term_exists not working in Javascript - javascript

I finally got my back-end to create the wheel codes from the checked taxonomies in the add custom post admin area.
Now, I want to add that tire code to the wheel_type taxonomy.
The below code ran great, until I added the if statement under //Add code to Taxonomy
Now nothing is working, but I get nothing in the error console.
I figure it must be a stupid syntax mistake - can anyone help me out?
Or am I missing something else?
//get tire code and name
var code = jQuery('input[name="tire_code"]').val();
var name = jQuery('input[name="tire_name"]').val();
var bname = jQuery('input[name="tire_bname"]').val();
alert(code + " + " + name + " + " + bname);
//get tire brand
var tirebran = jQuery('#tire_brandchecklist').find(":checked").parent('label').text();
tirebran = jQuery.trim( tirebran );
//Add code to Taxonomy
if( term_exists( code, wheel_type ){
wp_insert_term( code, wheel_type );
//update title
var title = code + ' : ' + name + ' tires';
title += ' with ' + bname + ' letters';

unless i've misunderstood your question, you're trying to call wordpress methods via javascript.
term_exists() and wp_insert_term() are PHP methods within the wordpress code, not accessible directly via Javascript (unless you have written interfaces to them).

continue doesn't make any sense there; just check for !term_exists... and call wp_insert_term when it doesn't exist.
if (!term_exists(code, wheel_type)) {
wp_insert_term(code, wheel_type);
The continue statement is for continuing loops from the top of the loop; it does not stand on its own.


Difficulties with retrieving DOM elements

I'm trying to read an element from a dynamic website, but am facing a weird (at least to my poor understanding) issue.
Below is a snapshot from the Developer Tool from Chrome
I'm trying to read the innertText of the highlighted line (please note this is a dynamic website, so the "li id's"change).
When I'm firing document.querySelector("#\\31 60698c8-9d6c-492b-acf8-13b82467f873 > div > span.room-display-message-message") in the DevTools Console while highlighting the line as in the above snapshot the innerText is returned, but when I'm moving my selection higher up in the tree, e.g. to "iframe class = "trollbox-iframe" and then running the same script it returns "null".
This behavior also pops up when making the script more random like document.querySelector("* > div > span.room-display-message-message")
Am I getting crazy or is this normal and should I take another approach?
I'm asking this because I'm developing a tool in C# using a CEFSharp Chromium webbrowser to read contents of this website, but that's not relevant at the nmoment
OK, itr took me a few days, but I finally got what I wanted. For those interested here's my solution:
First thing is to add a CefSharp.WinForms.CefSettings to your browser element, being "--disable-web-security"
For calling this trollbox iframe I'm using below Javascript (I know it can be simplified, but hey...it works
var script2 = "function foo(){" +
"var re = /[^-a - zA - Z!, '?\s]/g;" +
"var messages = [];" +
"doc = document.getElementsByClassName('trollbox-container open')[0];" +
"ifrm = doc.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];" +
"docInside = ifrm.contentDocument ? ifrm.contentDocument : ifrm.contentWindow.document;" +
"docTag = docInside.getElementsByClassName('content small')[0];" +
"msgList = docTag.getElementsByClassName('message-list')[0];" +
"msgList_sender = msgList.getElementsByClassName('room-display-message-sender');" +
"msgList_message = msgList.getElementsByClassName('room-display-message-message');" +
"for (var i = 0; i < msgList_sender.length; i++)" +
" {" +
" var sender = msgList_sender[i].innerText;" +
" var message = msgList_message[i].innerText;" +
" messages.push(sender + ': ' + message);" +
" }" +
"return messages;" +
"}" +
Finally running this code
JavascriptResponse response = await browser1.EvaluateScriptAsync(script2);
returns me the information from the trollbox I wanted

How do I encode/decode a fetch URL/JSON using javascript and flask

This is in reference to dynamically change options in a list by another list. Unfortunately, it all works except if the project name has a " or a #. Eg. Project name: '10" Centerline #3 Pipe'
I am a newbie to this and I have been cut/paste (learning) as I go along. If someone can help, it will be great. I am seen some things about escaping and encoding URI stuff but not sure where to put it in. The other problem is just understanding what happens past the onchange event.
I can get the list of project names from a previous list and it shows up in my HTML page. However, when I select the choices that have a ( " ) or a ( # ), the next populated list breaks.
Thanks in advance. I really, really appreciate the time if someone puts in a response.
Here is the javascript portion:
project_name_select.onchange = function(){
project_name = project_name_select.value;
fetch('/sr/new/project/' + project_name).then(function(response){
response.json().then(function(data) {
var areaHTML = '<option value="See List">Select Area</option>';
for (var state of data.project_area) {
areaHTML += '<option value="' + state.project_area + '">' + state.project_area + '</option>'
project_area_select.innerHTML = areaHTML;
Here is the flask portion:
def project(get_project_name):
project_dict, dict_type = choice_project_dict(get_project_name)
project_areaArray = []
for proj in project_dict:
ownerObj = {}
ownerObj['id'] = proj['company_name']
ownerObj['owner_company'] = proj['company_name']
return jsonify({'project_area': project_areaArray})

google apps script sendEmail sending multiple emails

DISCLAIMER: I'm new to Stack Overflow and I'm not a developer.
I work in IT and we are currently trying to take all of our paper/electronic forms and turn them into Google Forms. I am currently trying to write a script (see below) that will send an email to a specific person based on one of the answers. The good news is that the script works (woot!).
The problem that I'm having is that I get 2 - 3 of the exact email when I test it. It's especially bad in with my gmail account.
If the below code looks atrocious, I'm open to suggestions! Thanks in advance for the help!!
function myFunction() {
var form = FormApp.getActiveForm()
var formResponses = form.getResponses();
for (var i = 0; i < formResponses.length; i++) {
var formResponse = formResponses[i];
var itemResponses = formResponse.getItemResponses();
var work = itemResponses[3];
var problem = itemResponses[2].getResponse();
var location = itemResponses[4].getResponse();
var name = itemResponses[0].getResponse()
var sheetsLink = docs.google.com/sheetid
if (work.getResponse() === "Food Services") {
MailApp.sendEmail('mymail#gmail.com', 'Kitchen Maintenance', name + ' has a problem with ' + problem + ' in the kitchen at ' + location + '. More information for this request can be found at: ' + sheetsLink + '.');
} else {
MailApp.sendEmail('mymail#schoolacct', 'Maintenance', name + ' has a problem with ' + problem + ' at ' + location + '. More information for this request can be found at: ' + sheetsLink + '.');
It might be easier for you to get the form responses saved in a spreadsheet then tie the apps script to the spreadsheet with an on form submit trigger. This will allow you to have a record of all form responses in the spreadsheet and if anything goes wrong, you can always recheck. On the multiple emails sent, the multiple editors is the thing to check.

jQuery append implementation is breaking

So I have this code that I am trying to alter –
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var name = '';
var firstLastName = '[[T6:[[E48:[[S334:fr-id]]-[[S334:px]]:cons.first_name]]]] [[T6:[[E48:[[S334:fr-id]]-[[S334:px]]:cons.last_name]]]]';
var screenname = '[[T6:[[S48:0:screenname]]]]';
if (screenname) {
name = screenname;
} else {
name = firstLastName;
var splitName = name.split('');
var nameCheck = splitName[splitName.length-1];
jQuery('#personal_page_header h2').html("Support " + name + "'s Fundraiser" );
someone wrote this up and are no longer here, and what I'm trying to do now is figure out how to instead of replace the existing text, add to it.
So right now what this code does is it replaces the h2 content with the constituents registered name, or screenname.
What I'm trying to do now is append to that so that it will say something like
Welcome to my fundraiser
"Support" + name + "'s Fundraiser"
but unfortunately what I tried breaks the code and stops it from working.
what I tried to do is this:
jQuery('#personal_page_header h2').append('<span><br />"Support " + name + "'s Fundraiser"</span>' );
I've tried to do a variety of other things that gave the same unsuccessful result.
Any help would be really appreciated!
This should work for you:
jQuery('#personal_page_header h2').append("<span><br/>Support " + name + "'s Fundraiser</span>");
You've just got your quotations a little out of place.
You need to concatenate your code correctly, so if you'd like to keep the " use ' to concatenate. Further you need to escape the ' inside the string with \:
jQuery('#personal_page_header h2')
.append('<span><br />"Support ' + name + '\'s Fundraiser"</span>');

How to add last.fm now playing into my site using Api

Hi guys i been trying to figure out for a long time but i suck at this, i found this code on google and i added it adn changed what i need but still doesnt work i really need this for my site: http://www.balkan-party.cf/
I found code here: http://www.samkitson.co.uk/using-json-to-access-last-fm-recently-played-tracks/
My last.fm username i need in js: alicajdin AND
Api key: 24f6b03517ad9984de417be5d10e150b
This is what i did:
$(document).ready(function() {
$.getJSON("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=user.getRecentTracks&user=alicajdin&api_key=24f6b03517ad9984de417be5d10e150b&limit=2&format=json&callback=?", function(data) {
var html = ''; // we declare the variable that we'll be using to store our information
var counter = 1; // we declare a counter variable to use with the if statement in order to limit the result to 1
$.each(data.recenttracks.track, function(i, item) {
if(counter == 1) {
html += 'Currently listening to: <span>' + item.name + ' - ' + item.artist['#text'] + '</span>';
} // close the if statement
counter++ // add 1 to the counter variable each time the each loop runs
}); // close each loop
$('.listening-to h5').append(html); // print the information to the document - here I look for the h5 tag inside the div with a class of 'listening-to' and use the jQuery append method to insert the information we've stored in the html variable inside the h5 tag.
}); // close JSON call
I created that file and i tried to add on head section, footer section but it wont show recent tracks.
And yea i have scroblr installed on google crome
below </script> add the following code:
<div class="listening-to"></div>
then remove "h5" on
"$('.listening-to h5').append(html);"
so your code like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$.getJSON("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=user.getRecentTracks&user=YOUR_USERNAME&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&limit=2&format=json&callback=?", function(data) {
var html = '';
var counter = 1;
$.each(data.recenttracks.track, function(i, item) {
if(counter == 1) {
html += 'Currently listening to: <span>' + item.name + ' - ' + item.artist['#text'] + '</span>';
<div class="listening-to"></div>
Hope you can help. Sorry, my English is very Bad (Google Translate)
