Change date format (Javascript) - javascript

I have this code:
var fd=1+self.theDate.getMonth() +'/'+ today+'/'+self.theDate.getFullYear();
It works, but it's format is Month, Day, Year.
I need to change it to: Day, Month Year.
So, I tried this:
var fd=1+today +'/'+ self.theDate.getMonth()+'/'+self.theDate.getFullYear();
Now, my change does not work. Is it that I have not done it properly or is my change right?

I expect the correct answer is this:
var fd=today +'/'+ (self.theDate.getMonth() + 1) +'/'+self.theDate.getFullYear();
This leaves today alone, and groups Month so that it does a proper number addition instead of string concatenation.

var theDate = new Date();
var today = theDate.getDate();
var month = theDate.getMonth()+1; // js months are 0 based
var year = theDate.getFullYear();
var fd=today +'/'+ month +'/'+year
or perhaps you prefer 22/05/2011
var theDate = new Date();
var today = theDate.getDate();
if (today<10) today="0"+today;
var month = theDate.getMonth()+1; // js months are 0 based
if (month < 10) month = "0"+month;
var year = theDate.getFullYear();
var fd=""+today +"/"+ month +"/"+year

You are no longer adding 1 to the month, you are adding it to today. Make sure to parenthesize this since "x" + 1 + 2 => "x12" but "x" + (1 + 2) => "x3"


JavaScript - Trying to set tomorrow's date using the code below [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I format a date in JavaScript?
(68 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
var today = new Date();
var tomorrow = today.setDate(today.getDate() + 1)
I am getting 13 digit number after using setDate(). How can I get the date in 2 digit format?
Date outputs in JS often need some manual processing to be exactly what you want. Try this:
// Create new Date instance
var today = new Date();
var tomorrow = today;
// Add a day
tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1)
function formatDateToString(date) {
var dd = (date.getDate() < 10 ? '0' : '')
+ date.getDate();
var MM = ((date.getMonth() + 1) < 10 ? '0' : '')
+ (date.getMonth() + 1);
return dd + "/" + MM;
The Date object has different methods that you can use to get certain parts of the timestamp.
// for day-month (i.e.: Oct 31 is 31-10
let formatted = `${tomorrow.getDate()}-${tomorrow.getMonth() + 1}`
See more:
setDate has changed the date of today.
Therefore output today and don't assign what's returned by setDate.
var today = new Date();
today.setDate(today.getDate() + 1);
Month is zero based so getMonth() + 1 returns this month, getDate() + 1 returns tomorrow.
var fecha = new Date();
var year = fecha.getFullYear();
var mes = fecha.getMonth() + 1;
var dia = fecha.getDate() + 1;
var hora = fecha.getHours();
var minutos = fecha.getMinutes();
var segundos = fecha.getSeconds();
var output = `Date: ${dia}/${mes}/${year}`+ '\n' + `Time: ${hora}:${minutos}:${segundos}`;
Nice question, I recently had to do something similar in VB. Here is a simple javascript version, based on your code:
//this gets the date today
var today = new Date();
//we add one, to get the date tomorrow
var tomorrow = today.getDate() + 1
//if tomorrow is a single digit number, we just pad it with a zero
if (tomorrow < 10)
tomorrow = '0' + tomorrow
//write to the console

How to get the Week wise Start and End date in angularjs

Before I am using angularjs-DatePicker from this npm.
Here,I am able to select the date from the date picker.But now I have to fields as FromDate and ToDate which means the week StartDate and EndDate should show when any date pick in that week.
Ex: Like in Calender 01-08-2017 Start on Tue, So whenever Selects Any date from 01 to 05 then the two fields should show as FromDate as 01 and TODate as 06 and in the same whenever the user selects the 31-07-2017 the the Two fields should show as 30 and 31 of july.
I have an idea to achieve the ToDate from FromDate Calender control onchange event in DotNet as like below mentioned code
But how to achieve this usecase in the angularjs.
Ok, so what I'd do is to calculate different dates, and take the min/max depending on the start or end of the week.
//Use the date received, UTC to prevent timezone making dates shift
var pickedDate = new Date("08-03-2017UTC");
var startSunday = new Date(pickedDate);
startSunday.setDate(pickedDate.getDate() - pickedDate.getDay());
var startMonth = new Date(pickedDate);
var startDate = Math.max(startMonth,startSunday);
console.log("Start:" , new Date(startDate));
var endSaturday = new Date(pickedDate);
endSaturday.setDate(pickedDate.getDate() + (7-pickedDate.getDay()));
var endMonth = new Date(pickedDate);
endMonth.setMonth(pickedDate.getMonth()+1);//Add a month
endMonth.setDate(0);// to select last day of previous month.
var endDate = Math.min(endMonth,endSaturday);
console.log("End" , new Date(endDate));
The trick was to play with the dates, find all the possible start and end dates, then choose the right one with Math.min and Math.max which will compare the dates using their timestamp.
There is very good Library available in JavaScript to handle Date Manipulations.
There is a method
Date.parse('next friday') // Returns the date of the next Friday.
Date.parse('last monday')
Using these method you can get the start and ending date of the week based on the current week.
I hope that it will help.
You can simply achieve this using the library moment. There are a lot of useful functions in this library.
var selectedDate = moment('Mon Aug 10 2017');
//If you want to get the ISO week format(Monday to Sunday)
var weekStart = selectedDate.clone().startOf('isoweek').format('MMM Do');
var weekEnd = selectedDate.clone().endOf('isoweek').format('MMM Do');
//If you want to get the Sunday to Saturday week format
var weekStart = selectedDate.clone().startOf('week').format('MMM Do');
var weekEnd = selectedDate.clone().endOf('week').format('MMM Do');
No need angular directive here, you could use the JavaScript extension which is below.
//get week from date
Date.prototype.getWeekNumber = function (weekstart) {
var target = new Date(this.valueOf());
// Set default for weekstart and clamp to useful range
if (weekstart === undefined) weekstart = 1;
weekstart %= 7;
// Replaced offset of (6) with (7 - weekstart)
var dayNr = (this.getDay() + 7 - weekstart) % 7;
target.setDate(target.getDate() - dayNr + 0);//0 means friday
var firstDay = target.valueOf();
target.setMonth(0, 1);
if (target.getDay() !== 4) {
target.setMonth(0, 1 + ((4 - target.getDay()) + 7) % 7);
return 1 + Math.ceil((firstDay - target) / 604800000);;
//get date rance of week
Date.prototype.getDateRangeOfWeek = function (weekNo, weekstart) {
var d1 = this;
var firstDayOfWeek = eval(d1.getDay() - weekstart);
d1.setDate(d1.getDate() - firstDayOfWeek);
var weekNoToday = d1.getWeekNumber(weekstart);
var weeksInTheFuture = eval(weekNo - weekNoToday);
var date1 = angular.copy(d1);
date1.setDate(date1.getDate() + eval(7 * weeksInTheFuture));
if (d1.getFullYear() === date1.getFullYear()) {
d1.setDate(d1.getDate() + eval(7 * weeksInTheFuture));
var rangeIsFrom = eval(d1.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + d1.getDate() + "/" + d1.getFullYear();
d1.setDate(d1.getDate() + 6);
var rangeIsTo = eval(d1.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + d1.getDate() + "/" + d1.getFullYear();
return { startDate: rangeIsFrom, endDate: rangeIsTo }
Your code can be look like this
var startdate = '01-08-2017'
var weekList = [];
var year = startdate.getFullYear();
var onejan = new Date(year, 0, 1);//first january is the first week of the year
var weekstart = onejan.getDay();
weekNumber = startdate.getWeekNumber(weekstart);
//generate week number
var wkNumber = weekNumber;
var weekDateRange = onejan.getDateRangeOfWeek(wkNumber, weekstart);
var wk = {
value: wkNumber
, text: 'Week' + wkNumber.toString()
, weekStartDate: new Date(weekDateRange.startDate)
, weekEndDate: new Date(weekDateRange.endDate)
I guess there is no directive or filter for this, you need to create one for yourself. you can refer date object from date-time-object

How to loop between dates that are in dmy format

Here is my 2 date
var startdate = '11-12-2016';
var stopdate = '13-12-2016';
I want to loop between these two dates. So, i did like this
var startMedicine = new Date(startdate);
var stopMedicine = new Date(stopdate);
while(startMedicine <= stopMedicine){
But i am getting unlimited loops running in browser.
How can i do this.
Note :
I don't want to use jQuery for this one.
If the start and end date is same it should loop only once and the input date will be always d/m/y format. What is the mistake in my code. Pls help
Update :
I have mistaken the date format, my date format is d-m-y. How can i do this for one..
Increment date by one day per iteration using getDate
startdateArr = startdate.split('-');
stopdateArr = stopdate.split('-');
var startMedicine = new Date(startdateArr[2],startdateArr[1]-1,startdateArr[0]);
var stopMedicine = new Date(stopdateArr[2],stopdateArr[1]-1,stopdateArr[0]);
// thanks RobG for correcting on month index
while(startMedicine <= stopMedicine){
var v = startMedicine.getDate() + '-' + (startMedicine.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + startMedicine.getFullYear();
In js month indexing starts at 0 so nov is 10 dec. is 11 and like so that's why i use getMonth() + 1
main problem is that you are not increasing your date.
here is the solution
var startdate = '11/12/2016';
var stopdate = '11/13/2016';
var startMedicine = new Date(startdate);
var stopMedicine = new Date(stopdate);
var currentMedicine = startMedicine;
var dayCount = 0;
while(currentMedicine < stopMedicine){
currentMedicine.setDate(startMedicine.getDate() + dayCount);
// You can replace '/' to '-' this if you want to have dd-mm-yyyy instead of dd/mm/yyy
var currentDate = currentMedicine.getDate() + '/' + (currentMedicine.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + currentMedicine.getFullYear(); // in dd/mm/yyyy format
You can make use of moment js and moment js duration. Its for duration purpose only. It very easy and meant for same.

angularjs - calculate a date plus one day

I need to get the date one day after another date.
I do :
$scope.date1 = 2015-11-27
$scope.date2 = 2015-11-28
It s ok,
but when
$scope.date1 = 2015-12-02
$scope.date2 = 2015-11-28 (ie tomorrow)
I don't understand why...
If anyone knows..
try this instead efficient simple pure JS
var todayDate = new Date();
console.log(new Date().setDate(todayDate.getDate()+1));
so you will have that same Date type object and hence you don't need to go with moment.js
Use moment.js for this momentjs
var startdate = "2015-12-02";
var new_date = moment(startdate, "YYYY-MM-DD").add('days', 1);
var day = new_date.format('DD');
var month = new_date.format('MM');
var year = new_date.format('YYYY');
alert(day + '.' + month + '.' + year);

The day of the month does not show up properly in javascript (html)

This is my javascript code:
function borrowbook ()
var today = new Date();
var day = today.getDate();
var month = today.getMonth()+1;
var year = today.getFullYear();
var input_day = document.getElementById("textbox").value;
var newday = today.setDate(day + input_day);
var fulltime1 = newday + "-" + month + "-" + year;
alert ("Return Date is: " + fulltime1);
And the result was not my expected result:
Actually what I want to do is if a user enters a value in 'Days allowed',I want to display the book return date.But I do not know why does the day of the month cannot show up properly.Any suggestion to solve this problem?
When you do:
var newday = today.setDate(day + input_day);
you are setting the value of newday to the return value of today.setDate(...), which is a time clip.
Since *input_day* is the value of a form control, and such values are always strings, the + operator will concatenate the values, not add them.
What you probably want is the date, so:
today.setDate(day + +input_day); // set the new date, converting input_date to Number
var newday = today.getDate(); // get the new date
Also, you should get the month and year after adding the day as it may change their values:
31 May + 1 day -> 1 June
There are three things you need to change.
Here is a working jsfiddle.
First, the month and the year may also be incorrect. If today were 31-Dec 2014, your code would not show 10-Jan 2014, but instead 10-Dec 2013. You can rectify this by getting the day month and the year from the renew date instead of today's date.
Second, input_day is a string, so you need to parse it as an integer using the built-in javascript function parseInt();
Third, the setDate() method on a Date object does not return the new date. This is the problem that RobG shows.
The new function is as follows:
function borrowbook() {
var today = new Date();
var day = today.getDate();
var input_day = document.getElementById("textbox").value;
var returnDate = new Date();
returnDate.setDate(day + parseInt(input_day));
var returnDay = returnDate.getDate();
var returnMonth = returnDate.getMonth() + 1;
var returnYear = returnDate.getFullYear();
var fulltime1 = returnDay + "-" + returnMonth + "-" + returnYear;
alert ("Return Date is: " + fulltime1);
