First of all, I've also tried with Google Map APi zoom bar not showing, but with no success at all, so I'll tell you my problem. Ok, the code is as follows:
var datos = '<%=coorNom%>';
var origen='<%=origen%>';
var vAPIKey = '<%=APIKey%>';
var vLangmap = '<%=langmap%>';
var mapcoords;
$(document).ready(function() {
var script = document.createElement("script");
var gurl = "" + vAPIKey + "&oe=UTF8&ie=UTF8&hl=" + vLangmap;
script.src = gurl;
// Se utiliza esta función para no tener que cargar cada vez el api desde google maps y ya tenerlo descargado en el cliente
function loadMapscoord(){
setTimeout("google.load('maps', '2.x', {'callback':initMapcoord});", 100);
function initMapcoord(){
mapcoords = new google.maps.Map2(document.getElementById("mapa"));
var mapControl = new google.maps.MapTypeControl();
var zoomControl = new google.maps.LargeMapControl();
// Tenemos que esperar a cargar el mapa para ocultar la capa y mostrar la info.
if (origen == "info"){
parent.cuerpo(origen, 'localizacion');
function initializeCoords() {
mapcoords.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(0,0),0);
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
var markers = new Array(); //Array de marcadores
//Obtenemos la estructura de datos
var numcoords = datos.split('|');
for (var x = 0; x < numcoords.length-1; x++){
var coord = numcoords[x].split('#')[0];
var lat = coord.split('**')[0];
var lon = coord.split('**')[1];
if ((lat != undefined) && (lat != '') && (lon != undefined) && (lon != '')){
markers.push({latlng: new google.maps.LatLng( parseFloat( lat ), parseFloat( lon ) ), name: numcoords[x].split('#')[1]} );
//creamos los distintos marcadores y los asociamos al mapa
for (var z in markers){
marker = createMarker(markers[z]);
//Calculamos el centro y zoom adecuados para el mapcoords
for (var i in markers){
mapcoords.setCenter(bounds.getCenter(), mapcoords.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds) - 7);
if (origen == "imprimir"){
The problem is that I've got the map, everything works fine, but I haven't got the zoom control slider, and I need it. You can see the line with var zoomControl = new google.maps.LargeMapControl();, and I understand it should work, and show the slider, but "au contrair", the two button, for zoom in and out, are together, with no slider between them.
Please..., can anybody tell me how to fix it? or what am I doing wrong?
Thanks a lot in advance.
this code is from a cart of a music store I have made. The problem is that I need to check if the quantity I choose in the cart is in available in the stock. It works but if the user changes the quantity in the input number, the button pagar(pay) doesnt work. If I reaload the page it works but I need to do it without reload. The code:
$("#pagar").click(function() {
var tt_precio = $("#t_compra").text();
//solo cojo el precio tt y le quito el €;
var tt_precio = tt_precio.split(" ")[4];
var tt_precio = tt_precio.slice(0, -1);
var precios = [];
var fecha = new Date();
var date =
fecha.getFullYear() +
"/" +
Number(fecha.getMonth() + 1) +
"/" +
$("[id*=precios]").each(function() {
var p = $(this)
.slice(0, -1);
var cantidades = [];
$("[type = number]").each(function() {
var referencias = [];
$("[id*=referencias]").each(function() {
var nombres = [];
$("[id*=nombres]").each(function() {
var datos = {
precios: JSON.stringify(precios),
cantidades: JSON.stringify(cantidades),
referencias: JSON.stringify(referencias),
nombres: JSON.stringify(nombres),
tt_precio: tt_precio,
fecha: date
type: "post",
data: datos,
url: "compra.php",
success: function(vuelta) {
window.location.href = "/AccesoDatos/index.php";
//cambiar precios
$("input").change(function() {
var valor = $(this).val();
var id = $(this).attr("id");
//para eliminar el simbolo del €
var precio = $("#precios" + id)
.slice(0, -1);
var datos = {
cantidad: valor,
referencia: id,
precio: precio
type: "post",
data: datos,
url: "modificarCantidades.php",
success: function(datos) {
if (datos == -1) {
$("#span" + id).html("No hay suficientes unidades");
} else {
if (datos == 0) {
$("#fila" + id).remove();
} else {
$("#span" + id).html("");
var precio = $("#precios" + id)
.slice(0, -1);
var cantidad = datos;
var total = precio * cantidad;
$("#total" + id).text(total + "€");
var total_precio = 0;
var total_Cantidad = 0;
// coge todos los elementos que contienen en el id la palabra total y suma su valor
$("[id*=total]").each(function() {
var p = Number(
.slice(0, -1)
total_precio += p;
//coge los inputs number para sumarlos
$("[type = number]").each(function() {
var c = Number($(this).val());
total_Cantidad += c;
//meto los valores nuevos en su sitio; --> en ajax hay que modificar el array de sesiones.
"<strong>Total productos:</strong>" + total_Cantidad + "UDS"
"<strong>Total de la compra:</strong>" + total_precio + "€"
It work clicking a button the first one and changing some input type="number", the problem is that if I use the onChange function, then I need to pay the updated cart but it is not posible because the button pay function doesn't work, I dont know why, I've tested whit an alert() at the top of the function, just below the call and it works but doesnt happend from there.
Change the below function:
$("input").change(function() {
For input field types change trigger function should not be used, try changing it with keyup function with 5 sec delay.
That might can help you out.
I have done something similar to this while you can use after doing some changes into it according to your need:-
//setup before functions
var typingTimer; //timer identifier
var doneTypingInterval = 2000; //time in ms, 5 second for example
var $input = $('#user_name');
//on keyup, start the countdown
$input.on('keyup', function () {
typingTimer = setTimeout(doneTyping, doneTypingInterval);
//on keydown, clear the countdown
$input.on('keydown', function () {
I've solved it, the problem was that the variable tt_precio was not set, when I click the button it does nothing because I dont update that value
I just don't understand where the problem is,
must be super simple but this does not work.
Sorry for the newbee question.
function GoGetData() {
var ss =
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('List des dossiers du Folder') // Sheet=liste des dossiers
for(var i=1; i>3; i++)
var IdShpread = sheet.getRange(i,2,1,1); // va prender l,adresse de La sheet
var source = SpreadsheetApp.openById(IdShpread); // open la sheet avec les data
var sourcesheet = source.getSheetByName('regroup');
var targetsheet = source.getSheetByName('worksheet');
// Copy de l'ensemble de la Sheet
var rangeValues = sourcesheet.getRange("A1:L1000").copyTo(targetsheet.getRange("A1:L1000"), {contentsOnly: true});
//pour copier seulement certaines parties a netraliser apres
//var rangeValues = sourcesheet.getRange("D7:K7").copyTo(targetsheet.getRange("D7:K7"), {contentsOnly: true});
To retrieve the sheet Ids, which are located in the cells of your range, you need to use the method getValue(). Modify your script as following:
function GoGetData() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1tyfIzGNDZr4JK9kYwABDMLBvK7B3jJ4r2wQfMOIPd3I");
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('List des dossiers du Folder') // Sheet=liste des dossiers
for(var i=1; i<=3; i++) {
var IdShpread = sheet.getRange(i,2,1,1).getValue(); // va prender l,adresse de La sheet
var source = SpreadsheetApp.openById(IdShpread); // open la sheet avec les data
var sourcesheet = source.getSheetByName('regroup');
var targetsheet = source.getSheetByName('worksheet');
sourcesheet.getRange("A1:L1000").copyTo(targetsheet.getRange("A1:L1000"), {contentsOnly: true});
Try this:
function GoGetData() {
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.openById("1tyfIzGNDZr4JK9kYwABDMLBvK7B3jJ4r2wQfMOIPd3I");
var sh=ss.getSheetByName('List des dossiers du Folder');
for(var i=1;i<3;i++) {
var IdShpread=sh.getRange(i,2,1,1);
var source=SpreadsheetApp.openById(IdShpread);
var sourcesheet=source.getSheetByName('regroup');
var targetsheet=source.getSheetByName('worksheet');
sourcesheet.getRange("A1:L1000").copyTo(targetsheet.getRange("A1:L1000"), {contentsOnly: true});
I'm newbie programming in JavaScript and I have some problems with an array:
When I do a data exchange between an array and another position to position in a loop, all the positions of the array are converted to the same value. That is, the array positions are the same as the last added object.
I leave the code to help me to know what is happening:
.controller("UserAndEditLanguagePanel", function (usersFactory, userLanguagesFactory, LanguageFactory) {
var vm = this;
vm.userSesion = {};
var objAux = {};
objAux.langname = "";
objAux.level = "";
vm.lenguajesUsuario = new Array();
vm.funciones = {
cargarPerfil: function () {
usersFactory.obtenerUsuarioSesion().then(function (respuesta) {
vm.userSesion.idu = respuesta.idu;
vm.userSesion.username = respuesta.username; =;
console.log("Se han obtenido los datos de usuario de la sesión correctamente. Respuesta: ", respuesta);
userLanguagesFactory.obtenerLenguagesUsuarios().then(function (lenguajesUsuarios) {
console.log("Se han obtenidos los datos de los lenguajes de los usuarios. Respuesta: ", lenguajesUsuarios);
LanguageFactory.obtenerLenguajes().then(function (listaLenguajes) {
console.log("Se han traido los datos de los lenguajes. Respuesta: ", listaLenguajes);
for (var i = 0; i < lenguajesUsuarios.length; i++) {
if (lenguajesUsuarios[i].idu == vm.userSesion.idu) {
objAux.langname = listaLenguajes[lenguajesUsuarios[i].idl].langname;
objAux.level = lenguajesUsuarios[i].level;
Thank you very much in advance!
Need to initialise the object of objAux inside for loop and and dont crete and initialise the same object before the for loop it will work and fine.
.controller("UserAndEditLanguagePanel", function (usersFactory, userLanguagesFactory, LanguageFactory) {
var vm = this;
vm.userSesion = {};
//comment to below object creation and initialisation of object "objAux "
/*var objAux = {};
objAux.langname = "";
objAux.level = "";*/
vm.lenguajesUsuario = new Array();
vm.funciones = {
cargarPerfil: function () {
usersFactory.obtenerUsuarioSesion().then(function (respuesta) {
vm.userSesion.idu = respuesta.idu;
vm.userSesion.username = respuesta.username; =;
console.log("Se han obtenido los datos de usuario de la sesión correctamente. Respuesta: ", respuesta);
userLanguagesFactory.obtenerLenguagesUsuarios().then(function (lenguajesUsuarios) {
console.log("Se han obtenidos los datos de los lenguajes de los usuarios. Respuesta: ", lenguajesUsuarios);
LanguageFactory.obtenerLenguajes().then(function (listaLenguajes) {
console.log("Se han traido los datos de los lenguajes. Respuesta: ", listaLenguajes);
for (var i = 0; i < lenguajesUsuarios.length; i++) {
if (lenguajesUsuarios[i].idu == vm.userSesion.idu) {
var objAux = {
objAux.langname = listaLenguajes[lenguajesUsuarios[i].idl].langname;
objAux.level = lenguajesUsuarios[i].level;
I intend to run my script on Google sheet
What I'm doing is to restore the values of the cells, and use an if statement to compare an identifier cell with another userid cell.
If they are different, I want to eliminate that entire row, if they are equal I want to leaving the entire row as it is.
I get the error:
You can not convert CjwKEAjwiYG9BRCkgK-G45S323oSJABnykKAhI-
My code:
function myFunction() {
function Lento() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet();
var rows = sheet.getDataRange();
var values = rows.getValues();
var numCols = rows.getNumColumns();
var numRows = rows.getNumRows();
for (var r=1; r<values.length; r++) {
var row = values[r],
identificador = row[0],
palabraclave = row[1],
ciudad = row[2],
fecha = row[4],
pais = row[5],
idusuario = row[6],
nombre = row[7],
email = row[8],
telefono = row[9],
mensaje = row[10],
urllanding = row[11],
fechausuario = row[12];
if (row[0] !== row[6]) {
I think your problem is with spreadsheet.deleteRow(row). First, you want to delete the row on this particular sheet, so it should be sheet.deleteRow(...). The other problem is that deleteRow expects an integer as an argument, but you've provided row, which is an array. To delete the row, you want to do
because r is the integer linked to the position in the array, not row. See the documentation on deleteRow(rowPosition):
Now I have the solution to what I do.
as well as it gives errors since the comprovación of the array is null therefore not work , the code would look like .
function myFunction() {
function Lento() {
var h1 = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Hoja 1');
var h2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Hoja 2');
var rowsh1 = h1.getDataRange();
var valuesh1 = rowsh1.getValues();
var numColsh1 = rowsh1.getNumColumns();
var numRowsh1 = rowsh1.getNumRows();
var rowsh2 = h2.getDataRange();
var valuesh2 = rowsh2.getValues();
var numColsh2 = rowsh2.getNumColumns();
var numRowsh2 = rowsh2.getNumRows();
var idusuario = [];
var identificador = [];
//recorremos fila a fila y cogemos los datos de la hoja1
for (var r = 1; r < valuesh2.length; r++) {
var rowh2 = valuesh2[r],
nombre = rowh2[1],
email = rowh2[2],
telefono = rowh2[3],
mensaje = rowh2[4],
urllanding = rowh2[5],
fechausuario = rowh2[6];
idusuario[r] = rowh2[0]; //Guardamos los gclid del usuario en un array
//recorremos fila a fila y cogemos los datos de la hoja2
for (var r = 1; r < valuesh1.length; r++) {
var rowh1 = valuesh1[r],
palabraclave = rowh1[1],
ciudad = rowh1[2],
fecha = rowh1[4],
pais = rowh1[5];
identificador[r] = rowh1[0]; //Guardamos los gclid en un array
for (var i = identificador.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var encontrado = false;
for (var y = 1; y < idusuario.length; y++) {
if (identificador[i] == null || idusuario[y] == null) continue;
if (identificador[i] == idusuario[y]) {
encontrado = true;
if (!encontrado) {
h1.deleteRow(i + 1);
im using JSON to parse some data from MYSQL, but in order to bring all the information in just one call i´m tring to stored everything in JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS(works fine), the problem is i don`t know how can i use with JQUERY to fill in some divs and integrated the info of the objects with different functions. this is how i worked:
function PlatoBD(nombreplato , descripcion, caloriasTortilla, precio, ingredientes)
this.nombreplato = nombreplato;
this.descripcion = descripcion;
this.caloriasTortilla = caloriasTortilla;
this.precio = precio;
this.ingredientes = function(adiciones , NomPlato){
peticionBD(adiciones , NomPlato);
function AdicionBD(nombreAdicion , calXplato, tipoAdicion)
this.nombreAdicion = nombreAdicion;
this.calXplato = calXplato;
this.tipoAdicion = tipoAdicion;
function peticionBD(peticionBDJSON,NomPlato){
{"peticionBD" :peticionBDJSON }
function(data) {
var infophpData = $.parseJSON(data);
if (peticionBDJSON == "menuElpaso") {
ingred = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < infophpData.length; i++) {
window["plato_"+infophpData[i]["plato"].replace(' ','_')] = new PlatoBD(infophpData[i]["plato"] , infophpData[i]["descripcion"] , infophpData[i]["caloriasTortilla"] , infophpData[i]["precio"]);
window["plato_"+infophpData[i]["plato"].replace(' ','_')].ingredientes("adiciones",infophpData[i]["plato"].replace(' ',''))
if (peticionBDJSON == "adiciones") {
else if (NomPlato =="Burritoveggy")
for (var i = 0; i < infophpData.length; i++) {
window["adicionesPara"+NomPlato+"De"+infophpData[i]["adicion"].replace(" ","_")] = new AdicionBD(infophpData[i]["adicion"] , infophpData[i][NomPlato], infophpData[i]["tipoAdicion"]);
else if (NomPlato =="Quesadilla")
for (var i = 0; i < infophpData.length; i++) {
window["adicionesPara"+NomPlato+"De"+infophpData[i]["adicion"].replace(" ","_")] = new AdicionBD(infophpData[i]["adicion"] , infophpData[i][NomPlato], infophpData[i]["tipoAdicion"]);
alert('Error al ejecutar la petición');
the response result is(
PlatoBD {nombreplato: "Almuerzo", descripcion: "Sopa + elecciones + gaseosa", caloriasTortilla: "250", precio: "14.000", ingredientes: function}
Use jQuery.parseJSON(string_object)