Add submit button to jquery search form - javascript

I am trying to add a submit and a clear button to a quicksearch form in flexigrid. At the moment, when a user searches, they have press the enter key (13). So in conjunction with that, I would also like buttons that search and clear. I know I did this before, but cannot find the code after a restore. Many thanks
//add search button
if (p.searchitems) {
$('.pDiv2', g.pDiv).prepend("<div class='pGroup'> <div class='pSearch pButton'><span></span></div> </div> <div class='btnseparator'></div>");
$('.pSearch', g.pDiv).click(function () {
$(g.sDiv).slideToggle('fast', function () {
$('.sDiv:visible input:first', g.gDiv).trigger('focus');
//add search box
g.sDiv.className = 'sDiv';
var sitems = p.searchitems;
var sopt = '', sel = '';
for (var s = 0; s < sitems.length; s++) {
if (p.qtype == '' && sitems[s].isdefault == true) {
p.qtype = sitems[s].name;
sel = 'selected="selected"';
} else {
sel = '';
sopt += "<option value='" + sitems[s].name + "' " + sel + " >" + sitems[s].display + " </option>";
if (p.qtype == '') {
p.qtype = sitems[0].name;
$(g.sDiv).append("<div class='sDiv2'>" + p.findtext +
" <input type='text' value='" + p.query +"' size='30' name='q' class='qsbox' /> "+
" <select name='qtype'>" + sopt + "</select></div>");
//Split into separate selectors because of bug in jQuery 1.3.2
$('input[name=q]', g.sDiv).keydown(function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
$('select[name=qtype]', g.sDiv).keydown(function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
$('input[value=Clear]', g.sDiv).click(function () {
$('input[name=q]', g.sDiv).val('');
p.query = '';

ok you can try something simple like that :
$('.sDiv2').append("<input type='submit' value='submit' name='submit' /><input type='reset' value='reset' name='reset' />");
After you set listeners like you did for the others input


how to get the text of an html input generated by javascript?

I'm having a problem I'm using a numeric keypad that I found in codepen this one
my objective is to store the generated pin in a database but it's a little difficult to do that because I'm taking the generated pin to an input but it looks like this
<input hidden="" id="pin" value="" name="pin">9345</input>
how do i get this generated pin and save it in database
the code is the same as the link
In your html you have this:
<input type="hidden" id="pin" value="9345" name="pin" />
In your Javascript you have this:
let value = document.getElementById('pin').value;
$(function() {
var container = $(".numpad");
var inputCount = 6;
// Generate the input boxes
// Generates the input container
container.append("<div class='inputBoxes' id='in'></div>");
var inputBoxes = $(".inputBoxes");
inputBoxes.append("<form class='led' class='form-group' action='cadastro.php' method='post'></form>");
var led = $(".led");
// Generates the boxes
for(var i = 1; i < inputCount + 1; i++){
led.append("<input type='password' maxlength=1 class='inp' id='" + i + "' />");
led.append("<input type='password' maxlength=12 name='numero' value='93445566' id='numero' />");
led.append("<input type='text' name='te' id='te' placeholder='' />");
led.append("<button id='btn1' type='submit' onclick=''>enviar</button>");
container.append("<div class='numbers' id='inb'><p id='textoo'><span class='bolded'>PIN</span> do serviço MULTICAIXA</p></div>")
var numbers = $(".numbers");
// Generate the numbers
for(var i = 1; i <= 9; i++){
numbers.append("<button class='number' type='button' name='" + i + "' onclick='addNumber(this)'><span class='pin_font'>" + i + "</span></button>");
addNumber = function take(field,vall) {
if (!$("#1").val())
else if (!$("#2").val())
else if (!$("#3").val())
else if (!$("#4").val())
else if (!$("#5").val())
else if (!$("#6").val())
vall = $("#1").val() + $("#2").val() + $("#3").val() + $("#4").val()+ $("#5").val()+ $("#6").val();
document.getElementById("pini").innerHTML = vall;

IE: only shows element when using alert() before/after show

I'm trying to add a simple 'wait box' on a javascript function, like this:
function caricaElenco(indice) {
$("[id*=Wait1_WaitBox]").show(); // Visualizzo 'rotella' caricamento
And it's working good on Firefox, but not on Internet Explorer 11, that's not showing it. The HTML is:
<div id="ctl00_Wait1_WaitBox" class="updateProgress">
Attendere...<br />
<img src="../Images/wait.gif" align="middle" />
The weirdest thing is that I try this, for a simple check:
function caricaElenco(indice) {
$("[id*=Wait1_WaitBox]").show(); // Visualizzo 'rotella' caricamento
And it's working, I mean that it's showing the alert with 'none' and after 'block'... And it's showing the box too! But not without the alert... Why?
Tried with [id*="Wait1_WaitBox"], but it's the same. jQuery version is 1.8.2.
it's working only with the alert
I mean that if I do:
function caricaElenco(indice) {
$("[id*=Wait1_WaitBox]").show(); // Visualizzo 'rotella' caricamento
It's showing the box, but if I do:
function caricaElenco(indice) {
$("[id*=Wait1_WaitBox]").show(); // Visualizzo 'rotella' caricamento
It's not working (I mean not showing the 'wait box', but doing all the other stuff the function has to do in (...) correctly—load a gridview with an AJAX call) on Internet Explorer 11, in Firefox are both working. No JavaScript error.
Almost entire javascript function:
// Fill part of gridView
function loadList(index) {
index = parseInt(index);
buffer = 100; // Number of rows to load
$('[id*="Wait1_WaitBox"]').show(); // Show loading 'wheel'
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: "PageName.aspx/webMethodName",
data: '{id:' + $("[id*=hdnID]").val() + ', index:' + index + '}',
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (response) {
if (index == 0) {
$("[id*=grid] tr:last-child").remove();
var row = "<tr class='" + response.d[index].State + "'>";
row += "<td class="Column1"></td>";
row += "<td class="DateColumn"></td>";
row += "<td class='columnN'></td></tr>";
row = $("[id*=grid] tr:last-child").clone(true);
$("[id*=grid] tr:last-child").remove();
if (index <= response.d.length) {
if (index + buffer > response.d.length)
var stop = response.d.length;
var stop = index + buffer;
for (var i = index; i < stop; i++) {
var j = 0;
$("td", row).eq(j).html("<span id='lblCodeNumber" + i + "' >" + response.d[i].CodeNumber + "</span>"); j++;
var effectDate = new Date(parseInt(response.d[i].effectDate.substr(6)));
$("td", row).eq(j).html(effectDate.getDate() + '/' + (effectDate.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + effectDate.getFullYear()); j++;
var toBeCounted = "";
var checked = "";
if (response.d[i].ToBeCounted != null)
toBeCounted = response.d[i].ToBeCounted .toString();
toBeCounted = "true";
if (toBeCounted == "true")
checked = "checked = 'checked'";
checked = "";
var rdToBeCounted = "<span><input type='radio' class='radio' " + checked + " name='ToBeCounted" + i + "' value='s' id='sToBeCounted" + i + "' />";
rdToBeCounted += "<label for='s" + i + "'>YES</label>";
if (toBeCounted == "false")
checked = "checked = 'checked'";
checked = "";
toBeCounted += "<input type='radio' class='radio' " + checked + " name='ToBeCounted" + i + "' value='n' id='nToBeCounted" + i + "' />";
rdToBeCounted += "<label for='n" + i + "'>NO</label></span>";
$("td", row).eq(j).html(rdToBeCounted);
riga = $("[id*=grid] tr:last-child").clone(true);
if (stop < response.d.length) {
$("[id*=divGrid]").scroll(function (e) {
if (element_in_scroll(".congruenti tbody tr:last")) {
loadList($(".congruenti tbody tr:last td:last").html());
error: function (result) {
alert("Error! " + result.status + " - " + result.statusText);
At the end you seem to be hiding it again $("[id*=Wait1_WaitBox]").hide();.
You need to show what goes in between these two lines.
It works with alert because the execution of the script is frozen until you close the alert (and that final line is not executed yet).

Call saveCell on jqGrid blur

I've made a custom radio button element for jqGrid, and it works fine, but I'm not able to call saveCell method when I click outside the grid.
HTML Code:
{ name : 'radioelement',
index : '1',
editable : true,
edittype: "custom",
editoptions : {custom_element: yesNoRadioElem, custom_value: yesNoRadioValue}
Javascript Code:
function yesNoRadioElem(value, options){
var result = "";
var radioName = "radio_";
if(value == null){
value = false;
result += "<div><label>" + $.pf.locale.yesNoRadioTrue + "</label><input type='radio' name='" + radioName + "' value='True' ";
if (value==="True"){
result += " checked ";
result += "/></div>";
result += "<div><label>" + $.pf.locale.yesNoRadioFalse + "</label><input type='radio' name='" + radioName + "' value='False' ";
if (value==="False"){
result += " checked ";
result += "/></div>";
return result;
function yesNoRadioValue(elem, operation, value){
if (operation === 'get') {
var result = $(elem).find("input:checked");
if (result.length > 0){
return result.val();
return "";
} else if (operation === 'set') {
if ($(elem).is(':checked') === false) {
$(elem).filter('[value=' + value + ']').attr('checked', true);
Is there any way to set up this new element to call saveCell() when I click outside the grid? It's only called when I click on another row.

Counting number of field and limiting to 10

I have some code which uses this to allow to keep the same function code but apply it to different form elements which can be seen on a jsFiddle demo
var maxFields = 10,
currentFields = 1;
$('.form').on('click', '.add', function () {
var value_src = $(this).prev();
var container = $(this).parent().prev();
if ($.trim(value_src.val()) != '') {
if (currentFields < maxFields) {
var value = value_src.val();
var html = '<div class="line">' +
'<input id="accepted" type="text" value="' + value + '" />' +
'<input type="button" value="X" class="remove" />' +
} else {
alert("You tried to add a field when there are already " + maxFields);
} else {
alert("You didn't enter anything");
.on('click', '.remove', function () {
My issue is that I still want to be able to limit each section to only have 10 <inputs>, but at the moment each section shares the counter, so 5 in requirements and 5 in qualifications would trigger the 10 limit.
Is there a nice clean way of keeping the input field counter separate for each section?
What you need to do is store the current number of children for each list in a context sensitive way. There are a couple ways you could structure this (it would be easy using MVC libraries or the likes), but the simplest solution for your code will be to just use the DOM. So instead of using your global currentFields variable, instead use container.children().length to get the number of notes in the list you are currently operating on.
var maxFields = 10;
$('.form').on('click', '.add', function () {
var value_src = $(this).prev();
var container = $(this).parent().prev();
if ($.trim(value_src.val()) != '') {
if (container.children().length < maxFields) {
var value = value_src.val();
var html = '<div class="line">' +
'<input id="accepted" type="text" value="' + value + '" />' +
'<input type="button" value="X" class="remove" />' +
} else {
alert("You tried to add a field when there are already " + maxFields);
} else {
alert("You didn't enter anything");
.on('click', '.remove', function () {
You can add a class to each row like form-row
var html = '<div class="line form-row">' +
'<input id="accepted" type="text" value="' + value + '" />' +
'<input type="button" value="X" class="remove" />' +
and count the length by using
// Use +1 because initially it is 0
You can make use of the placeholder property to identify which button triggered the function.
This string can then be used to access three different counters in an associative array.
var maxFields = 10;
var currentFields = new Object;
$('.form').on('click', '.add', function () {
var value_src = $(this).prev();
var container = $(this).parent().prev();
if ($.trim(value_src.val()) != '') {
var identity = value_src.attr('placeholder');
if(currentFields[identity] == undefined)
currentFields[identity] = 0;
if (currentFields[identity] < maxFields) {
var value = value_src.val();
var html = '<div class="line">' +
'<input id="accepted" type="text" value="' + value + '" />' +
'<input type="button" value="X" class="remove" />' +
} else {
alert("You tried to add a field when there are already " + maxFields);
} else {
alert("You didn't enter anything");
.on('click', '.remove', function () {

Automatically get values of all element inside a div with jQuery

I have a main div and inside of this, there are a lot of input text and radio button.
Like this:
<div id="mainDiv">
<input type="text" name="text-1" /> <br/>
<input type="radio" name="radio-1" />Yes
<input type="radio" name="radio-1" />No <br/>
<input type="text" name="text-2" /> <br/>
<input type="text" name="text-3" /> <br/>
<img src="img/img.gif" onclick="getAllValues();" />
I want to define the function getAllValues() in jQuery to get all values in mainDiv and save them in a string.
It is possible?
To achieve this you can select all the form fields and use map() to create an array from their values, which can be retrieved based on their type. Try this:
function getAllValues() {
var inputValues = $('#mainDiv :input').map(function() {
var type = $(this).prop("type");
// checked radios/checkboxes
if ((type == "checkbox" || type == "radio") && this.checked) {
return $(this).val();
// all other fields, except buttons
else if (type != "button" && type != "submit") {
return $(this).val();
return inputValues.join(',');
The if statement could be joined together here, but I left them separate for clarity.
Try something like that:
function getAllValues() {
var allVal = '';
$("#mainDiv > input").each(function() {
allVal += '&' + $(this).attr('name') + '=' + $(this).val();
Here is solution which is building you a JSON string. It's getting the values of the text fields, check boxes and select elements:
function buildRequestStringData(form) {
var select = form.find('select'),
input = form.find('input'),
requestString = '{';
for (var i = 0; i < select.length; i++) {
requestString += '"' + $(select[i]).attr('name') + '": "' +$(select[i]).val() + '",';
if (select.length > 0) {
requestString = requestString.substring(0, requestString.length - 1);
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
if ($(input[i]).attr('type') !== 'checkbox') {
requestString += '"' + $(input[i]).attr('name') + '":"' + $(input[i]).val() + '",';
} else {
if ($(input[i]).attr('checked')) {
requestString += '"' + $(input[i]).attr('name') +'":"' + $(input[i]).val() +'",';
if (input.length > 0) {
requestString = requestString.substring(0, requestString.length - 1);
requestString += '}';
return requestString;
You can call the function like this:
And the result
