writing twice using filewriter api in html5 leads to error - javascript

I'm trying to use BlobBuilder and FileWriter API in HTML to write data to the file.
My problem is that if I use write function twice, I get an error. The following
code executes OK:
var bb = new window.WebKitBlobBuilder();
But if I change it as follows (try to write twice)
var bb = new window.WebKitBlobBuilder();
I get an error. The error code is: INVALID_STATE_ERR
Any help would be appreciated.

The issue is that FileWriter.write() is asynchronous and you're trying to write more data to the file before the first write has complete. According to the spec, a FileException should be thrown if readyState==WRITING. Likely what's happening in your case. You need something like:
var bb = new window.WebKitBlobBuilder();
outWriter.onwrite = function(e) {
Also, I hope your code snippet is just an example and you're not actually appending, writing, appending, writing. Otherwise, use one write():
var bb = new window.WebKitBlobBuilder();


Java URL Connection times out on subsequent call

I am invoking java classes on a Javascript engine, so I am limited on what I can do.
The code works fine, but when I invoke the Javascript on a loop, it times out after the first invocation.
The code just downloads a ZIP from a url, and stores it to a path. Here is the full code:
var result = (function() {
var URL = Packages.java.net.URL;
var Files = Packages.java.nio.file.Files;
var Paths = Packages.java.nio.file.Paths;
var StandardCopyOption = Packages.java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
var urlAddr = new URL(
var connection = urlAddr.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", bearer);
Files.copy(connection.getInputStream(), Paths.get(file_path+new_filename+".zip"), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
return "";
The error I am getting from the server:
Java Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out: during call of javax.script.ScriptEngine.eval.
Before someone suggests, I cant get away from the java being called inside the javascript.
I thought it could be a connection being kept open.
UPDATE: this javascript for some reason is always taking 5 minutes to run....
UPDATE2: Files.copy seems to be the issue, since its the one taking the 5 minutes from the code.... the file is very small, and 5 min wouldnt justify

Google Apps Script JSON.Parse causing 'could not connect to server' on debug

I'm by no means what I would call a "developer" but dabble quite a bit. I'm working on some Apps Script code to query an API and push the results into SQL. I have most of the bits working but I've noticed that while I'm debugging in the Apps Script editor, when I step into the following line of code, the editor throws the "could not connect to server message at the top.
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(clientApiURL,options);
var resultSet = JSON.parse(response.getContentText()); <-- this is the line that is crashing the IDE
Anyone know how to better debug this? When I'm not debugging it, the code seems to behave and function properly. But with this API, not all objects are formatted the same way, so I like to use the debugger to inspect them. I can do that when the editor crashes.
Any help/insight would be super appreciated. I've also pasted below the value of response.getContentText()
{"result":{"lead":[{"id":"332","accountID":null,"ownerID":null,"companyName":"","title":null,"firstName":"RYAN","lastName":"CAVANAUGH","street":null,"city":null,"country":null,"state":null,"zipcode":null,"emailAddress":"email#here.com","website":null,"phoneNumber":null,"officePhoneNumber":null,"phoneNumberExtension":null,"mobilePhoneNumber":null,"faxNumber":null,"description":null,"campaignID":"789934082","trackingID":"202003_5e6fa18a87853a69eb306910","industry":null,"active":"1","isQualified":"1","isContact":"1","isCustomer":"1","status":"4","updateTimestamp":"2020-05-08 20:24:48","createTimestamp":"2020-05-03 20:23:29","leadScoreWeighted":"23","leadScore":"26","isUnsubscribed":"0","leadStatus":"customer","persona":"","product_5e554b933fb5b":""}]},"error":null,"id":"5222020","callCount":"215","queryLimit":"50000"}
This will reproduce the error:
function test(){
var obj={"result":{"lead":[{"id":"332","accountID":null,"ownerID":null,"companyName":"","title":null,"firstName":"RYAN","lastName":"CAVANAUGH","street":null,"city":null,"country":null,"state":null,"zipcode":null,"emailAddress":"email#here.com","website":null,"phoneNumber":null,"officePhoneNumber":null,"phoneNumberExtension":null,"mobilePhoneNumber":null,"faxNumber":null,"description":null,"campaignID":"789934082","trackingID":"202003_5e6fa18a87853a69eb306910","industry":null,"active":"1","isQualified":"1","isContact":"1","isCustomer":"1","status":"4","updateTimestamp":"2020-05-08 20:24:48","createTimestamp":"2020-05-03 20:23:29","leadScoreWeighted":"23","leadScore":"26","isUnsubscribed":"0","leadStatus":"customer","persona":"","product_5e554b933fb5b":""}]},"error":null,"id":"5222020","callCount":"215","queryLimit":"50000"}
var resultSet = JSON.parse(obj);
Taking a look at the problem:
function test(){
var obj={"result":{"lead":[{"id":"332","accountID":null,"ownerID":null,"companyName":"","title":null,"firstName":"RYAN","lastName":"CAVANAUGH","street":null,"city":null,"country":null,"state":null,"zipcode":null,"emailAddress":"email#here.com","website":null,"phoneNumber":null,"officePhoneNumber":null,"phoneNumberExtension":null,"mobilePhoneNumber":null,"faxNumber":null,"description":null,"campaignID":"789934082","trackingID":"202003_5e6fa18a87853a69eb306910","industry":null,"active":"1","isQualified":"1","isContact":"1","isCustomer":"1","status":"4","updateTimestamp":"2020-05-08 20:24:48","createTimestamp":"2020-05-03 20:23:29","leadScoreWeighted":"23","leadScore":"26","isUnsubscribed":"0","leadStatus":"customer","persona":"","product_5e554b933fb5b":""}]},"error":null,"id":"5222020","callCount":"215","queryLimit":"50000"}
var resultSet = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
but so what the point of the parse is to return an object from a string not from object.
But I do see the problem. 'Cannot connect to the server'
I found that this does seem to work know:
function test(){
var obj='{"result":{"lead":[{"id":"332","accountID":"","ownerID":"","companyName":"","title":"","firstName":"RYAN","lastName":"CAVANAUGH","street":"","city":"","country":"","state":"","zipcode":"","emailAddress":"email#here.com","website":"","phoneNumber":"","officePhoneNumber":"","phoneNumberExtension":"","mobilePhoneNumber":"","faxNumber":"","description":"","campaignID":"789934082","trackingID":"202003_5e6fa18a87853a69eb306910","industry":"","active":"1","isQualified":"1","isContact":"1","isCustomer":"1","status":"4","updateTimestamp":"2020-05-08 20:24:48","createTimestamp":"2020-05-03 20:23:29","leadScoreWeighted":"23","leadScore":"26","isUnsubscribed":"0","leadStatus":"customer","persona":"","product_5e554b933fb5b":""}]},"error":"","id":"5222020","callCount":"215","queryLimit":"50000"}';
var resultSet = JSON.parse(obj);
var end="is near";//I just put this here to have a place to stop with debugger running
I replaced all of the null s with "".

HTTP Request using Mozilla Rhino

I would like to write a JavaScript code processed with Mozilla Rhino that can do a simple HTTP GET request, which fetches a text string from a URL.
The problem is that, I couldn't find any support in Rhino to do any kind of HTTP requests. Besides, I don't have access to the Rhino instance itself, it's running via TopBraid Composer IDE for ontology modelling. I believe any idea about a simple library that I can import within my JavaScript file maybe a good solution.
Any help?
Okay, so it wasn't that difficult to figure it out. This one works via TopBraid Composer and without importing any JAVA libraries. Here's the answer in case anyone needs it later on.
var resourceURL = new java.net.URL(
var urlConnection = resourceURL.openConnection();
var inputStream = new java.io.InputStreamReader(urlConnection
var bufferedReader = new java.io.BufferedReader(inputStream);
var inputLine = bufferedReader.readLine();
var jsString = String(inputLine);
return jsString;

JavaScript to save MAFF in Firefox

I am experimenting with iMacros to automate as task that Firefox will do. I simply want to save the current page with the MAFF extension. The JavaScript that the iMacros forum has lead me to, is this:
// I stuck these variable in just to try something.
var doc = "http://www.traderjoes.com";
var file = "C:\\Export\\Test.maff";
var format = "MAFF";
// I stuck these variable in just to try something.
var MafObjects = {};
var jobListener = {
onJobComplete: function(aJob, aResult) {
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(aResult)) {
// An error occurred
} else {
// The save operation completed successfully
onJobProgressChange: function(aJob, aWebProgress, aRequest,
aMaxTotalProgress) { },
onStatusChange: function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStatus,
aMessage) { }
var saveJob = new MafObjects.SaveJob(jobListener);
saveJob.addJobFromDocument(doc, file, format);
I was only getting an error on line 26 because this was sample code. With the little JavaScript I know I tried to add some variables on the lines before the code starts. The thing is that when I try to search for syntax example for the method .addJobFromDocument I don’t find much, just like two results. Is this a method of JavaScript? Usually with things from the DOM you will get a great deal of information on them.
Does anybody know a way of automating the save of MAFF of the current open tab in Firefox and then closing the browser? iMacros was something I came to and glad to see it features but really I just want to automate from a command line the saving of a URL as a MAFF archive The doc (that I got from iMacros forum) also had these code snippets but I don’t have much idea how to use them. Thanks
var fileUri = Components.
var persistObject = new MafObjects.MafArchivePersist(null, format);
persistObject.saveDocument(doc, fileUri);
var doc = gBrowser.contentDocument;
var file = Components.classes["#mozilla.org/file/local;1"].
file.initWithPath("C:\\My Documents\\Test.maff");
var format = "TypeMAFF";

Why Node.js function doesn't return JSDom serializeDocument result?

I have PHP script which acts as a DNode client. Then I have Node.js Dnode server which evaluates code which receives from PHP client and it returns DOM as HTML. However, Node.js acts strangely to me (beeing a Node.js newbie). It doesn't return anything, even though the returning string is not empty. My code is below:
PHP client code using DNode-PHP library:
$loop = new React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop();
$dnode = new DNode\DNode($loop);
$dnode->connect(7070, function($remote, $connection) {
$js = 'var a = document.createElement("A");';
$js.= 'document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(a);'
$remote->zing($js, function($n) use ($connection) {
Node.js server code:
var dnode = require('dnode');
var jsdom = require("jsdom");
var server = dnode({
zing: function (n, cb) {
var document = jsdom.jsdom('<!DOCTYPE html>');
var window = jsdom.parentWindow;
var html = jsdom.serializeDocument(document);
// console.log(html);
Console.log() clearly outputs <!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><a></a></body></html> what is expected result. But it never gets to PHP client. But what is strange, if I change line cb(html); to cb('test');, PHP outputs "test". So the problem must be somewhere on the Node.js side. But I have no idea where to look for.
Thanks in advance for any hints.
How are you viewing the response? Through a web browser? If so, then you're depending on whatever you're evaluating in eval(n) to change the DOM of the document... If nothing changes, then you won't end up seeing anything because you'll have an empty DOM other than the html/head/body tags. It would be worth your time confirming that you're getting an empty response back and it's not just an empty DOM.
That being said, The eval function has any context of you wanting to execute it on the document/window you declare above. As it is, it is just executing in the context of node itself, not on the page you are attempting to create. To fix this, try using:
If you take a look at the example Creating a browser-like window object
on the Github page for jsdom, this will give you a better idea of how exactly to use this package.
What you have above should look something like this:
var document = jsdom.jsdom("<!DOCUMENT html>");
var window = document.parentWindow;
var html = jsdom.serializeDocument(document);
Now you'll be executing the Javascript on the DOM you were previously creating :-)
Your problem is not in Node. When I use the server code you show in your question and try with this client code, I get the expected result:
var dnode = require("dnode");
var d = dnode();
d.on('remote', function (remote) {
var js = 'var a = document.createElement("A");' +
remote.zing(js, function (s) {
d.connect('localhost', '7070');
I don't do PHP so I don't know what the problem might be on that side.
