How to wrap dynamically selected ids using jquery or javascript - javascript

I am working on a project in Google Blogger. First i want to explain a thing.
In blogger every post that is created has a unique id assigned to it by blogger itself. This id can be retrieved using Blogger JSON. So i have retrieved the ids of four recent posts using JSON.
I want to wrap these first four id containers around a DIV container using JQuery or Javascript.
The problem is when i use these ids absolutely in the selector $ and use the wrapAll() function the id container's gets wrapped up. But as i said i'm using JSON to get the container id's so the values of ID's are stored in variable's and when i use those variable as selection for wrapAll() function it doesn't work.
I have demos of both those situation's which can be seen by going to this blog and using the firebug console to run these code.
Situation 1 when i use absolute container ids
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "";
function hello(json){
var post_num=4;
var id_coll = new Array();
for(i=0; i<post_num; i++){
var ids = json.feed.entry[i].id.$t;
var post_id = ids.substring(ids.indexOf("post-"));
var only_id = post_id.substring(5);
id_coll[i] = only_id;
Situation 2 when i use variable's to select the containers
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "";
function hello(json){
var post_num=4;
var id_coll = new Array();
var front_name = "#";
for(i=0; i<post_num; i++){
var ids = json.feed.entry[i].id.$t;
var post_id = ids.substring(ids.indexOf("post-"));
var only_id = post_id.substring(5);
id_coll[i] = only_id;
var joined_id_0 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[0]);
var joined_id_1 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[1]);
var joined_id_2 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[2]);
var joined_id_3 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[3]);
So when i use the situation 2 code then it doesn't work but the situation1 code works fine. Can anybody help me with this

You need to pass in the selector as a string, not a list of arguments;
$(joined_id_0+', '+joined_id_1+', '+joined_id_2+', '+joined_id_3).wrapAll('<div>');
Or even better, replace all of:
var joined_id_0 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[0]);
var joined_id_1 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[1]);
var joined_id_2 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[2]);
var joined_id_3 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[3]);
$('#'+id_coll.join(', #')).wrapAll('<div>');
And remove the line: var front_name = '#';

You have to concatenat the ids, separated by a comma, as in #id1, #id2, ....
You can do that this way:
The whole line:
If it doesn't works, check the what is returned by [joined_id_0,joined_id_1,joined_id_2,joined_id_3].join(',') (alert() it, or use console.log).


Search and replace data-reactid

I am trying to look for data-reactid value and replace it with another value.
Here is the code:
Book a Room.
trying to use the code to replace ".0.2.2" with ".0.2.3"
(function () {
var link = document.querySelectorAll('a[data-reactid*=".0.2.2"]') //change to any domain you want to target
var searchString = ".0.2.2" //the string to be searched forEach
var replacementString = ".0.2.3" //the replacement for the searched string
var original = link.getAttribute("data-reactid");
var replace = original.replace(searchString,replacementString)
Just change this
var link = document.querySelectorAll('a[data-reactid*=".0.2.2"]')
to this
var links = document.querySelectorAll('a[data-reactid*=".0.2.2"]')
But keep in mind that you should not change the attributes set by React itself

How to add a new element to the top of a table-jscript-jquery

I am working on a project and I am supposed to add a new element to the top of a table, right now the new element is getting added according to the preexisting order. Can anyone at least tell me what this function is doing?
$.fn.addCellInfoActionItem = function(nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex ) {
var isEditable = aData[0];
var isStatusEditable = aData[1];
var moduleId = aData[3];
var dueDateOverDue = aData[4];
var aimManaged = aData[5];
var isLastResponseEditable = aData[6];
var readOnlyToolTipText = aData[8];
var actionItemId = aData[10];
var actionItemstatus = aData[14];
var parenttr = $(nRow).closest('tr')[0];
var rowCellObjs = datatable.fnGetTds(parenttr);
var settingSize = datatable.dataTableSettings.length;
var headerCols;
You mean a function like table.push(e), but putting e at 0 index ?
try this :
That function is not complete.. what is it doing in the missing code? But it seems it's a "preparing work" for what is there. Variable initializations and a adding of a element to a array.
You can use jquery's prepend() and append() to do dom-manipulations and to add e.g. like in your case a row (dom-element) wherever you exactly want..
See here:
There it says:
The .prepend() method inserts the specified content as the first child
of each element in the jQuery collection (To insert it as the last
child, use .append()

Jquery ID selector doesnt work with a variable

I've read a billion questions like this, but never found an answer yet.
Anyway, when I type
var variableContainingID = "header";
var div = $("#"+variableContainingID);
It returns 'undefined'
But when I type
var variableContainingID = "header";
var div = $('[id^="'+variableContainingID+'"]');
It works fine.
Any ideas why?
var json = '{"divs":['
var children = $(".parent_container > div");
var idArray = [];
var numArray = [];
for (var x=0; x<children.length; x++) {
var eleid = $(children[x]).attr("id");
var idString = idArray.join(",");
var numString = numArray.join(",");
json += idString;
json += '],"number":['+numString+']}';
var obj = JSON.parse(json);
for (x in obj["divs"]) {
var div = $('[id^="'+obj["divs"][x]+'"]');
Do you think the double quotes could be throwing it off?
As you wrote in your question:
var div = $("#"+variableContainingID);
var div = $('[id^="'+variableContainingID+'"]');
These two lines are not identical. The first one, will select an element with id of header. The second one,
selects elements that have the specified id with a value beginning exactly with a given string (header).
So if you have an element like this:
<div id="headerHere"></div>
The first one ($("#"+variableContainingID)) can't select it, but the second one ($('[id^="'+variableContainingID+'"]')) can select that element.
This is because you used ^= in your selector. See jQuery API: Attribute Starts With Selector (name^="value").
It's worth to see all attribute selectors in jQuery.
Attribute Selectors in jQuery

Can't get element javascript google apps script

I'm trying to get the link element in a feed, i can get the description and title, but cannot get the link element. It seems weird to me. Here is my code
var url = "";
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var shareDoc = Xml.parse(response.getContentText(), true);
var root = shareDoc.getElement(); // feed element
var entries = root.getElement("channel").getElements("item");
for (var i=0; i<1; i++) { //just pick the first entry
var e = entries[i];
var title = e.getElement("title").getText();
var link = e.getElement("link").getText();
var description = e.getElement("description").getText();
Could anyone point out what is wrong here?
The docs indicate you should use lenient parsing for HTML - it's unclear what this is doing underneath, but in your case maybe it's confusing an HTML <link> element with a generic XML element with that same tag name. It appears to parse the link entries into something like this for your code (which you can see in shareDoc.toXmlString()):
Since it's an empty tag, no text.
var shareDoc = Xml.parse(response.getContentText(), true);
to be:
var shareDoc = Xml.parse(response.getContentText(), false);
and you should be able to get the link text.

How to get hash tag in javascript SRC

Is there easy way to get the hash tag in script source?
<script src='myscript.js#result=5235'></script>
I want to get the variable result=5235 using myscript.js
You'd probably want to use a more specific selector than that, but it gets the point across.
Edit: Why did you tag jQuery if you don't want jQuery?
var hash = $('script').attr('src').split('#')[1];
var hash = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0].src;
hash = hash.split('#')[1];
assuming it's the first script, otherwise change [0] to whatever index the script has.
var srcVariable = $(script).attr("src");
var hashText = srcVariable.substring(srcVariable.indexOf('#'));
For this example suppose you want to do your operation of getting that result=whatever to all of your script tags on your page. Do something like below:
var whatever = [];
var src = $(this).attr('src');
var splitonhash-arrReturned = src.split('#');
var yourAnswer = splitonhash-arrReturned[1];
PURE JS example:
var whatever = [];
var items = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (i=0; i< items.length; i++)
