ExtJS ComboBox not displaying elements - javascript

I am having trouble getting a ComboBox in ExtJS to display the dropdown items. I originally was using an XmlStore to load the data dynamically, but to make sure that wasn't the problem, I took an existing ComboBox that uses a simple ArrayStore (and currently works elsewhere in my application) to see if it would work, still with no luck.
When using Chrome's developer tools, when I click on the ComboBox element, I get ext-all-debug.js:41166 - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getStyle' of undefined and nothing shows up for a dropdown.
Here is my code:
EventForm = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel, {
constructor: function(config) {
config = Ext.apply({
items: [
layout: 'column',
xtype: 'container',
items: [
layout: 'form',
xtype: 'container',
columnWidth: 0.5,
items: [
fieldLabel: 'My Combo Box'
name: 'mycombobox',
xtype: 'combo',
store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
fields: ['size'],
data: [
displayField: 'size',
valueField: 'size',
forceSelection: true,
editable: false,
triggerAction: 'all',
mode: 'local',
listWidth: 60,
width: 60
}, {
// another column here similar to above
}, config);

You are not calling the constructor of EventForm's superclass correctly. Change the last line of your constructor function to read:
EventForm.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);

Your data array must contain a list of objects, and the keys you provided by fields must be the keys your data refers to in those objects. The correct syntax for your data array could be:
data: [
(could be, because I have no chance right now to verify)


ExtJS: Use of event listener in combobox to update fieldLabel in another form control

I have a combo box in an ExtJS (5.1.2) grid panel that is a component in a dockedItems toolbar, defined as:
xtype: 'combo',
flex: 1,
width: 400,
itemId: 'labCode',
queryMode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
loading: true,
fieldLabel: 'Select lab type',
displayField: 'description',
fieldName: 'description',
valueField: 'code',
store: 'Labs',
listeners: {
change: function(combo, value) {
if (value) {
record = this.getSelectedRecord();
units = record.raw.units;
combo.up('grid').down('#labValue').fieldLabel = units
I am trying to update the fieldLabel in another form component #labValue when I select an item from my dropdown. When I write the form component object to the console it is definitely giving the expected value, but on the form itself, the fieldLabel for the component #labValue is empty. How can I update the component #labValue with the new fieldLabel?
I am trying to implement use of bindings as per the comment below, but am unsure of how to get the container widget given in the given fiddle into my dockedItems toolbar that is above my grid panel?
see fiddle in comment to your question. Should give you the answer.

How can I handle the exception "cannot call method getRange of null" in ExtJs?

I've searched the net for answer but didn't find anything. Hope you can help.
So I am relativly new to extJs. I have a navigation bar on the left. When I press the first button there, a new window opens, which contains a table and loads its data automatically. The first time it works perfect but when I close the window and open it again I get the error "cannot call method getRange of null".
If I open the second window (when I click the other button in my navigation bar), I have 4 tabs, which contain a table each. Each Tab has a toolbar with buttons (create, change, etc.). Here happens the same thing as by the first window.
I can also print those tables as a List and the first time works fine, but when I cancel the print action I get the error again.
I made sure that all buttons and tables have a different reference, so I really don't know what this could be.
Any ideas?
I add my panels, which will open the new windows here:
items: [
xtype: 'tabpanel',
region: 'center',
items: [{
// 1. Tab
xtype: 'componentTap-panel',
title: UMA.Locale.rm.component.componentTitle,
id: 'componentTab'
}, {
// 2. Tab
title: UMA.Locale.rm.componentGroup.componentGroupTitle,
xtype: 'componentGroupTap-panel',
id: 'componentGroupTab'
}, {
// 3. Tab
title: UMA.Locale.rm.componentTemplateTitle,
xtype: 'componentTamplate-panel',
id: 'componentTemplateTab'
title: UMA.Locale.rm.inventoryTitle,
xtype: 'inventoryTab-panel',
id: 'inventoryTab'
When the window opens I add my table and toolbar:
items: [{
xtype: 'toolbar',
region: 'north',
reference: 'componentToolbar',
items: [{
text: UMA.Locale.rm.buttonCreate,
action: 'createComp'
}, {
text: UMA.Locale.rm.buttonChange,
action: 'changeComp'
}, {
text: UMA.Locale.rm.buttonMove,
action: 'moveComp'
}, {
text: UMA.Locale.rm.buttonDelete,
action: 'deleteComp'
text: UMA.Locale.rm.buttonPrint,
action: 'print',
margin: {
left: 8
}, {
xtype: 'componentTable-panel',
region: 'center'
}, {
xtype: 'componentsFilter-panel',
width: 300,
region: 'east'
and then autoload my table:
xtype: 'filtergrid',
reference: 'componentGrid',
paging: true,
hideHeaders: false,
region: 'center',
selModel: new Ext.selection.RowModel({
mode: "MULTI"
store: {
model: 'Component',
autoLoad: true
columns: [{ ...
As Sergey Novikov mentioned that getRange() is a store method.
I also faced the same error for my grid's store and after some review again and again I found that whenever I close the tab and reopen it again I am getting two instance of grid's view (which can be checked by grid.getView()) and then I reached a conclusion that whenever the grid is creating the second time the selection model of grid view is having two instances because of I am using the code for selModel as new Ext.selection.CheckboxModel({
showHeaderCheckbox: true,
width: 50,
mode: 'MULTI'
then I changed the code for selModel as
selModel: {
selType: 'checkboxmodel',
showHeaderCheckbox: true,
width: 50,
mode: 'MULTI'
and the error is gone for me.
Hope this will help you. :)
Use the Object() constructor to test whether the object is one of three subtypes:
null object
object object
array object
For example:
function foo() { return {"hi":"bye" } }
function bar() { return null }
function baz() { return [1,2,3] }
function testObject(myObject)
if (Object(myObject).hasOwnProperty("0") )
/* Call getRange */
return 'yes';
/* throw an exception */
return 'no';
console.log(testObject(foo()), testObject(bar()), testObject(baz()) );

ExtJS 4.1.1a: Item in grid is deselected after record has been modified with set-method

Hy there,
I have a very basic example with a grid with only 1 item and a button which updates this entry with the set-method of the underlying record.
The problem is, that if the item is selected at the time the record gets updated by pressing the button, the selection gets removed and it's not possible to select it anymore afterwards.
Working example: http://jsfiddle.net/fu2Xq/2/
Ext.onReady(function() {
var personsGrid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
width: 150,
height: 100,
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
store: Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
fields: [ 'name' ],
data: [{ name: 'Stephen' }]
columns: [{ text: 'Name', dataIndex: 'name', flex: 1 }],
var txtField = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Text', {
fieldLabel: 'New name',
labelWidth: 70,
width: 150,
value: 'Alex',
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
Ext.create('Ext.button.Button', {
text: 'Rename person',
width: 150,
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
handler: function() {
var rec = personsGrid.getStore().getAt(0);
rec.set('name', txtField.getValue());
Seems like a bug to me because after reordering the name-column the selection reappears...
I'd really appreciate some comment on this!
edit: reformated some code...
It's a bug in ExtJS 4.1.1 which seems to be solved in 4.1.3 and can be worked around by calling the refresh-method of the grid's view after updating the record:
handler: function() {
var rec = personsGrid.getStore().getAt(0);
rec.set('name', txtField.getValue());
I got this answer from the Sencha forum:
On headerclick event of column headers, old selections from grid view have remembered and after rendering sorted view these records are getting selected again.
While in case of rec.set(), Instead of datachanged, 'update' event of Ext.data.store is getting fired. But there is no implementation related to select old records as same as headerclick on 'update' event.
So you have to implemet selection of records on after rec.set().
Here is discussion about similar issue.

Column layout in EXTJS

I am new to ExtJs. I need to create an entry form in 2 columns using column layout.
My code is as follows:
var patientForm = new Ext.FormPanel({
renderTo: "patientCreation",
frame: true,
title: 'Search Criteria',
labelAlign: 'left',
labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;',
labelWidth: 85,
width: 900,
items: [
{ // column #1
columnWidth: .33,
layout: 'form',
items: [
{ xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'FirstName',
name: 'firstName',
vtype : 'alpha',
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'MiddleName',
name: 'middleName',
vtype : 'alpha'
] // close items for first column
var win = new Ext.Window({
closable: false,
resizable: false,
plain: true,
border: false,
items: [patientForm]
But when I run the code, I got h is undefined error. How to design a form in column layout? Is there any procedure, steps or links which give a clear idea?
I have run the same code with ExtJs 3.2.2 and got a similar error. But when I removed renderTo: "patientCreation"
code worked:
That part is not necessary 'cause you are placing the form in a the window.
I do not know anything about ExtJS 3. If you are using ExtJS 4, then you have specified layout config at wrong place. You have specified it inside items config, it should not be inside items config.
Layout can be specified as follows in ExtJS 4:
Ext.define('your_domain_name.viewName', {
extend : 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias : 'widget.any_name_you_want',
layout : 'column',
initComponent : function() {
this.items = [
// all items inside form/panel will go here
You can get sample code about all the panels here
try applying renderTo config to window instead of form
check example

extJS grid error, JSON data is not being displayed

I've configured my store as:
var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
url: 'gridData.php',
root: 'movies',
fields: ['film_id', 'title', 'release_year', 'rating']
and then defined my grid as:
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: store,
columns: [
{ header: "ID", width: 30, dataIndex: 'film_id',sortable: true, hidden:true },
{ id: 'title-col', header: "Title", width: 180,dataIndex: 'title', sortable: true },
{ header: "Rating", width: 75, dataIndex: 'rating',sortable: true },
{ header: "Year", width: 75, dataIndex: 'release_year',sortable: true, align: 'center' }
autoExpandColumn: 'title-col',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
width: 600,
height: 300,
loadMask: true
then I load the store:
I'm doing all this in Ext.onReady method. The data that I want to display is fetched from a php file which is of the following form:
{ "count":2, "movies":[{ "film_id":"1", "title":"ACADEMY DINOSAUR", "description":"An Epic Drama of a Feminist And a Mad Scientist who must Battle a Teacher in The Canadian Rockies", "release_year":"2006", "rating":"PG", "special_features":"Deleted Scenes,Behind the Scenes" }, { "film_id":"2", "title":"ACE GOLDFINGER", "description":"An Astounding Epistle of a Database Administrator And an Explorer who must Find a Car in Ancient China", "release_year":"2006", "rating":"G", "special_features":"Trailers,Deleted Scenes" } ] }
When the page is loaded, the grid keeps showing the loading mask and the data is never shown. Also, I get the error a is undefined. What am I missing?
I've found that there's some path issue when assigning URL to store but still can't resolve. My "gridData.php" file, JS file and the HTML file where the grid is being displayed, are in the same folder and I'm on "localhost/myapp". Please help!
Your store declares itself to have these fields:
However, your JSON data's rows contain these fields:
Your error is likely caused by the grid looking for an 'id' field that does not exist in the data.
One option is to change your store's field definition to:
['film_id', 'title', 'release_year', 'rating']
You would also need to make a corresponding alteration to the column definition:
{header: "ID", width: 30, dataIndex: 'film_id', sortable: true, hidden: true}
Another option is to add a mapping to the field's definition in the store:
[{name: 'id', mapping: 'film_id'}, 'title', 'release_year', 'rating']
Also, I suggest that while developing you include ExtJS into your page using 'ext-all-debug.js' instead of 'ext-all.js'. The error messages and backtraces in the console will usually be much more descriptive when running against the debug build.
It should be simple. The default value of idProperty is id and you haven't set another. So the store looks for a id field that does not exist.
that should work
var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
url: 'gridData.php',
root: 'movies',
idProperty: 'film_id',
fields: ['film_id', 'title', 'release_year', 'rating']
Assuming you're running ExtJS 4 define your store like this:
var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
proxy: {
url: 'gridData.php',
type: 'ajax',
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'movies'
fields: ['film_id', 'title', 'release_year', 'rating']
try with this store:
var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
url: 'gridData.php',
root: 'movies',
fields: [
name: 'id'
name: 'title'
name: 'release_year'
name: 'rating'
