I am working on a project in Google Blogger. First i want to explain a thing.
In blogger every post that is created has a unique id assigned to it by blogger itself. This id can be retrieved using Blogger JSON. So i have retrieved the ids of four recent posts using JSON.
I want to wrap these first four id containers around a DIV container using JQuery or Javascript.
The problem is when i use these ids absolutely in the selector $ and use the wrapAll() function the id container's gets wrapped up. But as i said i'm using JSON to get the container id's so the values of ID's are stored in variable's and when i use those variable as selection for wrapAll() function it doesn't work.
I have demos of both those situation's which can be seen by going to this blog http://youblog-demo.blogspot.com/ and using the firebug console to run these code.
Situation 1 when i use absolute container ids
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "http://youblog-demo.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=json&callback=hello";
function hello(json){
var post_num=4;
var id_coll = new Array();
for(i=0; i<post_num; i++){
var ids = json.feed.entry[i].id.$t;
var post_id = ids.substring(ids.indexOf("post-"));
var only_id = post_id.substring(5);
id_coll[i] = only_id;
Situation 2 when i use variable's to select the containers
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "http://youblog-demo.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=json&callback=hello";
function hello(json){
var post_num=4;
var id_coll = new Array();
var front_name = "#";
for(i=0; i<post_num; i++){
var ids = json.feed.entry[i].id.$t;
var post_id = ids.substring(ids.indexOf("post-"));
var only_id = post_id.substring(5);
id_coll[i] = only_id;
var joined_id_0 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[0]);
var joined_id_1 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[1]);
var joined_id_2 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[2]);
var joined_id_3 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[3]);
So when i use the situation 2 code then it doesn't work but the situation1 code works fine. Can anybody help me with this
You need to pass in the selector as a string, not a list of arguments;
$(joined_id_0+', '+joined_id_1+', '+joined_id_2+', '+joined_id_3).wrapAll('<div>');
Or even better, replace all of:
var joined_id_0 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[0]);
var joined_id_1 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[1]);
var joined_id_2 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[2]);
var joined_id_3 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[3]);
$('#'+id_coll.join(', #')).wrapAll('<div>');
And remove the line: var front_name = '#';
You have to concatenat the ids, separated by a comma, as in #id1, #id2, ....
You can do that this way:
The whole line:
If it doesn't works, check the what is returned by [joined_id_0,joined_id_1,joined_id_2,joined_id_3].join(',') (alert() it, or use console.log).
I am trying to look for data-reactid value and replace it with another value.
Here is the code:
Book a Room.
trying to use the code to replace ".0.2.2" with ".0.2.3"
(function () {
var link = document.querySelectorAll('a[data-reactid*=".0.2.2"]') //change example.com to any domain you want to target
var searchString = ".0.2.2" //the string to be searched forEach
var replacementString = ".0.2.3" //the replacement for the searched string
var original = link.getAttribute("data-reactid");
var replace = original.replace(searchString,replacementString)
Just change this
var link = document.querySelectorAll('a[data-reactid*=".0.2.2"]')
to this
var links = document.querySelectorAll('a[data-reactid*=".0.2.2"]')
But keep in mind that you should not change the attributes set by React itself
I am working on a project and I am supposed to add a new element to the top of a table, right now the new element is getting added according to the preexisting order. Can anyone at least tell me what this function is doing?
$.fn.addCellInfoActionItem = function(nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex ) {
var isEditable = aData[0];
var isStatusEditable = aData[1];
var moduleId = aData[3];
var dueDateOverDue = aData[4];
var aimManaged = aData[5];
var isLastResponseEditable = aData[6];
var readOnlyToolTipText = aData[8];
var actionItemId = aData[10];
var actionItemstatus = aData[14];
var parenttr = $(nRow).closest('tr')[0];
var rowCellObjs = datatable.fnGetTds(parenttr);
var settingSize = datatable.dataTableSettings.length;
var headerCols;
You mean a function like table.push(e), but putting e at 0 index ?
try this :
That function is not complete.. what is it doing in the missing code? But it seems it's a "preparing work" for what is there. Variable initializations and a adding of a element to a array.
You can use jquery's prepend() and append() to do dom-manipulations and to add e.g. like in your case a row (dom-element) wherever you exactly want..
See here:
There it says:
The .prepend() method inserts the specified content as the first child
of each element in the jQuery collection (To insert it as the last
child, use .append()
I've read a billion questions like this, but never found an answer yet.
Anyway, when I type
var variableContainingID = "header";
var div = $("#"+variableContainingID);
It returns 'undefined'
But when I type
var variableContainingID = "header";
var div = $('[id^="'+variableContainingID+'"]');
It works fine.
Any ideas why?
var json = '{"divs":['
var children = $(".parent_container > div");
var idArray = [];
var numArray = [];
for (var x=0; x<children.length; x++) {
var eleid = $(children[x]).attr("id");
var idString = idArray.join(",");
var numString = numArray.join(",");
json += idString;
json += '],"number":['+numString+']}';
var obj = JSON.parse(json);
for (x in obj["divs"]) {
var div = $('[id^="'+obj["divs"][x]+'"]');
Do you think the double quotes could be throwing it off?
As you wrote in your question:
var div = $("#"+variableContainingID);
var div = $('[id^="'+variableContainingID+'"]');
These two lines are not identical. The first one, will select an element with id of header. The second one,
selects elements that have the specified id with a value beginning exactly with a given string (header).
So if you have an element like this:
<div id="headerHere"></div>
The first one ($("#"+variableContainingID)) can't select it, but the second one ($('[id^="'+variableContainingID+'"]')) can select that element.
This is because you used ^= in your selector. See jQuery API: Attribute Starts With Selector (name^="value").
It's worth to see all attribute selectors in jQuery.
Attribute Selectors in jQuery
I'm trying to get the link element in a feed, i can get the description and title, but cannot get the link element. It seems weird to me. Here is my code
var url = "http://healthyhow.net/feed";
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var shareDoc = Xml.parse(response.getContentText(), true);
var root = shareDoc.getElement(); // feed element
var entries = root.getElement("channel").getElements("item");
for (var i=0; i<1; i++) { //just pick the first entry
var e = entries[i];
var title = e.getElement("title").getText();
var link = e.getElement("link").getText();
var description = e.getElement("description").getText();
Could anyone point out what is wrong here?
The docs indicate you should use lenient parsing for HTML - it's unclear what this is doing underneath, but in your case maybe it's confusing an HTML <link> element with a generic XML element with that same tag name. It appears to parse the link entries into something like this for your code (which you can see in shareDoc.toXmlString()):
Since it's an empty tag, no text.
var shareDoc = Xml.parse(response.getContentText(), true);
to be:
var shareDoc = Xml.parse(response.getContentText(), false);
and you should be able to get the link text.
Is there easy way to get the hash tag in script source?
<script src='myscript.js#result=5235'></script>
I want to get the variable result=5235 using myscript.js
You'd probably want to use a more specific selector than that, but it gets the point across.
Edit: Why did you tag jQuery if you don't want jQuery?
Pure: http://jsfiddle.net/cjc343/h6Zzw/1/
var hash = $('script').attr('src').split('#')[1];
var hash = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0].src;
hash = hash.split('#')[1];
assuming it's the first script, otherwise change [0] to whatever index the script has.
var srcVariable = $(script).attr("src");
var hashText = srcVariable.substring(srcVariable.indexOf('#'));
For this example suppose you want to do your operation of getting that result=whatever to all of your script tags on your page. Do something like below:
var whatever = [];
var src = $(this).attr('src');
var splitonhash-arrReturned = src.split('#');
var yourAnswer = splitonhash-arrReturned[1];
PURE JS example:
var whatever = [];
var items = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (i=0; i< items.length; i++)