I would like to use backbone-relational to have nested models in my backbone.js application.
I have been able to follow the examples in the documentation to create nested objects (e.g. one-to-many relations). However I don't understand how to bind the lower level elements in a way that will update the upper level objects. I think a working application would be a very helpful tutorial.
So my question is: How do I extend the Todos tutorial using backbone-relational so that:
one can add/remove subitems for each item
double clicking on any subitem edits it (just like the original Todo example)
clicking on an item hides/reveals its subitems
subitems are not fetched separately but are simply an array attribute of Todo items
Update: I have created a jsfiddle for this question. So far I have:
Imported the Todo example mentioned above
Created a TodoSubitem model and a TodoSubitemList collection
Altered the Todo model to extend RelationalModel instead of Model, with a HasMany relation to TodoSubitem
Added a subitem-template in the html code
But I'm still not sure how to:
add an input field for subitems that appears only when you click a Todo div
have subitem data as an attribute of Todo objects, but still have TodoSubitemView bind DOM elements to them (e.g. <li> tags).
I don't think I'd create a separate 'TodoSubItem' in this case - why not create a HasMany relation from Todo->Todo, so a Todo can have 0..* children, and 0..1 parent?
This way, you can re-use the order logic (if you change it to apply per collection), can create deeper nesting levels as desired (or limit that to a certain depth, if you want as well), etc. A number of things will need to be updated though, to accomodate this - for example, keep a list of child views so you can loop over them to mark each as done, and maintaining (and updating from) an ordering per TodoList.
Anyway, a rough outline of a possible solution to get you started, as a sort of diff with your current version (sorry, it's completely untested and could thus contain horrible mistakes):
//Our basic **Todo** model has `text`, `order`, and `done` attributes.
window.Todo = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
relations: [{
type: Backbone.HasMany,
key: 'children',
relatedModel: 'Todo',
collectionType: 'TodoList',
reverseRelation: {
key: 'parent',
includeInJSON: 'id'
initialize: function() {
if ( !this.get('order') && this.get( 'parent' ) ) {
this.set( { order: this.get( 'parent' ).nextChildIndex() } );
// Default attributes for a todo item.
defaults: function() {
return { done: false };
// Toggle the `done` state of this todo item.
toggle: function() {
this.save({done: !this.get("done")});
nextChildIndex: function() {
var children = this.get( 'children' );
return children && children.length || 0;
// The DOM element for a todo item...
window.TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
//... is a list tag.
tagName: "li",
// Cache the template function for a single item.
template: _.template($('#item-template').html()),
// The DOM events specific to an item.
events: {
'click': 'toggleChildren',
'keypress input.add-child': 'addChild',
"click .check" : "toggleDone",
"dblclick div.todo-text" : "edit",
"click span.todo-destroy" : "clear",
"keypress .todo-input" : "updateOnEnter"
// The TodoView listens for changes to its model, re-rendering.
initialize: function() {
this.model.bind('change', this.render, this);
this.model.bind('destroy', this.remove, this);
this.model.bind( 'update:children', this.renderChild );
this.model.bind( 'add:children', this.renderChild );
this.el = $( this.el );
this.childViews = {};
// Re-render the contents of the todo item.
render: function() {
// Might want to add this to the template of course
this.el.append( '<ul>', { 'class': 'children' } ).append( '<input>', { type: 'text', 'class': 'add-child' } );
_.each( this.get( 'children' ), function( child ) {
this.renderChild( child );
}, this );
return this;
addChild: function( text) {
if ( e.keyCode == 13 ) {
var text = this.el.find( 'input.add-child' ).text();
var child = new Todo( { parent: this.model, text: text } );
renderChild: function( model ) {
var childView = new TodoView( { model: model } );
this.childViews[ model.cid ] = childView;
this.el.find( 'ul.children' ).append( childView.render() );
toggleChildren: function() {
$(this.el).find( 'ul.children' ).toggle();
// Toggle the `"done"` state of the model.
toggleDone: function() {
_.each( this.childViews, function( child ) {
clear: function() {
this.model.set( { parent: null } );
// And so on...
I don't think you can make self-relating models in Backbone-relational (as described an the other answer here). When I have tried this, I get an error: Backbone-relational needs the relatedModel to be defined before it can create relationships with it.
So, I've modified the many-to-many pattern described on the backbone-relational page:
In essence, I am creating a linking model to contain references to the model being referred to, so that this link model can be available to Backbone-relational when it is defining the actual model.
I find it convenient to give this link model a separate relationship with both data models in the relationship, so that either can perform look relational look ups. Alternately, you could simply stuff the second model inside the link model, but then the relationship would be one directional unless you explicitly add your own references to the link model in the data model.
Let us create a 'Person' model that has children who are other 'Person' models.
Person = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
relations: [
type: 'HasMany',
key: 'Children',
relatedModel: 'FamilyRelation',
reverseRelation: {
key: 'Childrenof'
type: 'HasMany',
key: 'Parent',
relatedModel: 'FamilyRelation',
reverseRelation: {
key: 'Parentof'
FamilyRelation needs to be defined >before< Person is, so Backbone-relational can create the links, so this goes before the Person model definition in your code:
// FamilyRelation is link model between two "Person"s
// to achieve the Fan/Admiree relation.
FamilyRelation = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
If we create two "Person"s:
KingKong = new Person({name: 'KingKong'});
SonOfKong = new Person({name: 'SonOfKong'});
Then we can create a FamilyRelationship model that is the 'parentof' SonOfKong, and add it to KingKong's children with this line:
You can then add convenience functions to the Person model, to retrieve the nested models from the FamilyRelationship model, and don't really need to touch FamilyRelation any more, except to make sure it's being saved and retrieved appropriately.
For non-hierarchical relationships (say 'Friend', rather than 'Parent/Child', you still need these two relationships with the linking model in order to be able to retrieve one from the other, which is a bit of a hack, but it works.
After some fiddling I have found a way to create a true nested model:
var theModel = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({ [...] });
type: Backbone.HasOne,
key: 'key',
relatedModel: theModel
At the point where the model is used (when pushing to the relations on the prototype) it is available, thus making everything work.
this post is pretty old by now, but I was searching for the same thing and thought I would share the solution I got.
To create a self-referencing model you simply omit relatedModel. So something like this:
Person = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
relations: [{
type: 'HasMany',
key: 'Children',
It is explained in the docs
My problem is that I am just starting out with Backbone.js and are having trouble wrapping my head around a complex problem. I want to save a form that have infinite fields, and some of the fields also needs to have infinite options. I'm just worried I might have started at the wrong end with a JSON response, instead of building the models/collections first. Here is a short pseudocode of what I try to achieve.
parent: <blockid>
fields: array(
options: array(
Currently I am working with a faked JSON response from the server, which I built from scratch, and now I want to divide it into models and collections on the client side.
//Fake a server response
var JSONresponse = {
"title":"Empty title",
"helper":"Helper text",
"value":"Empty option.."
"value":"Empty option.."
// fieldid2
The idea is to add fields as I see fit, and then if the field type is radio/checkbox/ul/ol there must also be an "options" array within the field.
My work so far:
var app = {};
app.Models = {};
app.Collections = {};
app.View = {};
app.Models.Option = Backbone.Model.extend({
app.Collections.Options = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: app.Models.Option
app.Models.Field = Backbone.Model.extend({
options: new app.Collections.Options()
app.Collections.Fields = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: app.Models.Field
app.Models.Form = Backbone.Model.extend({
formid : "1",
fields: new app.Collections.Fields(),
initialize: function() {
How do I split up my JSON response into all these models and collections?
(Perhaps I should re-evaluate my approach, and go for something like form.fieldList and form.optionList[fieldListId] instead. If so, how would that look like?)
Edit: Here is a little jsfiddle after many fixes, but I still don't really know how to make the inner options list work.
The easiest solution would be using Backbone Relational or Backbone Associations.
The documentation should be enough to help you get started.
If you don't want to use a library you could override the parse function on the Form model.
app.Models.Form = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
fields: new app.Collections.Fields()
parse: function(response, options) {
return {
formid: response.formid,
fields: new app.Collections.Fields(_.map(response.fields, function(field) {
if (field.options) {
field.options = new app.Collections.Options(field.options);
return field;
Now if you fetch a form from the server, the response will be parsed into an object graph of models and collections.
form.get('fields') will return an app.Collections.Fields collection. form.get('fields').first().get('options') will return an app.Collections.Options collection, if any options exist.
Also, you could create the form model like this:
var form = new app.Models.Form(JSONresponse, {
parse: true
This would result in the same object structure.
It's quite hard to handle the case of nested models and collections right in plain Backbone.
Easiest way of handling this will be something like this:
var Option = Nested.Model.extend({
idAttribute : 'optionid',
defaults : {
optionid : Integer
value : ""
var Field = Nested.Model.extend({
idAttribute : 'fieldid',
defaults : {
fieldid : Integer,
title : "",
helper : "",
type : "radio",
options : Option.Collection
var Form = Nested.Model.extend({
idAttribute : 'formid',
defaults : {
formid: Integer,
fields: Field.Collection
And that's it. Yep, you'll get direct access to the attributes as free bonus, just form.fields.first().options.first().value, without that get and set garbage.
I'm developing my first EmberJS app after following some tutorials as practice. It simply contains a list of 'tables', 'columns', and 'rows' similar to a database.
Link to the problematic page: http://www.kangarooelectronics.com/fakeDB/#/tables/edit/2
My issue is that when I go to remove a column I get:
Object # has no method 'deleteRecord'
As I understand this is due to the object I'm iterating through having no references to the controller because of the way I am constructing the array that I use to create my list.
Removing tables works fine, which are listed in the following fashion:
{{#each model itemController='TableList'}}
<a {{action removeTable this}}>Delete</a>
I'm iterating through the columns via:
{{#each column in currentColumns itemController='TablesEdit'}}
<a {{action removeColumn column}}>Drop</a>
Snippet from FIXTURES object:
FakeDB.Table.FIXTURES = [
id: 1,
name: 'Users',
columns: {
1:{'colId':1, 'name':'name'},
2:{'colId':2, 'name':'favorite color'},
3:{'colId':3, 'name':'phone number'}
// ...snip... //
I am getting 'currentColumns' via:
FakeDB.Table = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
columns: DS.attr('object'),
rows: DS.attr('object'),
currentColumns: function() {
var newColumns = $.map(this.get('columns'), function(k, v) {
return [k];
return newColumns;
// ..snip.. //
Here you can see my problem... it's obvious that my 'column' isn't going to have any methods from my controller. I tried something like this:
FakeDB.Adapter = DS.FixtureAdapter.extend();
FakeDB.Adapter.map('FakeDB.Table', {
columns: {embedded: 'load'},
rows: {embedded: 'load'}
FakeDB.Columns = DS.Model.extend({
colId: DS.attr('integer'),
name: DS.attr('string')
FakeDB.Rows = DS.Model.extend({
colId: DS.attr('integer'),
name: DS.attr('string')
But I couldn't get {{#each column in columns}} to work with that.
Any suggestions? I'm going to read the docs again and will post back if I find a solution.
So I think I found another solution, but I'm still running into a little issue.
FakeDB.Table = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
columns: FakeDB.Columns.find().filter(function(item, index, self) {
if(item.tableID == 1) { return true; }
Still not sure what to replace 'item.tableID == 1' with so that I get items with the tableID referencing to the current page...
Columns are structured as...
FakeDB.Columns.FIXTURES = [
id: 1,
tableID: 1,
name: 'name'
// ...snip... //
But now I get:
assertion failed: Your application does not have a 'Store' property defined. Attempts to call 'find' on model classes will fail. Please provide one as with 'YourAppName.Store = DS.Store.extend()'
I am in fact defining a 'Store' property...
I'm developing my first EmberJS app after following some tutorials as practice. It simply contains a list of 'tables', 'columns', and 'rows' similar to a database.
Most databases do contain a list of tables, rows and columns. Most web applications contain a fixed set of tables with pre-defined columns and a dynamic list of rows. If this is your first ember app i would recommend starting with something that keeps you on the happy path.
I am in fact defining a 'Store' property...
True but ember is complaining because store is not available before ember app is initialized. Anything that accesses the store should be in a framework hook of some kind. It can't be used when defining your objects, which wouldn't make a lot of sense anyway.
Probably what you meant to do was make a computed property called columns like this:
FakeDB.Table = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
columns: function() {
FakeDB.Columns.find().filter(function(item, index, self) {
if(item.tableID == 1) { return true; }
I've been over the docs quite a few times, but this aspect still isn't clear to me. It's entirely possible that I'm thinking backbone-relational does something that it doesn't.
I'm looking for the way to define relationships based on key to avoid all the boilerplate fetching nonsense.
Take the canonical Artists and Albums example:
An artist has many albums as defined by album.artist_id
/api/artist/62351 might return
id: 62351,
name:"Jimi Hendrix"
similarly /api/album?artist_id=62351 might return
name: "Are You Experienced?"
artist_id: 62351
id: 4321,
name: "Axis: Bold as love",
artist_id: 62351
How might I define Artist and Album relationships such that
var hendrixInstance = new Artist({id:62351});
would fetch and return a collection of albums based on the album foreign_key artist_id? It must just be some permutation of key/keySource/keyDestination that I've yet to try, or be a problem that backbone-relational isn't trying to solve, but my doc groking has failed and I think a concise answer to this on SO might help future Googlers.
var Artist = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
urlRoot: '/api/artist',
key: 'albums', //Docs say this is the foreign key name, but in practice it doesn't appear that way. Need keySource/Destination?
type: Backbone.HasMany,
reverseRelation: {
key: 'artist',
type: Backbone.HasOne
var Album = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
urlRoot: '/api/album'
Bonus points to an example model that references its self adjacency list style with parent_id
So, #xzhang's method above kept me iterating on this problem. First off, I'd love to be proven wrong on this, but I haven't found a way that backbone-relational handles this problem without additional custom code. Since this in my mind is an incredibly basic example of a OneToMany relationship, I'm still holding out hope that I'm just not getting something obvious.
Here's what I ended up doing to handle the situation. Unfortunately it still does not automatically fetch from the server when someobject.fetch('somerelationship') is called, which is what I really want. The parse function won't be necessary for most people, but it's required for the api I'm calling.
First I set up a base collection from which to extend:
var BaseCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function(models, options) {
if (_.isObject(options.relation)) {
this.url = '/api/'
+ options.relation.keySource
+ '?search.'+options.relation.reverseRelation.keySource
+ '=' + options.foreignId;
parse: function(res) { return res.success ? res.list : res },
Then a reusable helper function (could probably be rolled into BaseCollection) to assist with creating relationships
function collectionOptions(instance) {
return {"relation":this, "foreignId":instance.get('id') };
And finally, those relationships are told to use BaseCollection as their CollectionType, and the collectionOptions() helper is assigned to set collectionOptions.
var Form = BaseModel.extend({
urlRoot: '/api/form',
key: 'fills',
keySource: 'fill',
relatedModel: Fill,
type: Backbone.HasMany,
collectionOptions: collectionOptions,
collectionType: BaseCollection,
reverseRelation: {
key: 'form',
keySource: 'form_id',
type: Backbone.HasOne
key: 'children',
keySource: 'form',
relatedModel: 'Form',
type: Backbone.HasMany,
collectionOptions: collectionOptions,
collectionType: BaseCollection,
reverseRelation: {
key: 'parent',
keySource: 'parent_id',
type: Backbone.HasOne
This allows me to avoid changing the server side API to return a list of ids and then individually fetch those ids. Instead I can just:
var form = new Form({id:1});
form.toJSON(); //now has {id:1, ..., ..., children:[child,child,child,...]}
An extension to autoFetch children on the first call to .get('children') would be just the ticket, but I haven't discovered how to do that without modifying backbone-relational itself.
I am facing the exactly problem (Backbone-relational hasmany best practices), after 2 days research and look into the source code, I don't think key/keySource/keyDestination will do the work (correct me if I am wrong).
So I end up with create my own relation type, so far works fine. This may not a good solution, but hope can help you.
var LazyMany = Backbone.HasMany.extend({
setRelated: function (related) {
var relation = this.options
, instance = this.instance
if (related && !_.result(related, 'url')) {
related.url = relation.relatedModel.prototype.urlRoot +
'?' + relation.reverseRelation.key + '=' + instance.id;
return LazyMany.__super__.setRelated.apply(this, arguments);
Then in your model:
var Album = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
urlRoot: '/api/album/'
var Artist = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
urlRoot: '/api/artist/',
key: 'albums',
type: LazyMany,
includeInJSON: false,
relatedModel: Album,
reverseRelation: {
key: 'artist',
// I didn't test this, I don't have artist_id, artist is "id" in my app
keySource: 'artist_id',
keyDestination: 'artist_id',
includeInJSON: 'id'
So if you don't define a collectionType or your collection don't have a url field, LazyMany will create a collection with url: /api/album/?artist=62351.
Then you just need fetch the collection: artist.get('albums').fetch().
Hope this can help, and I am still looking for better solutions.
I would like to make a relation between two models User and Task using backbone-relational.
The relation between the two models is the following:
taskModel.creator_id = userModel.id
// TaskModel
var TaskModel = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
relations: [
type: Backbone.HasOne,
key: 'creator',
keySource: 'creator_id',
relatedModel: Users
// some code
// Task collection
var TaskCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: TaskModel,
// some code
// User Model
var User = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
// some code
Actually the problem is in the collection.models, please see the attached images:
Please check this jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/2bsE9/5/
var user = new User(),
task = new Task(),
tasks = new Tasks();
console.log(user.attributes, task.attributes, tasks.models);
Actually I am using requireJs to get the UserModel, so I cannot include quotes in relatedModel value.
], function (User) {
"use strict";
var Task = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
relations: [
type: Backbone.HasOne,
key: 'creator',
keySource: 'creator_id',
relatedModel: User
Edit 2:
I updated the jsfiddle to reflect the changes I suggested below. As long as you are calling toJSON on your task, what gets to the server is a json object with the creator_id property set to the actual id of the user. The keyDestination here is redundant as the documentation states it is set automatically if you use keySource.
The combination of the three above might solve your issue.
var Task = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
relations: [
type: Backbone.HasOne,
// The User object can be accessed under the property 'creator'
key: 'creator',
// The User object will be fetched using the value supplied under the property 'creator_id'
keySource: 'creator_id',
// The User object will be serialized to the property 'creator_id'
keyDestination: 'creator_id',
// Only the '_id' property of the User object will be serialized
includeInJSON: Backbone.Model.prototype.idAttribute,
relatedModel: User
The documentation also states that the property specified by keySource or keyDestination should not be used by your code. The property cannot be accessed as an attribute.
Please try this and comment if that fixes your issue.
Btw, here is a nice blog post that uses backbone-relational end to end.
Updated jsfiddle
The problem is that Backbone-Relational explicitly deletes the keySource to 'prevent leaky abstractions'. It has a hardcoded call to unset on the attribute, in Backbone-Relational:
// Explicitly clear 'keySource', to prevent a leaky abstraction if 'keySource' differs from 'key'.
if ( this.key !== this.keySource ) {
this.instance.unset( this.keySource, { silent: true } );
You will need to overwrite the unset method in your Task model:
var Task = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
urlRoot: ' ',
relations: [
type: Backbone.HasOne,
key: 'creator',
relatedModel: User,
keySource: 'creator_id'
unset: function(attr, options) {
if (attr == 'creator_id') {
return false;
// Original unset from Backbone.Model:
(options || (options = {})).unset = true;
return this.set(attr, null, options);
sync: function (method, model, options) {
id: 1,
name: 'barTask',
creator_id: 1
Obvious problems with this approach are that you will need to modify your code if either Backbone changes its Backbone.Model.unset method or Backbone-Relational changes its keySource behavior.
How are you all handling many-to-many relationships in IndexedDB?
For example, say I have a Blog object to hold a blog post and a Tag object for a tag/label of the blog post. One Blog can have many Tags and one Tag can be used by many Blogs.
I would create a blog store and tag store (though I'm open to suggestions) to house the two types of objects:
// ...
var blogStore = db.createObjectStore("blog", {keyPath: "blogId", autoIncrement: true});
blogStore.createIndex("title", "title", {unique: true});
var tagStore = db.createObjectStore("tag", {keyPath: "tagId", autoIncrement: true});
tagStore.createIndex("label", "label", {unique: true});
Off hand I can think of two ways to link the two:
have a Blog.tags which would be an array of BlogTag objects which holds blogId and tagId (and would also be in the store for retrieval) or
have a Blog.tags which would be an array of tagIds that could be used to look up the Tags.
The first way seems longer-winded but is how this would be tackled in SQL. Is that just SQL-baggage that I should leave behind?
I suppose a 3rd way would be to have Blog.tags be an array of Tags. This seems simplest but then I couldn't query for Tags or reuse tags across blogs (or could I?).
Has anyone else handled such a situation with indexedDB? If so, what did you end up doing? What were some pitfalls?
I'm working on an IndexedDB-backed JS neural network implementation and faced this very
We don't have joins in IndexedDB so you're looking at at least two object store hits unless you're doing some sort of memoization/caching.
From experience I've found that a document-oriented style is best with IndexedDB objects (store everything in the same store), but a secondary store is needed to house relations.
Here's what I'm doing.
Say you want to have a local store of actors and movies -- something like IMDB. This and most any many-to-many relationship can be modeled with IndexedDB using two tables: Objects and Relationships.
Here are the two tables. You'd want key lookups* on almost everything. Anything that doesn't say unique can be non-unique.
Objects object store:
Relationships object store:
id* (unique, auto-incrementing)
An actor/movie example would be two records in the Objects table and one in the relationship table:
var actor1 = {
id: 'actor_jonah_goldberg',
display: 'Jonah Goldberg',
var actor2 = {
id: 'actor_michael_cera',
display: 'Michael Cera'
var movie1 = {
id: 'movie_superbad',
display: 'Superbad',
year: 2007
var movie2 = {
id: 'movie_juno',
display: 'Juno',
year: 2007
//relationship primary key ids are auto-inc
var relationship1 = {
from_id: 'actor_jonah_goldberg',
to_id: 'movie_superbad'
var relationship2 = {
from_id: 'actor_michael_cera',
to_id: 'movie_superbad'
var relationship3 = {
from_id: 'actor_michael_cera',
to_id: 'movie_juno'
Psuedo-code for getting Michael Cera's movies:
IndexedDBApp( { 'store': 'relationships', 'index': 'from_id', 'key': 'actor_michael_cera', 'on_success': function( row ) {...} );
// Would return movie_superbad and movie_juno rows on_success
Psuedo-code for getting all movies from a given year:
IndexedDBApp( { 'store': 'objects', 'index': 'year', 'key': 2007, 'on_success': function( row ) {...} );
// Would return movie_superbad and movie_juno rows on_success
Psuedo-code for getting a movie's actors:
IndexedDBApp( { 'store': 'relationships', 'index': 'to_id', 'key': 'movie_superbad', 'on_success': function( row ) {...} );
// Would return actor_jonah_goldberg and actor_michael_cera on_success
Psuedo-code for getting all actors:
IndexedDBApp( { 'store': 'relationships', 'index': 'id', 'cursor_begin': 'actor_a', 'cursor_end': 'actor_z', 'on_success': function( row ) {...} );
// Would return actor_jonah_goldberg and actor_michael_cera on_success