I'm experiencing rather strange behaviour in IE9 when loading a PDF in a frame with Javascript. The document will load once, but any subsequent invocation will result in SCRIPT65535: Invalid calling object.
I'm constructing my URL from Javascript and loading through top.framename.location.href='file1.pdf'. If you start with a PDF in the frame, it will fire the error upon the first invocation of the script.
So, it appears you are no longer allowed to modify the location.href property of a frame in which the Adobe Reader plugin (version 10) is loaded. The same code with HTML documents works fine.
Does anybody know why this behaviour was changed, and if there is a workaround other than using IE8 emulation with <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8">?
I'm also not looking for workarounds that completely avoid the Javascript. There are numerous options, like constructing the link elsewhere and loading it with a target attribute, but I'd really like to do this with Javascript.
If you want to test/reproduce, you can use:
<frameset cols="150,*">
<frame src="toc.html"/>
<frame src="about:blank" name="otherframe"/>
and in toc.html:
<a onclick="javascript:top.otherframe.location.href='1.pdf'">pdf1</a><br/>
<a onclick="javascript:top.otherframe.location.href='2.pdf'">pdf2</a>
Take a look here:
When I go to IE9 developer tools (F12) and under Script tab, click on
Start debugging button, I get details about the error: SCRIPT65535:
Invalid calling object script block (2), line 72 character 4
When you look at the script line 72, this line is highlighted:
Then I go to IE9, Manage add-ons, under Toolbars and Extensions, look
for Divx, LLC and disable Divx Plus Web Player HTML5 and DivX HiQ and
restart IE9 Browser.
The error is gone and my web application work perfectly.
Had the same problem.
In IE9, the frame object is replaced by some PDF object that doesn't contain the location property. So the second time you cannot update the frame url with location.
You can solve this by using window.open()
window.open('1.pdf', 'otherframe');
Setting src directly in iframe is working as expected
I'm trying to embed a Sharepoint document here.
For eg
<iframe src="https://rocketlane123-my.sharepoint.com/personal/lokeshkannan_rocketlane123_onmicrosoft_com/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={8822527b-0c56-44f9-8263-40c737db903c}&action=embedview"
height="288px" />
Whereas when I set the src in the script it's failing
<iframe id="x" width="476px" height="288px"></iframe>
document.getElementById('x').src = "https://rocketlane123-my.sharepoint.com/personal/lokeshkannan_rocketlane123_onmicrosoft_com/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={8822527b-0c56-44f9-8263-40c737db903c}&action=embedview";
This happens explicitly with SharePoint. So I would like to understand a couple of things here.
1. Am I doing something wrong?
2. Is there any CSP headers which block the parent from adding via JS?
3. Is there any official way from SharePoint to allow this?
3. Is there any way to hack this?
Thanks in advance.
Since this happens across chrome, safari and firefox I think it's not a bug in a specific browser.
Trying this in Firefox yields this error message:
To protect your security, login.microsoftonline.com will not allow
Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see
this page, you need to open it in a new window.
Opening the console gives this message:
The loading of [url] in a frame is denied by “X-Frame-Options“
directive set to “DENY“.
This is a header that's set by login.microsoft.com to disable embedding the link as an iframe.
This link details this design choice: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/troubleshoot/sites/cannot-display-sharepoint-pages-in-iframe
The link mentions you can override the behavior by setting 'AllowFraming', though it doesn't recommend it, as there may be site-breaking changes by embedding it.
A guide to use this feature can be found at this link
The problem is in, javascript amp; should not represent as &.
Change your link to
<iframe id="x" width="476px" height="288px"></iframe>
document.getElementById('x').src = "https://rocketlane123.sharepoint.com/sites/MyDocsforSP/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={6d327004-5d52-4e42-9707-c964631f8e65}&action=embedview";
For the portal I am testing now, I came with the problem that I could not create any xpath locators, after some time I figured out that it was because of an '#document', this cuts the path and makes the simple "copy xpath" to direct the path to a completely different element.
<iframe id="FRAMENAME" src="/webclient/workspace/launch-task/REMbl?ds=BP" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" data-navitemname="navitemname" style="" xpath="1">
I found the solution for this is it is simply add a switchTo like this:
This works and makes the rest of the code to work properly but, takes some extra time processing this command till the code moves to the next line.
So I would like to ask, is there is a better solution for this? something smarter/faster?
I am concerned that when the point where I have lots of scripts comes, the execution time will take too long.
I don't use id locators for example because they are all dynamic so sometimes a xpath is required.
Thank you!
To work with elements inside iframe you must switch to this specific iframe.
Your solution .switchTo().frame("FRAMENAME"); is correct. Selenium does not have any other ways to work with iframe wrappers.
inline frames
As per the documentation in Using inline frames, an inline frame is a construct which embeds a document into an HTML document so that embedded data is displayed inside a subwindow of the browser's window. This does not mean full inclusion and the two documents are independent, and both them are treated as complete documents, instead of treating one as part of the other.
iframe structure and details
Generally, an iframe element is in the form of:
<iframe src="URL" more attributes>
alternative content for browsers which do not
support iframe
Browsers which support iframe display the document referred to by the URL in a subwindow, typically with vertical and/or horizontal scroll bars. Such browsers ignore the content of the iframe element (i.e. everything between the start tag <iframe...> and the end tag </iframe>). Browsers which do not support iframe (or have such support disabled) does the opposite, i.e. process the content as if the <iframe...> and </iframe> tags were not there. Thus, the content matters, despite being ignored by some browsers.
So to summarize, inline frames do not mean an include feature, although it might sometimes serve similar purposes.
Note that, when inline frames are used, the browser (if it supports them) sends a request to the server referred to by the URL in the iframe element, and after getting the requested document displays it inside an inline frame. In this sense inline frames are a joint browser-server issue, but only the browser needs to be specifically iframe-aware; from the server's point of view, there's just a normal HTTP request for a document, and it sends the document without having (or needing) any idea on what the browser is going to do with it.
Something Smarter
As per the best practices while switching to an iframe you need to induce WebDriverWait as follows:
Switch through Frame Name (Java Sample Code):
new WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(ExpectedConditions.frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt(By.name("frame_name")));
Switch through iframe XPath (Python Sample Code):
WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it((By.XPATH,"//iframe[#id='ptifrmtgtframe' and #name='TargetContent']")))
Switch through iframe CssSelector (C# Sample Code):
new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)).Until(ExpectedConditions.FrameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt(By.CssSelector("iframe#twitter-widget-0")));
You can find a couple of relevant discussions in:
Python: How can I select a html element no matter what frame it is in in selenium?
Java: Is it possible to switch to an element in a frame without using driver.switchTo().frame(“frameName”) in Selenium Webdriver Java?
C#: How to wait for a frame to load before locating an element?
tl; dr
Inline frames vs. normal frames
Explanation of problem in full below, you could probably just skip to the code at the bottom if you want.
What happened is a impatient client wanted his swf banners converted to html5 without having to actually code them from scratch. So i utilized Google's new tool, Swiffy. I then tried to place this new generated html5 page in the header of the clients wordpress site. I have gotten it to load as an iframe but the problem that I am encountering is when you click on a link on the loaded html5 page, it just loads the linked page in the iframe, not the parent page/window (which is to be expected). I tried a bunch of other methods, and tried changing the AS2 links in the .fla as well but no luck. I am guessing Swiffy can not read every AS2 code, and so it has been ignoring my "_blank", "_parent" when I use getURL. Anyway, I have been trying to get it so when the iframe unloads to go to the linked page, it uses Java to just open the link on the parent page. But iframes cant use the onunload event, but I am pretty sure framesets can. So this is the code I was trying and it doesnt work.
<frameset rows="100%" onunload="window.open('http://www.goaefis.com/about-aefis/what-is-aefis/','_parent');">
<frame src="www.goaefis.com/banner_Test.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" />
Any help will be super appreciated.
try to use the "target" on your frames.
Here's a example:
I have an aspx-page with iframe inside. This iframe points to the url handled by MVC on the same site (it's hybrid site, both standard ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC). The resulting page rendered by MVC contains a lot of scripts references.
IE9 throws an exception on every single script it load in iframe. These exceptions are similar to this one:
Error: 'Function' is undefined
That is, it says that the most basic things every window has is somehow absent. Once you clicked through all of these popups, the page just works as designed!
If I load a URL from <iframe /> src attribute in the browser directly, everything works as expected.
If I open the page in another browser (I tried Opera, Firefox), everything works as expected -- no errors.
So, what IE9 wants?
There is this msdn page about this bug (or feature).
You get these kinds of errors when you move the iframe element around in DOM. In such cases, IE 9 garbage collects the iframe (causing your undefined bug) and reloads it at another position.
In general, you should create the element, set its src attribute only once and then put it somewhere in the DOM tree once. It has nothing to do with the code which runs in the iframe itself.
I have encountered this same situation in the wild. Basic symptoms:
You load script code in an iframe
The script code runs early (from the head section or top of body)
IE complains about some missing native object
I found that it can often be prevented by delaying the execution of the script code until onload or DOMContentLoaded... Not much help I know but this is one of the most difficult IE scripting bugs I have ever encountered. I upped the score of your question, hope it will be found by others as well and we can get a more detailed answer.
Also see this question:
Error in Internet Explorer 9 (not earlier versions or other browsers) when including jQuery in an iframe
Placing the following script block at the very top of the iFrame html <head> seems to resolve the issue in my case. Basically, it forces the iframe to reload, which as some have pointed out, solves the issue. It seems relatively safe, because, without things like 'Object' and 'Date', javascript is essentially useless.
<script type="text/javascript">
Try loading the javascript at the end after complete web page is loaded. I feel the script is executing even before the iframe is completely loaded.
for some suggestion of scripting in IE9 view the given link below
Further investigation revealed that the solution is to add the offending iframe to it's dom location BEFORE setting the 'src' attribute.
Once the 'src' has been set, changing location of the iframe within the DOM stack forces IE9 to garbage collect it.
Once 'src' has been set, iframe can be resized and changed via css positioning, but cannot change the relative location in the DOM stack.
Often times, plugins like dialogs and lightboxes will stuff an iframe with src already set into the dom, then append / prepend or whatever, triggering the GC to take place.
function waitForjQuery(){
if(typeof jQuery!='undefined'){
//Do yor stuff!
I have a bookmarklet that launches a window.open javascript function to open a small window with my bookmarklet -- an external feature used to communicate between any visted site and my server. I'd like for a favicon to show up when the bookmarklet is added to the bookmark toolbar. I realize that the bookmarklet is javascript, there is no domain tied to it so it's going to be either difficult or impossible to achieve this goal.
My understanding of the problem:
Favicons are easy to understand, a link within the head of an HTML doc. The browser can pull this when bookmarking an actual site by reference. However, as you see my bookmarklet is ran off a javascript launch code where there exists no HTML, therefor no link to a favicon. I'm not ready to give up yet though, I feel that there's some injection that can be made...
As of now, the bookmarklet launch code looks like this:
Current Script -- bookmarklet, no favicon (note all code is formated with line breaks -- won't work in all browsers, normally its one line)
The closest thing I've found to a solution is as follows, but it doesn't open a new window -- just creates a new tab with the html as the page:
Working favicon, no bookmarklet window
javascript:'<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hello World</title>
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="http://www.tapper-ware.net/devel/js/JS.Bookmarklets/icons/next.png" />
<body>Hello World</body>
I have tried a combination of the two but it didn't seem to use the icon. I'd be curious to know if anyone can see a type of workaround.. I think it could be possible, I just don't think it's set up correctly as I've been trying.
My hybrid of the two -- bookmarklet but no favicon
javascript:'<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hello World</title>
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="http://www.tapper-ware.net/devel/js/JS.Bookmarklets/icons/next.png" />
</head><body>Hello World</body></html>';
What I did was use the html structure before firing window.open(), this successfully opened my bookmarklet in a new window, but no favicon showed up for the bookmark icon.
Logical Solution:
My thoughts on this would be to have the bookmarklet point to a page that is simply an HTML file with a favicon link and the launch script in the <head>. However, I don't want this opening in a new tab with a blank HTML file that then launches a popup.. Workaround..?
There exists a similar question but I did not seem to find the answer I'm looking for:
How to have favicon / icon set when bookmarklet dragged to toolbar?
Source for the working javascript favicon (no bookmarklet however):
I'd be interested in what your current knowledge/thoughts on this would be
I tried and retried, and my first conclusion was: "It can't be done (at least not in FF4 on Ubuntu 11.04)". You need (I guess) a simple solution for your site visitors (drag&drop, add bookmark with 1 click ...).
I have found a workaround, it does it's job, but it is a little buggy (maybe someone can help fix it).
add a icon to the bookmarklet
it uses windows.open
doesn't leave empty pages behind
it reloads the current page (instead of leave a page behind)
Can't make Firefox POP-ul blocker allow "javascript:" generated HTML page to load POP-ups, so you need to hit allow every time
This is the code:
This is a link that you put on your page, the user needs to drag&drop this link to the bookmark bar (you can use something like Add Bookmark Script for adding it as a bookmark with 1 click), The bookmark has no icon until the user click's it at least once.
So how it supose to work:
1. redirect the user to the generated HTML page from the bookmarklet (that makes the ICON posible)
2. onLoad open the window you need using "windows.open"
3. redirect the page back using "history.back(-1)"
In theory everithing happens so fast, that the user does't see the new page, just that the current page is reloading, and a new windows appear.
The problem:
1. I use setTimeout for history.back beacause window.open is blocked by Firefox, so I need to click allow every single time (if somebody can fix this ... we have a chance of using this, develop it further :) )
I know THIS is not a reliable solution, but this is the only solution I've got so far.
Hope this helps a little. :)
Some of the things that I've tried that might possibly get you going a bit more:
Append a new link element to the current document:
javascript: var newLink = document.createElement('link');
Note that I was using the querySelector due to IE testing (though works in modern browsers as well). With Chrome and FF, I kept getting invalid character when trying to create the element, so I had to do piecewise attribute setting.
Tried using base64 encoded image string using the "..." URI schema, but that didn't help anything due to the fact that I still had to set it to the current HTML text (which I could do, but ran into the same problem as you above of no bookmarklet).
Maybe this can't be done due to cross site scripting concerns? Not sure... Either way, really curious to see what you come up with (if you manage to come up with anything).
"I don't want this opening in a new tab with a blank HTML file that then launches a popup.. Workaround..?"
If what you after really is the visual effect, you can try launch the blank HTML in hidden iframe, then launch the javascript.
Hope that helps