how to Rename a tab using Javascript Key events? - javascript

As you can see in the picture that if i click the selected tab "Navigation" then only the rename option is appearing (pic 2). I want to make this via key board.
JavaScript code:
_makeEditable: function() {
var instance = this;
if (instance._isModifiable) {
var currentItem = instance._navBlock.find('li.selected');
var currentLink = currentItem.find('a');
var currentSpan = currentLink.find('span');
function(event) {
if (event.shiftKey) {
return false;

You might want to try something like this:
document.observe('keydown', mainWindowKeyDown);
jquery (not sure about this, I don't use jquery often):
The keydown handler could be something like:
Called when hitting any key.
function mainWindowKeyDown(e)
if (e.keyCode == 113) // when F2 is pressed
//else if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 90) // when ctrl + 'z' pressed
// doSomethingWhenCtrlZWasPressed(e);
//else if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 88) // when ctrl + 'x' pressed
// doSomethingWhenCtrlXWasPressed(e);
Here you can find a list of keycodes.


JQuery Flot: Just pan when holding the Shift key

In flot i want to pan the graph just while the shift key is pressed.
I tried to change the flot.navigate plugin the following way (just changed the bindEvents function):
if (o.pan.interactive) {
if(e.shiftKey == 1){
eventHolder.bind("dragstart", { distance: 10 }, onDragStart);
eventHolder.bind("drag", onDrag);
eventHolder.bind("dragend", onDragEnd);
This works for the first time i press shift but then the browser is not responding for some reason.
With your code the binding is only done when shift is pressed, not the drag-and-drop itself. Instead change the onDragStart(e) function like this:
function onDragStart(e) {
if (e.which != 1) // only accept left-click
return false;
var c = plot.getPlaceholder().css('cursor');
function onDragStart(e) {
if (e.which != 1 || e.shiftKey != 1) // only accept left-click + pressed shiftkey
return false;
var c = plot.getPlaceholder().css('cursor');

Jquery capture tab + some key combination

How can I catch, for example, tab+t combination with jQuery? I've found a lot of examples with alt, shift and ctrl, since event object contains special flags in order to understand if, for example, alt was pressed. But there is not such thing for tab.
This should work. It's a bit convoluted and there is likely an easier way, but it works fine.
var tabdown = false;
var tdown = false;
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
if(e.which == 9) {
tabdown = true;
if(e.which === 84)
tdown = true;
if(tabdown && tdown)
//do your thing
$(document).keyup(function(e) {
if(e.which == 9) {
tabdown = false;
if(e.which === 84)
tdown = false;
This presents a problem though, as once you press tab, the document is unfocused as the tab key navigates to elements in a browser. You would be much better off using something like alt or ctrl which don't interact with the browser.
We can have a tab key pressed [tabPressed] variable which will be set to true on key down and unset the same on its key up event. We will using the tab key pressed[tabPressed] variable to check whether it is in pressed state during the other key press activities. The tab keycode is 9.
jsfiddle link
var tabPressed=false;
function handleKeyDown(e) {
var evt = (e==null ? event:e);
if(evt.keyCode == 9){
if ((tabPressed) && (evt.keyCode == 84)) {
alert ("You pressed 'Tab+t'")
function handleKeyUp(e) {
var evt = (e==null ? event:e);
if(evt.keyCode == 9){
document.onkeydown = handleKeyDown;
document.onkeyup = handleKeyUp;

How can I check that a key has been pressed?

Well I searched on Google but still didn't found the answer I was looking for.
I want to check if the user pressed a key, something like this -
if(document.onkeyup) {
// Some Stuff here
I know I can do this, this way -
document.onkeyup = getKey;
But the function getKey cannot return values.
So how can I check if the user pressed a key?
EDIT : I need pure Javascript for this thing..
You can do this in pure Javascript using the event object, without the need of external libraries such as jQuery.
To capture the keycode, just pass the event as parameter of getKey function:
function getKey(e)
window.alert("The key code is: " + e.keyCode);
document.onkeyup = getKey;
Frequently used keyCode list:
For a usefull list of keyCodes, you can check out this URL:
Setting the keyCode to a global variable:
If you are interested in capturing the keyCode for later usage, you can do something like this:
var keycode = "";
function getKey(e)
keycode = e.keyCode;
document.onkeyup = getKey;
window.alert("The key code is: " + keycode);
Setting the keyCode to the event source object:
If you don't like global variables, like me, you could also do something like this:
function getKey(e)
keycode = e.keyCode;
var objectFromEvent = e.currentTarget ? e.currentTarget : event.srcElement;
objectFromEvent.customProperty = keycode;
document.customProperty = "";
document.onkeyup = getKey;
// now the value is in the "customProperty" of your object =)
window.alert("The key code is: " + document.customProperty);
One way you could do it is using variables
and then you could check that variable some were else...
for example
var keypressed = "";
document.onkeyup = function(e){
if (typeof event !== 'undefined') {
keypressed = event.keyCode;
else if (e) {
keypressed = e.which;
return false; // Prevents the default action
You really should not be doing this but if you really must:
var getKey = (function () {
var currentKey = null;
document.onkeyup = function (event) {
// determine the pressed key (across browsers)
// by inspecting appropriate properties of `event`
// and update currentKey; E.g:
currentkey = event.which ? event.which : window.event.keyCode;
return function () {
return currentkey;
This will give you the last key user pressed.
If you need to get the currently pressed key (until released) then you need to attach keydown event to update currentKey variable and keyup event to set it to null.
You have to attach the event to the window global object and to set a function that listen to the event.
This sample show you how to track the keyup and keydown events.
window.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown, true);
window.addEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp, true);
function onKeyDown(evt) {
// key up event as been fired
function onKeyUp(evt) {
// key up event as been fired
See element.addEventListener on MDN for more details.
I would use jquery and do something like this:
// arrow keys click
$(document).keyup(function(e) {
// left arrow
if (e.keyCode == "37" ) {
// left stuff
// right arrow
} else if (e.keyCode == "39") {
// right stuff
// up arrow
} else if (e.keyCode == "38") {
// up stuff
// down arrow
} else if (e.keyCode == "40") {
// down stuff
etc, for the different key codes seen here
If you are attempting to run an event to test when a certain key is pressed, you can use this.
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
var key_code = event.keyCode;
if (key_code === 38) {

Add hotkeys via JS excluding area inside textarea / input and skipping when Ctrl, Alt or Shift is pressed

I tried to use this for a simple hotkey function, that reacts to keypress for some keys, but doesn't if your editing in the box with the given ID. Unfortunately now Hotkeys are disabled always. I get the alert() all the time :(
the textfield is on e.g.
Inside the text area it works but my script does not recognize, whether I'm inside the text area or outside (it also doesn't help to click in textarea and click outside).
Please help me.
I also tried to do it another way by selecting (!$('#tfta_1 #search')) instead of $('html'), so that the hotkeys do not work wenn you are in of of these IDs. Unfortunately this did not work ether.
edit: the js also has tocheck if crtl, alt, shift to avoid interpret
// Hotkeys (listen to keyboard input)
// is cursor at the beginning / end of edit box
var textInput = document.getElementById("tfta_1"), val = textInput.value;
var isAtStart = false, isAtEnd = false;
if (typeof textInput.selectionStart == "number") {
// Non-IE browsers
isAtStart = (textInput.selectionStart == 0);
isAtEnd = (textInput.selectionEnd == val.length);
} else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
// IE branch
var selRange = document.selection.createRange();
var inputRange = textInput.createTextRange();
var inputSelRange = inputRange.duplicate();
isAtStart = inputSelRange.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", inputRange) == 0;
isAtEnd = inputSelRange.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", inputRange) == 0;
// combine information -> is cursor in edit box?
var eb = isAtStart + isAtEnd;
// if in comment box
if ( eb ) {
// do nothing
alert('You are in the comment box');
// if key 'p' is pressed
else if (event.which == 112){
// open profile page
window.location = home + 'profile.php';
// if key 'q' is pressed
else if (event.which == 113){
// open quests overview
window.location = home + 'quests.php';
// if key 'r' is pressed
else if (event.which == 114){
// open raids overview
window.location = home + 'raids.php';
// if key 'f' is pressed
else if (event.which == 102){
// open fraction tracker
window.location = home + 'factiontracker.php';
You need to check the property.
if ('textarea' == {
if ($('textarea')) {
As for the modifier keys, see event.shiftKey, event.ctrlKey and event.altKey.

Stuck alt / modifier key with Javascript

I have a library that creates an editor on the fly ( and also sets up key shortcuts automatically. The shortcuts can be configured in the options so I can't use e.altKey, e.ctrlKey, etc just a heads up.
For some reason the modifier key isn't being set back to false sometimes on Mac/Ubuntu browsers.
On Windows it seems to happen every time. You can reproduce this by clicking render in JSBin then pressing alt+p. You should see "Yay" appear. Now, if on Windows press just p again. You'll see "Yay appear again. Mac and Ubuntu users have seen this same issue occasionally but it's hard to reproduce it.
Also note this only happens with the alt key it seems. Below I have 16 (shift) next to the 18 (alt). If you swap those out it'll work as expected.
The code for the stripped down test case is:
var modKey = false;
var modKeyCode = 18; //16
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (!modKey && modKeyCode == e.keyCode) {
modKey = true;
if (modKey && e.keyCode == 80) {
document.body.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
if (modKey && modKeyCode == e.keyCode) {
modKey = false;
I do not have access to my Linux box at the moment, so i cannot test your code.
Thus here is more of a suggestion:
Linux (in my experience) is finicky when it it comes to keyCodes and order of key events. Perhaps combine the if(..) from keyup with that of keydown
if (!modKey && modKeyCode == e.keyCode) {
modKey = true;
} else if (modKey && modKeyCode == e.keyCode) {
modKey = false;
The above suggestion is made with assumption that you have no specific requirement to have both 'keydown' and 'keyup'.
I've come up with a fix, albeit a sort of crappy fix, but a fix nonetheless.
The fix I went with was to reset the modifier var when any key combo was successful. I.e. one the p in alt+p is pressed reset the modKey to false like this:
var modKey = false;
var modKeyCode = 18; //16
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (!modKey && modKeyCode == e.keyCode) {
modKey = true;
if (modKey && e.keyCode == 80) {
modKey = false; //THIS
document.body.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
if (modKey && modKeyCode == e.keyCode) {
modKey = false;
The problem with this tho is that you can't do back to back key commands. Most of the time this is alright because the user will do a key command like "save" or "preview" or something, type some more, then do another key command. But you wouldn't be able to, let's say: alt+p s to trigger alt+p then alt+s without having to let go of the alt key.
