I have one file css_browser_selector.js file in sites/all/js and the code of that file is as given below:
function css_browser_selector(u){var ua=u.toLowerCase(),is=function(t){return ua.indexOf(t)>-1},g='gecko',w='webkit',s='safari',o='opera',m='mobile',h=document.documentElement,b=[(!(/opera|webtv/i.test(ua))&&/msie\s(\d)/.test(ua))?('ie ie'+RegExp.$1):is('firefox/2')?g+' ff2':is('firefox/3.5')?g+' ff3 ff3_5':is('firefox/3.6')?g+' ff3 ff3_6':is('firefox/3')?g+' ff3':is('gecko/')?g:is('opera')?o+(/version/(\d+)/.test(ua)?' '+o+RegExp.$1:(/opera(\s|/)(\d+)/.test(ua)?' '+o+RegExp.$2:'')):is('konqueror')?'konqueror':is('blackberry')?m+' blackberry':is('android')?m+' android':is('chrome')?w+' chrome':is('iron')?w+' iron':is('applewebkit/')?w+' '+s+(/version/(\d+)/.test(ua)?' '+s+RegExp.$1:''):is('mozilla/')?g:'',is('j2me')?m+' j2me':is('iphone')?m+' iphone':is('ipod')?m+' ipod':is('ipad')?m+' ipad':is('mac')?'mac':is('darwin')?'mac':is('webtv')?'webtv':is('win')?'win'+(is('windows nt 6.0')?' vista':''):is('freebsd')?'freebsd':(is('x11')||is('linux'))?'linux':'','js']; c = b.join(' '); h.className += ' '+c; return c;}; css_browser_selector(navigator.userAgent);
I have applied different css on different browsers using class of that browser from the code written above.The code is working for every browser but its not working on IE6,IE7.There are two default files of ie6 and ie7 in drupal 6 but these files are also not working.I dont know how to make changes in IE browser.Your help willbe appreciated.
Thankz in advance.
I guess that you have lots of css duplication in that. I bet that only IE dosn't work and css is for rest is common (if you want anyone to read you code, don't paste its inline/minified version).
Check out this, that's how most people do it.
If you want really different CSS on each browser paste you JS's code redable verion or use this http://www.webdevout.net/css-hacks#conditional_comments-css_hack in combination with your solution to do it in ugly way.
Use this module http://drupal.org/project/conditional_styles
It's pretty straight forward how to do it just enable to module, add this line to your theme .info file
stylesheets-conditional[IE 7][all][] = ie7.css
then add the file ie7.css to your theme.
Is it possible to use Javascript inside CSS?
If it is, can you give a simple example?
IE and Firefox both contain ways to execute JavaScript from CSS. As Paolo mentions, one way in IE is the expression technique, but there's also the more obscure HTC behavior, in which a seperate XML that contains your script is loaded via CSS. A similar technique for Firefox exists, using XBL. These techniques don't exectue JavaScript from CSS directly, but the effect is the same.
HTC with IE
Use a CSS rule like so:
body {
and within that script.htc file have something like:
<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="ondocumentready" ONEVENT="main()" LITERALCONTENT="false"/>
function main()
alert("HTC script executed.");
The HTC file executes the main() function on the event ondocumentready (referring to the HTC document's readiness.)
XBL with Firefox
Firefox supports a similar XML-script-executing hack, using XBL.
Use a CSS rule like so:
body {
-moz-binding: url(script.xml#mycode);
and within your script.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<bindings xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<binding id="mycode">
alert("XBL script executed.");
All of the code within the constructor tag will be executed (a good idea to wrap code in a CDATA section.)
In both techniques, the code doesn't execute unless the CSS selector matches an element within the document. By using something like body, it will execute immediately on page load.
I think what you may be thinking of is expressions or "dynamic properties", which are only supported by IE and let you set a property to the result of a javascript expression. Example:
width:expression(document.body.clientWidth > 800? "800px": "auto" );
This code makes IE emulate the max-width property it doesn't support.
All things considered, however, avoid using these. They are a bad, bad thing.
To facilitate potentially solving your problem given the information you've provided, I'm going to assume you're seeking dynamic CSS. If this is the case, you can use a server-side scripting language to do so. For example (and I absolutely love doing things like this):
margin: 0px;
font-family: Verdana;
background-color: #cccccc;
background-image: url('<?php
echo 'images/flag_bg/' . $user_country . '.png';
This would set the background image to whatever was stored in the $user_country variable. This is only one example of dynamic CSS; there are virtually limitless possibilities when combining CSS and server-side code. Another case would be doing something like allowing the user to create a custom theme, storing it in a database, and then using PHP to set various properties, like so:
background-color: <?php echo $user_theme['BG_COLOR']; ?>;
color: <?php echo $user_theme['COLOR']; ?>;
font-family: <?php echo $user_theme['FONT']; ?>;
font-size: <?php echo $user_theme['FONT_SIZE']; ?>;
background-image: <?php echo $user_theme['PANEL_BG']; ?>;
Once again, though, this is merely an off-the-top-of-the-head example; harnessing the power of dynamic CSS via server-side scripting can lead to some pretty incredible stuff.
Not in any conventional sense of the phrase "inside CSS."
IE supports CSS expressions:
width:expression(document.body.clientWidth > 955 ? "955px": "100%" );
but they are not standard and are not portable across browsers. Avoid them if possible. They are deprecated since IE8.
I ran into a similar problem and have developed two standalone tools to accomplish this:
CjsSS.js is a Vanilla Javascript tool (so no external dependencies) that supports back to IE6.
ngCss is an Angular Module+Filter+Factory (aka: plugin) that supports Angular 1.2+ (so back to IE8)
Both of these tool sets allow you to do this in a STYLE tag or within an external *.css file:
/*<script src='some.js'></script>
var mainColor = "#cccccc";
color: /*{{mainColor}}*/;
And this in your on-page style attributes:
<div style="color: {{mainColor}}" cjsss="#sourceCSS">blah</div>
<div style="color: {{mainColor}}" ng-css="sourceCSS">blah</div>
NOTE: In ngCss, you could also do $scope.mainColor in place of var mainColor
By default, the Javascript is executed in a sandboxed IFRAME, but since you author your own CSS and host it on your own server (just like your *.js files) then XSS isn't an issue. But the sandbox provides that much more security and peace of mind.
CjsSS.js and ngCss fall somewhere in-between the other tools around to accomplish similar tasks:
LESS, SASS and Stylus are all Preprocessors only and require you to learn a new language and mangle your CSS. Basically they extended CSS with new language features. All are also limited to plugins developed for each platform while CjsSS.js and ngCss both allow you to include any Javascript library via <script src='blah.js'></script> straight in your CSS!
AbsurdJS saw the same problems and went the exact opposite direction of the Preprocessors above; rather than extending CSS, AbsurdJS created a Javascript library to generate CSS.
CjsSS.js and ngCss took the middle ground; you already know CSS, you already know Javascript, so just let them work together in a simple, intuitive way.
This turns out to be a very interesting question. With over a hundred properties being set, you'd think that you'd be allowed to type
.clickable { onclick : "alert('hi!');" ; }
in your CSS, and it'd work. It's intuitive, it makes so much sense. This would be amazingly useful in monkey-patching dynamically-generated massive UIs.
The problem:
The CSS police, in their infinite wisdom, have drawn a Chinese wall between presentation and behavior. Any HTML properly labeled on-whatever is intentionally not supported by CSS. (Full Properties Table)
The best way around this is to use jQuery, which sets up an interpreted engine in the background to execute what you were trying to do with the CSS anyway. See this page:
Add Javascript Onclick To .css File.
Good luck.
I'm making a Javascript library that comes with a CSS file. I would like for the JS to check the CSS file version.
My best idea is CSS like this
body { someproperty: "v1.3.1"; }
and then you can have JS code like this
But I'm having a hard time finding the perfect property. Is there some semi obsolete one that takes an arbitrary string or number?
Any other ideas?
#Niet the Dark Absolless gave the perfect answer to my question, but I ended up handling my CSS purely in JS:
This gives me one single file to distribute, which can never get out of sync with itself. Good Times!
Actually, there is. Sort of.
body {content:"Hello, world!";}
Because it's not a psuedo-elment, it has no effect.
But if you then do:
... Close enough! -- Just need to strip the quotes from the start and end ;)
Create a javascript file which defines the version and then load the stylesheet via javascript. Include the javascript file instead of the CSS file:
function getVersion()
return '1.0';
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="test.css" type="text/css"/>');
I am trying to create and then style a document fragment, but am having quite a bit of difficulty. Ironically, IE is not my problem!
I have this:
var newDom = document.createDocumentFragment();
if (newDom.childNodes[0].styleSheet){
newDom.childNodes[0].styleSheet.cssText = "div{color:red;}";
alert(window.getComputedStyle(newDom.childNodes[1], null).color);
...which alerts "red" in IE7/8/9, but "rgb(0,0,0)" in FF3.0/4/10. And, yes, I will need to know what styles are applied, so I will need to read from getComputedStyle in FF (or use some other method, so long as it's reliable).
What am I doing wrong? Is this possible? (I would think/hope so...)
I've tried lots of things - like "newDom.styleSheets", which exists in IE but not FF - to no avail.
Please help - Thanks! :D
Reading on the web, it seems that the right syntax to change the CSS using Javascript is:
obj.style.cssText = 'something';
Anyway, this doesn't seem to solve the problem. I would suggest you to read this article, that might help you: http://www.phpied.com/the-new-game-show-will-it-reflow/.
I would also suggest to change the approach and put your CSS code in a pre-existing CSS stylesheet, associated with a class like .red-color, and then just the class to the newly created div, with setAttribute('class', 'red-color'). Another alternative would be to set the style inline, always with the same function: setAttribute('style', 'color: red').
I'm using jquery.watermark for adding watermarks for html form inputs. I love it, really easy to use as a developer and makes the site easier to use for visitors. Problem is, for some browsers, people are submitting forms with fields that are supposed to be left empty... but they get submitted with the watermark text! That is an absolute dealbreaker problem and I'm going to have to stop using this watermark unfortunately because of it.
Are there any other mechanisms which do not exhibit this behavior, at least not in any modern browser (including IE6+)? I prefer jQuery, but any mechanism will do. I assume javascript is necessary..
UPDATE: I think I'm going to go with jq-watermark, unless there are better mechanisms someone knows about or there's something wrong with this? It looks great:
supports individualized css
supports html5's placeholder attribute as a fallback mechanism, which I was unaware of
uses a mechanism which doesn't allow for submitting watermarks to the server
has an elegant feel which fades the watermark with focus and only removes when entering text
UPDATE 2: Unfortunately, looks like the jq-watermark plugin doesn't actually work well at all... at least not for me and I have a pretty standard setup. Maybe there's a conflict with other javascript, but I doubt it. I really like their feature set, particularly the html5 fallback. In fact, I like the html5 fallback so much that I'm tempted to just forget about a javascript mechanism for this and only have this for html5 browsers. But not even firefox has this html5 feature yet, only safari and chrome as far as I can see :(. That's only 10% or so of my visitors...
UPDATE 3: I've finally been able to get jq-watermark to work well. I've had to add some CSS rules to its classes and adopt some html conventions (like using a div container instead of setting the width on an input element). The reason the html5 fallback mechanism wasn't working and I was experiencing weird behavior was that you can't rely on the automatic application of jq-watermark to all elements with the class jq_watermark, in fact it's harmful to have any elements with that class if you want to use the placeholder attribute. Instead you have to call $(selectors).watermark('placeholder text', {fallback:true});. Kind of sucks because you have to duplicate the placeholder text in that call and on the placeholder attribute. But, of course, you can use jQuery's .each() to read that attribute. Also, on firefox, the fading upon focus looks somewhat bad... but Firefox 4 will have placeholder html5 support, so I'm not too worried. The font changes a little as well frequently when focusing on an input element.
A bit disappointing having wasted a good few hours testing all the solutions out there and having a pretty poor choice for such a simple mechanism. jq-watermark, after tweaking it and your html, is probably the best solution there is.
I built a really simple jQuery plugin for this sort thing, it isn't that difficult. This uses the title attribute for the placeholder text but that is pretty easy to change.
(function($) {
$.fn.egText = function(options) {
options = $.extend({ }, $.fn.egText.defaults, options || { });
var $all = this;
$all.focus(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.data(options.dataKey, 'yes').removeClass(options.egClass).val('');
.blur(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if($this.val() == '')
$this.data(options.dataKey, 'yes');
$.unique($all.closest('form')).submit(function() {
$all.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
return true;
$.fn.egText.defaults = {
dataKey: 'egText', // The key we use for storing our state with .data(), just in case there are conflicts...
egClass: 'lolite' // The CSS class to add to the <input> when we're displaying the example text.
You're welcome to use this if it does what you need. I don't know if it works in IE6 but it does work in the latest Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, IE7, and IE8.
This jQuery Watermark plugin does not alter the value of the input fields. So you should be safe using it.
I'm working on a Javascript-based replacement for a Flash applet. The site is having rendering problems only in IE, where it exhibits a behavior that has me at wit's end.
http://janetalasher.com/new/content/portfolio/artcloth/ (This is the page)
What does IE do that's so strange (in this case only)? If you look in Firefox, you'll see a table of images on the right which has the thumbnails. IE6 and IE7 don't show this... unless you are in print preview. It's not a CSS glitch - I've disabled all stylesheets and the error still occurs. I'd provide more relevant source code, but I don't even know where the problem is. The .js files that I suspect (if it's any help) are:
Okay - update: It is definitely rendering properly in print preview mode only. Can someone please explain to me in what world this happens? The div is present in the normal mode, but the table won't render. Using the IE developer toolbar confirms it and all the cells are present.
Try adding semi-colons here:
function loadGallery(xml)
thumbpath = $(xml).find("thumbpath").attr('dir') // add here
imagepath = $(xml).find("imagepath").attr('dir') // here
detailpath = $(xml).find("detailpath").attr('dir') // and here
cSheet = contactSheet(xml);
Also, on this line:
jQuery.get('/new/content/portfolio/artcloth/gallery.xml' , 'xml' , function(data) { loadGallery(data); } ) // missing one here too
Actually, your Javascript files are missing semi-colons on the end too. Make sure you go through each file and add one to the end of each line.
Javascript does not actually require them, but for the sake of sanity and knowing exactly what your code is going it is a good idea to put them in. For example:
Can become:
Which returns nothing at all, not exactly the desired effect.
According to Microsoft Script Editor, there's an error inside jQuery caused by this line:
$('#lower').css('padding-left' , paddingLeft - (lowerRightProtrusion < 0 ? 0 : lowerRightProtrusion) + "px");
Since lowerRightProtrusion is NaN, and NaN < 0 calculates to false, you're actually setting padding-left to "NaNpx". Does not compute ;)
See my previous answer for info about MS Script Editor:
Using the IE8 'Developer Tools' to debug earlier IE versions
It would seem that IE is not picking up the styles. If I open the page in chrome, the "float:left" style appears on the description div. however, in IE this is not the case.
You currently have your includes in a div in the body of the document. If it is possible try moving these into the head. I'm talking about the link and script tags directly descendant of div id="pageHead".
(I am using IE6 and the developer toolbar to get this information)
In /common/css/generic.css:
m\argin-left:94px; <------ not sure if that would cause this, but thought i would point it out