this out myself, so a little enlightening on the whole topic would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
First, you need to understand the role of each Backbone classes. Reading on MVC first might help.
The model isn't necessary when rendering a view. Its role is to handle the data, which can be local, or from an API. All the functions that affect the data should be in the model, and a model shouldn't have anything related to rendering.
There are always exception, where you could use a model to handle data related only to rendering, but you'll know when you find such case.
A simple example is a book:
// The Book model class
var Book = Backbone.Model.extend({
idAttribute: 'code',
urlRoot: '/api/book'
// a Book instance
var solaris = new Book({ code: "1083-lem-solaris" });
Fetching from an API would call:
// GET http://example.com/api/book/1083-lem-solaris
solaris.fetch(); // this is async
When fetching, the API returns the JSON encoded data.
"code": "1083-lem-solaris",
"title": "Test title",
The attributes are merged with the existing attributes, adding the ones that are not there yet, and overwriting the values of the ones already there.
A collection's role is to manage an array of models, which, again, can be local or fetched from an API. It should contain only functions related to managing the collection.
var Library = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Book,
url: '/api/book'
var myLibrary = new Library();
// just adds an existing book to our array
You can fetch a collection to get an array of existing books from an API:
The API should return:
{ "code": "blah-code-123", "title": "Test title" },
{ "code": "other-code-321", "title": "Other book title" }
Using the collection to create a new book and sync with the API:
var myNewBook = myLibrary.create({ title: "my new book" });
This will send a POST request with the attributes and the API should return:
{ "code": "new-code-123", "title": "my new book" },
The view handles its root DOM element. It should handle events from its DOM. It's best used to wrap small component and build bigger components from smaller components.
Put links directly in the templates, in the href of an anchor tag. There's no need to use events for that.
Here's how I render (simplified) a list.
// book list item
var BookView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
template: _.template('<%= title %>'),
initialize: function() {
// when the model is removed from the collection, remove the view.
this.listenTo(this.model, 'remove', this.remove);
render: function() {
return this;
// book list
var LibraryView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: '<button type="button" class="lib-button">button</button><ul class="list"></ul>',
events: {
'click .lib-button': 'onLibButtonClick'
initialize: function(options) {
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.renderBook);
render: function() {
// this is a little more optimised than 'html()'
// caching the list ul jQuery object
this.$list = this.$('.list');
this.collection.each(this.renderBook, this);
return this; // Chaining view calls, good convention http://backbonejs.org/#View-render
addItem: function(model) {
// Passing the model to the Book view
var view = new BookView({
model: model
onLibButtonClick: function() {
// whatever
The router handle routes and should be as simple as possible to avoid it getting too big too fast. It can fetch collections and models, or the view can handle that, it's a matter of pattern at that point.
var LibraryRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'*index': 'index',
'book/:code': 'bookRoute',
index: function() {
var library = new LibraryView({
el: 'body',
// hard-coded collection as a simple example
collection: new Library([
{ "code": "blah-code-123", "title": "Test title" },
{ "code": "other-code-321", "title": "Other book title" }
bookRoute: function(code) {
var model = new Book({ code: code });
// here, I assume an API is available and I fetch the data
success: function() {
var view = new BookPageView({
el: 'body',
model: model
Everything in Backbone has the Events mixin, even the global Backbone object. So every class can use listenTo to bind callbacks to events.
It would be very long to go in depth for everything in Backbone, so ask questions and I'll try to extend my answer.
I have a backbone application and a RESTful api. I used the sample created by Coenraets to understand the architecture of a backbone app, but I decided to setup my own structure and just use the data for testing.
I want to know the best way to return data from the RESTful api. I currently have my app folder structure setup with model, collection, view and service folders. I have a node server running with express that handles the backend and is working fine.
What I want to know is what is the best practice for accessing the restful data api? Should I do that in my service class or in my view class? How do I make this work dynamically using the returned data from my restful api: http://localhost:3000/employees
It seems like there are many ways to do this and for now I just want something that works, but eventually I do want to know what is the best way to do it. Ultimately I want to have a CRUD setup. But I'm not sure where that should be setup. Similar to what is detailed here: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/797899/BackBone-Tutorial-Part-CRUD-Operations-on-Backbone
My files are as follows:
var Backbone = require('backbone');
var Employee = require('../models/employeemodel.js');
module.exports = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Employee,
var Backbone = require('backbone');
var EmployeeCollection = require('../collections/employeecollection.js');
module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({
// initialize:function () {
// this.reports = new EmployeeCollection();
// //this.reports.url = this.urlRoot + "/" + 1 + "/reports";
// }
employee.js (employee view that binds to my template)
var fs = require('fs');
var base = require('./base.js');
var EmployeeList = require('../collections/employeecollection.js');
var employeeService = require('../services/employeeService.js');
var template = fs.readFileSync('app/templates/employee.mu', { encoding: 'utf8' });
module.exports = base.extend({
el: '.view',
collection: employeeService.collection,
initialize: function () {
this.viewModel = {
employee_list: this.collection.toJSON()
//employee_list: this.collection.fetch() --HERE I EXPERIMENTED WITH FETCHING THE DATA
employeeservice.js (file in service folder that would ideally return the collection which I would just bind to my template in they employees view file)
var EmployeeCollection = require('../collections/employeecollection.js');
//if wanting to pass in data manually
var employee_list = [
fullName:"James King",
title:"President and CEO",
city:"Boston, MA",
// var employees = new EmployeeCollection({id: id});
// employees.fetch({
// success: function (data) {
// console.log(data);
// }
// });
module.exports = {
collection: new EmployeeCollection(employee_list)
Backbone is meant for RESTful services.
I'll try to explain the basics using some easy to understand terms.
So backbone is based on models and views.
The model is responsible to the data.
That means, that the model is the one who fetches the data from the server and stores it.
In an interactive application, the model should have a url or urlRoot properties which indicate what is the url of the specific resource this model refers to.
For example, if we had a Person resource, and assuming we are consuming a standard RESTfult service, I would expect something similiar to this:
var Person = Backbone.Model.extend({
url : 'http://localhost:3000/api/Person'
That actually lets us create new instances of this model and manipulate it.
This url will be used by the model for all CRUD operations related to it.
For example, if we now create a new instance:
var person = new Person();
We now have the following basic CRUD operations:
fetch: this method is executing an async AJAX GET request behind the scenes, and injects the data into the model.
Now, after we fetched the data, we can use it by simply calling get:
person.get('name'); * assuming there's a name property.
save this method is exectuing an async AJAX POST or PUT request behind the scene.
If the model's idAttribute is undefined, it will executed POST, otherwise PUT. The idAttribute is a model property which indicates what is the model's unique id.
A sample usage:
person.set({name : 'Mor'});
The abvoe will execute a post request with the name: 'Mor' in the request body.
If for example I fetched the model, and already have an idAttribute assigned, calling the same save method will use the PUT request.
destroy this method will execute a DELETE request behind the scene.
Sample usage: person.destroy();.
Obviously I have just shown you the basic usages, there's a lot more options out there.
A collection is simply a list of models so there's not much to explain, you can read more here: http://backbonejs.org/#Collection
A view is all you see. It is the visual part of the application.
What Backbone lets us do, is to bind views to models and collections.
By that, we can create some dynamic content and visuals.
A basic view would like something like that:
var PersonView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '.person',
initialize: function(){
this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render);
render: function(){
this.$el.html("hello :"+this.model.get("name"));
As you can see, I used listenTo. It is an event listener that calls render each time the model changes.
When I refer to this.model I refer to a model I will pass to the view when I initiate it:
var view = new View({ model : person});
By that, and since I used listenTo, my view is now binded with the person model.
This is basically it.
Obviously, there's a lot more to learn and understand, but this pretty much covers the basics.
Please refer to http://backbonejs.org/ and read some more information.
In my simple project I have 2 views - a line item view (Brand) and App. I have attached function that allows selecting multiple items:
var BrandView = Backbone.View.extend({
...some code...
toggle_select: function() {
this.model.selected = !this.model.selected;
if(this.model.selected) $(this.el).addClass('selected');
else $(this.el).removeClass('selected');
return this;
var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
...some code...
delete_selected: function() {
_.each(Brands.selected(), function(model){
return false;
Thing is, I want to know how many items are selected. In this setup selecting is NOT affecting the model and thus not firing any events. And from MVC concept I understand that views should not be directly talking to other views. So how can AppView know that something is being selected in BrandViews?
And more specifically, I AppView to know how many items were selected, so if more than 1 is selected, I show a menu for multiple selection.
You might want to have a read of this discussion of Backbone pub/sub events:
I like to add it in as a global event mechanism:
Backbone.pubSub = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);
Then in one view you can trigger an event:
Backbone.pubSub.trigger('my-event', payload);
And in another you can listen:
Backbone.pubSub.on('my-event', this.onMyEvent, this);
I use what Addy Osmani calls the mediator pattern http://addyosmani.com/largescalejavascript/#mediatorpattern. The whole article is well worth a read.
Basically it is an event manager that allows you to subscribe to and publish events. So your AppView would subscript to an event, i.e. 'selected'. Then the BrandView would publish the 'selected' event.
The reason I like this is it allows you to send events between views, without the views being directly bound together.
For Example
var mediator = new Mediator(); //LOOK AT THE LINK FOR IMPLEMENTATION
var BrandView = Backbone.View.extend({
toggle_select: function() {
mediator.publish('selected', any, data, you, want);
return this;
var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
mediator.subscribe('selected', this.delete_selected)
delete_selected: function(any, data, you, want) {
... do something ...
This way your app view doesn't care if it is a BrandView or FooView that publishes the 'selected' event, only that the event occured. As a result, I find it a maintainable way to manage events between parts of you application, not just views.
If you read further about the 'Facade', you can create a nice permissions structure. This would allow you to say only an 'AppView' can subscribe to my 'selected' event. I find this helpful as it makes it very clear where the events are being used.
Ignoring the problems with this that you already mention in your post, you can bind and trigger events to/from the global Backbone.Event object, which will allow anything to talk to anything else. Definitely not the best solution, and if you have views chatting with one another then you should consider refactoring that. But there ya go! Hope this helps.
Here is my case with a similar need: Backbone listenTo seemed like a solution to redirect to login page for timed out or not authenticated requests.
I added event handler to my router and made it listen to the global event such as:
var redirectView = new LoginView();
and in my jquery ajax error handler:
function(event, jqxhr, settings, thrownError){
You can use Backbone object as the event bus.
This approach is somewhat cleaner but still relies on Global Backbone object though
var view1 = Backbone.View.extend({
_onEvent : function(){
var view2 = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize : function(){
Backbone.on('customEvent', this._onCustomEvent, this);
_onCustomEvent : function(){
// react to document edit.
Use the same model objects. AppView could be initialized with a collection, and BrandView initialized with one model from that collection. When attributes of a branch object change, any other code that has a reference to that model can read it.
So lets so you have some brands that you fetch via a collection:
var brands = new Brands([]);
Now you make an AppView, and an array of BrandView's for each model.
var appView = new AppView({brands: brands});
var brandViews = brands.map(function(brand) {
return new BrandView({brand: brand});
The appView and the brandViews now both have access to the same model objects, so when you change one:
brands.get(0).selected = true;
Then it changes when accessed by the views that reference it as well.
console.log(appView.brands.get(0).selected); // true
console.log(brandViews[0].brand.selected) // true
Same as John has suggested above, the Mediator Pattern works really good in this scenario, as Addy Osmani summing this issue up again in Backbone fundamentals.
Wound up using the Backbone.Mediator plugin which is simple and great, and makes my AMD View modules working together seamlessly =)
I am working on my first project using backbone.js. It should be a frontend to a Play! App with a JSON interface. Here's a part of my JS code
var api = 'http://localhost:9001/api'
// Models
var Node = Backbone.Model.extend();
// Collections
var Nodes = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Nodes,
url: api + '/nodes',
// Views NODE
var NodeView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#son_node_elements"),
render: function(){
var source = $("#son_node_item_templ").html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
return this;
var NodeListView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
_.bindAll(this, "render");
this.collection = new Nodes();
render: function(){
var nodeView = new NodeView({model: item});
}, this);
Nodes = new NodeListView({el:$('#son_nodes')});
My Problem is that when this.render() is called, this.collection.fetch() is still not done and this.collection does not contain anithing to render. All works fine when I set a breakpoint at this.render() (for example using firebug), so this.render() is not called immediately. I get exactly the same result when I access a local JSON file instead of the api of my app. Any suggestions how to handle this issue?
Fetch can also be called from outside view, so let the view listen for that instead:
Reset event will be triggered on every call to this.collection.fetch();
And finally, skip this.render(); Don't call this yourself, since reset event handler do this for you.
You need to call "render" inside the "success" callback for your "fetch()":
success: function(col) {
That defers the rendering until the collection fetching is complete. It's all asynchronous.
Caveat: I barely know anything about Backbone in particular, but something along these lines is definitely your problem. In other words, there may be other things to worry about that I haven't mentioned (because I don't know what they are :-).
Is there any sort of hooks in backbone where I can easily say "whenever any of the collections is fetching data, show the spinner, hide it when they're done"?
I have a feeling it will be more complicated than that and require overwriting specific functions. When should I show the spinner? On fetch() or refresh() or something else?
You can use jQuery ajaxStart and ajaxStop. Those will globally run when an ajax request is made, so fetch and save will cause those to run. Add your code to show the spinner in the start and hide it in the end.
in Backbone.js 1.0.0 you can use the request and sync events http://backbonejs.org/#Events-catalog
This goes in the view.
initialize: function(){
this.items = new APP.Collections.itemCollection();
this.items.bind('request', this.ajaxStart, this);
this.items.bind('sync', this.ajaxComplete, this);
ajaxStart: function(arg1,arg2,arg3){
//start spinner
ajaxComplete: function(){
This can be applied per collection or per model here's some CSS for the spinner http://abandon.ie/notebook/simple-loading-spinner-for-backbonejs
Backbone doesn't trigger any event when Collection::fetch() starts (see source code), so you will have to override the fetch method. Maybe something like this:
var oldCollectionFetch = Backbone.Collection.prototype.fetch;
Backbone.Collection.prototype.fetch = function(options) {
oldCollectionFetch.call(this, options);
This will override the fetch method to give you an event when the fetch starts. However, this only triggers the event on the specific collection instance so if you have a bunch of different collections you'll have to listen for that event on each collection.
The way i have done this without overriding backbone is:
In view
var myView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize; function(){
The other route would be to remove the loading class when the models are added, usually you have:
var myView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize; function(){
_.bindAll(this, 'addAll')
collection.bind('reset', this.addAll)
addAll: function(){
These would be almost identical in most cases, and as the loader is really for the users experience removing it just prior to displaying the content makes sense.
And a little update. Since Dec. 13, 2012 have been added a "request" event to Backbone.sync, which triggers whenever a request begins to be made to the server. As well since Jan. 30, 2012 have been added a "sync" event, which triggers whenever a model's state has been successfully synced with the server (create, save, destroy).
So, you don't need to override or extand the native Backbone's methodes. For listening 'start/finish fetching' event you can add listener to your model/collection like this for example:
var view = new Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo(this.model, 'request', this.yourCallback); //start fetching
this.listenTo(this.model, 'sync', this.yourCallback); //finish fetching
You can create a method called sync on any of your models, and backbone.js will call that in order to sync. Or you can simply replace the method Backbone.sync. This will allow you to make the change in only one place in your source code.
I have used NProgress in my backbone and it is the best functioning loader/spinner out there.
var view = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.items = new APP.Collections.itemCollection();
this.items.on('reset', this.myAddFunction, this);
success: function () {
Use Backbone sync method,
It will call every time backbone sync method, not only fetch, save, update and delete also
/* over riding of sync application every request come hear except direct ajax */
Backbone._sync = Backbone.sync;
Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
// Clone the all options
var params = _.clone(options);
params.success = function(model) {
// Write code to hide the loading symbol
if (options.success)
params.failure = function(model) {
// Write code to hide the loading symbol
if (options.failure)
params.error = function(xhr, errText) {
// Write code to hide the loading symbol
if (options.error)
options.error(xhr, errText);
// Write code to show the loading symbol
Backbone._sync(method, model, params);