Encoding string for apostrophe in asp.net - javascript

I am having a problem trying to resolve an apostrophe related issue.
I have searched SO, but could not find anything that would help me.
My clientside javascript code is:
var strUserText = uSettings.replace(/'/g, "'")
after the above line is executed, the form does a submit
in code behind, a class retreives those values:
sUserSettings = request.form("strUserSettings ")
the result is a semi-truncated string.
Given the above code process flow, how can I save "John O'Brady's ASP Blog" in to a database?
I thought I was saving "John O'Brady's ASP Blog" but that isn't working.

Your question is quite vague. Why are you encoding the apostrophe? Is it breaking your output?
The best way to do it would be to submit your data AS-IS to the database... crappy JavaScript injection, apostrophe's, html markup, and all. Then you simply encode the output.
Also, if you're using the latest version .NET, you can encode the output as follows
<%: strUserText %>
(assuming the strUserText string variable is set earlier in your view)

Under no circumstances should you ever take data input "as is" and insert it in a database; serious no-no. As regards the apostrophe - you can take a look at this solution:
calling stored procedure with apostrophe in argument doesn't work
Your question is vague but the above link should clue you into the fact that the solution lies in the way the SQL query is formulated. Above all else, you need to implement proper data validation/filtering of the input and encode it BEFORE inserting it in the database.

don't do this:
var strUserText = uSettings.replace(/'/g, "&apos;")
the reason is that HTML uses the "&" character to delimit query strings and form fields.
I suggest you POST your data AS IS, and handle the replace SERVER SIDE.
sUserSettings = request.form("strUserSettings ").Replace("'", "whatever")

Instead of Javascript function,when trying to save John O'Brady's ASP Blog into the database use:
Server.HTMLEncode("John O'Brady's ASP Blog")
result of above will be John O'Brady's ASP Blog
And when retrieving from the database and want to display it use
where NameField is the name of the column in the table.
this will result in John O'Brady's ASP Blog


How to read Python list in Javascript [in a Django template]

I'm programming in oTree (which is a Django based environment for social experiments) and I have the following problem. I defined some lists in Python and I'd like to import them and use them in an HTML template. If I print them in HTML I manage to see them without any problem, however, once I need to use them in Javascript, the program fails to read them and the single quotes of the elements of the list are converted in '.
The list is imported like this var filtered_elements = {{ array }};.
I think the problem is exactly here, as JS cannot work with them. Do you have any suggestion on how to do that? I considered using JSON, but since I'm quite new to programming, I cannot understand if it's just a waste of time or there is a simpler way out.
Thanks for your answers!
It sounds like your data is already JSON, otherwise you would be getting single quotes and u prefixes. So the only issue is Django autoescaping; you can disable it with the safe filter:
var filtered_elements = {{ array|safe }};
Your data should be JSON, instead of putting the Python list into the contact directly, put "array": json.dumps(array) in the context dictionary.
The JSON string doesn't need HTML escaping inside a tag, but it does need JS escaping! Otherwise some string may include something like </script><script>absolutely anything goes here... to run arbitrary JavaScript, if the JSON contains user data.
So use |escapejs:
var filtered_elements = {{ array|escapejs}};

Other separators I want use (not & and =) when I submitting a form

I have the server programmed in Cherrypy and I use also Mako Template.
And I have the variable dict (variable Mako that contain information's work) for working with the user( this I have to use Mako and JAvascript).
I have one problem that I can not pass the value's Mako to Javascript.
MAKO --->>> JAVASCRIPT and vicecersa Not can to pass.
When the user wants change the information, I need to use the form.
The information is for example the data is the identifying a person.
When I connect when the server localhost:8100 and I have in automatically dict on Url.
The user pushes the button's send.(submit) in case of change.
The server receipt the value in Javascript with the separator in Js and the old in MAko.
I have the problem for read and to convert the separator in Javascript.
It possible to change the string's submit's form While or before to sending?
I want to program the submit's form because I want to use the other delimiter(not & and =).
This is possible?
Now I write one example:
With if the function programmable while sending
Repeat: when I sent the parameter, I not want this separator & or = and I want to use the others.
javascript Mako
= %24+
& +%23+
This Query String is the original for the my project:
For the moderator:
I read on the post https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13353539/how-to-change-how-the-url-is-encoded-when-a-form-is-submitted
But this was not interested in me.
P.s. The solution in Jquery or Javascript is equal for me.
Well I'm pretty sure your reasons for doing this don't justify doing it, but to answer the question, this is how you would change the tokens. I'm assuming jQuery, it's not entirely necessary but makes the code shorter.
<form id="myform" action="myparser.php">
<input ...>
var q=$(this).attr('action'),f=this.elements,i;
return false;
That's slightly minified, so here's the gist. We begin by binding to the submit event, which we prevent (preventDefault and return false to be doubly sure), then get all the form's elements (this.elements) and iterate through them. By the end of the loop, q is a full URL which we want to submit to (using the action property and filling in all the names/values), so we just set the HREF to it and off we go. In this case to myparser.php.
Note that this does no character substitution whatsoever. You should make f[i].value safe in some way. From your question, it seems obvious that you don't want standard URL encoding, but you will need to do something to prevent bad characters being used.
Finally, this is just the sending side. You'll still need to do something clever on your server-side to actually read these values.

Pass form field values to parameters of a portlet:renderURL tag in WebSphere Portal 6.1

I'm developing a portlet for WebSphere Portal 6.1, with JSP/JSTL, pure javascript, no AJAX frameworks, with a JSP that shows a send feedback form and, when submitted, redirects to another JSP to show the user the success of the operation.
I use javascript to get the values of the form fields by using document.getElementById() function. For example:
var valorAsunto = document.getElementById("asunto").value;
where "asunto" is the ID of a text field in my form. Also my form has the following structure:
<form name="formularioCorreo" id="formularioCorreo" method="post" action="<portlet:renderURL><portlet:param name="nextTask" value="sendFeedback"/></portlet:renderURL>">
That works OK, but I'm having trouble when trying to build the <portlet:renderURL> tag from that javascript values: when I try to concatenate a string for the renderURL and then reassign to form action like this:
var valorAction = '<portlet:renderURL><portlet:param name="nextTask" value="sendFeedback"/><portlet:param name="asunto" value="'+valorAsunto+'"/></portlet:renderURL>';
document.formularioCorreo.action = valorAction;
The resulting string, when application is deployed, has the structure:
/wps/myportal/<portletpath>/!ut/p/c5/<a very long random sequence of
numbers and letters>/
So one can't figure out where the parameter values are, but if I print the assigned values it shows something like:
asunto: '+valorAsunto+'
instead of
asunto: this is a sample subject
I've been trying to use some other ways to concatenate the string; for instance with a StringBuffer, as shown on http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaScript/0120__String/StringBufferbasedonarray.htm
and also javascript functions like encodeURI()/decodeURI(), replace(), etc. but I just can't get either the URL with the right parameter values or the URL encoded in the structure shown above (the one with the long sequence of chars).
Sometimes I manage to get the right parameter values, by manually replacing in the valorAction assignation all the "<" for "<" and all the ">" for ">" before the concatenation, and then doing the following:
var valorAction = valorAction.replace(/</g,"<").replace(/>/g,">");
Then I get the following string:
<portlet:renderURL><portlet:param name="nextTask" value="sendFeedback"/><portlet:param name="asunto" value="this is a sample subject"/></portlet:renderURL>
which is OK, but when it has to redirect to the results page it shows an error like this
Error 404: EJPEI0088E: The resource <portlet:renderURL><portlet:param
name="nextTask" value="sendFeedback"/><portlet:param name="asunto"
value="this is a sample subject"/></portlet:renderURL> could not be
Does someone know how to transform that string to the right format to be rendered?
Does someone know any other way to "inject" that parameter values to the renderURL?
I'd like to know also if it is possible to pass that parameter values from javascript to JSP so I could put that values in a HashMap of parameters to use with the PortletURLHelper.generateSinglePortletRenderURL() method, in case the former is not possible.
Thank you.
Update 1:
In my doView() I use the following, in order to make the redirection:
String targetJsp = "/_Feedback/jsp/html/FeedbackPortletView.jsp";
String nextTask = request.getParameter("nextTask");
//(... I have omitted code to conditionally select targetJsp value, according to nextTask value ...)
PortletRequestDispatcher rd = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(targetJsp);
rd.include(request, response);
This is just a new JSP inside my portlet, not a different portal page. I do use request.getParameter() to get the values for my form fields from my doview():
String subjectFeedback = request.getParameter("asunto");
String bodyFeedback = request.getParameter("mensaje");
String emailFeedback = request.getParameter("emailFeedback");
I don't see the need to include hidden fields if my form has the fields named above. In fact, what I'm trying to do is to pass the values the user entered in these fields as request parameters, but the values I get by this means are the following:
subjectFeedback: "'+valorAsunto+'"
bodyFeedback: "'+valorMensaje+'"
emailFeedback: "'+valorEmailFeedback+'"
I get the above values when using concatenation by "+"; when I use StringBuffer I get the following values:
subjectFeedback: "'); buffer.append(valorAsunto); buffer.append('"
bodyFeedback: "'); buffer.append(valorMensaje); buffer.append('"
emailFeedback: "'); buffer.append(valorEmailFeedback); buffer.append('"
Does someone know any other way to "inject" that parameter values to the renderURL?
There are two IBM guides on that topic.
Portal 6.1 and 7.0 Advanced URL Generation Helper classes
How to create a link to a portlet (Standard API) that passes parameters to that portlet
How are you redirecting to the other page? Is it a different portal page or just a new JSP page inside your portlet?
You don't need to inject any parameters to the render URL. Have a form whose action targets to a renderURL. Now to pass information to your portlet's doView() method, you can have hidden fields in the form ,then populate them using JavaScript and then submit the form. In the doView() method, you can use request.getParameter() to get the parameters.
Well, sometimes the most obvious things happen to be the way to the solutions.
I was too busy trying to find elaborated causes for that situation that I did not checked for this at all:
My form fields were correctly identified by different id, but they weren't set their name properties.
With the help of a work partner we could figure out that, so assigning the same value of id for name on each form field did the trick.
So, I ended up skipping that reassigning action thing, because the field values are being set as request parameters, as it should be.
Thanks for the help.

Django : View returns JSON content_dictionary, how to decode in Javascript

Let me explain what I'm trying to do, and if someone could point the correct way to do it & a solution to where I'm stuck that would be great !
Someone types url
I lookup "Blackberry" in my database and find data for it, now I want to show its details one a page.
Hence in the View I do this
return render_to_response('workmodule/show_item_details.html', {"item_complete_data": return_data}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
In myHTML I do this
data_from_django = {{ farm_complete_data }}
Question 1 : Is this the correct method to access the JSON data in the HTML ? Somehow I think there should be a better/cleaner way.
Question 2 : Another problem is all quotes are replaced with """ hence the javscript breaks. If above is the correct way, how to I "decode" the string correctly.
Note : I have used jquery's .ajax function earlier and it works great if you are on a page already and making a call to backend. The views in that case have returned the data in the same fashion as above & the data wasn't escaped. Or so it seemed by the time my ajax success: or error: functions handled it.
Thanks for taking time to look at this.
Question 1: that's about right, actually.
Question 2: Don't decode it, pipe it to safe: {{farm_complete_data|safe}} so it doesn't try to html-escape it for you.
Why pass it to a template at all? You just want the JSON, so in the view, do this:
return simplejson.dumps(response_dict)
Then there's no need to worry about encoding/quoting.

Need help with an AJAX workflow

Sorry I couldn't be more descriptive with the title, I will elaborate fully below:
I have a web application that I want to implement some AJAX functionality into. Currently, it is running ASP.NET 3.5 with VB.NET codebehind. My current "problem" is I want to dynamically be able to populate a DIV when a user clicks an item on a list. The list item currently contains a HttpUtility.UrlEncode() (ASP.NET) string of the content that should appear in the DIV.
<li onclick="setFAQ('The+maximum+number+of+digits+a+patient+account+number+can+contain+is+ten+(10).');">
What is the maximum number of digits a patient account number can contain?</li>
I can decode the string partially with the JavaScript function unescape() but it does not fully decode the string. I would much rather pass the JavaScript function the faq ID then somehow pull the information from the database where it originates.
I am 99% sure it is impossible to call an ASP function from within a JavaScript function, so I am kind of stumped. I am kind of new to AJAX/ASP.NET so this is a learning experience for me.
First of all, if you're pulling the questions from the db on page load you most likely have all the answers too, so just keep going with your current approach by jamming the answers into the page as your code sample is doing. Unless your FAQ list has thousands and thousands of questions, doing it the "AJAX way" by hitting the db on each click of the list item doesn't give you much here IMO. If it does have that many questions then a straight list is the wrong way to go anyway.
Secondly, two things to keep in mind re your approach:
you're placing html inside an html attribute
the attribute is specifying a javascript function to call
So you need to make sure your "answer" escapes both html and is valid js. By valid js I mean it can't have new lines and must escape quotes properly. For example, the following html - although valid html - won't fire the onclick and you'd just get a js syntax error:
<li onclick="setFAQ('This line's
multi line and has a single quote in it!')"
To account for these I would say HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode in tandem with System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer is more appropriate to the markup you've shown.
JavaScriptSerializer json = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string answerString = "This line's\nmulti line and has a single quote in it!";
string onClickJS = String.Format("setFAQ({0})", json.Serialize(answerString));
string onClickAttr = HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(onClickJs);
Even better, use .NET's ListItem object and lose HtmlAttributeEncode altogether:
ListItem faqItem = new ListItem(questionString);
faqItem.Attributes.Add("onclick", String.Format("setFAQ({0})", json.Serialize(answerString)));
The html portion is escaped automatically for you, plus it's a lot cleaner.
As for your javascript, you don't have to decode anything in setFAQ(). Just take its argument and put it in into you "answer" div:
function setFAQ(answer) {
document.getElementById('answer').innerHTML = answer
I think just using HttpUtility.HtmlEncode may solve your problem. I'm not sure I follow completely though : \
