I have a webpage with iframes.
These iframes are for showing some external website data.
But problem arise when those external servers get blocked in a network it gives a error that "The proxy server is refusing connections".
It does not look good to me.
I want to hide all these blocked iframes or want to show some alternate data there.
It's not possible to check whether a page has not loaded. However, it's possible to use onload event handlers.
It's important to not rely on JQuery, because JQuery is also an external source which has to be loaded. Add this code within <script> tags after the last IFRAME element (often, at the end of the body). Code:
//Cannot rely on JQuery, as it has to be loaded
(function(){//Anonymous wrapper.
var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
var num_frames = iframes.length;
//Function to add Event handlers
var addLoad = window.addEventListener ? function(elem, func){
elem.addEventListener("load", func, true);
} : window.attachEvent ? function(elem, func){
elem.attachEvent("onload", func);
} : function(elem, func){
elem.onload = func;
var success_load = 0;
for(var i=0; i<num_frames; i++){
addLoad(iframes[i], function(){
this.dataSuccessfullyLoaded = true;
addLoad(window, function(){
if(success_load < num_frames){
for(var i=num_frames-1; i>=0; i--){
//Or: iframes[i].style.display = "none";
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/3vnrg/
Your proxy seems to send HTTP pages with status code 200. Another option is to include the CSS file, and check whether a CSS variable exists or not:
/*From http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v1/yb/r/CeiiYqUQjle.css*/
#facebook .hidden_elem{display:none !important}
#facebook .invisible_elem{visibility:hidden}
<link rel="Stylesheet" href="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v1/yb/r/CeiiYqUQjle.css" />
<div id="facebook"><div class="hidden_elem invisible_elem"></div></div>
JavaScript (execute this code after all resources have been loaded):
if($("#facebook div").css("display") != "none" || $("#facebook div").css("visibility") != "hidden") disableFBFrame();
// Where disableFBFrame(); is a function which hides the frame.
I have a site that builds the pages dynamically. It's a SharePoint site. The site contains a lot of document libraries. The libraries contain word, excel and PDF documents. When a user clicks on a document, the document opens in the client application for office documents only. PDFs simply open in the same window. when people close the window containing the document, they close the site. I'm trying to use javascript to onload add target="_blank" to the PDF links.
So far I have:
window.onload = function(){
for(i = 0; i<l; i++) {
n = document.links[i].href.indexOf(".pdf");
if (n > 0){
document.links[i].setAttribute('target', '_blank');
This code sort of works as some of the pdf links load in a new window as expected, some load in the parent window and some links load in both a new window and the parent. How do I tell the browser not to load in the parent window and only in the new window?
This is what I want to achieve:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
a.pdf<br /><br />
b.html<br /><br />
c.pdf<br /><br />
window.onload = function(){
for(i = 0; i<l; i++) {
n = document.links[i].href.indexOf(".pdf");
if (n > 0){
document.links[i].setAttribute('target', '_blank');
The problem I'm running into is that sharepoint document libraries are modifying the link behavior such that the javascript does not make then open in a new window. Below is an example of a link from a document library:
<a onfocus="OnLink(this)" href="https://rcd.sharepoint.com/HR/HR%20Policy%20Manual.pdf" onmousedown="return VerifyHref(this,event,'0','','')" onclick="return DispEx(this,event,'TRUE','FALSE','FALSE','','0','','','','','331','0','0','0x7fffffffffffffff','','')">HR Policy Manual</a>
If you don't have access to all elements for ahead with capturing all clicks on the page. Use addEventListener with enabled capturing for handling event. Test whether it's anchor tag and proceed to new page by own with code below:
document.addEventListener("click", function(e){
if (e.target.localName == 'a') {
var url = e.target.getAttribute('href');
// You can place extra checks here.
var tab = window.open(url, '_blank');
}, true)
Here is what I would do, I think I would collect the anchors and loop over them to check if the hrefs ends with .pdf and then add a function on all the .pdf links
Don't check for pdf files with .indexOf('.pdf'). Your check should fail If there's a filename called somedummyfile.pdf.something.png (which is a .png image) or any other formatted file.
Note that, new window might be blocked at user's end if they are using add-blockers.
Here is the Snippet:
function modifyLinks() {
let links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
let properties = 'height=' + window.innerHeight + ',width=' + window.innerWidth + ',' + 'scrollbars=yes,status=yes';
for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
if (links[i].href.endsWith('.pdf')) {
// links[i].setAttribute('target', '_blank'); // if you want to open them in new tab;
links[i].addEventListener('click', function(e) {
window.open(this.href, '_blank', properties);
window.addEventListener('load', modifyLinks);
File 1
File 2
File 3
Some Other file
I added the following JavaScript to get links containing "pdf" to open in a new window:
window.onload = function(){
for(i = 0; i<l; i++) {
n = document.links[i].href.indexOf(".pdf");
if (n > 0){
document.links[i].setAttribute('target', '_blank');
I then noticed that document libraries were using a DispEx() javascript function on click of document links which negated the first bit of code. I had to overload the function with my own functionality.
function DispEx(a){
if (a.href.endsWith('.pdf')){
return false;
Using both pieces of JavaScript in a content editor web part, I got PDF documents to open in a new window and all other links/documents to load in the same window.
Hi I'm total beginner and this is my first question.
I recently setup a site and have some external links to it. All are set to open in same window by default, but wanted to give visitors choice to toggle external links to open in new window.
I found great script from: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex8/newwindow2.htm
Here is the script from dynamicdrive:
//Open offsite links in new window script- http://www.dynamicdrive.com/
//Created: August 28th, 2007'
var ddwindowlinks={
//1)Enter domains to be EXCLUDED from opening in new window:
excludedomains: ["dynamicdrive.com", "google.com"],
//2) Target for links that should open in a new window (ie: "_blank", "secwin" etc):
linktarget: "_blank",
//3) Specify operating mode ("auto" or "manual"):
mode: "manual",
//4) If mode is "manual", customize checkbox HTML to show to users (Preserve id attribute):
toggleHTML: '<form><input type="checkbox" id="targetcheckbox" checked="checked" /><label for="targetcheckbox">Open off-site links in new window?</label></form>',
//5) If mode is "manual", enable user persistence so the state of the checkbox is remembered?
persist: true,
var rexcludedomains=new RegExp(this.excludedomains.join("|"), "i")
var all_links=document.getElementsByTagName("a")
if (this.mode=="auto" || (this.mode=="manual" && this.togglebox.checked)){
for (var i=0; i<=(all_links.length-1); i++){
if (all_links[i].hostname.search(rexcludedomains)==-1 && all_links[i].href.indexOf("http:")!=-1)
for (var i=0; i<=(all_links.length-1); i++)
if (this.mode=="manual" && this.persist)
this.setCookie("dlinktarget", (this.togglebox.checked)? "yes" : "no", 30) //remember user setting for 30 days (set to -1 then reload page to erase cookie)
if (document.getElementById && this.mode=="manual"){
if (this.persist && this.getCookie("dlinktarget")!="")
this.togglebox.checked=(this.getCookie("dlinktarget")=="yes")? true : false
if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", function(){ddwindowlinks.assigntarget()}, false)
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", function(){ddwindowlinks.assigntarget()})
var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
return ""
setCookie:function(name, value, days){
var expireDate = new Date()
//set "expstring" to either an explicit date (past or future)
var expstring=expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate()+parseInt(days))
document.cookie = name+"="+value+"; expires="+expireDate.toGMTString()+"; path=/"
end edit
The script works excelent for links that are on text.
<div class="Artistic-Body-P">
<span class="Artistic-Body-C">
but it's not working for links that are within div rollover.
<div id="div_popup_roll_13" style="position:absolute;left:109px;top:259px;width:76px;height:76px;">
<a href="http://externallink.com" rev="image1.png~#~-14~#~-15~#~text~#~148~#~-119~#~#949393~#~Tahoma~#~30~#~0~#~1~#~transparent~#~165">
<img src="image2.png" border="0" width="76" height="76" id="popup_roll_13" alt="">
I have been busting my head for two days how to fix this, but guess that the fact that I'm beginner, doesn't help so I decided to post here.
thnx for help in advance
here is the code from poproll:
(function($){jQuery.fn.poproll=function(settings){var m_bHovering=false;var m_nDivId=0;
var $m_ImageDiv=null;var $m_TextDiv=null;
var eOptions={Img:0,ImgPosX:1,ImgPosY:2,Txt:3,TxtPosX:4,TxtPosY:5,TxtCol:6,TxtFont:7,TxtSize:8,TxtItallic:9,TxtBold:10,TxtBkgrndCol:11,TxtWidth:12};
function ClosePopup(){if($m_ImageDiv!==null){$m_ImageDiv.remove();
$m_TextDiv=null}}}function HoverOver(div){m_bHovering=true;var nDivId=$(div).attr('id');
if(nDivId!==m_nDivId){m_nDivId=nDivId;ClosePopup()}if($m_ImageDiv===null){var anchor=$(div).find('a');
var optionArray=$(anchor).attr('rev').split('~#~');
var href=$(anchor).attr('href');
if(href===undefined){$(div).append('<div id="poproll_img" style="position:absolute; left:'+optionArray[eOptions.ImgPosX]+'px; top:'+optionArray[eOptions.ImgPosY]+'px; z-index:100;"><img src="'+optionArray[eOptions.Img]+'" name="popup_roll_2" alt="" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;"></div>')}else{$(div).append('<div id="poproll_img" style="position:absolute; left:'+optionArray[eOptions.ImgPosX]+'px; top:'+optionArray[eOptions.ImgPosY]+'px; z-index:100;"></div>')}$m_ImageDiv=$('#poproll_img');
if(optionArray[eOptions.Txt].length>0){var fontStyle=optionArray[eOptions.TxtItallic]>0?'italic':'normal';
var fontWeight=optionArray[eOptions.TxtBold]>0?'bold':'normal';$(div).append('<div id="poproll_txt" style="position:absolute; left:'+optionArray[eOptions.TxtPosX]+'px; top:'+optionArray[eOptions.TxtPosY]+'px; width:'+optionArray[eOptions.TxtWidth]+'px; color:'+optionArray[eOptions.TxtCol]+'; font-size:'+optionArray[eOptions.TxtSize]+'; font-family:'+optionArray[eOptions.TxtFont]+'; font-style: '+fontStyle+'; font-weight:'+fontWeight+'; background-color:'+optionArray[eOptions.TxtBkgrndCol]+'; z-index:100;">'+optionArray[eOptions.Txt]+'</div>');$m_TextDiv=$('#poproll_txt')}}}function HoverOut(){m_bHovering=false;window.setTimeout(function(){if(!m_bHovering){ClosePopup()}},100)}this.hover(function(){HoverOver(this)},function(){HoverOut()})}})(jQuery);
It might just be cleaner to write the code yourself. Try the following:
// Grab every <a> tag in the document.
var allTheTags = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
function parseTags(tags) {
var size = tags.length; // cache the size;
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
var tag = tags[i];
var href = tag.getAttribute('href');
// Do we have a target attribute? (and, of course, an href attribute)
if (href && !tag.getAttribute('target')) {
var ourHostName = window.location.hostname;
href = href.split('://');
// Is there a protocol?
if (href.length > 1) {
href = href[1].split('/')[0]; // Get everything before the first /
if (href != window.location.hostname &&
href != 'www' + window.location.hostname) {
// Sometimes, hostname does not have www in it.
tag.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
// Call our function.
Our variable "allTheTags" is a Nodelist, which will update when the DOM updates, so we can always re-run our parseTags function passing in our allTheTags object each time. This way, we skip querying the DOM if there's an instance where a tags are added dynamically.
In the case of accounting for poproll functionality, you'll have to listen for the same roll-over event you pass to your poproll function. So, right after you call poproll on the element you selected, listen for a hover on that same element.
$(someElementYouUseForPoproll).hover(function () {
}, function() { });
This way, after our markup has been injected, this hover event is next in-line to be executed and will now see the tag the poproll generated in the DOM.
I solved my problem, by editing the code for the poprol, changed the href to:
<a href="'+href+'" target="_blank">
I got an ifram that has many links in it and i am trying to copy those link correctly to my main page. My current code copy the links incorectly .For example if the
actual hyper link is like this in iframe:
after coping it in to main page the hyper links become like this :
so after clicking to those links from within my main page i go to dead links instead of actual links. is there away to fix this problem by copying iframe content correctly or should i modify my iframe content ?
<script type='text/javascript'>
function getFrameContents(){
var iFrame = document.getElementById('myframe');
var iFrameBody;
if ( iFrame.contentDocument )
{ // FF
iFrameBody = iFrame.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
else if ( iFrame.contentWindow )
{ // IE
iFrameBody = iFrame.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
document.getElementById('response').innerHTML = iFrameBody.innerHTML
<iframe id ='myframe' src='http://www.mysite.com/ok.php'></iframe>
<div id="response">
<p>getFrameContents! </p>
Before retrieving the innerHTML loop over all links and replace their DOM-href-attribute with their JS-href-property. This will turn the href-attributes into absolute URIs.
//clone the body to keep the original untouched
iFrameBody = iFrameBody.cloneNode(true);
var links = iFrameBody.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0; i < iFrameBody.getElementsByTagName('a').length; ++i) {
if (links[i].hasAttribute('href')) {
links[i].setAttribute('href', links[i].href);
It looks like you want to resolve one relative address to the iframe's source address, which may also be relative. Psuedo code (ish):k
function resolveAddress(source, link) {
if(link.indexOf("../") == 0) {
index--; // go up one directory .//
return resolveAddress(source.substr(0,source.lastIndexOf("/")-1),
link.substr(1, link.length-1));
else if(link.indexOf("./") == 0) {
// reduce to current directory ./
return resolveAddress(source.substr(0,source.lastIndexOf("/"),
link.substr(2, link.length-1));
return source + link;
frame_src = "http://www.mysite.com/ok.php"
link = "./ok/doit.php";
resolveAddress(frame_src, link);
//=> "http://www.mysite.com/ok/doit.php"
I am trying to dynamically adjust the height of an iFrame on a web page depending on the content within the iFrame via some JavaScript.
My problem is when I have the script directly on the page in a <script> tag it works fine. When I stuff the code in to a separate js file and link to it- it doesn't work!
<iframe id='StatusModule' onload='FrameManager.registerFrame(this)' src='http://randomdomain.dk/StatusModule.aspx'></iframe>
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://randomdomain.dk/FrameManager.js'></script>
It gives me the error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: FrameManager is not defined
Can this really be true? Has it something to do with the page life cycle?
Ps. I guess the JavaScript code is irrelevant, as we not it works.
UPDATE: I think this might have something to do with secure http (https) and the different browsers in some weird way. I noticed that the script actually worked in Firefox. Or rather I'm not sure if its the script, or just Firefox's functionality that resizes iframes automatically depending on the content. It doesn't give me any error though.
If I then add https to the script url reference, the scripts work in IE and Chrome - but not in Firefox. Function reference error! This just got weird!
UPDATE #2: Its not a Firefox function that resizes the iframe. Its the actual script that works (without https).
UPDATE #3: The JavaScript. Works fine if I put it directly into a script tag.
var FrameManager = {
currentFrameId: '',
currentFrameHeight: 0,
lastFrameId: '',
lastFrameHeight: 0,
resizeTimerId: null,
init: function () {
if (FrameManager.resizeTimerId == null) {
FrameManager.resizeTimerId = window.setInterval(FrameManager.resizeFrames, 0);
resizeFrames: function () {
if ((FrameManager.currentFrameId != FrameManager.lastFrameId) || (FrameManager.currentFrameHeight != FrameManager.lastFrameHeight)) {
var iframe = document.getElementById(FrameManager.currentFrameId.toString());
if (iframe == null) return;
iframe.style.height = FrameManager.currentFrameHeight.toString() + "px";
FrameManager.lastFrameId = FrameManager.currentFrameId;
FrameManager.lastFrameHeight = FrameManager.currentFrameHeight;
window.location.hash = '';
retrieveFrameIdAndHeight: function () {
if (window.location.hash.length == 0) return;
var hashValue = window.location.hash.substring(1);
if ((hashValue == null) || (hashValue.length == 0)) return;
var pairs = hashValue.split('&');
if ((pairs != null) && (pairs.length > 0)) {
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
var pair = pairs[i].split('=');
if ((pair != null) && (pair.length > 0)) {
if (pair[0] == 'frameId') {
if ((pair[1] != null) && (pair[1].length > 0)) {
FrameManager.currentFrameId = pair[1];
} else if (pair[0] == 'height') {
var height = parseInt(pair[1]);
if (!isNaN(height)) {
FrameManager.currentFrameHeight = height;
//FrameManager.currentFrameHeight += 5;
registerFrame: function (frame) {
var currentLocation = location.href;
var hashIndex = currentLocation.indexOf('#');
if (hashIndex > -1) {
currentLocation = currentLocation.substring(0, hashIndex);
frame.contentWindow.location = frame.src + '&frameId=' + frame.id + '#' + currentLocation;
window.setTimeout(FrameManager.init, 0);
UPDATE #4: Alright I did as ShadowWizard and TheZuck suggested:
<script type="text/javascript">
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = "http://www.randomdomain.dk/StatusWebModule.aspx";
iframe.width = '100%';
iframe.id = 'StatusModule';
iframe.scrolling = 'no';
if (iframe.attachEvent) {
iframe.attachEvent("onload", function () {
} else {
iframe.onload = function () {
With HTTP as URL its work on IE and Firefox - not Chrome. If I set it to HTTPS it works on Chrome and IE - Not Firefox. Same error:
"ReferenceError: FrameManager is not defined".
What is going on here?
a couple of things:
I would bet on a race condition when you have two independent
resources which are supposed to be loaded concurrently. You can
easily check this by writing to log (or to document, whichever works
for you) when both finish loading (i.e. add a little script in the
iframe to dynamically add the time to the content or write to log if
you're using chrome, do that in the external script file as well,
and see if they post the time in a specific order when this fails). In your case, if the script appears before the iframe, and you don't mark it as async, it should be loaded before the iframe is fetched, so it would seem strange for the iframe not to find it due to a race condition. I would bet on (3) in that case.
Assuming there is such an issue (and if there isn't now, when you go
out into the real world it will be), a better way to do this is to
make sure both behave well in case the other loads first. In your
case, I would tell the iframe to add itself to a local variable
independent of the script, and would tell the script to check if the
iframe registered when it loads, and after that in recurring
intervals until it finds the iframe.
If the page the script is loaded into is not in the same domain
as the iframe (note that it doesn't matter where the script comes
from, it only matters what the page's domain is), (or even the same
protocol as someone mentioned here), you will not be able to access
the content so you won't be able to resize according to what the
content is. I'm not sure about the onload method, if it's considered part of the wrapping page or part of the internal iframe.
Check out this question, it sounds relevant to your case:
There's also an interesting article here about this.
I think that your frame is loaded before the script, so "FrameManager" does not exist yet when the iframe has finished loading.
I can't seem to define a for loop function, what am I doing wrong?
My HTML code:
<body onload="generate()">
My Javascript code:
function generate(){
for(i = 0; i < 150; i++) {
Your loop is fine (other than that you don't declare i, and so you fall prey to the Horror of Implicit Globals), it's document.write that's the problem. You can only use document.write in an inline script, not after the page has been loaded (e.g., not in the body load event). If you use document.write after the page is loaded, it tears down the page and replaces it with what you output (because there's an implicit document.open call). So in your case, your page disappears and 150 blank divs are there instead.
To manipulate the page after load, you'll want to use the DOM, references:
DOM2 Core - Widely supported by browsers
DOM HTML bindings - Widely suppored by browsers
DOM3 Core - Fairly well supported, some gaps
For instance, here's how you'd write your generate function to append 150 blank divs to the page:
function generate() {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 150; i++){
Or more usefully, 150 divs with their numbers in:
function generate() {
var i, div;
for (i = 0; i < 150; i++){
div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = "I'm div #" + i;
Live copy
Separately, if you're going to do any significant DOM manipulation, it's well worth using a good JavaScript browser library like jQuery, Prototype, YUI, Closure, or any of several others. These smooth over browser differences (and outright bugs), provide useful utility functions, and generally let you concentrate on what you're actually trying to do rather than fiddling about with inconsistencies between IE and Chrome, Opera and Safari...
The document.write mentioned in https://stackoverflow.com/q/8257414/295783 is the reason it does not work. The first document.write wipes the page including the script that is executing.
A better way is
<script type="text/javascript">
var max = 150;
window.onload=function() {
var div, container = document.createElement('div');
for (var i=0;i<max;i++) {
div = document.createElement('div');
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
for(var i = 0; i < 150; i++) {
document.body.appendChild( document.createElement("div") );
}, false);
This should work, didn't test it though.
It's important to wait for the 'DOMContenLoaded' event, because else some elements might not exist at the time your script was executed.
do the folowing;
function generate(){
var echo="";
for(i = 0; i < 150; i++){
//document.write(echo); //only do this, if you want to replace the ENTIRE DOM structure