How to find index of object in a JavaScript array with jQuery - javascript

I am trying to find the index of an object in an array in jquery.
I cannot use jQuery.inArray because i want to match objects on a certain property.
I am using:
jQuery.inObjectArray = function(arr, func)
for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++)
return i;
return -1;
and then calling:
jQuery.inObjectArray([{Foo:"Bar"}], function(item){return item.Foo == "Bar"})
Is there a built in way?

Not sure why each() doesn't work for you:
function check(arr, closure)
$.each(arr,function(idx, val){
// Note, two options are presented below. You only need one.
// Return idx instead of val (in either case) if you want the index
// instead of the value.
// option 1. Just check it inline.
if (val['Foo'] == 'Bar') return val;
// option 2. Run the closure:
if (closure(val)) return val;
return -1;
Additional example for Op comments.
Array.prototype.UContains = function(closure)
var i, pLen = this.length;
for (i = 0; i < pLen; i++)
if (closure(this[i])) { return i; }
return -1;
// usage:
// var closure = function(itm) { return itm.Foo == 'bar'; };
// var index = [{'Foo':'Bar'}].UContains(closure);
Ok, my first example IS HORKED. Pointed out to me after some 6 months and multiple upvotes. : )
Properly, check() should look like this:
function check(arr, closure)
var retVal = false; // Set up return value.
$.each(arr,function(idx, val){
// Note, two options are presented below. You only need one.
// Return idx instead of val (in either case) if you want the index
// instead of the value.
// option 1. Just check it inline.
if (val['Foo'] == 'Bar') retVal = true; // Override parent scoped return value.
// option 2. Run the closure:
if (closure(val)) retVal = true;
return retVal;
The reason here is pretty simple... the scoping of the return was just wrong.
At least the prototype object version (the one I actually checked) worked.
Thanks Crashalot. My bad.


need help understanding using an associative array to keep track of array value appearances

method = function(a) {
//use associative array to keep track of the total number of appearances of a value
//in the array
var counts = [];
for(var i = 0; i <= a.length; i++) {
if(counts[a[i]] === undefined) {
//if the condition is looking for a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5] inside counts[] one value at a time and does not find them inside counts[] it will set each value to 1
counts[a[i]] = 1;
} else {
return true;
return false;
the js console logs 1x6
how can the condition see if a value inside counts[a[i]] has been repeated if all of the counts[a[i]] values are being set to 1 each iteration? wouldn't it always be comparing 1 to 1?
for example, if the a array is [1,2,3,4,5,2] and counts[a[1]](first int 2 in the array) is undefined and then set to 1, how would the condition know that counts[a[5]](second int 2 in the array) is the same value as counts[a[1]] and therefore it should return true?
perhaps I am misunderstanding whats going on.
I would appreciate any help. thanks
function counter(){
if(this.counts[a] === undefined) {
this.counts[a] = 1;
} else {
return true;
return false;
try this:
c= new counter();
c.counts;//[ ,1]
c.counts;//[ ,1, , , ,1]
may it helps you to understand whats going on

Better solution to find a cell in an array

I have the following array:
var myArray = [
Each row is identified by it's unique id. I am quite new to Javascript and was wondering what was the best solution to find a cell based on id.
For example, for the id:5; my function must return:
findCell(myTable, id=5);
// this function must return:
I'm quite afraid to do an ugly for loop... Maybe there is some built-in javascript function to perform such basic operations.
Yes there is a built-in function - filter. I would use it like this:
findCells(table, property, value) {
return table.filter(function (item) {
return item[property] === value;
findCells(myTable, "id", 5);
This is a bit modified version, of what you want: it can find all cells by the specified property name value.
Edit: using for loop to search the first occurence of the element is okay, actually:
findCell(table, id) {
var result = null;
for (var i = 0, cell = table[0], l = table.length; i < l; i++, cell = table[i]) {
if ( === id) {
result = cell;
return result;
findCell(myTable, 5);
Try this expression this might be helpful
var result = myArray.filter(function(element, index) { return element.ID == 5; });
filter() has two parameters
element - current row
index - current row index.
If you are going to stick with the array, the 'ugly' for loop is your best bet for compatibility. It's not that ugly when put in a function:
function findById(id) {
for(var i = 0; i < myArray.length; ++i) {
if(myArray[i].id === id) return myArray[i];
// Not checking return value here!
Filter is another option if your concern is only with recent versions of browsers. It will return an array of values.
If your array is very large though, it would make sense to introduce some sort of index for efficient lookups. It adds an additional maintenance burden, but can increase performance for frequent lookups:
var index = {};
for(var i = 0; i < myArray.length; ++i) {
index[myArray[i].id] = i;
// Find element with id=5

How do I change the Array in place when prototyping

I'm writing a custom sort function that I'm prototyping into Array. (PLEASE don't post answers explaining to me how I shouldn't bother prototyping into Array for whatever reason you feel prototyping into Array isn't a good idea).
so, my method looks like this:
Array.prototype.mySort = function(memberName, ascOrDesc){
var labelRow = this.shift();
var ret = this.sort((function (a,b){
if(ascOrDesc > 0)
return (a[memberName] > b[memberName])?1:-1;
return (a[memberName] < b[memberName])?1:-1;
return ret;
Notice how this.shift() will affect the Array IN PLACE.
However, I'm not clear on how this is accomplished. If I wanted to write my own myShift method, at some point I'd need to say something to the effect of
this = this.myShift();
which is obviously illegal.
So, I'm trying to understand how shift() gets access to the array's members and is able to remove the first one in-place. And if I'm allowed to do something analogous, or if this is somehow baked in and not available to me to use.
You can access the array using this inside the method.
You can for example implement the shift method as:
Array.prototype.myShift = function() {
if (this.length == 0) return null;
var result = this[0];
for (var i = 1; i < this.length; i++) {
this[i-1] = this[i];
return result;
The problem is that you can't assign to this. This means you can't do things like this:
Array.prototype.myShift = function() {
this = this.slice(1);
This is because Array.prototype.slice returns a new array and does not modify the old array. Other methods, however, such as Array.prototype.splice, do modify the old array. So you can do something like this:
Array.prototype.myShift = function() {
return this.splice(0, 1)[0];
This will have exactly the same behaviour as the standard Array.prototype.shift method. It modifies the current array, so you can do this:
var labelRow = this.myShift();

JQuery for loop

I need to Loop in JQuery from 0 to variable-value(dynamically entered by user).How can i achieve this?
Now i am doing it by using simple For loop like this.
for( i=1; i<=fetch; i++) {
var dyndivtext = document.createElement("input");
You could loop an empty array:
$.each(new Array(fetch), function(i) {
var dyndivtext = document.createElement("input");
If you do this alot you can even fake-patch jQuery.each to take numbers:
(function($) {
var _each = $.each;
$.each = function() {
var args = $.makeArray(arguments);
if ( args.length == 2 && typeof args[0] == 'number') {
return, new Array(args[0]), args[1]);
return, args);
$.each(fetch, function(i) {
// loop
jQuery.each does have some great features, like the different return values inside the callback. But for a simple loop I find it much more convenient (and less overhead) to do something like:
while(fetch--) {
// loop
To loop between two values you should use a regular Javascript loop. The jQuery each methods are used when looping through a collection of elements or an array.
To loop from zero, you should initialise the loop variable to zero, not one. To loop from zero to the specified value, you use the <= for the comparison, but to loop from zero and the number of items as specified (i.e. from 0 to value-1), you use the < operator.
for (i = 0; i < fetch; i++) {
$('body').append($('<input/>', { type: 'text' }));
You mean Javascript loop.
From W3Schools:
for (var variable = startvalue; variable < endvalue; variable = variable + increment)
//code to be executed
To get the value from user and run the code you can use the following prompt.
var x=prompt("Enter the value",0);
var dyndivtext = document.createElement("input");
Hope this helps.
If you want it the full jQuery way then use that new plugin jQuery-timing. It provides inline-loops in your jQuery line:
Nice, eh?

Does JavaScript or jQuery have a function similar to Excel's VLOOKUP?

Do JavaScript or jQuery have a function that returns the element of an array whose index equal to the position of a given value in another array? (I could write my own, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel.)
Something like:
function vlookup(theElement, array1, array2) {
$.each(array1, function(index, element) {
if (element === theElement)
return array2[index];
return null;
But, um... in the standard library.
Something like this perhaps?
Array.prototype.vlookup = function(needle,index,exactmatch){
index = index || 0;
exactmatch = exactmatch || false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){
var row = this[i];
if ((exactmatch && row[0]===needle) || row[0].toLowerCase().indexOf(needle.toLowerCase()) !== -1)
return (index < row.length ? row[index] : row);
return null;
Then you can use it against a double array, like so
Depending your purpose, you can modify the indexOf to make both strings lowercase first so the comparison doesn't fail with "foo" vs "FOO". Note also that if index exceeds the row's length, the entire row is returned (this can be changed to the first element (or whatever) easily by modifying the : row); portion.
