I am trying to retrieve data from a RSS feed (succeeding with this part) and then using the description, title and caption to be used to get Geo information (latitude, longitude, woeId) using YQL Placemaker open datatable.
This is all then needed to be output as JSON.
The permalink to test it in the YQL console is here.
Any ideas whats wrong with my xml code or what should I try instead?
<author>Yahoo! Inc.</author>
<sampleQuery>select * from {table} where section="topstories" and description matches ".*jpg.*"</sampleQuery>
<description>Searches Yahoo.news RSS</description>
<select itemPath="" produces="XML">
<key id='section' type="xs:string" paramType="path" required="true" />
default xml namespace = "http://where.yahooapis.com/v1/schema.rng";
// http://www.json.org/json2.js
rssStorySection = [];
rssStoryNumber = [];
rssStoryTitle = [];
rssStorySummary = [];
rssImageCaption = [];
rssStoryUrl = [];
rssImageUrl = [];
rssGeoText = [];
// var content = 'They followed him to deepest Africa after Brussels and Tokyo and found him there in Timbuktu';
var rssQuery = 'select * from rss where url = ' + "'" + 'http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/' + section + "'" + ' and description matches ".*jpg.*" limit 30';
res1 = y.query(rssQuery);
data1 = res1.results;
// var geoQuery = 'SELECT * FROM geo.placemaker WHERE documentContent =' + '"' + content + '"' + 'AND documentType=' + '"' + 'text/plain' + '"';
// res2 = y.query(geoQuery);
// data2 = res2.results;
for (var c=0;c<data1.item.length;c++)
var story = data1.item[c];
var storyTitleText0 = story.title + "";
var storyUrl = story.link + "";
var description = story.description;
var storyTitleText = storyTitleText0.replace(/\n/ig, "") + "";
var imageUrl = description.match(/http:\/\/d.*?jpg/i) + "";
var imageCaptionText0 = description.match(/alt="([^ ]).*border/) + "";
var imageCaptionText1 = imageCaptionText0.replace(/alt="/ig, "") + "";
var imageCaptionText = imageCaptionText1.replace(/" border.*/ig, "") + "";
var storySummaryText = description.replace(/<[^>]*>([\s]?)*<[^>]*>/g, "") + "";
var storySection0 = description.match(/http[^ ].*\*/i) + "";
var storySection1 = storySection0.replace(/\/\*/ig, "") + "";
var storySection = storySection1.replace(/http:\/\/us.rd.yahoo.com\/dailynews\/rss\//ig, "") + "";
var geoString = (imageCaptionText + " " + storyTitleText + " " + storySummaryText);
var content = geoString;
var geoQuery = 'SELECT * FROM geo.placemaker WHERE documentContent =' + '"' + content + '"' + 'AND documentType=' + '"' + 'text/plain' + '"';
var res2 = y.query(geoQuery);
var data2 = res2.results;
var d = data1;
var e = data2;
response.object = <stories>
A tidied up (and "working" in the sense that it brings back RSS+Placemaker results) version of your table looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<table xmlns="http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/schema/table.xsd">
<author>Peter Cowburn</author>
<sampleQuery>select * from {table} where section='topstories'</sampleQuery>
<description>Searches Yahoo! News RSS and injects Placemaker Places</description>
<select itemPath="stories.story" produces="XML">
<key id="section" type="xs:string" paramType="path" required="true" />
// Fetch top 30 feed items with jpg images
var feed = y.query(
'select * from rss where url=#url and description matches ".*jpg.*" limit 30',
{url: request.url}
// Build geo queries
var placeQuery = 'select * from geo.placemaker where documentContent=#text and documentType="text/plain"';
var placeQueries = [];
var title, description, caption, summary, content;
for each (result in feed.item) {
title = result.title.text().toString();
description = y.tidy(result.description.toString()).body.p;
caption = description.a.img.#alt.toString();
summary = description..*.text().toString();
content = caption + " " + title + " " + summary;
query: y.query(placeQuery, {text: content}),
item: result,
results: null
// Execute all queries
var where = new Namespace('http://wherein.yahooapis.com/v1/schema');
var matches, match, places = [];
for (var q in placeQueries) {
matches = placeQueries[q].query.results.matches.match;
placeQueries[q].results = matches..where::place;
// Build response object
var stories = <stories/>;
for each (q in placeQueries) {
stories.node += <story>
response.object = stories;
You can use it by pointing to the table online (it may not be around forever!) in a query like:
use 'https://raw.github.com/salathe/yql-tables/so-6168564/yahoo/newswithplaces.xml'
as rssplaces;
select * from rssplaces where section='topstories';
(Try this in the YQL console)
The table uses some of the features available in <execute> blocks like E4X, query parameters and parallel queries which all make life easier but may be slightly foreign at first glance.
P.S. The above is offered as-is, I'm not going to be bending over backwards to field "support" questions on this. It is primarily intended as something to get you moving, an introduction to an approach which might work for you.
I'm new to Google Apps Script so I'm looking for some advice. There's multiple parts and I managed to do some of it but I'm stuck on others. Any help would be much appreciated.
I'm trying to make a script that:
drafts a reply to emails that contain specific keywords (found in the body or the subject line).
I also want it to include a template with data inputted from a Google Sheets file.
It would be preferable if the draft can be updated without making a duplicate whenever the Sheet is modified.
I plan on also including a row of values (the first one) that correspond to the Subject columns in the second row the but I haven't gotten to it yet.
Some details about the Google Sheet:
Each row corresponds to a different person and email address that regularly emails me.
The first three columns are details about the person which I include in the body of my draft.
Each column after that represents a different string or keyword I expect to find in the subject of the emails sent to me.
The rows underneath contain two patterned code-words separated by a space in one cell that I want to be able to choose from. Such as:
3 letters that can contain permutations of the letters m, g, r (for ex: mmg, rgm, rgg, gmg)
and 0-3 letters with just p's (for ex: p, pp, ppp, or blank)
I want to be able to detect the different codes and assign it to a variable I can input into my draft.
What I have so far:
I'm able to draft replies for emails within my specified filter. However, I only have it set up to reply to the person's most recent message. I want to be able for sort through the filter for specific emails that contain a keyword in the subject line when it loops through the columns.
I'm able to input static strings from the Sheet into the body of my email but I'm still having trouble with the patterned codewords.
I was able to loop through more than one row in earlier version but now it's not. I'll look over it again later.
Here's my code:
function draftEmail() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); // Use data from the active sheet
var startRow = 1; // First row of data to process
var numRows = sheet.getLastRow() - 1; // Number of rows to process
var lastColumn = sheet.getLastColumn(); // Last column
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, lastColumn) // Fetch the data range of the active sheet
var data = dataRange.getValues(); // Fetch values for each row in the range
// Work through each row in the spreadsheet
for (var i = 2; i < data.length; ++i) {
var row = data[i];
// Assign each row a variable
var grader = row[0]; // Col A: Grader's name
var firstName = row[1]; // Col B: Student's first name
var studentEmail = row[2]; // Col C: Student's email
var grade = row[3].split(' '); // Col D: Grade
var pgrade = grade[1];
var hgrade = grade[0];
for (var n = 1; n < data.length; ++n) {
var srow = data[n];
var subjectCol = srow[3];
var threads = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName('testLabel').getThreads();
for (i=0; i < threads.length; i++)
var thread = threads[i];
var messages = thread.getMessages(); // get all messages in thread i
var lastmsg = messages.length - 1; // get last message in thread i
var emailTo = WebSafe(messages[lastmsg].getTo()); // get only email id from To field of last message
var emailFrom = WebSafe(messages[lastmsg].getFrom()); // get only email id from FROM field of last message
var emailCC = WebSafe(messages[lastmsg].getCc()); // get only email id from CC field of last message
// form a new CC header for draft email
if (emailTo == "")
var emailCcHdr = emailCC.toString();
} else
if (emailCC == "")
var emailCcHdr = emailTo.toString();
} else
var emailCcHdr = emailTo.toString() + "," + emailCC.toString();
var subject = messages[lastmsg].getSubject().replace(/([\[\(] *)?(RE|FWD?) *([-:;)\]][ :;\])-]*|$)|\]+ *$/igm,"");
// the above line remove REs and FWDs etc from subject line
var emailmsg = messages[lastmsg].getBody(); // get html content of last message
var emaildate = messages[lastmsg].getDate(); // get DATE field of last message
var attachments = messages[lastmsg].getAttachments(); // get all attachments of last message
var edate = Utilities.formatDate(emaildate, "IST", "EEE, MMM d, yyyy"); // get date component from emaildate
var etime = Utilities.formatDate(emaildate, "IST", "h:mm a"); // get time component from emaildate
if (emailFrom.length == 0)
// if emailFrom is empty, it probably means that you may have written the last message in the thread. Hence 'you'.
var emailheader = '<html><body>' +
'On' + ' ' +
edate + ' ' +
'at' + ' ' +
etime + ',' + ' ' + 'you' + ' ' + 'wrote:' + '</body></html>';
} else
var emailheader = '<html><body>' +
'On' + ' ' +
edate + ' ' +
'at' + ' ' +
etime + ',' + ' ' + emailFrom + ' ' + 'wrote:' + '</body></html>';
var emailsig = '<html>' +
'<div>your email signature,</div>' +
'</html>'; // your email signature i.e. common for all emails.
// Build the email message
var emailBody = '<p>Hi ' + firstName + ',<p>';
emailBody += '<p>For ' + subjectCol + ', you will be graded on #1, 2, and 3: <p>';
emailBody += '<p>Participation: ' + pgrade + '</p>';
emailBody += '<p>HW grade: ' + hgrade + '</p>';
emailBody += '<p>If you have any questions, you can email me at ' + grader + '#email.com.<p>';
emailBody += '<p>- ' + grader;
var draftmsg = emailBody + '<br>' + emailsig + '<br>' + emailheader + '<br>' + emailmsg + '\n'; // message content of draft
// Create the email draft
" ", // Body (plain text)
htmlBody: emailBody // Options: Body (HTML)
function WebSafe(fullstring)
var splitString = fullstring.split(",");
var finalarray = [];
for (u=0; u < splitString.length; u++)
var start_pos = splitString[u].indexOf("<") + 1;
var end_pos = splitString[u].indexOf(">",start_pos);
if (!(splitString[u].indexOf("<") === -1 && splitString[u].indexOf(">",start_pos) === -1)) // if < and > do exist in string
finalarray.push(splitString[u].substring(start_pos, end_pos));
} else if (!(splitString[u].indexOf("#") === -1))
var index = finalarray.indexOf(grader + "#email.com"); // use your email id. if the array contains your email id, it is removed.
if (index > -1) {finalarray.splice(index, 1);}
return finalarray
I've never coded in JavaScript before or used Google Scripts so I mostly looked at similar examples.
Thank you for any feedback.
I prefer reading code that isn't too nested. So I took the liberty to re-write your code and make it easier to read.
Your main function:
function mainFunction(){
// Use data from the active sheet
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var threads = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName('<YOUR-LABEL-HERE>').getThreads();
var subject1 = data[1][3];
// Work through each row in the spreadsheet omit headers
for (var i = 2; i < data.length; ++i) {
// Get grader's data
var grader = getGrader(data[i]);
// Loop through threads
for (j=0; j < threads.length; j++){
var thread = threads[j];
// Get last message in thread
var messages = thread.getMessages();
var lastMsg = messages[messages.length - 1];
var email = new Email(grader, lastMsg, subject1);
// Create the draft reply.
var draftMessageBody = createDraftMessage(email);
Support functions:
Function getGrader:
function getGrader(array){
var row = array
var grader = {}
grader.grader = row[0];
grader.firstName = row[1];
grader.studentEmail = row[2];
var grade = row[3].split(' ');
grader.pgrade = grade[1];
grader.hgrade = grade[0];
return grader
Function webSafe:
function webSafe(fullstring, grader){
var splitString = fullstring.split(",");
var finalarray = [];
for (u=0; u < splitString.length; u++){
var start_pos = splitString[u].indexOf("<") + 1;
var end_pos = splitString[u].indexOf(">",start_pos);
// if < and > do exist in string
if (!(splitString[u].indexOf("<") === -1 && splitString[u].indexOf(">",start_pos) === -1)){
finalarray.push(splitString[u].substring(start_pos, end_pos));
} else if (!(splitString[u].indexOf("#") === -1)){
// use your email id. if the array contains your email id, it is removed.
var index = finalarray.indexOf(grader.grader + "#mangoroot.com");
if (index > -1) {
finalarray.splice(index, 1);
return finalarray
Function Email: Behaves like a class
var Email = function(grader, lastMsg, subject){
this.signature = "your_email_signature,";
this.grader = grader;
this.to = webSafe(lastMsg.getTo(), this.grader);
this.from = webSafe(lastMsg.getFrom(), this.grader);
this.cc = webSafe(lastMsg.getCc(), this.grader);
this.subject = lastMsg.getSubject().replace(/([\[\(] *)?(RE|FWD?) *([-:;)\]][ :;\])-]*|$)|\]+ *$/igm,"");
this.message = lastMsg.getBody();
this.date = lastMsg.getDate();
this.attachments = lastMsg.getAttachments();
this.subject1 = subject;
this.ccHeader = function() {
var ccHeader = "";
if (this.to == "" || this.cc == ""){
ccHeader = this.cc.toString();
else {
ccHeader = this.to.toString() + "," + this.cc.toString();
return ccHeader
this.eDate = function() {
return Utilities.formatDate(this.date, "IST", "EEE, MMM d, yyyy");
this.eTime = function() {
return Utilities.formatDate(this.date, "IST", "h:mm a");
this.header = function() {
var header = ''.concat('On ');
if (this.from.length == 0){
header += this.eDate().concat(' at ',this.eTime(),', you wrote: ');
else {
header += this.eDate().concat(' at ',this.eTime(),', ',this.from,' wrote: ');
return header
this.body = function(){
var grader = this.grader;
var body = '<div>'.concat('<p>Hi ',grader.firstName,',</p>');
body += '<p>For '.concat(this.subject1,', you will be graded on #1, 2, and 3: </p>');
body += '<p>Participation: '.concat(grader.pgrade,'</p>');
body += '<p>HW grade: '.concat(grader.hgrade,'</p>');
body += '<p>If you have any questions, you can email me at '.concat(grader.grader,'#mangoroot.com.</p>');
body += '<p>- '.concat(grader.grader,'</p>','</div>');
return body;
Function createDraftMessage:
function createDraftMessage(email){
var draft = '<html><body>'.concat(email.body);
draft += '<br>'.concat(email.signature);
draft += '<br>'.concat(email.header);
draft += '<br>'.concat(email.message);
draft += '<br>'.concat('</body></html>');
return draft;
Now when you run mainFunction() you should get your expected drafts.
It is good practice to keep functions flat, flat is better than nested. Makes the code more readable and maintainable.
Also be consistent in your variable naming style.
var emailMsg = ''; // Good.
var emailmsg = ''; // Hard to read.
Have a read about classes
Let's say I have some sentences in Google Docs. Just one sentences as an example:
"My house is on fire"
I actually changed the background color so that every verb is red and every noun blue.
Now I want to make a list with all the verbs and another one with the nouns. Unfortunately getBackgroundColor() only seems to work with paragraphs and not with single words.
My idea was, to do something like this (I didn't yet have the time to think about how to do the loop, but that's not the point here anyway):
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = doc.getBody();
var paragraphs = body.getParagraphs();
var colorVar = paragraphs[0].getText().match(/\w+/).getBackgroundColor(); // The regEx matches the first word. Next I want to get the background color.
The error message I get goes something like this:
"The function getBackgroundColor in the text object couldn't be found"
Thx for any help, or hints or comments!
You want to retrieve the text from a paragraph.
You want to retrieve each word and the background color of each word from the retrieved the text.
In this case, the color is the background color which is not getForegroundColor().
You want to achieve this using Google Apps Script.
If my understanding is correct, how about this answer? Please think of this as just one of several possible answers.
At first, the reason of your error is that getBackgroundColor() is the method of Class Text. In your script, getBackgroundColor() is used for the string value. By this, the error occurs.
In this answer, for achieving your goal, each character of the text retrieved from the paragraph is scanned, and each word and the background color of each word can be retrieved.
Sample script:
function myFunction() {
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = doc.getBody();
var paragraphs = body.getParagraphs();
var textObj = paragraphs[0].editAsText();
var text = textObj.getText();
var res = [];
var temp = "";
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var c = text[i];
if (c != " ") {
temp += c;
} else {
if (temp != "") res.push({text: temp, color: textObj.getBackgroundColor(i - 1)});
temp = "";
Logger.log(res) // result
When you run the script, the text of 1st paragraph is parsed. And you can see the result with res as an object.
In this sample script, the 1st paragraph is used as a test case. So if you want to retrieve the value from other paragraph, please modify the script.
If I misunderstood your question and this was not the direction you want, I apologize.
Here's a script your welcome to take a look at. It highlights text that a user selects...even individual letters. I did it several years ago just to learn more about how documents work.
function highLightCurrentSelection() {
var conclusionStyle = {};
var br = '<br />';
var selection = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getSelection();
var s='';
if(selection) {
s+=br + '<strong>Elements in Current Selection</strong>';
var selectedElements = selection.getRangeElements();
for(var i=0;i<selectedElements.length;i++) {
var selElem = selectedElements[i];
var el = selElem.getElement();
var isPartial = selElem.isPartial();
if(isPartial) {
var selStart = selElem.getStartOffset();
var selEnd = selElem.getEndOffsetInclusive();
s+=br + 'isPartial:true selStart=' + selStart + ' selEnd=' + selEnd ;
var bgcolor = (el.asText().getBackgroundColor(selStart)=='#ffff00')?'#ffffff':'#ffff00';
el.asText().setBackgroundColor(selStart, selEnd, bgcolor)
}else {
var selStart = selElem.getStartOffset();
var selEnd = selElem.getEndOffsetInclusive();
s+=br + 'isPartial:false selStart=' + selStart + ' selEnd=' + selEnd ;
var bgcolor = (el.asText().getBackgroundColor()=='#ffff00')?'#ffffff':'#ffff00';
var elType=el.getType();
s+=br + 'selectedElement[' + i + '].getType()= ' + elType;
if(elType==DocumentApp.ElementType.TEXT) {
var txt = selElem.getElement().asText().getText().slice(selStart,selEnd+1);
var elattrs = el.getAttributes();
s+=br + 'Type:<strong>TEXT</strong>';
s+=br + 'Text:<span style="color:#ff0000">' + txt + '</span>';
s+=br + 'Length: ' + txt.length;
s+=br + '<div id="sel' + Number(i) + '" style="display:none;">';
for(var key in elattrs)
s+= br + '<strong>' + key + '</strong>' + ' = ' + elattrs[key];
s+=br + '<input type="text" value="' + elattrs[key] + '" id="elattr' + key + Number(i) + '" />';
s+=br + '<input id="elattrbtn' + Number(i) + '" type="button" value="Save Changes" onClick="setSelectedElementAttribute(\'' + key + '\',' + i + ');" />'
if(elType==DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH) {
var txt = selElem.getElement().asParagraph().getText();
var elattrs = el.getAttributes();
s+=br + '<strong>PARAGRAPH Attributes</strong>';
s+=br + 'Text:<span style="color:#ff0000">' + txt + '</span> Text Length= ' + txt.length;
for(var key in elattrs)
s+= br + key + ' = ' + elattrs[key];
s+='<hr width="100%"/>';
//var finalP=DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody().appendParagraph('Total Number of Elements: ' + Number(selectedElements.length));
}else {
s+= br + 'No Elements found in current selection';
s+='<input type="button" value="Toggle HighLight" onclick="google.script.run.highLightCurrentSelection();"/>';
//s+='<input type="button" value="Exit" onClick="google.script.host.close();" />';
DocumentApp.getUi().showSidebar(HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('htmlToBody').append(s).setWidth(800).setHeight(450).setTitle('Selected Elements'));
I apologize up front for the possible lack of clarity for this question, but I'm new to Angular.js and my knowledge of it is still slightly hazy. I have done the Angular.js tutorial and googled for answers, but I haven't found any.
I have multiple select/option html elements, not inside a form element, and I'm populating them using AJAX. Each form field is populated by values from a different SharePoint list. I'm wondering if there is a way to implement this using Angular.js?
I would like to consider building this using Angular because I like some of it features such as data-binding, routing, and organizing code by components. But I can't quite grasp how I could implement it in this situation while coding using the DRY principle.
Currently, I have a single AJAX.js file and I have a Javascript file that contains an array of the different endpoints I need to connect to along with specific query parameters. When my page loads, I loop through the arrays and for each element, I call the GET method and pass it the end-point details.
The code then goes on to find the corresponding select element on the page and appends the option element returned by the ajax call.
I'm new to Angular, but from what I understand, I could create a custom component for each select element. I would place the component on the page and all the select and options that are associated with that component would appear there. The examples I've seen demonstrated, associate the ajax call with the code for the component. I'm thinking that I could use a service and have each component dependent on that service and the component would pass it's specific query details to the service's ajax call.
My current code - Program flow: main -> data retrieval -> object creation | main -> form build.
Called from index.html - creates the multiple query strings that are passed to ajax calls - ajax calls are once for each query string - the very last function in the file is a call to another function to build the form elements.
var snbApp = window.snbApp || {};
snbApp.main = (function () {
var main = {};
main.loadCount = 0;
main.init = function () {
function buildSelectOptions(){
//Build select options from multiple SharePoint lists
var listsArray = snbApp.splistarray.getArrayOfListsForObjects();
for(var i = 0; i < listsArray.length; i++){
var listItem = listsArray[i];
var qryStrng = listItem.list +
"?$select=" + listItem.codeDigits + "," + listItem.codeDescription + "," + listItem.ItemStatus + "&$orderby=" + listItem.codeDescription + "&$filter="+listItem.ItemStatus+" eq true" + "&$inlinecount=allpages"
var listDetails = {
listName: listItem.list,
listObj: listItem,
url: "http://myEnv/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/" + listItem.list +
"?$select=" + listItem.codeDigits + "," + listItem.codeDescription + "," + listItem.ItemStatus + "&$orderby=" + listItem.codeDescription + "&$filter="+listItem.ItemStatus+" eq true" + "&$inlinecount=allpages"
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(snbApp.dataretriever.letsBuild(listDetails), _onQueryFailed);
//Build select option from other API endpoint
var listDetails = {
url: "http://myEnv/requests/odata/v1/Sites?$filter=(IsMajor eq true or IsMinor eq true) and IsActive eq true and IsPending eq false and CodePc ne null and IsSpecialPurpose eq false&$orderby=CodePc"
//Add delay to populate fields to ensure all data retrieved from AJAX calls
var myObj = setTimeout(delayFieldPopulate,5000);
function delayFieldPopulate(){
var optObj = snbApp.optionsobj.getAllOptions();
var osType = $("input[name=os_platform]:checked").val();
snbApp.formmanager.buildForm(osType, optObj);
function _onQueryFailed(sender, args) {
alert('Request failed.\nError: ' + args.get_message() + '\nStackTrace: ' + args.get_stackTrace());
return main
AJAX calls here - called from main/previous file:
var snbApp = window.snbApp || {};
snbApp.dataretriever = (function () {
var listsArray = snbApp.splistarray.getArrayOfListsForObjects();
function getListData(listItem) {
var eventType = event.type;
var baseURL = listItem.url;
url: baseURL,
type: "GET",
headers: {
"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
snbApp.objectbuilderutility.buildObjectFields(results, listItem);
.fail(function(xhr, status, errorThrown){
//console.log("Error:" + errorThrown + ": " + myListName);
function _onQueryFailed(sender, args) {
alert('Request failed.\nError: ' + args.get_message() + '\nStackTrace: ' + args.get_stackTrace());
letsBuild:function(item) {
Builds a item name object - called from recursive AJAX calls / previous file
var snbApp = window.snbApp || {};
snbApp.objectbuilderutility = (function () {
function formatItemCode(itemCode, eventType){
if(eventType !== 'change'){ //for load event
var pattern = /^CE/;
var result = pattern.test(itemCode);
return itemCode.slice(2);
return itemCode.slice(0,3);
}else{ //for change event
var pattern = /^CE/;
var result = pattern.test(itemCode);
return itemCode.slice(2);
return itemCode.slice(3);
buildObjectFields: function(returnedObj, listItem){ //results:returnedObj, prevItem:listItem
//For SharePoint list data
if (listItem.listName !== "SNB_SecondaryActivityCodes") {
var theList = listItem.listName;
var firstQueryParam = listItem.listObj.codeDigits;
var secondQueryParam = listItem.listObj.codeDescription;
var returnedItems = returnedObj.d.results;
var bigStringOptions = "";
//regex to search for SecondaryFunctionCodes in list names
var pattern = /SecondaryFunctionCodes/;
var isSecFunction = pattern.test(theList);
bigStringOptions = "<option value='0' selected>Not Applicable</option>";
bigStringOptions = "<option value='0' disabled selected>Select Option</option>";
$.each(returnedItems, function (index, item) {
var first = "";
var second = "";
for (var key in item) {
if (item.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (key != "__metadata") {
if (key == firstQueryParam) {
first = item[key];
if (key == secondQueryParam) {
second = item[key];
bigStringOptions += "<option value=" + first + " data-code=" + first + ">" + second + "</option>";
var str = theList.toLowerCase();
snbApp.optionsobj.updateFunctionOrActivity(theList.toLowerCase(), bigStringOptions);
//For other API
} else {
var theList = listItem.listName;
var bigStringOptions = "<option value='0' disabled selected>Select Option</option>";
var returnedItems = returnedObj.value;
for(var i = 0; i < returnedItems.length; i++){
var item = returnedItems[i];
//change event type means the user selected a field
if(listItem.eventType === "change"){
var siteCodeChange = item.SiteCodePc;
if (typeof siteCodeChange === "string" & siteCodeChange != "null") {
siteCodeChange = siteCodeChange < 6 ? siteCodeChange : siteCodeChange.slice(3);
bigStringOptions += "<option value='" + item.Id + "' data-code='" + siteCodeChange + "' data-isDivSite='" + item.IsDivisionSite + "' data-isDistSite='" + item.IsDistrictSite + "' data-divID='" + item.DivisionSiteId + "' data-distID='" + item.DistrictSiteId + "'>(" + siteCodeChange + ") " + item.Name + "</option>";
//load event which means this happens when the page is loaded
var siteCodeLoad = item.SiteCodePc;
if (typeof siteCodeLoad === "string" & siteCodeLoad != "null") {
var siteCodeLoad = siteCodeLoad.length < 4 ? siteCodeLoad : siteCodeLoad.slice(0, 3);
bigStringOptions += "<option value='" + item.Id + "' data-code='" + siteCodeLoad + "' data-isDivSite='" + item.IsDivisionSite + "' data-isDistSite='" + item.IsDistrictSite + "' data-divID='" + item.DivisionSiteId + "' data-distID='" + item.DistrictSiteId + "'>(" + siteCodeLoad + ") " + item.Name + "</option>";
snbApp.optionsobj.updateFunctionOrActivity(theList.toLowerCase(), bigStringOptions);
Form management - called from previous file, gets all select elements on page and appends items from the object in previous file to each select element.
var snbApp = window.snbApp || {};
//Direct interface to the form on the page
snbApp.formmanager = (function(){
var form = {};
form.content_holder = document.getElementById("content_holder");
form.sec_act_codes = document.getElementById("snb_secondary_activity_codes");
form.prim_func_codes = document.getElementById("snb_primary_function_codes");
form.sec_func_codes = document.getElementById("snb_secondary_function_codes");
form.sec_func_nums = document.getElementById("snb_secondary_function_numbers");
form.host_options = document.getElementById("snb_host_options");
form.site_locs_div = document.getElementById("site_locations_div");
form.site_locs = document.getElementById("snb_site_locations");
form.dc_or_off_prem_div = document.getElementById("dc_or_off_premise_div");
form.dc_off_prem_codes = document.getElementById("snb_dc_offpremise_codes");
var snb_secondary_activity_codes = "";
var snb_primary_function_codes = "";
var snb_secondary_function_codes = "";
var snb_secondary_function_numbers = "";
var snb_host_options = "";
var snb_site_locations = "";
var snb_dc_op = "";
//builds the server location hosting options selection
function buildLocationTypeSelector() {
var locationOptionsString = "<option value='0' disabled selected>Select Option</option>";
for (var i = 0; i < locationOptions.length; i++) {
var location = locationOptions[i];
locationOptionsString += "<option value=" + location.hostLocale + " data-code=" + location.code + ">" + location.hostLocale + "</option>";
function buildSiteLocations(bigString){
if(bigString === undefined){
var siteLocs = document.getElementById("snb_site_locations");
var newOption = document.createElement("option");
newOption.setAttribute("value", 0);
var newText = document.createTextNode("Select Option");
} else{
var siteLocs = document.getElementById("snb_site_locations");
siteLocs.innerHTML = bigString;
return {
buildSelectSiteLocations: function(bigString){
buildForm: function (osType, optObj) {
if(osType === 'windows'){
Thanks in advance.
I have made a loop to several fields in a dynamic table row to write and retrieve data from localstorage.
It first saves data on localstore, resets the table to 0 rows and for retrieval of data, the table rows will be recreated it and load data there. The problem is that when the textbox is of type "number", the field appears blank. It loads data on the respective fields as I tried it on the number field's placeholder values just to see data coming.
This only happens on the looped fields in the dynamic rows of the table. Number inputs from the fixed rows can load properly.
The ID's I used on the loop where correct and prints
document.getElementById('4-4-1').value = 2"
4-4-1 = x-y-z
x = tableNumber
y = FieldNumber
z = RowNumber
But when I pasted document.getElementById('4-4-1').value again on the console, it returns nothing. (Though a placeholder of '2' appears on the field).
I also tried changing the value with the same line in the console and it works properly.
Why is it that it is not working on number fields during the loop?
Tried it on Chrome, Firefox. Aiming for Android 4.2 web view.
The Store Loop
function saveRecordNow() {
var rec = {};
rec[0] = document.getElementById('data0').value
rec[1] = document.getElementById('data1').value
rec[2] = document.getElementById('otherdata').value
rec[3] = document.getElementById('foo').value
var tblSpaceQtr = document.getElementById('tblSpaceQtr');
rowCnt = tblSpaceQtr.getElementsByTagName("tr").length - 11;
//there are 11 fixed rows on the table, and is not included on the count
//var page4Data = '';
for(x=1; x <= rowCnt; x++) {
page4Data += document.getElementById("4-1-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-2-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-3-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-4-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-5-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-6-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-7-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-8-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-9-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-10-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-11-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-12-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-13-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-14-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-15-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-16-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-17-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-18-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-19-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-20-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-21-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-22-"+x).value + ', '+
document.getElementById("4-23-"+x).value + '||| ';
//console.log("data from 4-1-"+x);
page4Data.substring(0, page4Data.length - 2); //remove end comma
rec[681] = page4Data;
The retrieval loop
function loadRecord(n) {
var getVar = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(n));
document.getElementById('id').value = n;
numCells = document.getElementById('nbcells');
document.getElementById('data0').value = getVar[0];
document.getElementById('data1').value = getVar[1];
document.getElementById('otherdata').value = getVar[2];
document.getElementById('foo').value = getVar[3];
document.getElementById('foo2').value = getVar[4];
document.getElementById('foo3').value = getVar[5];
initTable(numCells, numCells.value)
var pg4Data = [],
pg4RowData = [],
pg4Data = getVar[681].split('|||');
page4Data = getVar[681]
//getVar[681] from JSON.parse(localStore['source']);
//having a csv separated by '|||' per row
for(x=1; x < pg4Data.length; x++) {
pg4RowData = pg4Data[x-1].split(',');
document.getElementById("4-1-"+x).value = pg4RowData[0];
document.getElementById("4-2-"+x).value = pg4RowData[1];
document.getElementById("4-3-"+x).value = pg4RowData[2];
document.getElementById("4-4-"+x).value = pg4RowData[3];
console.log("document.getElementById('4-4-"+x+"').value =" +pg4RowData[3]);
document.getElementById("4-4-"+x).placeholder = pg4RowData[3];
//document.getElementById("4-4-"+x).setAttribute('value', pg4RowData[3]);
//document.getElementById("4-5-"+x).value = pg4RowData[4];
document.getElementById("4-5-"+x).value = pg4RowData[4];
document.getElementById("4-5-"+x).placeholder = pg4RowData[4];
document.getElementById("4-6-"+x).value = pg4RowData[5];
document.getElementById("4-6-"+x).placeholder = pg4RowData[5];
document.getElementById("4-7-"+x).value = pg4RowData[6];
document.getElementById("4-7-"+x).placeholder = pg4RowData[6];
document.getElementById("4-8-"+x).value = pg4RowData[7];
document.getElementById("4-8-"+x).placeholder = pg4RowData[7];
document.getElementById("4-9-"+x).value = pg4RowData[8];
document.getElementById("4-9-"+x).placeholder = pg4RowData[8];
document.getElementById("4-10-"+x).value = pg4RowData[9];
document.getElementById("4-11-"+x).value = pg4RowData[10];
document.getElementById("4-12-"+x).value = pg4RowData[11];
document.getElementById("4-13-"+x).value = pg4RowData[12];
document.getElementById("4-14-"+x).value = pg4RowData[13];
document.getElementById("4-15-"+x).value = pg4RowData[14];
document.getElementById("4-16-"+x).value = pg4RowData[15];
document.getElementById("4-17-"+x).value = pg4RowData[16];
document.getElementById("4-18-"+x).value = pg4RowData[17];
document.getElementById("4-19-"+x).value = pg4RowData[18];
document.getElementById("4-20-"+x).value = pg4RowData[19];
document.getElementById("4-21-"+x).value = pg4RowData[20];
document.getElementById("4-22-"+x).value = pg4RowData[21];
document.getElementById("4-23-"+x).value = pg4RowData[22];
The element's IDs, class names, and variables in JavaScript cannot start with a number! Please prefix the values with a character and then try it again.
for(x=1; x < pg4Data.length; x++) {
pg4RowData = pg4Data[x-1].split(',');
document.getElementById("s-4-1-"+x).value = pg4RowData[0];
document.getElementById("s-4-2-"+x).value = pg4RowData[1];
document.getElementById("s-4-3-"+x).value = pg4RowData[2];
document.getElementById("s-4-4-"+x).value = pg4RowData[3];
Is this the optimal way to load form data into a string and then to localStorage ?
I came up with this on my own, and I am not good in programming. It works, for what I need, but I am not sure if it's a bulletproof code?
var sg = document.getElementById("selectedGateway");
var sd = document.getElementById("selectedDestination");
var dm = document.getElementById("departureMonth");
var dd = document.getElementById("departureDay");
var dy = document.getElementById("departureYear");
var rm = document.getElementById("returnMonth");
var rd = document.getElementById("returnDay");
var ry = document.getElementById("returnYear");
var ad = document.getElementById("adults");
var ch = document.getElementById("option2");
$("#searchRequestForm").submit(function() {
var string = 'From: ' + sg.value + ' \nTo: ' + sd.value + ' \nDeparture: ' + dm.value + '/' + dd.value + '/' + dy.value + ' \nReturn: ' + rm.value + '/' + rd.value + '/' + ry.value + ' \nNumber of adults: ' + ad.value + ' \nNumber of children: ' + ch.value;
localStorage.setItem("string", string);
I would use something like the following so that I could deal with an object and its properties rather than a big string. Note that other than the jQuery selectors, this is pure JavaScript.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/grTWc/1/
var data = {
sg: $("#selectedGateway").val(),
sd: $("#selectedDestination").val()
// items here
localStorage.setItem("mykey", JSON.stringify(data));
To retrieve the data:
var data = JSON.parse(localStorage["mykey"]);
See Also:
I prefer a table driven approach so there is no repeated code (DRY):
var ids = [
"selectedGateway", "From: ",
"selectedDestination", "\nTo :",
"departureMonth", "\nDeparture: ",
"departureDay", "/",
"departureYear", "/",
"returnMonth", " \nReturn: ",
"returnDay", "/",
"returnYear", "/",
"adults", " \nNumber of adults: ",
"option2", " \nNumber of children: "];
var submitStr = "";
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i+=2) {
submitStr += ids[i+1] + document.getElementById(ids[i]).value;
localStorage.setItem("string", submitStr);
You could define a function such as the one below to directly get the values by id so then it would be simpler when you build your string.
function form(id) {
return document.getElementById(id).value;