Problem with ExtJs editor grid panel - javascript

I've an extjs editor grid panel(3.3.1) that is binded to a store. New records are added to the grid by an empty row at the top. On the load of the store I'm adding an empty row at the top of the grids. When the user adds a new value and the focus loses out I'm adding another empty row.
AV.ClassifiedCategories = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel, {
initComponent: function(){ =;
//add an empty row at top'load', this.addCategory, this);
clicksToEdit: 1,
afteredit : function(e){
scope: this
//adds an empty row and insert a record to store
addCategory: function(){
var Category = this.getStore().recordType;
var cat = new Category({ cat_id: null, cat_name: "" });
this.stopEditing();, cat);
this.startEditing(0, 0);
return cat;
The problem is facing here is once the afteredit event is fired and an empty row is added the focus is not moving to the first row i.e. the second row is still in edit mode. How I can solve that?

I've taken your code and have created this demo. As you can see everything works as expected. Are you sure you have provided us with non-working code?


Get access to gridOptions of grid created by cell renderer

I am using ag-Grid to create a grid within a grid using a cell renderer. This is the code for the cell renderer.
// cell renderer class
function TestCellRenderer() {
// init method gets the details of the cell to be rendered
TestCellRenderer.prototype.init = function(params) {
this.eGui = document.createElement('div');
// console.log('params.value:', params.value);
// console.log('eGui',; = '70%';
this.gridOptions = {
columnDefs: params.columns,
rowData: rowDataContained,
domLayout: "autoHeight",
rowHeight: 50,
// suppressRowClickSelection: true,
popupParent: document.querySelector('body'),
rowDragManaged: true,
components: {
'actionCellRenderer': ActionCellRenderer,
'selectCellRenderer': SelectCellRenderer
onCellEditingStopped: function(event) {
onRowClicked: function(event) { console.log('A row was clicked:', event); },
// console.log('gridOptions:', this.gridOptions);
new agGrid.Grid(this.eGui, this.gridOptions);
TestCellRenderer.prototype.getGui = function() {
return this.eGui;
This screenshot will better explain what I've done.
My problem is, I have created a select2 cell editor for the "Dropdown" column but am having issues calling the api.StopEditing() function when the user clicks on an option in the select menu because it requires the gridOptions that were created on the fly using the renderer.
If the user changes focus to a different cell, the editing does stop but I want to be able to have it stop the moment the user selects a value. I was able to print something to the console when the user selects something, but I don't know how to access the gridOptions of that specific grid.
For anyone wondering, I solved the problem by adding the following to my selectCellEditor.prototype.init function:
$(this.eInput).on('select2:select', function(e) {
console.log('Works!', this);
What's happening there is, the moment the user selects an option, the menu is closed and the value is changed in the cell.

Input field in Table "keeps" edited number in same row while scrolling (JSView)

I've got a sap.ui.table.Table with Input fields and the table gets the data via JSON which works well. However, if I edit the value in the first row for example, and try to scroll down, the value "stays" in the first row until a different value hits this field. So it basically updates every cell except the edited one while scrolling. After that, I scroll up again to see the value I changed, but this value now has the old value from the load at the beginning again.
I think something with my binding isn't correct at all, because I haven't seen anything like this yet. I know that tables only update the row contexts but I can't figure out how to do this.
Here is a example:,console,output
Edit the right "Gates" and scroll, to see how it disappears and edit the left value and scroll to see how the value scrolls with the table.
I tried to remove/set the VisibleRowCount and logged to see if the data gets loaded multiple times but that's not the case.
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
var oTable = new sap.ui.table.Table({
visibleRowCount: 12,
selectionMode: sap.ui.table.SelectionMode.Single,
visibleRowCountMode: sap.ui.table.VisibleRowCountMode.Fixed,
editable: true
oModel.setData({ rows: tableRows.value, columns: columnArray });
var counter = 0;
oTable.bindColumns("/columns", function (sId, oContext) {
var columnName = columnArray[counter];
var defaultTemplate = new sap.m.Input({
value: "{" + columnName + "}"
}).bindProperty("value", columnName, function (cellValue) {
return returnRange(this, oTable, cellValue, columnName, counter, dic);
return new sap.ui.table.Column({
label: columnName,
template: defaultTemplate,
flexible: true,
autoResizable: true,
width: 'auto',
multiLabels: [
new sap.ui.commons.Label({ text: columnName }),
new sap.ui.commons.Label({ text: dic[Number(counter - 1)].value[0] + " - " + dic[Number(counter - 1)].value[1] })
As you can see I separated the rowData and columnNames in two arrays:
tableRows and columnArray
The returnRange function checks some values and just returns the cellValue
I would expect that the Input fields keeps the changed values (which is probably normal), so I can change several Input fields and then I can Update the table via Ajax-Call.
The problem is that sap.ui.table.Table has a custom scrolling behaviour that is different from the default browser scrolling. Instead of creating a row for each record, it will create a fixed number of rows and re-bind these rows after each scroll.
If the table is editable and bound to a JSONModel, it will usually create a two-way-binding and update the model values upon user input, hence scrolling works fine. But since you have provided a custom formatter function for the binding (returnRange), a two-way-binding is not possible anymore. This means that any user input is lost after scrolling.
If you remove the formatter function like this
var defaultTemplate = new sap.m.Input({
value: "{" + columnName + "}"
it will work fine.
In case you want to validate the user input, you should listen to the input's change event and use InputBase#setValue to set it to a different value. This will also reflect your changes in the JSONModel.

angular ui-grid highlight entire row by cell click

It looks like a simple task, but I already spent 4 hours to find a solution. How can I highlight the entire row by cell click?
On register api I have next
$scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi){
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
if('.ui-grid-cell-focus '){
console.log("fired class")
console.log("fired cell")
I see how click on cell is fired, but I cannot force to color the row and I don't want to select the row, because I use check box selection for this purpose, I just want to highlight the row by click on any cell in this row. Could somebody tell me where my mistake is?
Attached plunker
One way to accomplish what you want is to add a cellClass definition to your columnDefs. That function takes two params: grid and row.
$scope.gridOptions.columnDefs = [{
name: 'id',
width: '150',
cellTemplate: "",
cellClass: getCellClass
}, {
name: 'name',
width: '200',
cellClass: getCellClass
} ...
function getCellClass(grid, row) {
return row.uid === selectedRow ? 'highlight' : '';
On click you could set a variable to the uid of the row, and inside the cellClass function you can check if the uid of the current row matches the uid of the selected, if so, you can set the class to a class that properly reflects the background color of the selected row.
var selectedRow = null;
gridApi.cellNav.on.navigate($scope, function(selected) {
if ('.ui-grid-cell-focus ') {
selectedRow = selected.row.uid;
Here's a link to your updated plunker:
If you don't like the cellClass approach you could define custom cellTemplates and similarly react to a property you set on the row entity.

Ext js grid remove selection model

I have a situation where I need to dynamically add or remove grids selection model.
Searching the documentation I see that the selection model doesn't have a destroy() method or anything similar. How can I remove or destroy a selection model from a grid in ext js 4.x.?
If this is not possible I still have an option to revert some functionallity and dynamically add the selection model to an already created grid. But I'm also not sure if this is possible.
I'd suggest to disable the selection model instead of destroying it.
You can clear the current selection (deselectAll) and lock the selection model to prevent further selection (setLocked):
As you're using a checkbox selection model, you'll also need to hide the corresponding column which is added to the grid:
Selection models are not designed to be replaced, so... it's gonna be complicated!
You'd have to reproduce the initialization of the sel model, unwire the previous one, and rewire the new one...
Here's an example that works in substituting a row selection model for a checkbox model. It may still contains memory leaks from listeners registered by the first selection model that I would have forgot. The creation of the new selection model relies on the getSelectionModel method of the grid, which implements the disableSelection, simpleSelect, and multiSelect options of the grid (see the code).
Ext.widget('grid', {
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
,store: ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']
,selType: 'checkboxmodel'
,columns: [{
dataIndex: 'field1'
,text: "Name"
,listeners: {
selectionchange: function(sm, records) {
var grid = sm.view.up(),
item = grid.down('tbtext');
if (records.length) {
'Selection: ' + Ext.pluck(Ext.pluck(records, 'data'), 'field1').join(', ')
} else {
item.setText('No selection');
,tbar: [{
text: "Replace selection model"
,handler: function(button) {
var grid = button.up('grid'),
headerCt = grid.headerCt,
checkColumn = headerCt.down('[isCheckerHd]'),
view = grid.view,
previous = grid.selModel,
// try to clean up
// sel model doesn't clear the listeners it has installed in its
// destroy method... you'll have to chase the listeners that are
// installed by the specific type of sel model you're using
if (previous.onRowMouseDown) {
view.un('itemmousedown', previous.onRowMouseDown, previous);
if (previous.onRowClick) {
view.un('itemclick', previous.onRowClick, previous);
// clear references
delete grid.selModel;
delete view.selModel;
// create another selModel
grid.selType = 'rowmodel';
//grid.disableSelection = true;
sm = grid.getSelectionModel();
// assign new sel model
view.selModel = sm;
sm.view = view;
// remove checkbox model column
if (checkColumn) {
// init sel model is trigerred in view render events, so we must do it
// now if the view is already rendered
if (view.rendered) {
// finally, refresh the view
// a place to display selection
,bbar: [{
xtype: 'tbtext'
,text: 'No selection'

how to revert single edited row in dojo dgrid?

Is there a way to revert/reset the edited row in the dojo-dgrid ?
I can see the grid.revert() which does clear the dirty items and calls the refresh method, which will refresh the whole grid. I don't want this whole grid-refresh.
Is it possible to reset/revert only that single edited row, upon clicking a Revert/Cancel Icon on the Actions-column (which will be the last column in the grid as mentioned here and here)
If you're wrapping your store with Observable, you can use notify() to update a single row.
For example, you can create the following code for onClick event of your Revert/Cancel button:
renderCell: function(object, data, cell){
var btnRevert = new Button({
label: "Revert",
// ...
onClick: function(evt){
var dirty = that.grid.dirty,
id =;
// remove dirty data
delete dirty[id];
// ..and notify the store to update
}, cell.appendChild(put("div")) );
return btnRevert;
Here is a jsfiddle with an example: revert example
