List xml nodes and attribute name from xml - javascript

How to retreive node_names and attribute_names from a xml (not values of node or attributes) Is it possible using jquery?
<product name="astro">
<service_process name="ACID">
<service_process name="Mestro">

You could start with something like this:
var xml = '<Client><product name="astro"><service_process name="ACID"><host>pable</host><port>18848</port></servcice_process><service_process name="Mestro"><host>Mico</host><port>18821</port></servcice_process></product></Client>';
$(xml).each(function displayChildren (i, node) {
// traverse attributes
$.each(node.attributes, function (j, attr) {
console.log(attr.nodeName, attr.nodeValue);
// recursive call

A quick search revealed this page which deals in XML Parsing with jQuery. Getting the node name is a little more difficult but a method for getting it is provided here. From a quick look, I'm assuming you'd want to do something along the lines of:
$(xml).each(function(){ //xml is the XML resource.
alert("Name = " + $(this).attr("name"));
alert("Node = " + $(this).get(0).TagName);
I believe this should work no problems.


Splitting a JavaScript string from XML and wrapping in HTML element

I'm working on displaying an RSS feed in a website through the use of jQuery and AJAX. One of the strings from the source XML file are wrapped in a <category> tag, and there are multiple of these returned. I'm getting the source data like follows:
var _category = $(this).find('category').text();
Because there are multiple categories returned with this method, say the following:
I'm getting strings returned like so:
My end goal is to see each of these separate strings returned and wrapped in individual HTML elements, such as <div class="new"></div>.
I did end up trying the following:
var _categoryContainer = $(this)
.each(function () {
$(this).wrap( "<div class='new'></div>" );
among quite a few other variations.
This is all being appended to a HTML structure similar to the following.
// Add XML content to the HTML structure
$(".rss .rss-loader")
'<div class="col">'
+ <h5 class="myClass">myTitle</h5>
+ _category
+ "</div>"
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
if it's a simple html which is mentioned in a question. you can use something like below.
var html="<category>Travel</category><category>Business</category><category>Lifestyle</category>"
var htmlObj=$.parseHTML(html);
var container=$("#container")
container.append("<div class='new'>"+o.innerText+"</div>")
<script src=""></script>
<div id='container'></div>
Same as first answer, but without jquery
let container = document.querySelector('div#container');
document.querySelectorAll('category').forEach(element => {
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerText = element.innerText;
<div id="container"></div>

Render JSON into HTML

I get JSON data with next code:
"data.json",function foo(result) {
$.each(result[1].data.children.slice(0, 10),
function (i, post) {
$("#content").append( '<br> HTML <br>' + );
<div id="content"></div>
Some of strings included : < and > and this did not displaying as regular html <, >
Try to use .html() instead .append() did not work.
Here is live example
Just use the 3rd (space) parameter of JSON.stringify to format the json, and use <pre> tags to display.
const json = { foo: { bar: 'hello' } }
$('html').append('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(json, null, 2) + '</pre>')
<script src=""></script>
If you're looking for a nice collapsible render I've written a module to this. It's in pure JavaScript so you can use it in any framework.
It's also available as an AngularJS directive if you are using AngularJS
Checkout the demo here: AngularJS directive demo
It's also theme-able, so you can change the colors:
Here is whet you were asking for: Complete JSFiddle Demo
var jsonRequestUrl = '';
var decoder = $('<div />');
var decodedText = '';
$.getJSON(jsonRequestUrl, function foo(result) {
var elements = result[1].data.children.slice(0, 10);
$.each(elements, function (index, value) {
decodedText += decoder.text();
Edit: Keeping this here as a simpler example.
// Encoded html
var encoded = '<div style="background:#FF0">Hello World</div>';
// Temp div to render html internally
var decode = $('<div />').html(encoded).text();
// Add rendered html to DOM
Another library that works for rendering JSON objects is: renderjson
Although it has a minimalistic style, it allows to click through the JSON structure.
Example usage:
document.getElementById("test").appendChild (renderjson (data));
You may want to give JSON2HTML a try. Works with native JavaScript, with jQuery and with node.js. Allows to completely customize the generated HTML.
Use $.parseHTML() jQuery method
var myData = "yourHtml with <" //
Here it is a jsfiddle:
One of the easiest way is
var t=;
t.replace('&lt','<').replace('&gt', '>');
$("#content").append( '<br> HTML <br>' + t );
try this way...
var htmlString = $("<div/>").html(data).text();

parsing some XML with JS:

I have a XML file that is used by Flash as string resource
I would like my JS to use that XML as well: is there an easy way to read and parse external XML file in JS ?
like resources.xml that contains:
<resources locale="en">
<sizeUp>Size up</sizeUp>
<sizeDown>Size Down</sizeDown>
<clearSearch>Clear search</clearSearch>
<wouldYouLikeToReport>Would you like to report this user for abuse ?</wouldYouLikeToReport>
If you want to get every node and the text it contains, try this:
var xml;
xml = '<resources locale="en">';
xml += '<sizeUp>Size up</sizeUp>';
xml += '<sizeDown>Size Down</sizeDown>';
$(xml).children().each(function(index, elem) {
var $element = $(elem);
var text = $element.text();
console.log('elem is ');
console.log('text is ');
The output will be:
elem is
text is
Size up
elem is
text is
Size Down
If you are looking for the contents of a specific tag, you could do:
console.log('sizeUp is ');

Get JSON data from external URL and insert in a div as plain text

I have written a function to display some paragraph tags from an external webpage. For some reason the results are displayed in firebug console but not showing on the web page as I wanted (blank page).
function requestCrossDomain(callback){
var querylink = "select * from html where url=''" +
" and xpath='/html/body/div/div/div[2]/div/div/div/dl'";
var yql = '' +
encodeURIComponent(querylink) + '&format=json&callback?';
$.getJSON(yql, function(data){
if (typeof callback === 'function'){
My firebug console shows the below value.
{"query":{"count":1,"created":"2013-12-23T06:31:46Z","lang":"en-US","results":{"dd":{"p":"Hills: High"}}}}
How can I modify the code to display the value of the P tag, which is "Hills: High"
I'm calling the function from HTML code and trying to display the value inside "#targetWrapper"
Edited to reflect a functional fiddle
function requestCrossDomain(){
var querylink = "select * from html where url='" +
"/armadale.shtml' and xpath='/html/body/div/div/div[2]/div/div" +
var yql = '' +
encodeURIComponent(querylink) + '&format=json&callback?';
$.getJSON(yql, function(data){
$("#targetWrapper").append("<br/><strong>" + JSON.stringify(data) + "</strong>");
Your data format was very much off the mark AND you cannot have two functions with the same name.
The object you get back from $.getJSON is a simple Javascript Object. You can access it just as you would any other object:
In this case, you'd use:
requestCrossDomain(function(results) {
I would highly recommend that you read the MDN documentation I linked above. Having MDN bookmarked is also a good idea; it's a great resource to have easy access to.

Parse JavaScript with jsoup

In an HTML page, I want to pick the value of a javascript variable.
Below is the snippet of HTML page:
<input id="hidval" value="" type="hidden">
<form method="post" style="padding: 0px;margin: 0px;" name="profile" autocomplete="off">
<input name="pqRjnA" id="pqRjnA" value="" type="hidden">
<script type="text/javascript">
My aim is to read the value of variable key from this page using jsoup.
Is it possible with jsoup? If yes then how?
Since jsoup isn't a javascript library you have two ways to solve this:
A. Use a javascript library
Full Javascript support
Additional libraray / dependencies
B. Use Jsoup + manual parsing
No extra libraries required
Enough for simple tasks
Not as flexible as a javascript library
Here's an example how to get the key with jsoupand some "manual" code:
Document doc = ...
Element script ="script").first(); // Get the script part
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?is)key=\"(.+?)\""); // Regex for the value of the key
Matcher m = p.matcher(script.html()); // you have to use html here and NOT text! Text will drop the 'key' part
while( m.find() )
System.out.println(; // the whole key ('key = value')
System.out.println(; // value only
Output (using your html part):
The Kotlin question is marked as duplicate and is directed to this question.
So, here is how I did that with Kotlin:
val (key, value) = document
.first { "key" in it } // OR single { "key" in it }
val pureValue = value.replace(Regex("""["';]"""), "")
println("$key::$pureValue") // key::pqRjnA
Another version:
val (key, value) = document
.first { Regex("""key\s*=\s*["'].*["'];""") in }
.map { it.replace(Regex("""[\s"';]"""), "") }
println("$key::$value") // key::pqRjnA
To get the document you can do this:
From a file:
val input = File("my-document.html")
val document = Jsoup.parse(input, "UTF-8")
From a server:
val document = Jsoup.connect("the/target/url")
