I have a Javascript function that I need to modify to accept arguments, one for the image id and the other for the select box's id.
<script type="text/javascript">
function swapImage(){
var image = document.getElementById("imageToSwap");
var dropd = document.getElementById("dd");
image.src = dropd.value;
So I'd like to be able to do something like
onChange="swapImage('this','<?php echo $image; ?>')"
I've tried changing it to
<script type="text/javascript">
function swapImage(pic,selectbox){
var image = document.getElementById(pic);
var dropd = document.getElementById(selectbox);
image.src = dropd.value;
But this doesn't work. Please help. Thanks
If you make the 'this' into this, you can then reference it as any other element (skip the getElementById() stuff).
I'm a newbie here.
I would like to insert a value from JS variable into a URL part of an tag.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var scrt_var = "xyz_nt";
For example, take the above value and insert/replace in the below img src where it reads 'insert value here'.
<img src="https://test.com/?target=alias(keepLastValue(aggregates.*.servera_*.abc-insert value here.errors)%2C%20'Errors')&preventCache=25308886" height="250" width="620" />
Any help would be really appreciated.
You can add an ID to your img and do something like:
var scrt_var = "xyz_nt";
var mylink = "http://your_url?your_var=" + scrt_var;
document.getElementById('image').src = mylink;
You can use regex replace
var scrt_var = "xyz_nt";
var image = document.querySelector("td img");
image.src = image.src.replace( /insert value here/, scrt_var );
I want to store the jquery variable value to the html variable value.
Here is my code,
This is the javascript function which is in external javascript page
function createImage(settings) {
var kk = createCanvas(settings)[0].toDataURL('image/png');
Now, this is in html page
var karan = kk;
<img id="containerQrCode" src = "+ karan +" alt="qr image" />
Now, how can I move the kk value which is in external javascript page to the karan variable which is in html page.
Thanks In Advance.
I will suggest you work with the DOM. Some thing like the below if your are jQuery.
function createImage(settings) {
var kk = createCanvas(settings)[0].toDataURL('image/png');
$("#containerQrCode").attr("src", kk);
below can be tried if not using jquery
function createImage(settings) {
var kk = createCanvas(settings)[0].toDataURL('image/png');
document.getElementById("containerQrCode").setAttribute("src", kk);
try something like this:
<img id="containerQrCode" src = "
<script type="text/javascript>document.write(karan)</script>
" alt="qr image" />
Sorry misread about setting the variable as well, try this:
Edit the function to say this:
function createImage(settings) {
var kk = createCanvas(settings)[0].toDataURL('image/png');
return kk;
Then update where you set karan to this:
var karan = createImage();
You will also need to include the external javascript file in the project like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/your/file.js"></script>
var karan = kk;
var img = document.getElementById('containerQrCode');
img.src = karan;
I have a list box with id of 'availmap' containing filename of images the path is maps/image.jpg
I also have a image control with id of 'map' that I would like to change to the selected image using the onclick event of the list box
this is the js I have tried and can not figure out why it won't work
<script type="text/javascript">
function ChgImg() {
var list = document.getElementById('availmap');
var indx = list.selectedIndex;
var img = list[indx].value;
var id = document.getElementById('map');
id.src="maps/" + img;
This is the image tag and the listbox code
<div id='avail' style='position:fixed;left:500px;top:0;z-index:0;text-align:center;bgcolor='#00b0e6';>
<span style='position:fixed;left:540px;top:30px;width:250px;font-family:Arial;font-size:15px;background-color:#00b0e6;border: 1px #000000 solid;'>Availible Maps</span> </div>
<form action='jobs.php' target='joblist' style='position:fixed;left:500px;top:101px;'></td>
<select id='availmap' name='availmap' size='10' style='width: 250px;position:fixed;left:540px;top:51px;' onchange='ChgImg()'>
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($mapresult))
echo "<option value=\"".$row['ID']."\">".$row['AssocMap']."</option>\n ";
echo "</select>";
echo "</form>";
echo "<img id='map' src='' alt='' style='position:absolute;left:800px;top:30px;width:260px;height:185px;border: 1px #000000 solid;'>";
I'm sure it is something relatively simple I am missing here
You should use Element.setAttribute()
Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an existing attribute on
the specified element.
element.setAttribute(name, value);
name is the name of the attribute as a string.
value is the desired new value of the attribute.
So, change your code to this:
function ChgImg() {
var list = document.getElementById('availmap');
var indx = list.selectedIndex;
var img = list[indx].value;
var id = document.getElementById('map');
id.setAttribute("src", img);
You're javascript was almost correct, just use id.src=img;
Complete javascript:
function ChgImg() {
var list = document.getElementById('availmap');
var indx = list.selectedIndex;
var img = list[indx].value;
var id = document.getElementById('map');
I would use the change event instead of the click event. Don't forget to add the code in the head of the page.
The javascript you're using works fine as you can see in the working example. However, I don't think you're passing a valid value for the src of the image in the code you provide (value=\"".$row['ID']."\). It seems you're using the ID of the row for the value (usually a number) when you actually need to use a valid src for the image (for example http://www.w3schools.com/images/w3schools_green.jpg). Do you have the url of the images stored in some other column of the row? If so, use it instead of $row['ID']
Also, please check your HTML. There are a few mistakes that you should correct (most of them single quotes badly closed).
I've also modified your html a bit in the example
I have a next string like:
<img src="../uplolad/commission/ranks/avatar.jpg' . $row[$c_name] .'" width="50" height="50"/>
How can i get a image file name in javascript? I know only PHP regexes. Extention of a file can be different.
The result must be: avatar.jpg
Regex is not ideal for this. JavaScript can traverse the HTML as distinct objects more readily than as a long string. If you can identify the picture by anything, say by adding an ID to it, or an ID to a parent with that as the only image, you'll be able to access the image from script:
var myImage = document.getElementById('imgAvatar'); // or whatever means of access
var src = myImage.src; // will contain the full path
if(src.indexOf('/') >= 0) {
src = src.substring(src.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
And if you want to edit, you can do that just as well
myImage.src = src.replace('.jpg', '.gif');
Fetch it following coding which can help what you want to get.
<script type="text/javascript">
function getImageName(imagePath) {
var objImage = new RegExp(/([^\/\\]+)$/);
var getImgName = objImage.exec(imagePath);
if (getImgName == null) {
return null;
else {
return getImgName[0];
var mystring = getImageName("http://www.mypapge.mm/myimage.png")
Here's a shorter variation of David Hedlund's answer that does use regex:
var myImage = document.getElementById('imgAvatar'); // or whatever means of access
alert(myImage.src.replace( /^.+\// , '' ));
How can I dynamically name id's using javascript?
Something like this:
var idName = "fruit";
<img id="javascript:idName" src="banana.jpg">
var bananaImage = new Image();
bananaImage.id = "fruit";
bananaImage.src = "banana.jpg";
Using the jQuery framework you could do something like:
<img class="idName" src="banana.jpg"/>
<img class="idName" src="cherry.jpg"/>
The script ...
var idName = 'fruit';
$(function() {
$('img.idName').each(function(i) {
$(this).attr({id: idName+i});
... which results in:
<img id="fruit0" class="idName" src="banana.jpg"/>
<img id="fruit1" class="idName" src="cherry.jpg"/>
You can dynamically create elements, such as <img>, and set their attributes using JavaScript's DOM API.
or you can get the element any other way IE
imgs = container.getElementsByTagName("img");
foreach(imgs as img){
if(imgs.src == "banana.jpg") img.id = "fruit";
Note: foreach doesn't work in JS you'll need a for loop, but I'm too lazy :P
I think this is what your looking for. You need some sort of event to trigger the JavaScript. Since IMG doesnt have it, except for user events, you need something like:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function nameMyIds() {
var idToName = "firstImageId";
var theImage = getImageBySrc("banana.jpg");
if (theImage!=null)
theImage.id = idToName;
function getImageBySrc(src) {
// using DOM, using jQuery would make this easier
var allImages = document.body.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
for (var i=0; i<allImages.length; i++ ) {
var img = allImages[i];
var i = img.src.indexOf(src);
if (img.src == src || img.src.indexOf(src) > 0) { return img };
<body onload="nameMyIds()">
<img src="banana.jpg">