I currently wrote the following task in Javascript, but I would like to execute the same task using python cgi. Do you have any tips to perform that with python cgi?
<a href"#" onClick="parent.Content.location='https://snu.ac.kr/music.html'; return false;">Music</a>
The task is basically as follows: when a user clicks the word "Music", it shows the html page (i.e. 'https://snu.ac.kr/music.html'). The reason that I would like to perform the task using python cgi is that I would like to execute other taks combining with the current task.
Would you please let me know if there is any way to perform the above task using python cgi?
CGI is not good (as far as i read from internet) it will run a new python process everytime someone will run the script! and this is not good for your server!
maybe FastCGI is better (it will run a long single process that will handle request)
I have a question that has been asked several times here and other places around the internet*, but answers I've seen are incomplete or ineffective.
I would like to have a JavaScript function runPy() that, upon being called (in a browser, via a button-click for instance), will execute a Python script in my server that we'll call test.py.
Let's say that test.py is simply designed to create a text file and write in it 'hello world'
f = open('test.txt', 'w+')
f.write('hello world')
Based on other answers, I have pieced together the following JavaScript/jQuery function:
function runPy() {
success: function(data) {
Now, this is of course incorrect. As one might expect, rather than running the Python script, it prints to the console the contents of the script:
f = open('test.txt', 'w+')
f.write('hello world')
How would I go about editing my JavaScript (and/or Python) to achieve the functionality I would like? In a perfect world, I would like to avoid importing any new dependencies (I've seen some answers dependent on Flask or Django) but of course beggars can't be choosers.
Additionally, if I will allow myself to get greedy, it would be very nice to be able to pass arguments to the Python script as well, or even use JavaScript to call a specific function in the Python script, and have the results passed back to the client-side JavaScript.
*Similar Questions
Call python function from JS
how to call python script from javascript?
Run Python scripts from JavaScript functions
You're going on the right path.
But, here's why the POST isn't working. Except for HTML filetype, making a POST call to fetch a static file on the server (i.e. random.js, random.css etc) will print the raw file content.
In this scenario, you'll need to handle this on the server-side backend code. I don't know which backend framework you're using but here are some articles that can help you with this:
NodeJS: https://medium.com/swlh/run-python-script-from-node-js-and-send-data-to-browser-15677fcf199f
.NET: https://medium.com/better-programming/running-python-script-from-c-and-working-with-the-results-843e68d230e5
Java: Running a .py file from Java
UPDATE!!: Due to the recent developments in the space of Web Development, it is now possible to run Python on the Client-side through WebAssembly. Please find more instructions here: Pyodide
so I've looked around quite a bit now and wasn't able to find quite the use case I think I am confronted with.
For some background:
I'm fairly new to JavaScript and have never had to call any other program/script from it. Now I did develop a Python script that pulls some data from online sources, formats it and dumps it into JSON files. In order to display this data in a proper way I figured I would use Electron.
While handling the JSON files is completely fine (would be quite sad if it wasn't I guess), I need to be able to call the Python script updating the data from my Electron UI. As everything is local, I hoped, that there would be an easier way, than setting up some server for the Python script to run on, just to be able to trigger its execution from my Desktop App. This is especially true, as I don't even need to get or process any returns, I just want to trigger the execution of that script.
So the question now is: is there such an "easy" way to execute Python scripts from an Electron/JavaScript based locally saved Desktop app?
Thanks in advance for any answers!
Like a previous commenter mentioned, you should be able to follow this SO answer in Node.js (which is what Electron uses).
To expound upon that answer just a bit, I'd recommend using the built-in Python JSON utility to dump JSON to the standard out (just printing out the JSON string), and the using the built-in Node.js JSON utility to parse that JSON string into a javascript object for use in your application.
Alright, so after being redirected to this thread, which I can only recommend reading through if you have an interest in this issue, I took their solution and altered a little, which took me a bit of time, due to some confusion, which I now would like to spare you guys!
To re-introduce the issue: The goal is to call a python script from a JavaScipt/Electron based UI. The python script only needs to be executed, but it needs to happen onClick, as it is an update function.
Now this is the code I used:
const exec = require("child_process").exec;
function triggerUpdateAndRefreshFooter() {
exec('python relativePathToScript/update.py',
function(error, stdout, stderr) { //callback function, receives script output
refreshFooter(); //don't use the output, but I could here
I did have some issues figuring out all of that const stuff in the other thread, as well as having to guess IF I could just execute my script in a separate function. In the end this did work!
I hope this was helpful!
I made a website where I can write code into a textfield and I want to send this code to my nodes.js server and call R, which is installed on my server, and make it process the written R code.
What I have trouble with is, how can I start R on my server and input code into it via Javascript?
The security aspects are not relevant for this because it will never go live and will always stay localhost.
Any ideas on how to approach this problem?
If you use an R web framework, you can then use the eval function to run the contents of the text box as code.
Obviously, this is very risky, but you've said you only want this to run locally.
You could use other languages with an exec function to spawn a child process. Write the code to file, compile with exec, then run with the exec function.
In node you could use a child process to achieve this
In PHP you could use exec to the same end
All of these options carry the same risk.
If you want to safely execute R code on the server, you could implement an RPC mechanism, a simple one would consist of the name of the command and the parameters to be passed. This way, you can effectively whitelist what is allowed to execute, but it does mean you can't excecute arbitrary R code.
I have a python script that gets called from some javascript code, that I have running. And when the python script is finished I want a call back to go to a Java program of mine, I was trying to make a html page and then check with that, but I am running the Java program locally and can't connect to the FTP?
How could this be accomplished?
Here is how the flow works
Java calls a javascript function in browser on my local machine ->
Javascript calls python with POST Request on my Server ->
I want a callback to Java to know when Python is done ->
So that Java can move on
Do you see know how it works?
If you are running from the command line you could use pipes | which will call the next command in line with the standard out of the first command. As follows:
firstCommand | secondCommand
So if your Python script writes to standard out you could invoke it from the command line, and have the Java execute from the command line also as the second command receiving it's input from standard in.
I need to be able to execute a shell command through javascript, similar to the php function "exec()". I understand that this may be impractical in javascript because of security reasons, but my javascript code is running on the server, and no clients have direct access to the file.
Users make a request to the server for some data, and the server-side javascript code is called. From the javascript file, I need to execute a program in order to gather data based on user input, then pass this data back.
If this isn't possible in vanilla Javascript, please point me towards a library or tool that can do this, preferably in javascript/frameworks on javascript.
JavaScript has no 'exec' function like PHP does. It's all because JavaScript runs on the client and don't have access to the server part.
However you can create PHP page and send AJAX requests to it to execute particular command.
ALTHOUGH, you need to be VERY, VERY and VERY cautious about which commands to run.
It's very dangerous to do like that. I don't advice you to do like that, however, it's possible.
Good luck!
If it's client side - You can't
If it's node.js:
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
child = exec("command", function (error, stdout, stderr)
// handle the output
This might be what you're looking for: https://github.com/arturadib/shelljs
Or, if you want to have direct access to commands, perhaps this will help: http://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html