Determine the mouse position inside an iframe, but inclusive of the parent - javascript

I have an iframe inside which i detect a right click and pass the mouse event to a function in the parent. Here, (inside the parent function), i have the logic to display a custom context menu and the context menu html markup is inserted into the parent DOM. Thus is need the mouse position according to the viewport (or the parent DOM), but what i received is relative to the iframe.
I tried using offsetTop and offsetParent, but this iterated only till the body tag of the innerpage.

This is the function I used:
// Define class that will hold Object coordinates
function CTopLeft(i_nTop, i_nLeft) {
this.nTop = i_nTop;
this.nLeft = i_nLeft;
function GetTopLeftFromIframe(i_oElem) {
var cTL = new CTopLeft(0, 0);
var oElem = i_oElem;
var oWindow = window;
do {
cTL.nLeft += oElem.offsetLeft;
cTL.nTop += oElem.offsetTop;
oElem = oElem.offsetParent;
if (oElem == null) { // If we reach top of the ancestor hierarchy
oElem = oWindow.frameElement; // Jump to IFRAME Element hosting the document
oWindow = oWindow.parent; // and switching current window to 1 level up
} while (oElem)
return cTL;
This is from

You can get the top and left by calling the iframe from the parent document. Say your iFrame has the id 'my_iframe' in the parent document:
offset_left = parent.document.getElementById('my_iframe').offsetLeft;
offset_top = parent.document.getElementById('my_iframe').offsetTop;
BUT this will only work if the content in the iFrame belongs to the same origin (same host, port and protocol)!
Edit: also found this similar question on iframe relative mouse position

The Yuriy solution works well until the element is a child of an element with position:absolute and that is scrolled. (I was looking for the element position rather than mouse, but I'm sure you could modify this to work for that too)
My fix :
function iframe_offset(e){
var x=e.getBoundingClientRect().x
e = e.offsetParent
if(e == null){
e = w.frameElement
w = w.parent
x += e.offsetLeft+e.scrollLeft
y += e.offsetTop+e.scrollTop
return {x:x,y:y}

At least now (probably before also), you have a lot of coordinates on the event object (layerX, screenX, etc.) that mean that you might be better to just use one of those sets if you can, to avoid this sort of extra calculation - it simplified things in my use case quite considerably to use screenX/screenY as a base rather than try and calculate, and did the trick.


2 window.parent.onscroll calls on page do not work

I have an HTML page with 2 iframes within it. I want each iframe to display the Y scroll offset of the parent window. One iframe works on page load, the other does not.
The parent HTML page just has the iframe embeds. Here is the code running in the iframe:
function run(){
document.write("<div id='scrollY' style='float:left;'></div><br>");
scrollY = 'no';
document.getElementById("scrollY").innerHTML = scrollY;
window.parent.onscroll = function(){
scrollY = window.parent.pageYOffset;
document.getElementById("scrollY").innerHTML = scrollY;
The result on load and a scroll downwards will display something like:
iframe1 = 100
iframe2 = no
Can I only call window.parent.onscroll once? This doesn't seem right to me.
This is happening because in both frames, window.parent makes reference to the same window object, and you are setting the onscroll property/event on the same object, twice. This means that the second time around you set the window.parent.onscroll property, you're actually overwriting the first attempt to set the event, and you're overwriting it with the second frame's window.document object, which is why it only updates the contents of the elements in the second frame.
To overcome this issue, you can simply just use addEventListener instead of onscroll:
function run() {
document.write("<div id='scrollY' style='float:left;'></div><br>");
scrollY = 'no';
document.getElementById("scrollY").innerHTML = scrollY;
window.parent.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
scrollY = window.parent.pageYOffset;
document.getElementById("scrollY").innerHTML = scrollY;
addEventListener allows you to set multiple events of the same type for the same element, while the .onstuff listeners don't.

Open new window, and scroll to element

I need to open a window after the dom is loaded, and scroll the y position to the element, preferably centered on the screen. I looked on stack overflow and I put something together with the bits i found.
The problem with this is that it's using a timer to see my element is available, and it is really slow - altering the interval time does not effect the speed at all. Also, it does not work in IE and i need it to. thought on this?
linkToComment: function(e){
var link = 'https://****';
var commentId = 21
var w =;
var interval = setInterval(function(){
if ( $(w.document.body).find("div[data-commentoriginalid=" + commentId + "]")) {
scrollTop: ( $(w.document.body).find("div[data-commentoriginalid=" + commentId + "]").offset().top)
}, 500)
Try this instead of the interval:
$(w.document).ready(function () {
scrollTop: ( $(w.document.body).find("div[data-commentoriginalid=" + commentId + "]").offset().top)
but I don't understand why would you make this scroll from the parent window, instead of adding the javascript to the opened window...
Do you have access to the code/source in the child window? If I was doing this, I would add an onload handler in the child window, rather than trying to control it from the parent. If you need to pass in a variable to the child from the parent, you could either use a querystring or a hash parameter.
And then pick that id up in the child window, select the element with that ID and scroll to it.
Remember - the parent window could be closed by the user while the child window is opening meaning the timer would be killed.

JavaScript programatically hover mouse over element

I'm writing a program to automate and manage an online game. I'm using the Awesomium webcontrols to display and manipulate the pages of the game.
There is a point where I need to grab the data that's not shown in the source until the user hovers over a certain element, how can I use javascript (Not jquery please) to hover over it programatically until the data I need becomes available and then grabbed?
I apologise if this has been asked before (Which it has but from the perspective of someone who owns the web page) but I have been searching for hours for a solution and cant find anything.
What I've tried to use but failed is:
function findBpDate(){
return document.getElementsByClassName('text elementText')[0].textContent;
This returns "undefined" when it calls back to my application, I'm certain I'm pointing to the right DOM elements though.
This is what I want the javascript to "hover" on:
<span class="a arrow disabled">Send troops</span>
Once this element has been "hovered" on, this elements text changes to the text I need to grab:
<div class="text elementText">Beginners protection until 20/07/13 07:51 am.</div>
I've shown above what the element looks like when the mouse "hovers" on the element I need it to, however this changes a lot depending on which element the user hovers over while playing the game, from what i gather it's where the source keeps the text for each tooltip in the game.
So I need a function that will hover over a certain element and then while it's hovering, grab the text from the tooltip text/"text elementText" element.
Try WebView.InjectMouseMove(x, y).
Something like
public Point GetElementPosition(dynamic element)
dynamic rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
using (rect)
return new Point(rect.left,;
dynamic element = webView.ExecuteJavascriptWithResult("document.getElementById('id')");
Point pos = GetElementPosition(element);
webView.InjectMouseMove(pos.X, pos.Y);
this is 10x easier with js/dom.
Do this...assuming you can get reference to elements somehow using by Id would have been lot easier.
var elm = document.getElementsByClassName('a arrow disabled')[0];
var txt = document.getElementsByClassName('text elementText')[0];
var evt = new Event('mouseover');
var status = txt.innerText;
(helpfuL stuff down) otherwise you need to capture event, detect who fired it, check if that has this class and tag name. Lot of processing.
var txt,spn,status='';
if (d.tagName=="div" && d.className == 'text elementText'){
var txt = d;
window.onmouseover = function(e) {
var elm =;
if (elm.tagName=="SPAN" && elm.className == 'a arrow disabled') {

Scroll to a particular ID within an iframe while retaining parent page position

I needed to be able to load a particular page in an iframe on demand, so I used a simple wrapper:
function updateFrame(url) {
frames[0].location = url;
Then I was asked to load the page to a particular point, which was non-trivial, since the pages were not within my control and there weren't always <a name> anchors to rely on. So some poking around showed that IDs could be used as anchors.
That is to say, you can scroll to <div id = "somewhere-down-the-line"> with:
except this call also scrolls the entire viewport up so that the above <div> goes to the top and everything in the parent page above it scrolls out of view.
How do I modify updateFrame(url) so that it scrolls the page within the <iframe> but leaves the rest of the page as it is?
This hack worked for me on Firefox 20.0.1/Windows. Essentially, I load the page first, then jump to the target:
function updateFrame(url) {
if (url.indexOf('#') > -1) {
mainPage = url.split('#')[0];
frames[0].location = mainPage;
frames[0].location = url;
I would like to be able to use this in other browsers as well. I have been trying to get it to work in Chrome. Maybe I'll even try Internet Explorer...
If a hack is ok, and what you're looking for is cross-browser try using scrollTop to reset where you were.
E.g. if it is the body that scrolls
function updateFrame(url) {
//save where you were
var oldScroll = document.body.scrollTop;
//this moves our body!
frames[0].location = url;
//move it back
document.body.scrollTop = oldScroll;
Of course if it doesn't actually scrolls the entire viewport and instead modifies a parent div or something, the scrollTop property will be on that element too.
Let me know if this works, but screws up the scrolling on the frame, because I can modify this to account for a difference between the two scrollTops
You could try turning the bolts yourself by detecting the height of the element you want, and forcing the scrollTop of the frame.
function updateFrame(url) {
//get the parts
var parts = url.split('#');
//go to the url
frames[0].location = parts[0];
//if there was an anchor
var anchor;
if (parts.length > 0 && parts[1].length > 0) {
//may want to account for a[name="PARTS[1]"] too
anchor = frames[0].document.getElementById(parts[1]);
//set the scroll of it yourself, using some sort of library to get "fullTop"
frames[0].document.body.scrollTop = anchor.fullTop();
Where "fullTop" is equivalent to the distance between the top of the iframe, and the element.
Like jQuery's .offset() or YUI's getXY(el).[1]
What worked for me on Firefox 20.0.1/Windows. Essentially, I load the page first, then jump to the target:
function updateFrame(url) {
if (url.indexOf('#') > -1) {
mainPage = url.split('#')[0];
frames[0].location = mainPage;
frames[0].location = url;
On Chrome 28.0/Windows, calling updateFrame(url) followed by setting document.body.scrollTop = 0 (thanks to this answer) had the desired effect, though only in the console. I am still testing on other browsers; a more elegant solution is always appreciated :)
As mentioned in the question, though, I would like to be able to use this in other browsers as well. Maybe I'll even try Internet Explorer...

Accessing certain value from iframe and using it in parent page Javascript

Inside my iframe i have a dial that spits out angle when the needle moves. Instead of getting both dial and needle both inside frame, is it possible to show the angle value somewhere else in my parent page outside the iframe. This is the code i have.
function showIframeContent(id) {
var iframe = document.getElementById(id);
try {
var doc = (iframe.contentDocument)? window.frames[clkwise1].document.getElementId("demo").value;
catch(e) {
return false;
The standard and cross-browser way to access the content of an iframe is:
I would expect this to work in your case:
(I'd need to see the page itself to confirm it - for example I assume "demo" is an input element. Also, note your typo in getElementById)
Live demo:
