Get the element below the ready-function code, in jQuery? - javascript

For example:
$(document).ready( function() {
alert( $(this).getBelowElementToThisScript('form').id );
<form id="IamTheNext"></form>
<form id="Iamnot"></form>
This code should show this message: IamTheNext
In addition, the solution needs to work with this example too:
<script src="getbelowelement.js"></script>
<form id="IamTheNext"></form>
<form id="Iamnot"></form>

Try this:
var form = $('script[src="getbelowelement.js"]').next();
But I would suggest using the forms id:
var form = $('#IamTheNext');

You could also try giving the script tag an id.

This kind of approach is dangerous; script should never depend that much on where it is in the page.
That said, the following works in Firefox and Chrome and should work in the major browsers (use at your own risk).
See it in action at jsBin. Both <script> ... and <script src="..."> approaches are shown in the same page.
$(document).ready( function () {
invocationsOfThis = (typeof invocationsOfThis == 'number') ? invocationsOfThis + 1 : 1;
var scriptTags = document.getElementsByTagName ('script');
var thisScriptTag = null;
//--- Search scripts for scripts of this type.
for (var foundCnt = 0, J = 0, L = scriptTags.length; J < L; ++J)
/*--- Since the script can be either inline or included, search
both the script text and the script src link for our unique
var thisTag = scriptTags[J];
var scriptCode = thisTag.innerText || thisTag.textContent;
var scriptSrc = thisTag.src;
//--- IMPORTANT, change to the filename that you use.
if (/invocationsOfThis/i.test (scriptCode) || / (scriptSrc))
//--- Found a copy of this script; is it the right one, based on invocation cnt?
if (foundCnt == invocationsOfThis) {
thisScriptTag = thisTag;
if (thisScriptTag) {
//--- Get the target node.
var nextForm = $(thisScriptTag).next ('form');
var nextFormId = nextForm.attr ('id');
//--- Act on the target node. Here we notify the user
nextForm.text ('This is form: "' + nextFormId + '".');
} );


write script without CDATA and Merge two scripts with same functions

I have these scripts which are almost the same but I'm unable to merge them into one..
also I want remove "CDATA" and keep the script functioning in blogger XML template
<script type='text/javascript'>// <![CDATA[
!function(){const e=document.querySelectorAll(".vplayer");for(var t=0;t<e.length;t++){console.log(e[t].dataset.v);const a="//"+e[t].dataset.v+"/hqdefault.webp";var n=new Image;n.src=a,n.addEventListener("load",void e[t].appendChild(n)),e[t].addEventListener("click",function(){const e=document.createElement("iframe");e.setAttribute("allowfullscreen",""),e.setAttribute("frameborder","0"),e.setAttribute("src","//"+this.dataset.v+"?rel=0&showinfo=0&autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&noCookie=false&"),this.innerHTML="",this.appendChild(e)})}}();// ]]></script>
and that the second
<script type='text/javascript'>// <![CDATA[
!function(){const e=document.querySelectorAll(".vplayerold");for(var t=0;t<e.length;t++){console.log(e[t].dataset.v);const a="//"+e[t].dataset.v+"/hqdefault.jpg";var n=new Image;n.src=a,n.addEventListener("load",void e[t].appendChild(n)),e[t].addEventListener("click",function(){const e=document.createElement("iframe");e.setAttribute("allowfullscreen",""),e.setAttribute("frameborder","0"),e.setAttribute("src","//"+this.dataset.v+"?rel=0&showinfo=0&autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&noCookie=false&"),this.innerHTML="",this.appendChild(e)})}}();// ]]></script>
the scripts are the same and I dont want write the whole of it twice
I want this
const e = document.querySelectorAll(".vplayer");
to work with that
const a = "//" + e[t].dataset.v + "/hqdefault.webp";
and this
const e = document.querySelectorAll(".vplayerold");
to work with that
const a="//"+e[t].dataset.v+"/hqdefault.jpg";
the rest of scripte work with both as well
I want remove "CDATA" and keep the script functioning in blogger XML template
That's not possible. It's pretty much required for valid XML unless you want to use escape sequences for <>'".
the scripts are the same and I dont want write the whole of it twice
Make that IEFE a named function declaration, give it parameters, call it twice with different arguments.
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
function createPlayer(selector, makeUrl) {
const e = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
const a = makeUrl(e[t].dataset.v);
var n = new Image;
n.src = a;
n.addEventListener("load", void e[t].appendChild(n));
e[t].addEventListener("click", function() {
const e = document.createElement("iframe");
e.setAttribute("allowfullscreen", "");
e.setAttribute("frameborder", "0");
e.setAttribute("src", "//" + this.dataset.v + "?rel=0&showinfo=0&autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&noCookie=false&");
this.innerHTML = "";
createPlayer(".vplayer", v => "//" + v + "/hqdefault.webp");
createPlayer(".vplayerold", v => "//" + v + "/hqdefault.jpg");
Merged example
You mean like this?
<script type='text/javascript'>// <![CDATA[
!function(){const e=document.querySelectorAll(".vplayer");for(var t=0;t<e.length;t++){console.log(e[t].dataset.v);const a="//"+e[t].dataset.v+"/hqdefault.webp";var n=new Image;n.src=a,n.addEventListener("load",void e[t].appendChild(n)),e[t].addEventListener("click",function(){const e=document.createElement("iframe");e.setAttribute("allowfullscreen",""),e.setAttribute("frameborder","0"),e.setAttribute("src","//"+this.dataset.v+"?rel=0&showinfo=0&autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&noCookie=false&"),this.innerHTML="",this.appendChild(e)})}}();
!function(){const e=document.querySelectorAll(".vplayerold");for(var t=0;t<e.length;t++){console.log(e[t].dataset.v);const a="//"+e[t].dataset.v+"/hqdefault.jpg";var n=new Image;n.src=a,n.addEventListener("load",void e[t].appendChild(n)),e[t].addEventListener("click",function(){const e=document.createElement("iframe");e.setAttribute("allowfullscreen",""),e.setAttribute("frameborder","0"),e.setAttribute("src","//"+this.dataset.v+"?rel=0&showinfo=0&autoplay=1"),this.innerHTML="",this.appendChild(e)})}}();
// ]]>
Adding them in separate script tags should also work, depending what your backend allows you to do.

"jQuery requires a window with a document" on jquery $get

Why does this error happen when it try to use jquery? This code was working before but I don't even know what did I do for this error to happen. I tried to search about it and nothing I looked up makes sense or it's about this jsdom or whatever that I don't use. Exception is thrown on the 1st line in the try catch. That's the only error I could get from the browser debugger:
function DisplayName() {
if (Page_ClientValidate()) {
try {
$get("lblNameShow").html = $get("<%= txtNome.ClientID %>").value;
$get("lblDataAdmissaoShow").innerHTML = document.getElementById("datepicker").value;
var ddlD = document.getElementById("<%= ddlDepartamento.ClientID%>");
var strDDLDepart = ddlD.options[ddlD.selectedIndex].text;
$get("lblDepartamentoShow").innerHTML = strDDLDepart;
var ddlF = document.getElementById("<%= ddlFuncao.ClientID%>");
var strDDLFunc = ddlF.options[ddlF.selectedIndex].text;
$get("lblFuncaoShow").innerHTML = strDDLFunc;
//get valor radio button
var rstTel = $('#<%=rblTelemovel.ClientID %> input[type=radio]:checked').val();
if (rstTel == 0)
$get("lblTelemovelShow").innerHTML = "Não"
$get("lblTelemovelShow").innerHTML = "Sim"
var message = "";
var checkBoxList = document.getElementById("<%=cblAppAlternativas.ClientID%>");
var checkBoxes = checkBoxList.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
for (var i = 0; i < checkBoxes.length; i++) {
if (checkBoxes[i].checked) {
var value = checkBoxes[i].value;
var text = checkBoxes[i].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("LABEL")[0].innerHTML;
message += value + "-" + text + ",";
$get("lblAcessoShow").innerHTML = message;
$get("lblObShow").innerHTML = $get("<%= txtObservacoes.ClientID %>").value;
} catch (err) {
$get("demo").innerHTML = err.message;
return false;
The code works if I remove the get from the jquery selector, but the strange thing is the code was working before. I can't find any info about using $get in jquery to select elements so I'm not sure about it if it's a plugin. This code was already implemented in the project I'm working on so I have no idea which plugin uses $get.
on the original project these are the only references on it
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.css" />
<script src="jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/external/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="NOTY/js/noty/packaged/jquery.noty.packaged.js"></script>
So I was using a try catch to catch the error but I was doing it in the wrong way since I'm still new to javascript. The exception I got is that $get is not defined. So rather than asking where $get comes from, how do I define a variable in jquery like $get?

JavaScript for hiding Dates

I've used a JavaScript for hiding concert dates on a website for a client. It works fine. Now I wanted to reuse it for another site and copied it. But now it won't work, and I can't find the error...
The script I'm using is the following and is stored in "js/termine.js":
// <![CDATA[
function aktualisieren() {
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return;
var Datum = new Date();
var Jahr = Datum.getFullYear().toString();
var Monat = (Datum.getMonth()+1).toString();
if (Monat.length == 1) Monat = "0" + Monat;
var Tag = Datum.getDate().toString();
if (Tag.length == 1) Tag = "0" + Tag;
var aktuell = parseInt(Jahr + Monat + Tag);
var Zeilen = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
for (var i = 0; i < Zeilen.length; i++) {
if (Zeilen[i].title) {
if (parseInt(Zeilen[i].title) < aktuell) Zeilen[i].style.display = "none";
// ]]>
In the html-head I'm linking to that file via:
<script src="js/termine.js"></script>
The dates are stored in "", which I'm including via php:
<div id="termine"><?php include("includes/"); ?></div>
Can somebody give me a hint, what I'm missing?
Thanks a lot!
From what I can see, it seems that you are missing a tag name
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return;
If you are trying to get all tag i suggest you try
if (!document.getElementsByTagName("*")) return;
Sorry guys, I am THAT stupid. Forgot the onload-action in the body... sorry, for wasting your time!!!

My JavaScript works as inline code but not as an include file. Any ideas why and how to fix it?

I have this form:
<form id="searchForm" class="search_field" method="get" action="">
Then this javascript:
var form = document.getElementById("searchForm");
form.doSearch1.onclick = searchPage;
form.doSearch2.onclick = searchPage;
form.showFeatureChoices.onclick = function( )
var cbs = form.featType;
for ( var c = 0; c < cbs.length; ++c )
cbs[c].checked = false;
document.getElementById("featuresDiv").style.display = "block";
function searchPage()
var form = document.getElementById("searchForm");
var searchText = form.searchBox.value.replace(/-/g,"");
form.searchBox.value = searchText;
if (searchText != "")
// collect features to search for:
var features = [ ];
var featTypes = form.featType;
for ( var f = 0; f < featTypes.length; ++f )
if ( featTypes[f].checked ) features.push( featTypes[f].value );
featureList = "'" + features.join("','") + "'";
searchMsg("Searching for '" + searchText + "' ...");
// startStatusUpdate(1000);
// findTask.execute(findParams, showResults);
var accord = dijit.byId("accordianContainer");
var resultsPane = dijit.byId("resultsPane");
doSearch( searchText, featureList );
searchMsg("No search criteria entered, enter search text");
If I embed this code in same file as the <form..., it works fine.
If however, I have this js in another file and use as include file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="Views/JS/main.js"></script>
I get following error: "Object required" and it points to these lines:
form.doSearch1.onclick = searchPage;
form.doSearch2.onclick = searchPage;
Any ideas how to fix this?
Just a bit more info, the js code shown above in a file called main.js which is in a folder called JS and Js is in a folder called Views. The
Thanks a lot in advance
When you include the JavaScript code in the same page, where is it in relation to the form element? (Before or after it?) How about when you reference the external JavaScript file?
I'm guessing that in the former case the code is at the end of the file, while in the latter case the script reference tag is at the beginning?
If that's true then what's happening is this code is being executed before the DOM is ready:
var form = document.getElementById("searchForm");
form.doSearch1.onclick = searchPage;
form.doSearch2.onclick = searchPage;
If the form tag hasn't been rendered to the DOM yet then that first line won't find anything, and the subsequent lines will fail as a result. One approach is to put the script reference tags at the end, but that seems like a hack to me. Sometimes there are good reasons to keep them in the page header, not the least of which is cleaner management of the code in many cases. There are other ways to hold off on executing JavaScript code until the DOM is ready.

How do i solve these issues?

I wrote simplest extension as an exercise in JS coding. This extension checks if some user (of certain social network) is online, and then outputs his/her small image, name and online status in notification alert. It checks profile page every 2 minutes via (setTimeout), but when user becomes "online", i set setTimeout to 45 minutes.(to avoid online alerts every 2 minutes).
It works, but not exactly as i expected. I have 2 issues:
1)When certain user is online and i change user id (via options page) to check another one, it doesnt happen because it waits 45 or less minutes. i tried the following code (in options.html), but it doesnt help.
2)When i change users, image output doesnt work correctly!! It outputs image of previous user!!
How do i fix these problems??
onload = function() {
if ({
document.getElementById("identifier").value =;
else {
var el = document.createElement("div");
el.innerHTML = "Enter ID!!";
function onch(){ = document.getElementById("identifier").value;
var bg = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();
<form id="options">
<label><input type='text' id ='identifier' value='' onchange="onch()"> Enter ID </label>
<script type="text/javascript">
var domurl = "";
var txt;
var id1;
var id2;
var imgarres = [];
var imgarr = [];
var imgels = [];
function getdata() {
if (id1){clearTimeout(id1);}
if (id2){clearTimeout(id2);}
var url = getUrl();
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET',url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache');
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
txt = xhr.responseText;
var r = txt.indexOf('<b class="fl_r">Online</b>');
var el = document.createElement("div");
el.innerHTML = txt;
var n = imgprocess(el,url);
var nam = el.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].innerHTML;
if (r != -1) {
var notification = webkitNotifications.createNotification(n, nam, 'online!!' );;
var id1 = setTimeout(getdata, 60000*45);
else {
var id2 = setTimeout(getdata, 60000*2);
function imgprocess(text,url){
imgels = text.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
for (var i=0;i< imgels.length;i++){
if (imgels[i].src.indexOf(parse(url)) != -1){
for (var p=0; p< imgarr.length; p++){
if (imgarr[p].parentNode.nodeName=="A"){
var z = imgarres[0].src;
return z;
function getUrl(){
if ({
var ur = domurl +;
return ur;
else {
var notif = webkitNotifications.createNotification(null, 'blah,blah,blah', 'Enter ID in options!!' );;
function init() {
<body onload="init();">
In options instead of clearTimeout(bg.id1); try bg.clearTimeout(bg.id1);
For image problem looks like you never clean imgarres array, only adding elements to it and then taking the first one.
PS. You code is very hard to read, maybe if you made it well formatted and didn't use cryptic variable names you would be able to find bugs easier.
I think I know what the problem is. When you are setting the timeout you are using local scope variable because of var keyword, so your id1 is visible only inside this function and global id1 is still undefined. So instead of:
var id1 = setTimeout(getdata, 60000*45);
id1 = setTimeout(getdata, 60000*45);
Because of this if(bg.id1){} inside options is never executed.
(bg.clearTimeout(bg.id1); should work after that, but it is not needed as you are clearing the timeout inside getdata() anyway)
