I'm struggling to get the result of one variable change another unrelated variable.
I have a script that is generating a random number between 0 and 19, which attaches itself to the global variable "index". I'd like to have another script that can read the result of the "index" variable and assign the appropriate text response from a different array, and post that text into a new variable (lets call it "response"). These two variables need to match up as well, the text ("response") following the associated number ("index"). e.g if the var index=0 then the var response= "good", when var index=1 then var response="bad" so on an so forth for all 20 possible outcomes put each array.
It seems pretty simple, but has eluded me accept for very complex and inefficient (i.e incompatible) means.
Thank you so much in advance, there's some very talented peeps out there!
Thanks for your prompt responses!
Here's some of the code.
var answers= new Array(20);
for (i = 0; i < answers.length; i++)
answers[i] = new Image();
answers[0].src = 'images/answer1.jpg';
//so on an so forth from 0 - 19
var index;
function askQuestion(){
index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (answers.length));}
So I've got the var index returning values which trigger the associated image, but then want to use the result of the index var to output an associated text too (using the another var). I can't believe I'm stumped on such a simple thing! I think I'm over complicating it with multiple variables or doubling the code again. Perhaps I'm just stuffing up the syntax. Damn, my javascript coding aint the greatest. Shouldn't of dropped out of maths all those years ago! Any ideas?
Do you just need this?
var response = yourDifferentArray[window.index];
The syntax window[varName] allows you to retrieve the value of a global variable from anywhere in your code.
So it was really simple. My problem was being too tricky (and a syntax error) by trying to use multiple scripts which weren't communicating. Here's the result.
var answers= new Array(20);
for (i = 0; i < answers.length; i++)
answers[i] = new Image();
answers[0].src = 'images/answer1.jpg';
//so on an so forth from 0 - 19
var index;
var remarks = ["remark0","remark1"] //..so on 0-19
var response;
function askQuestion(){
window.index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (answers.length));}
response = remarks[window.index];
Thank you so much for the help! GOLD STAR!!
I'm trying to clear all local storage when the user either completes the game loop or starts a new game, but also keep some values.
I can do this already with my sound values for volume:
// inside a conditional statement that fires when the user chooses to start a new game.
if (newGameBool === '1') {
var tst = myAu;
//myAu is the stored value that the user sets as sound using a range type input
localStorage.setItem("Au", tst);//A newly cleared localStorage just got a new value, and it's the same as it was before.
UI.myLoad();//reload the function that uses LS to do things.
How do I do this for key's that have an iterating number attached to them?
Here is how I save them:
var i = +v + +1;
localStorage.setItem("v", i);
var vv = localStorage.getItem("v");
localStorage.setItem("LdrBrd_" + vv, JSON.stringify(LdrBrd));//saves all data with the iterating key name.
Calling them the way i did the sound function:
var gv = v + 1;//v calls the value from LS and adjusted for off-by-one error. gv is a local variable.
if (newGameBool === '1') {
var ldd, vg;
for (var ii = 0; ii < gv; ii++) {
var ld = localStorage.getItem("LdrBrd_" + ii);
if (ld != null) {
//these are the values that i want to pass beyond the clear point
ldd = JSON.parse(ld);//JSON string of data saved
vg = ii;//how many of them.
for (var xx = 0; xx < vg; xx++) {
var nld = localStorage.getItem("LdrBrd_" + xx);
if (nld != null) {
localStorage.setItem("LdrBrd_" + ii, JSON.stringify(ldd));
localStorage.setItem("v", vg);
I have been using console.log() in various spots to see what is going on. I comment-out the clear function just to see if the values were wrong and they don't save all all. I tried to make a fiddle, but the local storage wasn't working at all there. In visual studio, it works fine but the script to this file is almost 2000 lines long, so i tried to dress it up the best i knew how.
Thanks in advance for any help or guidance.
I was stuck on this for a few days, but i think i found something that will work, so i'll answer my own question in case there is value in posterity.
/* ^LS clear() function is above all new setItem codes, some variables are declared globally and some are declared at the top of the functional scope or as param^ */
var itemClass = document.querySelectorAll(".itemClass");//the strings are here
if (itemClass) {//make sure some exist
for (var p = 0; p < itemClass.length; p++) {//count them
mdd = JSON.parse(itemClass[p].innerText);//parse the data for saving
localStorage.setItem("v", v);//this is the LS item that saves the amount of items i have, it's declared at the top of the functions timeline.
localStorage.setItem("LdrBrd_" + p, JSON.stringify(mdd));//this setItem function will repeat and increment with 'p' and assign the right string back to the key name it had before.
The key is to keep the strings physically attached to an element, then call the class name. The i ran a loop counting them. 'mdd' will spit back each item i want. So then all that is left to do is re-set the item back to it's original status.
This has allowed me to create a way for my users to collect trophies and keep them even after clearing the localStorage when the he/she decides to start a new game.
I use CSS to hide the text from the string.
In my gameLoop, i have a function that will read the saved strings and show them as cards just below the hidden strings.
Since you want to keep some values I recommend one of two things:
Don't call localStorage.clear() and instead only wipe out the values that you want using localStorage.removeItem('itemName'). Since you said the item names have a numeric component, maybe you can do this in a loop to reduce code.
Pull item(s) that you want saved first and restore them after calling clear(). This option is best if there are way more items that you want removed rather than saved (see below)
function mostlyClear() {
var saveMe = {};
saveMe['value1'] = localStorage.getItem('value1');
saveMe['anotherValue'] = localStorage.getItem('anotherValue');
for(var prop in saveMe) {
if(!saveMe.hasOwnProperty(prop)) continue;
localStorage.setItem(prop, saveMe[prop]);
I was trying to crawl a very old website for a specific tag, I need to get it by it's for= attribute. So I used this piece of code.
var character = document.querySelectorAll("label[for=char_1]");
For some reason it returns an undefined, but I was using this script for a few days now and it worked like a charm. Here's the fun part. Typing that command in browsers console will result in undefined. But typing this alone:
Will return a proper NodeList. Why it won't assign to a variable...?
edit: It seems that deleting var and typing character without it will make it work. It's resolved but I would still love to get an answer to "why is this happening"?
for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
var character = document.querySelectorAll("label[for=char_" + i +"]");
console.log(character); // this will return [] from the script.
var color = character[0].children[0].style.color;
A simple for loop. All I get is Cannot read property 'children' of undefined. But I can type in the very same command document.querySelectorAll... and it will work in the browser and will return NodeList.
I had it working like this in a very hacky script. It worked.
var character1 = document.querySelectorAll("label[for=char_1]");
var characterColor1 = character1[0].children[0].style.color;
var character1 = document.querySelectorAll("label[for=char_1]");
var characterColor1 = character1[0].children[0].style.color;
var character2 = document.querySelectorAll("label[for=char_2]");
var characterColor2 = character2[0].children[0].style.color;
// ...
The above code works without a single problem though. I don't think it's DOM not being ready as this code is also run from Greasemonkey script and it works. The only difference is the for loop.
var x = ""; // returns undefined, because it's a var assignment.
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('div');
That's expected behavior when pasted into the console.
edit: It seems that deleting var and typing character without it will make it work. It's resolved
I'm afraid you're creating a global scope variable now. or perhaps characters is an already defined variable in that scope.
Buhah, as I said in edit 3 "the only difference is the for loop". I was so busy trying to find an answer in the DOM-related things that I made the simplest mistake ever done in programming.
for(var i = 0...)
0! And I was testing char_1 in the browser instead of char_0. Which - truly - returns [] instead of something useful. Time to go on a holiday break I guess, my brain seems to be there already. :)
I am having trouble using numeral.js in the script part of my jade file.
I have numeral in locals as such:
app.locals.numeral = require('numeral');
Then in my jade file I want to numeral a variable and format it to dollars, but every time I do it it gets $0.00 so it seems to not be getting the variable correctly. if i just hard code a number is to works great.
$('#calculate').click(function() {
var contracts = 0;
var premium = 0;
var size = 0;
var proceeds = 0;
var myresult = 0;
contracts = $('#contracts').val();
premium = $('#premium').val();
size = $('input:radio[name=size]:checked').val();
myresult = (contracts * premium * size);
proceeds = "#{numeral(" + myresult + ").format('$0.00')}";
so specific line I'm having trouble with is:
proceeds = "#{numeral(" + myresult + ").format('$0.00')}";
Individually all the numbers work and if I don't use numeral I get the right outcome, but as soon as I numeral I get $0.00.
Not sure what how to get it to see the variable myresult, I've tried many combinations. Any help greatly appreciated!
I ended up giving up accessing numeral this way and for this one page I included the entire js file in a script tag like such:
And then:
proceeds = numeral(myresult).format('$0.00');
Not sure this is ideal but it works.
I have a series of arrays that contain words I want to use as text in various HTML divs (there are about 35 of these, I included only a few for brevity).
var bodyplan = ['Anguilliform', 'Compressiform', 'Depressiform', 'Filiform', 'Fusiform', 'Globiform', 'Sagittiform', 'Taeniform'];
var mouthposition = ["Inferior", "Jawless", "Subterminal", "Superior", "Terminal"];
var barbels = ['1', '2', '4 or more'];
var caudalshape = ['Continuous', 'Emarginate', 'Forked', 'Lunate', 'Rounded', 'Truncate'];
I have a switch function that is supposed to change the text based on user selections:
case 1:
changelabels(bodyplan, 8);
case 2:
changelabels(mouthposition, 5);
case 3:
changelabels(barbels, 3);
case 4:
changelabels(caudalshape, 6);
case 5:
changelabels(dorsalspines, 8);
alert("handquestsel error")}};
Finally, I have the function which I would like to make the changes (except it doesn't):
function changelabels(opt1,opt2){
var i = opt2;
var im = opt2 - 1;
var c = 1;
var index = 0;
while (i>=c){
var oldlbl = document.getElementById("rb" + c + "lbl");
var newlbla = opt1.slice(im,i);
var newlblb = opt1.toString();
oldlbl.innerHTML = newlblb;
c = c + 1
index = index + 1
I know the code for my function is just plain wrong at this point, but I have altered it so many times that I'm not sure what's going on anymore. At one point I did have the function able to change the text, but it did so incorrectly (it parsed the name of the array, not extracted a value from the array as I wished). Please help. I know I am overlooking some fundamental concepts here, but am not sure which ones. I've lost count of the hours I've spent trying to figure this out. It's seems like it should be so simple, yet in all my chaotic attempts to make it work, I have yet to stumble on an answer.
EDIT: I want my switch statement to call the function and pass to the function, the appropriate array from which to pull the labels from. The purpose of the app is to help a user learn to identify fish. When the user makes selections on the page, a series of pictures will be shown for various character states with an accompanying label describing the state. For example, when the user selects Mouth Position a series of divs will show the different mouth positions that fish have and have a label below the picture to tell the user what that certain character state is called. I can get the pictures to change just fine, but I am having a hell of a time with the labels.
Why not just something along the lines of:
document.getElementById("bodyplan_label").innerHTML = bodyplan[bodyplan_index];
You seem trying to put everything in really abstract data structures, I see no reason to. Just keep it simple.
Also bodyplan has only 8 elements, so bodyplan[8] will give you an out of bounds exception because arrays start at 0 as is common in all modern programming languages.
If I'm reading your requirement and code correctly, in your switch statement you are passing both a reference to the appropriate array and that array's expected length - you don't need the second parameter because all JavaScript arrays have a .length property.
You don't want to use .slice() to get the individual values out of the array, because that returns a new array copied out of the original - just use arrayVariable[index] to get the individual item at index.
So, putting that together try something like this (with your existing array definitions):
case 1:
case 2:
// etc.
function changelabels(data) {
var i,
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
lbl = document.getElementById("rb" + (i+1) + "lbl");
lbl.innerHTML = data[i];
Notice how much simpler that is than your code? I'm assuming here the elements you are updating have an id in the format "rb1lbl", "rb2lbl", etc, with numbering starting at 1: I'm getting those ids using (i+1) because JavaScript array indexes start at zero. Note also that you don't even need the lbl variable: you could just say document.getElementById("rb" + (i+1) + "lbl").innerHTML = data[i] - however I've left it in so that we have something to expand on below...
Within your function you seem to be changing the labels on a set of elements (radio button labels?), one per value in the array, but you stop when you run out of array items which means any leftover elements will still hold the values from the previous selection (e.g., if the previous selection was "bodyplan" with 8 options and you change to "mouthposition" with only 5 - you probably should hide the 3 leftover elements that would otherwise continue to display the last few "bodyplan" items. One way to do that is instead of setting your loop up based on the array length you could loop over the elements, and if the current element has an index beyond the end of the array hide it, something like this:
function changelabels(data) {
var i,
elementCount = 20; // or whatever your element count is
for (i = 0; i < elementCount; i++) {
lbl = document.getElementById("rb" + (i+1) + "lbl");
if (i < data.length) {
lbl.innerHTML = data[i];
lbl.style.display = "";
} else {
lbl.innerHTML = "";
lbl.style.display = "none";
If these elements are labels for radio buttons (just a guess based on the ids) then you'd also want to hide or show the corresponding radio buttons, but I hope you can figure out how to add a couple of lines to the above to do that.
(As mentioned above, be careful about having element ids count up from 1 when the array indexes start at 0.)
If the above doesn't work please post (at least some of) the relevant HTML - obviously I've just had to guess at what it might be like.
SOLUTION: Changed the scope of the array variables to local by moving them into the function where they are used, instead of having them as global variables at the top of the page. I don't understand as I was following every rule of variable declaration. But for some unknown reason, global variables in javascript are abhorrent.
Solution Edit: Found an error in declaring my global variables. This may have been the source of my problem of why I could not access them. But it is a non-issue at this point since I corrected my code.
I don't understand what your trying to achieve exactly with your code. But to pass a variable (in this case an array) by reference you just have to add "&" before the variable.
function the_name(&$var_by_ref, $var_by_value) {
// Here if you modify $var_by_ref this will change the variable passed to the function.
More: http://php.net/manual/en/language.references.pass.php
Hope that helps.
I'm trying to create my own JS Password Strength Meter.
It was working before but i didn't like how it worked so I tried using
{score +=10;}
Instead of just:
This is my code:
Best Regards,
Hope someone can help
Multiple issues:
Your passwordStrength() function was not defined in the global scope in the jsFiddle so it wasn't getting called. This is probably an artifact of how you set up the jsFiddle, perhaps not an issue in your real code.
The method of getting the appropriate ratingMsg will not work because you don't have array values for every possible score so many scores will generate an "undefined" ratingMsg.
Your CSS classes are also sparse so there are many score values that they will not match for either and no appropriate CSS class/style will be in effect. If you want a specific class for each rating value, then perhaps you should put the classname in the ratings array so it can be fetched from there along with the ratingsMsg.
For the first issue, in your jsFiddle, you also have to make sure the password processing function is defined in the global scope. The way your jsFiddle is set up, it is not (it's in the onload handler). You can fix this in the jsFiddle by just setting the first drop-down in the upper left to "no wrap (head)".
For the second issue, you are using:
but, your array is a sparse array not guaranteed to have an entry for most possible scores. You simply can't do it that way because many elements you access will have undefined values which won't give you a meaningful message. For example, if score was 15, you would be accessing ratingMsg[15], but there is no value in that space in the array so you won't get a meaningful rating message.
The solution is to find a different way to select the right message. The simplest way would just be an if/else if/else if statement that would check which range the score is in and set the appropriate msg. There are more elegant table driven ways, but all will involve searching through a data structure to find which two values the current score is between and using that msg.
If you look at this jsFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/dA7XC/, you'll see that your code is getting called, but it only hits values in the array sometimes.
And, here's a rewritten algorithm that finds the appropriate msg no matter what the score show in this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/jYcBT/.
It uses a data structure like this:
var ratingMsg = [
0, "Unclassified",
10, "Weak",
20, "Fair",
50, "Better",
60, "Medium",
70, "Good",
90, "Strong"
and a for loop like this to get the appropraite ratingMsg:
for (var i = ratingMsg.length - 2 ; i >= 0; i-=2) {
if (score >= ratingMsg[i]) {
msg = ratingMsg[i+1];
Here you go: http://jsfiddle.net/RSq4L/11/
The first problem is that in your fiddle you have the onLoad option set, so your passwordStrength function is not actually being declared in the global scope. It is being declared inside of the onLoad block that jsFiddle wraps your code with. This causes the page to error out when the keypress handler tries to invoke the function.
You can fix this problem in several different ways:
By explicitly declaring the function as global as per my example above.
By choosing one of jsFiddle's "no wrap" options instead of onLoad.
By dynamically binding your event-handler instead of setting it through the element's onkeydown attribute in the markup.
The second problem is how you are keying your score messages. You have:
var ratingMsg = new Array(0);
ratingMsg[0] = "Unclassified";
ratingMsg[10] = "Weak";
ratingMsg[30] = "Fair";
ratingMsg[50] = "Better";
ratingMsg[60] = "Medium";
ratingMsg[70] = "Good";
ratingMsg[90] = "Strong";
...and you lookup the message by doing ratingMsg[score]. This will only work if the score exactly matches one of your indices. And based upon your math this will not always be the case.
I would suggest doing something like:
ratingMsg = {};
ratingMsg[0] = "Unclassified";
ratingMsg[10] = "Weak";
ratingMsg[30] = "Fair";
ratingMsg[50] = "Better";
ratingMsg[60] = "Medium";
ratingMsg[70] = "Good";
ratingMsg[90] = "Strong";
function closestRating(score) {
var bestKey = 0;
var bestMatch = 100;
for (var key in ratingMsg) {
if (key <= score && score - key < bestMatch) {
bestMatch = score - key;
bestKey = key;
return ratingMsg[bestKey];
On an unrelated note, are you sure you want to be using onkeydown? I think onkeyup would work better.
Your fiddler script had several errors. Here's the corrected one: new script.
You were missing a semicolon here: document.getElementById("passwordDescription").innerHTML = "" + ratingMsg[score] + ""
You forgot to escape '^' on your regular expression
I just wrote this for it:
Jquery Plugin for password strength forcing